View Full Version : Need help making a GT decision

Sep 3, 2008, 10:47 AM
ok So im a guntecher lvl 20 and I am almost done maxing out my PA's for him snd i dont know what other Pa's to get him get someone give me some ideas.

My Pa's

Crossbow: Yak megiga lvl 37

Twin pistols: Twin Burn lvl lvl 40

Twin pistols: Twin freeze lvl 40

Bow: Ensei-sou lvl 32

Bow: Insei-sou lvl 33

Bow: Reisei-sou lvl 32

Card: Ensei-shiki lvl 31

Frozen Fury lvl 38

Sep 3, 2008, 10:49 AM
I'll tell you one thing

Go ahead and grab Yak Zagenda
And the rest of the Cross bow PA'S

Sep 3, 2008, 10:59 AM
I suggest this...

Get wand with a resta or giresta spell and level that up.
Get all status buffs spells.
Level more Crossbow P.A so you can utilise it with a "Resta" wand combo seeing as Crossbow is probably their best way to dmg and deliver status effects in combat and having a healing magic next to it is really amasing.

Twin Pistol P.A is not so needed, but donīt let that hinder you if you really like it.
Mechgun is not so needed either, but still...your choise.
Their are more for variation if anything, and they are not really as bad as people make it sound IF they are properly leveled..

And yeah, could be a good idea to a have a Rifle with alot of PP for the sake of getting the ultimate P.A Killer shot for it to easiely take care of robots.
Only really shows it worth after lv 21.

Shotgun is not so needed, GT is not really made for real close-combat.
Leave that to Forte Gunner and Protranser.

Although Laser Cannon is never a bad choise for enemies in a line, go for it as well.

Sep 3, 2008, 11:02 AM
Oh sorry i should metioned that i do have Wands. All my support techs are maxed out as well

Sep 3, 2008, 11:18 AM
I'll tell you one thing

Go ahead and grab Yak Zagenga
And the rest of the Cross bow PA'S

Get all Xbow PA's.

A decent laser cannon. (Degahna Cannon or high grinded Thunder Cannon) unsure on what PA's, I guess all the element ones.
Rifle with Killer Shot. (9* Yohmei)
Buff wand/TSCM.
Wands with Heal spells. (Pair with Xbow)

Not really sure what else. I'm pretty bad at playing GT. ^^;

Sep 3, 2008, 11:24 AM
Definitely get Yak Zagenga, it's really strong. If you like twin handguns I recommend Twin Rising, it can be helpful sometimes since the confusion makes enemy techs pass through you. It works great against things like Vanda Orga where you need to stay mobile. I also recommend Killer Shot, nothing works better against robots!

You could also try lasers (ice and lightning are good) and/or shotgun (again, ice and lightning). It depends on your playstyle but they're both good weapons (if you level your PAs, that is :p).

Sep 3, 2008, 11:45 AM
All Elemental and Yak Zagenga Xbow PAs because thats where your damage is going to come from.
Killer Shot
Fire, Dark Bow PAs
Twin Handgun PAs
Rifle PAs because the knockdown is indispensible.

Resta, Giresta, Reverser
All Buffs
All Debuffs

If you're newman, pair those techs on a wand with a Shadoog. Ice/stun shadoogs will help you nicely.

Sep 3, 2008, 11:57 AM
Bread and butter for modern-day GTs, regardless of race, are elemental Crossbows and Rifles, so pick up more of those. I also highly agree with picking up Zagenga.

You have level 30 Support potential, so get some support technics on you. Who don't like buffs and healing? I carry Shifta, Deband, Zodial, Retier, Reverser, Resta, and Giresta. Debuffs are an option here too, but it's up to you.

Now comes the race question, which are you? If you're a Newman or Human, pick up a bunch of attack Technics. These are what I have on my Newman: Foie, Rafoie, Rabarta, Dambarta, Razonde, Diga, Radiga, Nosdiga, Regrant, Megid, Ramegid, and Megiverse. Not all of them are necessary, but I purposely avoided the penetrating Technics because you have Laser Cannons, and those are godly nowadays. And no GT should be using Gi-technics.

