View Full Version : Challenge Unsealing the J-Sword - Day 15 - Past 23k mark, still sealed. =/

Oct 1, 2008, 07:21 PM
Back when everyone was leaving PSO for PSU, I inherited some items from friends of mine. One of which, is the SJS. (Friend was legit.)

I got some kills in, wrote 'em down, then banked the sucker for a good long time. Just recently however, I decided to put some more work into unsealing it. This thread is my journey.

It should be noted before I continue, that I've lost that paper with the kills I put on it, though I do remember enough to give an accurate amount:

17 kills before making back-up dupe and did a couple runs of Fake In Yellow before the hiatus; so we'll just say I had put on about 200 kills before the hiatus. (I also should tell you I have no idea how many kills my friend had put on it.)

My plans are to do at least ten FIY runs a day, and/possibly an offline Endless Nightmare 2. (Other quests will be added once I can get the exact enemy count from Mothvists, they aren't completely random.) 1-2k in kills a day. This will take place six days a week, I will also be updating this post whenever I have finished runs for the day.

The following is the current documentation started 9-30-08:

[spoiler-box] 10-21-08: Day 15


Fake in Yellow: 47 enemies
Endless Nightmare 2: 281 enemies
Maximum Attack 1:
Maximum Attack 2:

Total FIY Runs: 100 - 4,700 kills
Total EN2 Runs: 15 - 4,215 kills
Total MA1 Runs: 29 - 10,000 kills
Total MA2 Runs: 10 - 4,110 kills

Total Kills since documentation: 23,025

Rare Enemies:

Pal Rappy x13
Nar Lily x7

Rare Enemy Drops:

Hero/Ability x7
Cure/Confuse x3
Custom Ray Ver.00 x2
Mace of Adaman x1 [/spoiler-box]

View later posts for any other updates.

Oct 1, 2008, 08:30 PM
Good luck and happy hunting. Ragol shall be bathed in blood.

Oct 1, 2008, 08:32 PM
good luck. Unsealing SJS is quite a quest in its self.

Oct 1, 2008, 08:33 PM
Good luck and happy hunting. Ragol shall be bathed in blood.

With that sword? no doubt. XD

Oct 1, 2008, 08:42 PM
Good luck! I wish I was lucky enough to get my hands on a J-Sword!

Oct 2, 2008, 09:45 AM
Good work on that, keeping track is a smart way to know when you're close, but the real fun is not knowing ;)

Oct 2, 2008, 06:58 PM
Banish, I'd just love to stop keeping count and just play, but this is for science!

Barubary said it takes 23k kills for it to unseal, though for Auracom (and I believe Tycho) it took more. No one so far, (to my knowledge) has recorded their kills accurately for records. I do apologize, Trypticon kept an accurate account of his kills as well!

So, I'm going at this pretty controlled, no multi-player, (If you hit an enemy but someone else kills it, do you get the kill?), and only quests where I can easily keep track of the number of kills.

I know this won't be super accurate (as mentioned before, no idea how many kills my friend had), but it'll definitely be more accurate than anything so far. :3

Anyway, I've updated the OP for Day 3; I've decided to do at least 10 FIY runs a day instead of 5, 470 kills in about 35 minutes. ;o

Oct 2, 2008, 08:04 PM
Banish, I'd just love to stop keeping count and just play, but this is for science!

Barubary said it takes 23k kills for it to unseal, though for Adam (and I believe Tycho) it took more. No one so far, (to my knowledge) has recorded their kills accurately for records.

So, I'm going at this pretty controlled, no multi-player, (If you hit an enemy but someone else kills it, do you get the kill?), and only quests where I can easily keep track of the number of kills.

I know this won't be super accurate (as mentioned before, no idea how many kills my friend had), but it'll definitely be more accurate than anything so far. :3

Anyway, I've updated the OP for Day 3; I've decided to do at least 10 FIY runs a day instead of 5, 470 kills in about 35 minutes. ;o

heh. this is just like finding out how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie Pop. ^^

Very difficult to keep track. And I hope your calculations for the sword are accurate. though, you could just ask Sega how many kills it takes. XP
but where is the fun in that?

