View Full Version : Cheating from 12th Feb

Jan 31, 2003, 07:28 AM
So, it's official then, cheating hell starts on 12th Febuary:
Datel have announced the official Action Replay release date as Febuary 12th. So we're not even gonna get to play PAL PSO hassle free for even a few weeks.
On a better note Freeloader is released a week earlier on 7th Febuary, so us in Europe get to play the earlier released US/JAP games much sooner.

Jan 31, 2003, 09:40 AM
*edit: Oh, they changed it a week earlier... cool beans.*

You see, someone has to make an actual cheat code before anyone can do anything with it, and Datel made sure that it would be damn near impossible to do that. And the only code Datel will officially release (And it has been released. You COULD send lots of hate mail for them to remove it from the site, but I doubt it.) is the "Save to another memory card" code... which, unfortunately for you, can permit offline duping. But at least you won't see any of that other shit the DC version was infested with.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Mag_Launcher on 2003-01-31 07:22 ]</font>

Jan 31, 2003, 09:44 AM
People people have your heard of keycodes? Alot of games have them like Zelda on n64...just because there is a divice PSO must have some serrious stuff that we could not now of yet...like 189 keycodes or something that just bans you the second you go on with a cheat divice...

Jan 31, 2003, 10:21 AM
Well, seeing as they couldn't implement a keycode for something THAT DIDN'T EXIST at the time, that is completely irrelevant. And also, Gamecube won't have that keycode BS, trust me.

Well, actually, now that I think about it, Sega monitored internal checksums that were changed when a device was used. In fact, that's how I got banned from v2 in the first place. So I wouldn't suggest going online with codes on.

So be happy the worst thing you'll see is duping. Because we've seen that already. But of course, this dupe method CANNOT be patched. So once AR comes out, it's here to stay.

Jan 31, 2003, 10:28 AM
Well I was partly right.

Jan 31, 2003, 12:02 PM
I would buy an AR just for that code.

Jan 31, 2003, 12:21 PM
I'd sure like for there to be an OFFICIAL way to back up our chars in case of corruption, but that's just pure fantasy.

Jan 31, 2003, 12:31 PM
On 2003-01-31 06:40, Mag_Launcher wrote:
And the only code Datel will officially release (And it has been released. You COULD send lots of hate mail for them to remove it from the site, but I doubt it.) is the "Save to another memory card" code... which, unfortunately for you, can permit offline duping. But at least you won't see any of that other shit the DC version was infested with.

Ah, but the only code officially released for the DC gameshark was a 'save to another memory card' code. It's not like friggin datel/gameshark/mad catz/whatever the hell their name is now were the people finding codes to create weapons or NOL/PK. It was people like barubary who fuck around with the GS/AR/Whatever the hell its name is now to find hex values for stuff. Hell, user code searching was so popular at one time that there was a GS on the PSX that had it's own flash rom that allowed you to do known and unknown value searches to "make" your own codes. And before that, there was a PC card that did the same thing. All the GS/AR/Whatever the hell its name is now does is set static values for hex/bin data in the game, overwriting the temp values sent to ram - e.g. changing max hp to 65535 or something. Once it's released, all it needs is some malicious people with some time on their hands.
Hell, you don't even need malicious people. The FSOD codes were essentially mistakes. When people fuck around with the values to try and "hack" themselves something cool, it's pretty easy to crash your game. I do it all the time on my old PSX games (because I have too many RPGs that I don't really like, or don't feel like spending time leveling on... like legend of dragoon. ::vomit::) when I do search values for stuff. People found crash codes for Animal crossing based on the code system it employs for users to trade crap to each other. You just have to fuck around with the codes until you get what you want out of it. I'm sure maybe a few of the codes that were "hacked" actually were reverse engineered after looking at hidden text or something stupid like that in a hexeditor, but the majority of them were just people fucking about and finding out that they could screw other people out of a game. Since there really isn't any sort of lockout on the stupid thing to disable it's use online, there's an easy chance people will fuck about until they find some values that FSOD reliably and use them to screw people over. Since you can dupe easily by saving to another card, there's not much else for the assholes to do.
At least with the bug duping thing, most people didn't know how to do it (and I still don't, nor do I want to know... not like it matters anymore). The GS/AR/Whatever the hell it's called is just going to bring about the second wind of stupid ebay auctions for dupe weapons, swarms of idiots running around with dark flows or double cannons, and clans of people with all the rares and no skills on how to play the game.
I just wanted to go online for the rare rappies and some mag cells anyways. ::shrug::