If you're a Beast or a Cast, try replacing the Technic slots on your palette with Cards or Twin Handguns, though don't neglect those on a Newman or Human. You'll just want to focus more on Bullets as you obviously have more ATP potential.

And as a final note, my Newman GT's palette:

1) Rifle or Bow (Phantom+10 or Nasuyoteri)
2) Laser Cannon (Degahna Cannon+10)
3) Twin Handguns (Twin Tornado or Twin Ruby Bullet)
4) Card or Tech-MAG + Wand (Mira-kikami or Shato + Granahodorac, Offensive technic slot)
5) Tech-MAG + Wand (Pegic + Cometarac, Buff technic slot)
6) Crossbow + Wand (Cubo Tuma + Magical Wand, Healing technic slot)

Sep 3, 2008, 12:02 PM
Light / Dark / Ice Shotgun bullets. Earth if you do zoalgoug for some reason.

Sep 3, 2008, 12:03 PM
Change to a better class.

Sep 3, 2008, 01:00 PM
How i read those words. Really any class gets the job done, time is the only issue,

Sep 3, 2008, 01:17 PM
Change to a better class.
this is the best advice so far, but thats assuming the player cares about being strong. GT sucks now but after the master types are released, it really feels like a completely worthless type. so maybe dont put too much time or money into weapons/PAs that GM cant use, that way you are better off when you make the switch later on. (assuming you will switch to GM that is)

but if you dont wanna slaughter monsters fast w/ guns and are perfectly content GT and w/ being awful in every situation, i have different advice. hold off on spending too much money on GT equip if possible. after the master types come out and everyone makes the switch to em, non master type equip should get way cheaper. all the players who like to kill monsters fast will be selling their old crap items they cant use, so thatll be a good chance to buy stuff for cheap.

Sep 3, 2008, 01:46 PM
assuming the player cares about being strong.

I don't think that's the case here. ^^
He is asking advice for GT for a reason and he may not want to be the UBERDAMAGEMAKER, but what he wants to be strong as is probably a GT.
Now to your argument that GT is weak in general, I didn't say that's wrong.
But there's a difference between GTs themselves. Not counting all the other classes, I can tell you that there are weak and strong people as GTs.

Nice read about GT advice, once again. lol

Sep 3, 2008, 01:51 PM
Nice read about GT advice, once again. lol
Just don't forget to equip your GIRESTAAAAAAAAAAA.

Sep 3, 2008, 02:17 PM
A little off-topic, but I still haven't forgot about the movie. It's just that I can't find time for it. :roll: Nor can I get anything to work. :-P

Sep 3, 2008, 02:29 PM
I don't think that's the case here. ^^
He is asking advice for GT for a reason and he may not want to be the UBERDAMAGEMAKER, but what he wants to be strong as is probably a GT.
Now to your argument that GT is weak in general, I didn't say that's wrong.
But there's a difference between GTs themselves. Not counting all the other classes, I can tell you that there are weak and strong people as GTs.

you are probably right and thats why i also gave advice for GT if he chooses to stick w/ it. when the masters come out, GT equip will suddenly be very cheap and very plentiful. i remember trying to sell all my old useless FT gear when MF came out. tons of others players were doing the same thing, plus not many players were interested in buying, so lots of it ended up selling for cheap.

nowadays items like cards and long bows are pretty much worthless and just end up going to the npc. even a 10/10 card or bow is only worth a few mill at best.

Sep 3, 2008, 02:55 PM
I dont see what pure GT would want to go GM. GM and GT are COMPLETELY different. I wouldnt be surprised if there ends up being more GTs than FGs.

Fighgunners going FM I could see that. Thats only because a good 80% only play it for the double sabers. The other 20% are the true Fighgunners.

Pure Wartechers wanting to be MF? Highly unlikely, unless they gimped themselves through WT thinking it was primarily an attack-teching class (and trust me, I've seen it).

So yeah to Inazuma. GT is a completely sucky type in your ideal world. But its a sucky type that can do a LOT of things. It already looks weak next to FG so of course GM is going to butcher GT even more.

And GM doesnt have access to Crossbows, Cards, Mechguns, buffs, debuffs, heals, a 50% dagger w/ hikai, and diga/foie/megid/nosdiga.

edit: and GM has less STA.