... ... ... none.

Oct 2, 2008, 08:11 PM
Funny you mention asking Sega...

In this thread (http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showthread.php?t=56777) under "Tried and Failed Methods:" the first response is...

Asking (E-Mailing Sega/Sonic Team)


Oct 9, 2008, 09:29 PM
Quick update:

I'm most likely going to stop at 100 FIY runs and do more EN2 and some PW1 or PW2.

I also noticed the other day, at around 5k kills, my SJS wasn't the deep black it was when I first started. In fact, there's splotches of gray on some of the blade. I've heard before that the more kills you get on it, the lighter in color the blade slowly becomes. ;o

Oct 10, 2008, 11:07 PM
Unsealing is not that hard, well unless your playing offline. Takes about 24 max atks killing at least 350 enemies.

Oct 16, 2008, 01:22 AM
I figured I needed a little break, which is why I haven't updated in 3 days.

I'm over 10k kills now, planning on getting at least 1-2k kills a day for now on.

Jmanx, 24 MA with 350 enemies is only 8.4k kills, and that's 12 hours; it does take awhile. lol

Oct 19, 2008, 12:37 AM
Banish, I'd just love to stop keeping count and just play, but this is for science!

Barubary said it takes 23k kills for it to unseal, though for Adam (and I believe Tycho) it took more. No one so far, (to my knowledge) has recorded their kills accurately for records.

So, I'm going at this pretty controlled, no multi-player, (If you hit an enemy but someone else kills it, do you get the kill?), and only quests where I can easily keep track of the number of kills.

I know this won't be super accurate (as mentioned before, no idea how many kills my friend had), but it'll definitely be more accurate than anything so far. :3

Anyway, I've updated the OP for Day 3; I've decided to do at least 10 FIY runs a day instead of 5, 470 kills in about 35 minutes. ;o

Wait, no no no no. My count was like 2000 less than the 23,000 Barubary stated. My counts were pretty damn accurate, too.

Oct 19, 2008, 01:34 AM
Oh geeze! Sorry Adam, I got you confused with Auracom there!

I'll edit my post immediately. ^^;

Oh yeah, also put in the kills for today, the unsealing should be Monday or Tuesday of the coming week. (Taking a break tomorrow.)

Oct 19, 2008, 10:45 AM
Ah, no problem. If you want to get the unsealing on film, let me know.

Oct 19, 2008, 05:12 PM
You know that would be pretty cool; once it gets to that time I'll definitely send you a message on PSO or something.

I'll be taking pics and stuff offline, so I'll make sure to hard reset.

Actually, now that I think of that...

Let's say I unseal it offline for the sake of story snapshots, and since the game saves during shots a hard reset might not work...

I'll just take the snaps of it sealed offline, do the video online, then finish up the story snapshot afterward; just to be safe. :p

RAmar Lv.200
Oct 19, 2008, 08:10 PM
Good Idea.

Oct 21, 2008, 01:32 AM
650 more kills at least. Holy crap.

I seriously thought my friend put on more kills.

Oct 21, 2008, 06:50 AM
if i remember correctly on the other server's forum somewhere there is an external application that you can DL that will tell you how many kills a weapon has

Oct 21, 2008, 03:08 PM
That's interesting Talon. ;o

Does anyone know if the count for the SJS is different on PSO+ than it is on PSO? I'm on PSO and I believe my friend was on PSO+. I ask this, because currently I'm at 23,025 kills and still haven't unsealed it. (I know the sword is legit.)

I'm sure the answer is no, but does the count vary according to which difficulty/episode? (Let's say you have 10k kills on normal, and 13k kills on Ultimate, do all 23k kills have to be on the same difficulty or episode?)