Jan 31, 2003, 12:33 PM
I'd sure like for there to be an OFFICIAL way to back up our chars in case of corruption, but that's just pure fantasy.

That's be nice...I really wouldn't care if it didn't save items to the back up. Even though that'd mean you have a character and nothing else... o.o

Jan 31, 2003, 12:39 PM
Rightly or wrongly theses people want to make money and dont care if they kill our gaming enjoyment even if they say otherwise.

Jan 31, 2003, 04:10 PM
Can't Sonic Team make a downloadable memory card save or tweak one of the network settings on the memory card that can detect the use of a cheat device AND must be necessary to go online with?

Jan 31, 2003, 04:30 PM
ahh yes i remember those days......Pretty soon your Black king bar will be worth the same as a rock off the floor, CUZ everyone will have one! What Yurika said was 100% correct in my opinion. Its not "Gs/AR/ or whatever thier name is" (lol) who devolop the codes. Its a fat guy (everyones favorite azzhole, baurubary) with nothing to do but kill the online gaming community. Even if duping is allowed it would be REALLY bad! I like the game as it is! Dont you guys find a thrill in actually finding ur own stuff? Am i the only one who jumps for joy when i pick u pa red item box? Part of the reason you play pso is to find rares and get stronger! If it turns outthat everyone has the same weapon as you, what fun is it? remember the spread needle plague back in pso for DC? Hopefully sega will do SOMETHING to stop this. If they cant then im not paying anymore. I played to have fun and find things. Not get my stuff handed to me and look at everyone using the same thing.

Jan 31, 2003, 04:46 PM
On 2003-01-31 06:40, Mag_Launcher wrote:

And the only code Datel will officially release (And it has been released. You COULD send lots of hate mail for them to remove it from the site, but I doubt it.) is the "Save to another memory card" code...

Uh... I dont see it anywhere... PSO doesnt even have a topic in the MBs other than people asking for codes not to be released...

if the code is on that site somewhere PM me the link.

Jan 31, 2003, 06:27 PM
Thankfully this device hooks into the modem port on the gamecube. So while we will have hacked items probably, at least they can't alter the appearence or stats of YOUR character.

Jan 31, 2003, 09:29 PM
On 2003-01-31 15:27, thewiredknight wrote:
at least they can't alter the appearence or stats of YOUR character.

Sure they can, lol.

You'll see level 1 HUmars with 32,767 ATP kicking the shit out of everyone in battle, lqomaomlam.

Although, that's only if you use the codes online, otherwise, he'll just have every normal stat maxed, so he'll still pwn joo. Sonic Team, in version 2, made the game recognize that your stats are over the limit, so it auto resets them to your class maximum, if over the limit without codes on....

This wasn't so on version 1, so it's cool I guess.

Mmm, fear when the level one FOnewearl smacks you with her hand and kills yuo... mmmm fear... mmmm....

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: asdf on 2003-01-31 18:31 ]</font>

Jan 31, 2003, 10:16 PM
Uhhh. . . Somebody on Gamefaqs who worked for Pro AR (like a month ago+his user info said VIP) said that It would be impossible to cheat online(seeing that the program fits in the BBA slot) and all weps would be erased as soon as they tried to get online so im pretty confident.

