View Full Version : Toys

Oct 27, 2008, 05:18 AM
Why is it toys suck today? Why do i always go into walmart and see things like "Space Hulk" or "Military wolverine" or whatever. Back when i was young, toys were awesome. There were so many different ones to get, particulary Xmen an Spiderman which i have about 80% of. But its dumb how the only thing they make now-a-dayz is the same thing over an over. The new hulk series has 5 hulks and 1 abomination. Thats gonna be fun to give to your kids right? I mean you can teach them math i guess, 5 hulks minus one abomination = suckage.
DOnt even get me started on all the stupid things there doing to xmen and spiderman, yeah im talking about the baby wolverine and iron man etc, i know its for babies but is that the best they can do? I guesso.

Oct 27, 2008, 06:27 AM
That's so true and also the reason why I only buy high-quality collectibles.

Oct 27, 2008, 08:31 AM
Your parents said the same thing about your toys. Its generational, and you will always have a preference for what you grew up with.

Oct 27, 2008, 09:15 AM
Yeah, because I definitely don't remember there being 6 or 7 versions of each Ninja Turtle when I was a kid.

Oct 27, 2008, 09:34 AM
Big fan of OG transformers here.
I was about 5-6 when I had them as a kid, and demolished/broke the majority of them.

The classic characters/favorites continue to be re-released in jp, and I've been re-collecting them for about the past 5 years now. I've likely invested over 2 grand back into my collection, but it doesn't really bother me. Small price to pay to have such a big part of my childhood back, that's something I can't really put a pricetag on.

And my wife is ok with them as long as I keep my collection in my office :)

Oct 27, 2008, 11:43 AM
The only reason I hated toys now is because I don't find them interesting no more. They were fun as a kid but, I grew...

Oct 27, 2008, 11:47 AM
Your parents said the same thing about your toys. Its generational, and you will always have a preference for what you grew up with.
dats wat I was gon' say. :(

My only complaint is how bendable the new Barbies are. AND THEY BROKE UP KEN AND BARBIE?! WTF.

Oct 27, 2008, 01:23 PM
I was big on the Ghostbusters and Lego toys, my brother was big in to GI Joe. Ya for a while Lego was terrible(bionicle anyone?) until recently they went back to having original sets like they did in the 70's though early 90's. Same with GI Joe when they had the 7" figures that were shitty, guess they weren't selling well and went back to the 3.5" figures.

Oct 27, 2008, 01:47 PM
Yeah, because I definitely don't remember there being 6 or 7 versions of each Ninja Turtle when I was a kid.

Especially at the end of the toy run. Cowboy Raph, Apollo 11 Don, Undercover Leo, Sumo Mickey. Hell let's not forget about all the B:TAS figs.

Also what do you expect them to make out of the Hulk movie? Doc Samson? Venom? Batman? None of them were in the movie. Thus making the toy line rather bland.

Oct 27, 2008, 04:43 PM
I only buy characters I like now.

Oct 27, 2008, 05:26 PM
Who need toys when you have Video Games? That's all I did when I was 5 :D That and my stuffed animals, some which I still have today P

Oct 27, 2008, 05:27 PM
Transformers. (:
I have Beast Wars.

Oct 28, 2008, 02:20 AM
The new Star Wars toys are cool (except those super-deformed ones :disapprove: ). Have you seen that $150 deluxe Millennium Falcon? Holy crap! The 20th Anniversary Optimus Prime that was out a year or so ago was badass. I'll agree that alot of the movie licensed stuff is generic garbage, but there are exceptions out there! Legos = consistently awesome.

edit: Of course, I just proved your point. No new cool toys. All retreads of old ideas.. hmm..

Oct 28, 2008, 03:43 AM
Pfft, toys.

...I never really got them when I was little. :< Mom was cheap. <_> 'Sides, we moved too much so I had nobody to play with most of the time.

My 'toy' was my library card and my imagination. You can do quite a lot with some books for inspiration, a back yard, stuff lying around the house, and the typical childhood lack of embarrassment. >D

Throw in the typical Asperger's 'I like this now and will like it to the exclusion of all else for a period ranging from 3 days to 5 years or more'...

I still have an overactive, if repetitive, imagination to this day. <_>

Who needs toys, gimme something to read or just leave me alone with my own mind. Maybe some paper and a pencil.

That said, last time I went to Toys R Us to look for a game I couldn't find elsewhere since they tend to be out of date in their inventory, while looking through the actual toys for the hell of it, none of it interested me, and I'm normally highly distractable by anything that seems amusing.

Oct 28, 2008, 02:24 PM
The 20th Anniversary Optimus Prime that was out a year or so ago was badass.

That is actually part of a line in jp called the "masterpiece" or MP collection. There's Ultra Magnus (white Prime variant), Megatron, Starscream (green and OG color variants - OG variant was actually a US walmart exclusive ;o), Skywarp and soon Thundercracker.

There's also a trailer that goes along with that Prime. There's a JP set that consists of both the MP Prime & Trailer, while I think the trailer still can be bought optionally.

Just proves that cool toys are being made still, you might just have to look overseas...

Oct 28, 2008, 02:39 PM
Most of the toys I used to own were either Lego bricks or car models...
Lots of car models. Then I got computer and I gave up on toys completely.

Most of those I had went to my family friends children.