Sep 3, 2008, 02:58 PM
Elaborate? I don't see the point of your post.

Sep 3, 2008, 03:00 PM
this is the best advice so far, but thats assuming the player cares about being strong. GT sucks now but after the master types are released, it really feels like a completely worthless type. so maybe dont put too much time or money into weapons/PAs that GM cant use, that way you are better off when you make the switch later on. (assuming you will switch to GM that is)

but if you dont wanna slaughter monsters fast w/ guns and are perfectly content GT and w/ being awful in every situation, i have different advice. hold off on spending too much money on GT equip if possible. after the master types come out and everyone makes the switch to em, non master type equip should get way cheaper. all the players who like to kill monsters fast will be selling their old crap items they cant use, so thatll be a good chance to buy stuff for cheap.

my post is based off that.

Sep 3, 2008, 03:52 PM
so luu, you are basically saying that GT is sucky but it can do a lot of things. thats correct. you agree w/ me but you try to make it sound like you are disagreeing :P

so GT can kill monsters slowly w/ Crossbows, Cards, Mechguns, a 50% dagger w/ hikai, diga/foie/megid/nosdiga
and GM can kill monsters fast w/ a few guns.

Sep 3, 2008, 04:22 PM
so luu, you are basically saying that GT is sucky but it can do a lot of things. thats correct. you agree w/ me but you try to make it sound like you are disagreeing :P

so GT can kill monsters slowly w/ Crossbows, Cards, Mechguns, a 50% dagger w/ hikai, diga/foie/megid/nosdiga
and GM can kill monsters fast w/ a few guns.
I'm just kinda wondering why you're even going on and on about Gunmaster when nobody even brought it up, ever. This post is about Guntecher advice.

Sep 3, 2008, 04:27 PM
I'm just kinda wondering why you're even going on and on about Gunmaster when nobody even brought it up, ever. This post is about Guntecher advice.

I'm sure its because he feels if he doesn't put in his advice, even when not asked for, he wont get any attention.

Sep 3, 2008, 04:47 PM
if someone comes to me asking for help w/ buying movies on vhs, whats wrong w/ telling them about dvds? i see it as going an extra step further.

"can you help me do a crappy job?"
"i know a better way"

sounds reasonable to me.

Sep 3, 2008, 05:21 PM
hahahahaha one thing to add....if u want help with vhs an u tell em about dvds yea thats cool thanks for the help....buuuuuuut think about it in our situation masterclasses arnt out yet for us...so its kinda like that movie back to the future... lol dvds wtf =P

Sep 3, 2008, 05:22 PM
oh and one more thing are master classes fun to play and wich is better mf gm or fm? cuz fm looks semi fun that and is chikki nerfed on the jp servers?

Sep 3, 2008, 05:40 PM
so luu, you are basically saying that GT is sucky but it can do a lot of things. thats correct. you agree w/ me but you try to make it sound like you are disagreeing :P

so GT can kill monsters slowly w/ Crossbows, Cards, Mechguns, a 50% dagger w/ hikai, diga/foie/megid/nosdiga
and GM can kill monsters fast w/ a few guns.

I do agree with you that Guntecher is slow for damage.

Guntecher needs a big update to make it "kinda" catch up with GM, or even FG. I won't even say what Guntecher needs, because its been talked about in every Guntecher thread.

Even with all the updates Guntecher has/might get, its never going to be stronger than a pure class because its a hybrid class. It'll be broken if it did FG damage and still had techs, no?

Despite all this, Guntecher appeals to me much more than Gunmaster. People play guntecher to...idk....Gun and tech I guess.

And I always sound like I'm disagreeing. ;_;

Sep 3, 2008, 06:06 PM
Guntecher was never about damage but about support in many regions whether it be techs, buffs, debuffs, applying SEs etc. bullets and/or healing. A jack of the support trade.

Sep 3, 2008, 07:13 PM
Forte classes: For people that enjoy max. damage potential.
Hybrid classes: For people that enjoy variety.

Wow, THAT was hard to figure out!

Sep 4, 2008, 08:02 AM
Forte classes: For people that enjoy max. damage potential.
Hybrid classes: For people that enjoy variety.

