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View Full Version : Which RA is better in your opinion?

Feb 2, 2003, 01:52 PM
i need some biased opinions about rangers...

Feb 2, 2003, 02:00 PM
the best two ranger in my opionion are

#1. RAmarl
#2. RAcaseal

ramarl has second highest ata,can get lvl 20 techs, and does decent damage.

racaseal has good atp and can use and see traps and has good ata

Feb 2, 2003, 03:06 PM
I'll second what Elixer said, but I'll add one more thing.

RAcaseal has highest DFP of all Ranger classess which is nice, too.

Feb 2, 2003, 03:17 PM
I'm opposed to those two...

Assuming that you play mostly online, the best is RAcast. Highest HP in the game, and the best ATP among the RAngers. Besides, in ultimate mode, even if you can use techs, it's a much better option to use mates and traps. He's definetely the on to go with if you plan on making a RAnger your primary character.

RAmar is still the worst c-mode character, but he's still good for regular play. Although his MST is laughable, his other stats are solid. He's quite possibly the most improved character.

Unless you play offline a lot, RAmarl is the arguably the worst RAnger. Bottom line is that you have to get close to the enemies to use J/Z, and that really defeats the advantage of being a RAnger, which is attacking from a distance. I guess her other "advantage" is her high EVP, which really doesn't make sense. A good character if a RAnger isn't your primary chracter or if you play a lot offline.

RAcaseal sort of got lost when ST was readjusting the stats. She has horrible ATP considering that she's an android, and her only strengths are DFP and HP. While its true she can take damage, she's not that good at giving out damage.

Feb 2, 2003, 03:31 PM
Best: RAmarl. Excellent ata, high max dfp, highest max evasion in the game, and level 20 techs. Good balance of offense and defense

Worst: RAcaseal. Barely higher than RAmarl atp, lower ata, lower evade, no magic at all. Her only good parts are her dfp and hp. Defensive only ranger

Feb 2, 2003, 03:40 PM
My main character is a RAmarl, Redria.

She is great, she hits a lot, and can use her higher level techs, when I'm helping a friend out she comes in handy.

Feb 2, 2003, 04:18 PM
Offline play: RAmarl
Online play: RAcast

Feb 2, 2003, 04:30 PM
Ramarl. Why? Decent with techniques.

Feb 2, 2003, 05:30 PM
I like the RAmars, now. Sure, they SUCK at challenge mode... But they're not NEAR as overpopulated as HUmars and HUnewearls. Their techs suck, even as simple support, but it's their ATA makes them. Grab a rifle or a handgun, learn some |33+ skillz, and you can pretty much garuntee the HUnters in your party that they won't get hit. Or get yer hands on some mechs. Sure, you won't do much damage per hit, but with a God/Battle, you'll decimate anything in a matter of seconds. And once again, you can garuntee that nothing will be able to hit you. While RAmar techs are COMPLETELY useless... They can cast Resta. And if you're with a party of all android or complete morons, you can give a craptastic D/S/J/Z. And Ryuker can help save some change. Also, one common thing overlooked about RAmars.. Get yourself a weapon with a good special ((i.e. a Hell Shot or something...)) and guess what? Your specials hit like mad. Of course, that's for online play. RAcasts are great online, too. Offline, RAmarls are great, and RAcaseals are the ULTIMATE tanks, online or offline.

Feb 2, 2003, 05:32 PM

Feb 2, 2003, 05:43 PM
RAmar used to be horrible, but is now a greatly improved RA. The RAcast would be my choice.

Feb 3, 2003, 01:45 AM
I was wondering if anyone can give some background experience with all the Rangers because i can't decide which one i want to pick. i'm not asking anyone to pick for me just tell me why you like that class. So far i'm kinda saying that RAmarl is a good choice.

Feb 3, 2003, 02:03 AM
I like my Ramarl. Being able to cast the same techs as my Hunewearl is a big plus even if I don't use attack techs, and Jellen/Zalure are not used as often. My Hunny's level 20 Shifta adds something like 350+ ATP (which is a percentage of your base ATP without weapon equipped) and I fully expect to get approx. the same kind of results when I get level 20 Shifta on my Ramarl.

As an example, she's at level 76 right now and she does around 261 dmg per hard attack with her rifle weapon. Throw in my level 14 shifta and her damage jumps to 330+. She would do even more if I bothered to cast Zalure.

Feb 3, 2003, 02:37 AM
I personally like the RAmarl. All stats are decent and EVP can get really high. LVL 20 techs are nice but only useful ones would be S/D and Z/J and resta and anti (all support yay!). HP is low those watch yourself when enemies come close.

But if you want to be unstoppable become a RAcast man. HP scores is off the hook and I think highest of all classes. You need good weapons with hit% though cuz ATA growth is kinda slow (well for me it was or that's how I feel). Back him up with S/D and he's a gatling machine from far range. Good online character.

Feb 3, 2003, 03:51 PM
Ramar and Ramarl, resta is key for offline.

Feb 3, 2003, 04:01 PM
Resta is also key to online, not because YOU get hit but because you often find yourself doing the healing while the resident Force tries to make like a Hunter.