Oct 21, 2008, 05:11 PM
oh wait this is GC isn't it? my bad... the application was for BB, sorry TOH

Oct 21, 2008, 05:19 PM
Ah, that's okay Talon.

I've lost some motivation for unsealing, not sure if I'll be doing more runs today or not. :disapprove:

Oct 21, 2008, 08:09 PM
Just to bring up something you may have overlooked.

Killing more than 1 monster in a single swing will count as 1 kill on GC.

Oct 21, 2008, 11:04 PM
Just to bring up something you may have overlooked.

Killing more than 1 monster in a single swing will count as 1 kill on GC.



Edit: Now that I think about it, that does explain why so many people have had different kill counts before it became unsealable. Brilliant!

Oct 21, 2008, 11:15 PM
If that was the case (iirc according to Adam), it only took him 2,000 kills or so to unseal his.

Oct 21, 2008, 11:20 PM
TOH's studies go on! XD
Well, looks like it'll just take you a bit longer to unseal it.

Oct 21, 2008, 11:21 PM
I do have a wee bit more motivation now, I'll start again...tomorrow. Maybe tonight if 'House' isn't on. :wacko:

Oct 23, 2008, 04:17 PM
Haha, thats ridiculous i never knew that you had to kill only one at a time.

Oct 24, 2008, 01:59 AM
It can actually take well over 30k kills, from what I have heard. The counter upon finding the weapon varies. Also, when you kill multiple enemies in one swing, I believe it only counts as one; if you didn't know that, your count may be off by a fair amount.

Oct 24, 2008, 02:12 AM
Valen- That was mentioned earlier in the thread; so I'll be trying to only kill one enemy at a time.

If I ever get around to hunting another SJS, I'll make sure to ONLY kill one enemy at a time and keep track.

And the counter varies? Hmm...

Oct 24, 2008, 04:43 AM
Its not actually varied.

its because of the multi kill in 1 swing thing that makes it look like it takes a different number of enemies to unseal.

from what I can tell on GC the game seems to keep track of 1 swing thus making it count only 1 kill at a time. GC doesnt seem to count more than 1 monster killed at once.

Oct 24, 2008, 11:35 AM
Does everyone ignore my posts?

Adam (trypticon) stated that if the one swing= one kill thing was true, then his SJS only need 2,000 or so kills to unseal. Does that have any relevance to this? I think, just a little bit. >>

Oct 24, 2008, 06:44 PM
The counter upon finding the weapon varies. Source?

Nitro Vordex
Oct 24, 2008, 07:28 PM
Does everyone ignore my posts?

Adam (trypticon) stated that if the one swing= one kill thing was true, then his SJS only need 2,000 or so kills to unseal. Does that have any relevance to this? I think, just a little bit. >>
You got it wrong.

Example: If you kill three enemies with ONE SWING, IT ONLY COUNTS AS ONE KILL TOWARD THE COUNTER.

Oct 24, 2008, 10:54 PM

From what I get of what he was saying, he counted 23k kills or so WITH KILLING MULTIPLE MONSTERS IN ONE SWING. Which would mean it only took 2,000 kills added on to the COUNTER, till his unsealed. How am I wrong with actual logic?

Oct 25, 2008, 02:21 AM
Valen- That was mentioned earlier in the thread; so I'll be trying to only kill one enemy at a time.
I didn't bother reading the rest of it, just your first post. xD

Its not actually varied.
The source I'm going from says it is. Multiple SJS were force dropped through obvious methods, while a program was used to view the code of each weapon. The staring counters varied. It's the same thing mentioned by TalonKitsune.

Does everyone ignore my posts?
I did, actually, mostly out of laziness.

As soon as I'm able to find the thread, I'll quote it.

Oct 27, 2008, 12:58 PM
If you have to kill enemies one at a time, why not head to the Seabed? Recons are easy to kill individually, and you get ten to a (functional) box. The box probably counts as a kill, too.

There also aren't many big groups of enemies there, except the occasional Dolm-X swarm. Just a suggestion...