Wow, THAT was hard to figure out!

Can't we all agree on this?

Rather then make a pointless



Comparing a fucking Gunmaster to a Guntecher?

Kidding me right?

Both of them play DIFFERENT ROLES


Sep 4, 2008, 08:57 AM
No, I'm perfectly happy with being a Guntecher and I don't ever plan on changing. I dont care about damage although it helps but mainly I want to help support the party as much as possible. Also, If i get Yak Zagenga wouldn't it contradict me as being a healer?

Sep 4, 2008, 09:57 AM
Crossbows are realy that good? i have a GT with a few and one pa thats 2nd tier but i rarely use them. i just dont see how ZOMGAWSOMESAUCE crossbows are. they'er slow, cant go FPS, and shotguns have more dmg and more shots to it

Sep 4, 2008, 11:56 AM
Crossbows have a higher fire rate than shotguns.
Crossbows have level 3 SE.
You can move and shoot with crossbows as opposed to shotguns.

Xbows suck ass until you hit lv 21 and onwards.

Sep 4, 2008, 01:04 PM
Shotguns can hit 10x as opposed to 3.

Shotguns dominate dragon bosses and anything with multiple targets, and most large mobs with single targets, except for like bears that take half bullet.

Not using them is absurd.

Sep 4, 2008, 01:22 PM
Also, If i get Yak Zagenga wouldn't it contradict me as being a healer?
Not really because Zagenga does good damage even if you have full HP. The down side is that Zagenga doesn't have any status effect, but it's still the most damaging xbow bullet against neutral enemies.

Sep 4, 2008, 01:30 PM
Shotguns can hit 10x as opposed to 3.

Shotguns dominate dragon bosses and anything with multiple targets, and most large mobs with single targets, except for like bears that take half bullet.

Not using them is absurd.
They're pretty useful against bosses, but I'd prefer to have a bit more HP than that of a GT while standing right next to a Dragon boss. Cards work pretty well too, and you can actually keep your distance plus have a Wand on your right hand to heal others.

But when it comes to regular missions, I highly prefer Crossbows. Less damage, sure, but the mobility more than makes up for it. A good GT should almost never even take a hit, because our main weapons are so mobile. Makes me really wish we got the NPC dodge roll, that'd be hot. Shotguns leave you a little open, much better suited for a Beast or Cast fG with decent HP.

Sep 4, 2008, 10:55 PM
Shotguns can hit 10x as opposed to 3.

Shotguns dominate dragon bosses and anything with multiple targets, and most large mobs with single targets, except for like bears that take half bullet.

Not using them is absurd.
They are a bit more fragile then FG and PT, and really that class isnīt meant for huge dmg dealing.
Moreso more for the Rangerīs originally idea..."dealing Status effects" which Crossbow do a great job at that and having a healing wand to the side...well hard to ask for more.
Twin Handguns should get a higher status effect, but we canīt have everything i guess.

Sep 5, 2008, 02:24 AM
GT can deal damage...just level your PAs (lv.40 or die trying). A lot of GTs hide behind the"I'm not made for damage" idea and they do crap damage just like how a lot of old FGs used to hide behind the "I do SEs not damage" deal and wonder they kill so slow.

From my experience of playing GT the main thing that slows down GT is Svaltus or any big mob you can't instantly cause a DoT on via a trap. Yeah you kill slower than FG but it's not so slow as everyone makes it out to be if you know what you're doing, that's tradeoff for support abilities.

Who cares about taking damage, you're a GT just heal if need be you have various ways to do it (tech weapon or mates). If cast/beast GT taking the hits is a good thing because it charges up your special bar faster.

Also Zagenga is kinda pointless on GT. You will be at full HP almost all the time if you're in the party, otherwise why even be a GT if you're not gonna heal? Zagenga takes more PP to use per bullet and GT's don't get generous built-in PP save like FGs. The element bullets does more damage for less PP per bullet and has more range. Zagenga doesn't even outdamage element bullets until under 50% or so.

