View Full Version : New consoles already..!!!

Feb 2, 2003, 12:35 PM
I didn't believe when I saw ps3 in 2005 on msnbc. But yesterday on g4, pulse...they said ps3, new gcn, and new xbox'll come out.
I feel happy but isn't that a little 2 early.
-The nintendo guy said his next generation'll be the bomb...will see about that.

-oh and I heard something about Sega or Sonic Team....not sure, need to watch it again/

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Blenjar on 2003-02-02 16:26 ]</font>

Ian D
Feb 2, 2003, 12:42 PM
Great, I totally wasted my money if the new consoles will be out that soon.

Feb 2, 2003, 12:44 PM
I'm going to have to guy GC and Xbox all over again.

Feb 2, 2003, 06:32 PM
That could mean November 2005, so 3 years from now isn't that bad.

Ness, why you always guying stuff?

Feb 2, 2003, 07:25 PM
Well I really don't know what to get when all three'll come out.
-I heard the price of the ps3 or something'll be $399 like the way ps2 came out.

Feb 2, 2003, 08:03 PM
Yeah I heard about this awhile ago, the least-likely one to come out with a new console is Nintendo, but they will.

Feb 2, 2003, 09:52 PM
I heard nintendo is launching their new system in 2006

Feb 2, 2003, 10:25 PM
last i heard Sony's is due out 2005, and Im estimating September since that seems to be "thier" month. (1st- Sept 95, 2nd- Sept 2000)

and a rumor I heard was xbox was aiming to get thiers out a little before Sony if htey can, because they dont want to be so far behind with getting thier new one out to catch up to Sony's sales.

So i guess we'll have to wait and see

Feb 2, 2003, 11:01 PM
Nintendo's also making a new game boy that finally fixes that backlight problem with GBA. I thinks its coming in march.

Feb 2, 2003, 11:22 PM
LINKS! LINKS! LINKS! C'MON! C'MON! C'MON! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif

Feb 2, 2003, 11:28 PM
If you mean the Gameboy, here:


Feb 3, 2003, 01:06 AM
And Nintendo is actually planning on getting their new system out first, before Sony and MS, as well. http://www.gamesarefun.com/cgi-bin/newspro/fullnews.cgi?newsid1043359623,97479,
I wish I could find that article that specifically said that, hmm... maybe I dreamed it. About 90% sure I read that somewhere, though.
I ain't too happy about this myself, but... it IS a few years from now. I'll worry about it then. For now, my wallet still hurts from owning all 3 consoles. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif

Feb 3, 2003, 11:39 AM
I think I read something about Nintendo on Gamespot somewhere. From all the reports on the "new" systems coming, it seems like each company is trying to beat the other's release time. If not beat it then be as close to it a possible. Nintendo and Mircosoft both seem to feel they were a year late. But I'm all for more console's in 2005 or 2006. Three years is the average time between consoles. That's why it sucks to get a console a year or two late.

Feb 3, 2003, 02:44 PM
lol I know.

-Almost every consoles comes out in fall but we my get delays to early 2006.