View Full Version : Event Thanks Festa 2/Protectors delta Disc Locations Part 2 (Pics inside!!)

Sep 4, 2008, 06:10 PM
Hello again!! Today we going to find all 24 disc in the second part of the Thanks Festa part 2!!
So just in case yoiu need part one here it is!!!Yay!!! (http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showthread.php?t=149588)
So let's get started!!!!!!!


Starting block
The first disc is hidden in the tree to the left of the first warp
After going trough the first warp, look directly to your left and the 2nd will be right there

Block Aa
Once entering the first area with the pannon look to you right and the first disc will be there
The second disc is behind the first warp in this block. The boxes are a fake wall

Block Ab
Before you go down the stairs to get the key look to your left and there should ba some stuff there, use your googles and break it. The first disc is behind there
After grabbing the key go furter forward and use your googles to select the debris, then take the right pathway. Watch out for the trap and fire traps. The after going to the left and see the rest of the debris, use your goggles to select it. The 2nd disc should be right behind there

Block Ac
[spoiler-box]Go to the left where there are 4 switches (they will stay down if your alone so once again don't worry). Step on all four and the 1st disc should be down the hallway after the door
After killing all the enemies in the next big area, some boxes should appear. To the left of the boxes is a fake door, go through it and find the 2nd disc.

Block Ba
[spoiler-box]After entering the next block go through the warp to the right and right behind where you come out is the 1st disc of this block
After clearing the next area go to the door where the cake sisters were before. Go trough that door and the 2nd is there

Block Bb
[spoiler-box]After going through the next few areas you'll come to the posion traps. The middle on contains the first disc
After defeating the mini bosses go o the boxes down the stairs and in the upper right corner is the 2nd disc

Block Bc
[spoiler-box]After defeating the enmies to get the first key look to the left of the boexes that appear. You'll see a little pole thing, use your googles to select it. Break it and you'll find the first disc
After clearing the block, the room with the warp, to the right are some boxes, the 2nd disc is right behind them

Block Ca
[spoiler-box]With this block make sure you get all four keys for the extra room!!!!
After killing the bigger enemy to get the second key for the first locked door, go through the first hidden door and grab that key. The door behind is another fake door, go through it and the first disc is there
The second disc is in the area that requires four keys to open it. It's directly behind the boxes

Block Cb
Before going in to the first room make sure you go forward and shoot the debris above the lighting guns
In the first room with eniemes in the lower left hand corner is the first disc
From the debris that fell and destroyed the lightning guns, a fourth one drops away from the first 3. This one contains the second disc

Block Cc
[spoiler-box]The first warp in this block has a fake door behind it. The first disc is in this area
Once you defeat the enmies in the next area the second disc will appear in the lower left hand corner of the area

Final Block
[spoiler-box]ONce you enter this block directly to your left is a rock wall. It's fake so just run through it and grab the first disc
Once all the enemies are defeated you'll be able to hit the gaint seed in the middle of the map. The second disc is inside of it

Boss Areas
[spoiler-box]After a few moments of battling mother brain a box will appear. This box contains the first disc
After a few moments of battling the worm a box will appear in the middle of the boat. Hit it and you'll get the second disc

Once you have defeated the worm all these boxes will appear with all sorts of goodies inside them :chocolate: :pepsi: :flan: :cake: :heartcookie:

And that is where all 24 disc are located for Thanks Festa part 2. Good luck and happy hunting everybody!!!!! :D

Sep 4, 2008, 06:19 PM
Good work! I really hope I can get online before the event ends. D:

Sep 4, 2008, 06:30 PM
it lasts til the 25th so you got some time XD

Sep 4, 2008, 06:36 PM
great job again but i just wanna nitpick a little here. they are called discs not keys.

Sep 4, 2008, 07:11 PM
i enjoy keys better

Sep 4, 2008, 08:26 PM
Except they aren't keys. Anyways, I will make use of this information today :) I'd use it all weekend but I've got plans and can't be at my computer.

Sep 4, 2008, 09:00 PM
Here's a diagram to show how the clear boxes with the discs: http://www.mithra.to/~psu/uploader/src/psu16972.jpg

Sep 4, 2008, 09:02 PM
thank you soukosa <3

Sep 4, 2008, 09:12 PM
Did the number of boxes increase in the first mission too?

Sep 5, 2008, 04:33 AM
Did the number of boxes increase in the first mission too?
on the first mission that came out like a week ago yes. they help with the final boxes then to. there's actually a link at the top of page for the first thanks festa misson.

Jul 25, 2009, 08:09 AM

Jul 25, 2009, 08:59 AM
old days!!! o,o

Jul 25, 2009, 11:10 AM
i was wondering if anyone could post the disc's locations, it would be of help...thanks

Jul 25, 2009, 11:25 AM
View the first post in this thread for Delta's Disc locations.

Jul 25, 2009, 05:44 PM
I really don't feel like trying to solo Magashi on my gunner, so does anyone have a list of how many discs make how many boxes? I know it was posted somewhere around here, but I really don't like the search function. It never finds what I'm looking for or buries it under a million other posts.

Nevermind, I actually found it.

0 to 9 discs = 14 boxes
10 to 11 discs = 16 boxes
12 to 15 discs = 18 boxes
16 to 19 discs = 22 boxes
20 to 23 discs = 24 boxes
24 discs = 28 boxes

Jul 25, 2009, 10:56 PM
Nice. The pictures will really help. Great Job!!

Jul 26, 2009, 06:22 AM
Magashi is really easy to solo as Gunmaster -- I don't know what gunner class you play, Libram.
I usually solo C route (clearly the shortest), and I very rarely do lose a scape doll against the Magashi horde. Lure them in the slope from whence you came, then run to the corner in the north west and rifle them away. They can still Foie you, so wear a fire shield.

Jul 27, 2009, 05:01 PM
I know you're gonna love this.

I play Human Female Fortegunner.

Jul 28, 2009, 06:06 PM
Well, my tactic works as Fortegunner, except you don't have SUV.

You have crossbows, though, those work well in that room ;s

Aug 1, 2009, 03:54 AM
Actually I won't be intimidated by that room anymore. I thought it was an exact copy of Bladed Legacy, but there are far fewer Magashis to worry about. I'm willing to try throwing my techer in there.

Aug 1, 2009, 05:40 PM
It's Bladed Legacy C, which is why there are fewer Magashi -- same applies for B-b, which accounts for the lower number of Gainozeros.