Sep 5, 2008, 09:08 AM
GT can deal damage...just level your PAs (lv.40 or die trying). A lot of GTs hide behind the"I'm not made for damage" idea and they do crap damage just like how a lot of old FGs used to hide behind the "I do SEs not damage" deal and wonder they kill so slow.
Well said. People come to me a lot asking how I put up with "crappy damage" and then I look at their bullets and facepalm. GT *sucks* if you don't level bullets and technics, period. It's a class that requires a certain amount of effort, unlike something like fF where you're good even with level 1 PAs. But I think that's one of the real beauties of GT: You actually have to put effort into it and know what you're doing. Anyone can be good at fF; being an actual good GT is a nice accomplishment to strive for.

From my experience of playing GT the main thing that slows down GT is Svaltus or any big mob you can't instantly cause a DoT on via a trap. Yeah you kill slower than FG but it's not so slow as everyone makes it out to be if you know what you're doing, that's tradeoff for support abilities.
Mobs like that are where Newman GTs shine, too. Trap them initially (or SE4 Burn/Virus with a Rifle) and then I find Technics to be most effective, since anything that's bullet resistant usually isn't Technic resistant. Landing Virus on Svaltus and blasting the bastard with Foie makes him go down pretty quick, and GT's mobility helps things go a lot smoother.

Also Zagenga is kinda pointless on GT. You will be at full HP almost all the time if you're in the party, otherwise why even be a GT if you're not gonna heal? Zagenga takes more PP to use per bullet and GT's don't get generous built-in PP save like FGs. The element bullets does more damage for less PP per bullet and has more range. Zagenga doesn't even outdamage element bullets until under 50% or so.
Here I disagree actually, but you do have to have a specific setup for Zagenga or you won't be getting maximum potential out of it. Carry around Monomates or Dimates if you plan on using Zagenga, for better control of your HP. As I said earlier, any good GT should rarely get hit anyway. Zagenga is far stronger than any of my elemental crossbows, all at 31+, at 50% HP. And the PP isn't a big deal, Zagenga is 20/shot while 31+ elemental bullets are 18/shot, no big deal. Use a Cati/Bullet if you're that concerned.

And Zagenga isn't a great choice when partying for any class with access to a Crossbow, unless you honestly want to run from every single heal. It's a soloing PA.

Sep 5, 2008, 09:25 AM
Just recently made a Newman GT, strangely enough I'm really liking it. My bullets are only 31+, nothing capped yet and I haven't even gotten a rifle to 21+. ( Find myself using bows more often, sans Killer Shot.) I think I spend more time with my Cards/Crossbows than anything else though, since I usually end up supporting the whole time. But for the jobs where I actually do need to dish it out, I never have a problem it seems like.

I think people are a little spoiled in this game, just because we can "respec" or change class at the drop of a hat doesn't mean we can slap half assed PAs onto a character and expect the stats to do all the work. It takes a little bit of know-how and brain power to make a complete product. GT is an amazing class, the shit talk is just makes me shake my head.

One other thing I like to mention, most fFs you see now aren't much without Majarra/Jabroga/Chikki anyway. Even as a fF it takes a little ( though not as much) to actually play it WELL. Good fFs don't need the insane health pools they have, just the weapon access and the proper PA placement. Does this work for every class? No way, but there's one thing that should always be kept in mind.

Stop hatin'. It's getting played out.

Sep 5, 2008, 09:43 AM
Just recently made a Newman GT, strangely enough I'm really liking it. My bullets are only 31+, nothing capped yet and I haven't even gotten a rifle to 21+. ( Find myself using bows more often, sans Killer Shot.) I think I spend more time with my Cards/Crossbows than anything else though, since I usually end up supporting the whole time. But for the jobs where I actually do need to dish it out, I never have a problem it seems like.

I think people are a little spoiled in this game, just because we can "respec" or change class at the drop of a hat doesn't mean we can slap half assed PAs onto a character and expect the stats to do all the work. It takes a little bit of know-how and brain power to make a complete product. GT is an amazing class, the shit talk is just makes me shake my head.

One other thing I like to mention, most fFs you see now aren't much without Majarra/Jabroga/Chikki anyway. Even as a fF it takes a little ( though not as much) to actually play it WELL. Good fFs don't need the insane health pools they have, just the weapon access and the proper PA placement. Does this work for every class? No way, but there's one thing that should always be kept in mind.