Feb 1, 2003, 10:45 AM
I'm rather confident too. I don't think PAR is a device powerful enough to cheat on PSO - remember on DC, you needed a Xploder or Codebreaker to cheat, PAR was useless because it uses decrypted codes and XP/DC uses encrypted codes which cannot be detected for a while by ST servers team, provided the use of an "Enable Code".
And then ST finds a way to patch a code, and then CMGSCCC (or others) find a more powerful "Enable Code", and so on... sad story http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif I hope some enjoy it.

Feb 1, 2003, 11:01 AM
FUCK, i didn't even get to play online while it was "pure". I guess i never will...

Feb 1, 2003, 02:08 PM
I hate cheaters they are up to no good at all.
The cheaters must realy suck on Phantasy Star Online.
And that barubary or what his freaking name is why can't you stop ruining the for us legit players.

Feb 1, 2003, 02:26 PM
I bet Sega will patch the servers or somthing to detect AR codes somtime after it comes out. So no one will be able to take them online. However i'm sure there will be tons of offline duping/ item hacking/ char hacking. :/ but if they really care more about the servers this time around, at least they might be able to eliminate CKing, NOL, etc. (I hope!)

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Angarwaen on 2003-02-01 11:29 ]</font>

Feb 1, 2003, 02:51 PM
I really do hope Sega manage to turn PSO into eden but i dont think they will, so i just hope they can stack the odds into the legit corner, if cheating wasnt so "cool" as i was told it would happen less.

Feb 1, 2003, 10:06 PM
Is the PAR going to go into the modem slot or BBA slot?

Feb 1, 2003, 10:18 PM
looks like it will be back to the way it was in dc days playing only in locked games

Feb 1, 2003, 11:24 PM
Maybe Sega already made the game impossible to cheat on! Then again.....no.

I wonder if sega will actually do something productive to block cheating this time around.
Then again.......no.


Ian D
Feb 2, 2003, 12:19 AM
On 2003-02-01 19:06, mystic_knight wrote:
Is the PAR going to go into the modem slot or BBA slot?

Aren't they the same?

Feb 2, 2003, 12:52 AM
Where do you all find your information about the AR being in the modem port? The way it looks is that its going to be a dongle that goes into the memory card slot....

Feb 2, 2003, 03:05 AM
Stop your crying, i bet most of you cheat. the possibility was always there of people making cheat machines, and since someone has, you should just live with it.

Feb 2, 2003, 03:17 AM
On 2003-02-01 19:06, mystic_knight wrote:
Is the PAR going to go into the modem slot or BBA slot? Modem and BBA fit into the same slot.

Lord_Maroduer wrote:
And that barubary or what his freaking name is why can't you stop ruining the for us legit players.

Barubary doesn't have anything to do with the development of any cheat devices. So you don't get to yell at him until some codes actually come out.

Feb 2, 2003, 04:21 AM
Heres a snippet from the PAR website

Straight out of the box you get a GameCube-sized Action Replay CD which contains hundreds of preloaded cheat codes for all your favourite games. You also receive a piece of hardware which must be inserted into your memory card slot before the Action Replay CD is loaded. This special card stores any new codes that you input (for example if you buy a new GameCube game), letting you build your own customised library of cheats

so its gonna go in the memory card slot. I kinda wish it went in the Modem/BBA slot, that way you couldnt take the codes online w/you but now all bets are off. Boo! thats right Datel i Boo you!...wait it plays imports? hmmm

Feb 2, 2003, 10:43 AM
Barubary is actually the one that does the Phantasy Star Online codes.
And what I have heard he allready have begun making the codes.

Feb 2, 2003, 02:49 PM
datel or codejunkies have stated from the days of ther original PSO they will never do codes for online games they had hate mail because they would not do this.
thats why xploder gameshark too off so good most ppl use action replay freeloader just instead of ave a chipped console thats all
i ordered my AR from gameplay .com for only £22.99
i know tey will never make codes for pso but who cares i'll use it to play us/jp games early or even help me through very hard games.