View Full Version : Stat Question

Sep 6, 2008, 04:18 PM
I was wondering how good my gear is for my level and type. Since im on a fan server (will not name it or go into furthur details) the armor/shields are common for min stat and verrrry rare for max stat.

Level 178


Tsumikiri J-Sword +50
C. Vulcan +9 w/50 hit
Rainbow Baton +24 w/50 hit
Jizai +40

Guard Wave near max stat
C/Ability x2

From the Depths

Gael Geil 5/145/50/0

Please and thank you to anyone with perhaps better suggestions or whatever. Again im just wondering if what i have is good for my level and type.

Sep 6, 2008, 05:11 PM
Are you serious?

Sep 6, 2008, 05:30 PM
hmm i cant tell does that mean good or bad?

Sep 6, 2008, 06:42 PM
My impression: That is very high end equipment, so it is good for all levels. Some of the weapons listed make it sound like you have some illegitimate items.

The items are good for everyone, but by the sounds of it, you could get anything you wanted anyways.

Sep 7, 2008, 07:51 AM
nah, i beleive they are all legit, you can get that stuff easily with time and some trading.

all i can say is for you to find better hit % weapons, like a 90% hit charge vulcan, a 100% hit TJS..........then sphere them so that they have a couple more 100% in 2 areas of your choice.

Sep 7, 2008, 01:16 PM
Jeez. I am jealous. You got some awesome stuff there.

Sep 7, 2008, 03:55 PM
hmmm 100 hit tjs? on our serv i believe that would be considered unlegit due to our duping/hacking outbreaks that im helping to stop and the gms are mean and detest high % weapons of any attribute.

Sep 7, 2008, 04:23 PM
No, they only ban you if you actually hack, a high hit TJS can't be considered hack, a good weapon yes, but not hack.

there are lot's of ppl with high % weapons, you can't sphere hit % so that's the hardest part.