Stop hatin'. It's getting played out.
I use both Bows and Rifles, but in the effectiveness department Rifles are going to end up better once you compare both on a 31+ bullet level. Rifles get 40% element, knockdown (crazy-useful), and a faster rate of fire while Bows have 38% element, ignore enemy DFP, and have better power/shot. Rifles do win out there, but I do still love Bows.

Offensively, I use Crossbows more than anything. I do use Cards a lot but I'm finding them to be more situational anymore, I use them when I'm fighting something that's singled out. They're useful on flying enemies too, but so are Twin Handguns. Can't wait till we finally get our promised level 30 Attack technics, too.

I do love supporting as a GT, though unfortunately we're going to be a bit lacking in the support department again once the Masterclass update hits, because I believe ATs are getting 50 Support and fTs are getting 40. Eh, maybe we'll get bumped up to 40 sometime, but I'm dreading that whole update anyway, considering I actually like the balance in the game at the moment.

And true enough to the fF thing, I just noticed that starting out my new Beast fF alt was really easy, even if I didn't have good equipment. Now that I've gotten her some good gear and I've got her PAs up there, I'm working on the strategies and stuff and it actually can be a fun class, despite the fact I don't really enjoy the other Forte classes.

Hooray for more Newman GTs ^_^

Sep 5, 2008, 12:21 PM
Hope you didn't take offense when I say stop hatin'. It's not directed at you, more over to people who only have negative things to say about classes that are non forte.

I'm a sucker for hybrid classes, I'll support them till servers close. v.1 PT right here, yeah. I ran Ragan for MP, wanna fight about it?

I need to get crackin' on rifle bullets after I handle my TECHs, I'll prolly enjoy the class that much more with as many options I have at my disposal. It's amazing that I've gotten a newman GT as far as I have and haven't thought once about deleting her. That's a good sign, since I'm picky as hell with what I play.

Sep 5, 2008, 01:10 PM
Hope you didn't take offense when I say stop hatin'. It's not directed at you, more over to people who only have negative things to say about classes that are non forte.

I'm a sucker for hybrid classes, I'll support them till servers close. v.1 PT right here, yeah. I ran Ragan for MP, wanna fight about it?

I need to get crackin' on rifle bullets after I handle my TECHs, I'll prolly enjoy the class that much more with as many options I have at my disposal. It's amazing that I've gotten a newman GT as far as I have and haven't thought once about deleting her. That's a good sign, since I'm picky as hell with what I play.
Hel yeh hybrid classes. Variety ftw. Spammed Plains Overlord for that epic De Ragan MP myself, and I've been a GT since we got Advanced Classes. Supportin' the hybrids since old school, mang. Props to you for being a PT before they were cool, too.

Yeah, there's plenty to do with GT. That's probably how I can't seem to get bored of it and why I really don't have many other types leveled on my main (I'm *just now* about to 20 a second Type on her, Acrotecher), so that says something. There's so many PAs you have access to that there's always something to level up. I like how I can prepare an entirely different build for each mission, gives an element of strategy to the game. Such a fun class, I could honestly care less about the ATP gap between it and Fortegunner. Just hope our support never becomes useless, I really like the jack-of-all-trades build I have going on with Chelsea.

Enjoy GT, Ein, I know a player like you will make a good one.

Sep 5, 2008, 04:13 PM
Stop hatin'. It's getting played out.

You know what I've been through considering I've been a GT since it was released and all the loldrama I've gotten for it being my main class. Back when healing for 700 for a caseal was like WTF @_@

Chelsea put it perfectly though, if you want to at least deal decent damage, cap out your bullets, or at least get them to 31. Also work on buffs/resta because a GT without buffs may as well just be a fortegunner with lower ATP >_>

Cards used to be my staple gun but Crossbow just seems to fit situations more easily (still use both a lot though).

I still need to work on my rifles a bit, but I'm slowly getting there. Rifles are pretty good method of support as well, considering the knock anything down ;o

GT has never bored me, I've raised it on 2 characters (and probably on my newman soon too) and like what each race brings to the table so far. GT's never been boring because I don't mind having to babysit while still able to be shooting stuff up :wacko: