View Full Version : New hunter

Jan 30, 2003, 05:48 PM
ok i have a lvl 82 HuMar and like him alot so im not taking a chance with him online until the corruption thing is fixed. So now i want to know what hunter should i make for online play? Thanks

Jan 30, 2003, 05:51 PM
well if you only have one memory card and your new guy gets corrupted it messes up you whole card. In other words kiss your 82 Humar goodbye too. I play a humar and think they are the best simply because its a good all-around class. You get spells and to use a lotta cool weapons and armour. Also they very balanced stats which makes it easier to level, especialy on you own. For just a mess around class Hucast is fun and the easiest to play cmode. You might as well just make a hucast and get 1-6 outta the way now that way when its fixed you can grab an Srank and give it to your Humar.

Jan 30, 2003, 05:52 PM
If you are going to be online, any of the other hunters would be good. I prefer the HUnewearl, but the HUcasst and HUcaseal are also good for online because they have better fighting stats since they don't use magic and the problem of only able to use mates is nullified by having any organic player using resta near you.

Jan 30, 2003, 05:55 PM
I agree with Guntz, HuMars rule!

Jan 30, 2003, 09:29 PM
HAHAHA HUmars r BORING!! THey Look so plain! I would NEVER pick a humar again! How can u guys stand to look at a humar? They all look the same! Everyone picks the same hair, and the costume looks same jus diff colors. WHen i go on PSO lobbies i make fun of the HUmars. Whats sad is that almost everyone backs me up. BTW im a FOnewm. Dont bother to diss him cuz u havent met me. I make the Fonewm look good. BTW my name is MuSHRooMs. IF ya know who i am, then u understand.

Jan 30, 2003, 09:31 PM
dont be afraid of the corruption thing yeesh...

Jan 30, 2003, 09:32 PM
That's what I said Celestial. ^^...

Forest of Sorrow.

Jan 30, 2003, 10:01 PM
I'd love to be online so that i could be afraid of the corruption thing... but alas... modems are impossible to find now... but yeah, i don't like hunters. i've never been online to see the reincarnations of multiple people, but you know, offline with three other people works for me...

BTW: Forces are the best!!! who else can impress newbies with a single RaFoie?

Jan 30, 2003, 10:31 PM
HUmars own. They tone them down a bit but have god like ATP.

Jan 31, 2003, 07:16 AM
i dunno about god like atp, but still HuMars rock. True, they hve sucky styles in clothing but that shouldn't matter. It's the stats, not the cloths.

Jan 31, 2003, 07:28 AM
llxerollenyce is right. Humars are all the same. I already have a Hucaseal in another memory card to play online. (As soon as I can, don't have broadband yet)

Jan 31, 2003, 12:26 PM
I just have one of every character, and my ultimate goal is for all of them to reach at least level 100.

To me, the worst (meaning most challenging to use effectively) characters are the best.

Hunters keep the monsters off of the Rangers and Forces allowing them to do their thing without much worry about getting clobbered by some penguins in chicken suits.

"The following program is meant for mature audiences that many parents would not find suitable for children under the age of 21, and may include course language, sexual situations, and suggestive dialogue."

Begin feed



Basically it all comes down to this in the online game: Enter lobby. There's some talking, possibly you are involved. It doesn't matter what is said, chances are you came online to kill things. Enter game. If normal type, kill boring A.I enemies in large quantities and a few bosses. If Challenge, hope for few spawns and power materials. If Battle, call self leet and kill newbies, or face someone descent and get mauled and spew "wtf" or "lame" from mouth. Exit game, either thinking to self "sweet, gained a level" or "that idiot, we were 5 seconds off from s-rank thanks to that biznatch" or "lol i pwn3d that newb". Final phase, FSOD, BSOD or corruption. Go to webforum and bitch out ST, venting steam. Repeat until poor and homeless, but not before a heart-wrenching post that tells the tale of your heroic efforts and tradgic end.

Note: The above applies not to "you" meaning anyone in particular, but "you" that reads this and somehow becomes enraged at the accuracy of this simple process. Also, I didn't bother putting in the "lobby trash-talk" phase, as some do not own keyboards yet, so perhaps not everyone who has one is going to be like that. Pre-set insults are an insult to ones-self, stating an obvious lack of ingenuity and an equally undeniable enjoyment of fooling ones-self into believing anyone remotely cares what it is you just "said".

End feed.



Jan 31, 2003, 12:42 PM
lol !
I just saw myself back to 2001 on your text....