Oct 28, 2008, 03:47 PM
Pfft, you never ourgrow Legos. ;o

Oct 28, 2008, 04:31 PM
I have to look on ebay nowadays to find what I want (recollecting the Jurassic Park toys). Stores no longer have them and what they do have is crap.

Except the Lego store. That place is always good.

Oct 28, 2008, 05:21 PM
I can see that the general consensus agrees with the following statement: LEGO bricks are timeless. I remember when I was little I never was much into specific action figures (which was a good thing for my parents considering I didn't care if they were from the 99 cent store) but I had a thing with clay. Let's just say that most of my action figures just served as skeletons for my "creativity."

Oct 28, 2008, 05:40 PM
Who need toys when you have Video Games? That's all I did when I was 5 :D That and my stuffed animals, some which I still have today P

We are of a like mind. Excpet for the stuffed animals. Maybe.

I played with action figures until I got my Genesis (that's Mega Drive for everybody else) with Sonic. I had most GI Joe and TMNT. Nowadays, the only figures I'll consider buying are the JPN-made PVC ones - can't exactly play with those, though.

Oct 29, 2008, 11:12 AM
That is actually part of a line in jp called the "masterpiece" or MP collection. There's Ultra Magnus (white Prime variant), Megatron, Starscream (green and OG color variants - OG variant was actually a US walmart exclusive ;o), Skywarp and soon Thundercracker.

There's also a trailer that goes along with that Prime. There's a JP set that consists of both the MP Prime & Trailer, while I think the trailer still can be bought optionally.

Just proves that cool toys are being made still, you might just have to look overseas...

Wasn't the trailer only a fan-made release? I'm not sure there was ever an official trailer. (I'm not a Transformers expert, but read enough Shortpacked! and you pick things up.)

Who need toys when you have Video Games? That's all I did when I was 5 :D That and my stuffed animals, some which I still have today P

See, while I clearly love video games to the point of fanatacism, playing with toys as a kid definitely offered a lot of things that games didn't. When I was playing with my Ninja Turtles or my Transformers, I would often be working imagination to a much greater extent (or at least in a different way) than I would while playing a videogame.

I'm not going to go and claim that games turn your brain to much, but you definitely shouldn't give up reading or creative hobbies in favor of only playing games. (Of course, I haven't read a book, written or drawn anything in months, so I'm coming out as a bit of a hypocrite.)

Oct 29, 2008, 11:44 AM
Wasn't the trailer only a fan-made release? I'm not sure there was ever an official trailer. (I'm not a Transformers expert, but read enough Shortpacked! and you pick things up.)

Trailer & Convoy pack (http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product.aspx?product=TAK10608&mode=retail)

And yeah, the standalone trailer was a optional fan made release. It was made of plastic, so it could be purchased for fairly cheap (like $40 USD), but it was actually crafted very nicely and could store the Alternators line of transformers inside of it. A friend picked one up, they're pretty nice.

I hear the official one is partially die-cast, but does not hold the Alternator cars (kinda a bummer). I've never actually seen it myself. But yeah, you were right. The standalone was fan-made.

Oct 29, 2008, 01:55 PM
Pfft, you never outgrow Legos. ;o

*whispering* Dammn, they're on to us...

Actually I still have two boxes of those somewhere around here...

Oct 29, 2008, 03:33 PM
See, while I clearly love video games to the point of fanatacism, playing with toys as a kid definitely offered a lot of things that games didn't. When I was playing with my Ninja Turtles or my Transformers, I would often be working imagination to a much greater extent (or at least in a different way) than I would while playing a videogame.

I'm not going to go and claim that games turn your brain to much, but you definitely shouldn't give up reading or creative hobbies in favor of only playing games. (Of course, I haven't read a book, written or drawn anything in months, so I'm coming out as a bit of a hypocrite.)

Now that you mention it, I still have an old train set that's been with my family for years, it's even older than me! Metal tracks that connect to together, and a switch that connects to it which controls it's speed. Actual electricity runs through parts of the tracks to make it move. Just watching it was an awesome sight. They don't sell those types of train sets anymore, and newer ones kind of suck.

This was best thing I grew up with aside from games. :)

Nov 2, 2008, 02:31 AM
Gosh when I was growing up I would play the TMNT Arcade (nes) game, then play with my Bebop and Rocksteady action figures and recreate the boss fights. Not sure if I was really using my imagination so much there? hehe

I had alot of fun setting up massive G.I. Joe wars that spanned my whole room and beyond. Did anyone else have an action figure that they thought of as themselves? You know, and you are the hero of the universe and stuff? Mine was the G.I. Joe "Lightfoot" because he looked the most like me.

Sadly, his crotch broke off after years of play. Just like real life.

Nov 2, 2008, 04:18 AM

Legos, Legos, Legos.

If you don't get your kid Legos... Parenting: You're doing it wrong.

Nov 2, 2008, 05:42 AM
It's all a matter of perspective.

I went into a toy store the other day to by a present for my 4 year old nephew and I was overwhelmed by just how boring and unimagineative thier stock was. Batman figures, Spiderman, Ironman ( and so and so forth with all the super heroes ), Powerangers, Actionman, Tanformers.

It wasn't untill I left the toy store ( empty handed since everything was for 5 year olds or older ) that I realised that back when I was a kid the only thing I ever played with were Transformers, J.I. Joe action figures and Lego.

The reason why Toys today seem boring is because you've outgrown them and todays toys are no longer aimed at you or your tastes.