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Sep 30, 2008, 08:19 AM
I'm trying my best to replace the Rattlesnac [10/10] that I lost as part of a trade for a Spread Needle/G [10/10].

Problem is, no one is selling.

So, I'm wondering if it might be best for me to invest my 250mil that I have standing by in a low to mid range Spread Needle/G, and offer to do a straight swap later with someone willing to part with their Rattlesnac.

Good idea, or bad?

I'd like to get some feedback from the awesome community here to help me make my decision.


Sep 30, 2008, 09:41 AM
In my opinion, the price of 5/10 will drop below the price of 8/8 Spread after the grind boost. Right now people tend to overestimate their chance of getting 10/10.

If I were you, I'd buy the 5/10 and grind it twice (still very good chance), and sell it before the grind boost ends for 300-350, and use that money to find someone who has a Rattlesnac. Keep in mind that the price of 10/10 Rattlesnac may rise after the boost, so you have somewhat limited time to get the best deals for both selling and buying.