View Full Version : What keeps you playing PSO?

Oct 27, 2008, 04:00 PM
PSO is a game where you go out and kill stuff. By doing so, you find better stuff that helps you...kill more stuff. And you kill more stuff, finding even better stuff to help you kill EVEN MORE STUFF in an endless circle of slaughter and self-improvement.

So, what keeps you coming back to this game for more? For me, it's in the challenge the game presents. Even after playing for a long time, the game still manages to be difficult enough to hold my interest. Also, the wide variety of weapons and fighting styles have kept me hooked. Sometimes I'll ascribe myself to just one of my weapons and do my best to take down an entire area using just that weapon.

And then there's the whole issue of me being addicted to finding little red boxes...heh heh heh...

So, yeah, what keeps you playing PSO? It's endured console changes and series advancement for this long, so it must be persevering somehow!

Oct 27, 2008, 04:14 PM
Well me personaly i fight my little brother over the red boxes lol... when ever one sees one it's always a race to it even if there are monsters around it. which is how i got my delsabers buster. there were 5 delsabers and the box was in the corner. he died lol. EVERYONE loves when they see a red box! but its the enjoyment that i get. even still i get my but kicked in the ruins on ult as well as the mines. PSO is just a challenge i think everyone likes. its a fun, addicting game.

Oct 27, 2008, 04:30 PM
Rare items.
Urge to use new items.
Urge to get to level 200.
Urge to find all weapons.
Fun factor.
Social aspect (BB and future GC).

Many other reasons I can't think of right now.

Oct 27, 2008, 04:32 PM
It's fun. :3

Fighter- I'd like to add that while seeing red boxes rocks, when hunting a particular rare for ages and you see one, you get this sinking feeling... "It's a PD, I know it is." :wacko:

Oct 27, 2008, 05:19 PM
And then there's the whole issue of me being addicted to finding little red boxes...heh heh heh...

Yes, those little boxes are addicting! :wacko:

Oct 27, 2008, 05:33 PM
Yes, those little boxes are addicting! :wacko:

Yea when you see them you get happy!:-o

Oct 27, 2008, 06:53 PM
It's kind of scary to think of how rare item crates can affect us like that. Maybe if they weren't just that perfect shade of red...

Oct 27, 2008, 06:57 PM
It's fun. :3

Fighter- I'd like to add that while seeing red boxes rocks, when hunting a particular rare for ages and you see one, you get this sinking feeling... "It's a PD, I know it is." :wacko:

yea true.. i'v had that feeling too

Oct 27, 2008, 06:58 PM
i think it's the redness? lol probly because everyone knows they might get a new rare

Oct 27, 2008, 07:11 PM
Hardly anything, which is why I barely play anymore. It's mostly that I've lost the addiction, but I still have a good time, so when I actually do have free time and I decide to play PSO, I normally play for a while.

Oct 27, 2008, 07:22 PM
I just started PSO again and I have to say the reason is that I like the unsettling feeling in my stomach that I get when I'm running through the story and I feel like something is going to jump out of the ground and pull me under with it.

Oct 27, 2008, 08:04 PM
All of you guys have really pathetic reasons, the real reason we play is because we thirst for Booma's blood and Kentucky fried rappies!

Oct 27, 2008, 08:13 PM
Lol funny. true too

Oct 27, 2008, 10:35 PM
Hunting (online with friends or solo)
Increasing my stats (leveling)
Raping PSO's monsters into a bloody pulp

Oct 27, 2008, 10:48 PM
Raping PSO's monsters into a bloody pulpDude we kill them and eat them, we don't have our ways with them!

Oct 27, 2008, 10:50 PM
Dude we kill them and eat them, we don't have our ways with them!

Only if you're not Pyramid Head.

Oct 28, 2008, 12:14 AM
Oooh, here's a great reason: Because It doesn't take up three fingers just to eight way run.

Oct 28, 2008, 06:26 AM
1. The fun of leveling up.
2. The fun of pummeling Boomas on Normal.
3. Sheer will-power.

Oct 28, 2008, 09:33 AM
trying to all the best weapons the game has to offer. seeing as some items are only available to 1 section ID or are only usable by certain classes multiple characters are needed for ultimate pwnage

Oct 28, 2008, 09:47 AM
It's fun seeing your characters grow from the start into worthy hunters/heroes. I personally enjoy playing Phantasy Star Online for the enjoyment of the gameplay and the hunting/aquiring rare items. And of course, leveling up.

Oct 28, 2008, 10:23 AM
I know that this is a bit off topic but...

I think that PSO is more of a rated-T game than PSU, mainly because of the blood.
But, on the other hand, PSU has no blood at all!

More little kids play PSU than PSO, i think (never played online...yet)

I think that SEGA made an error putting that rated-T symbol on PSU... they should have put an E:D(sorry if this offends anybody)

Ok, back to the topic, I play PSO because it is more... in- depth, in a way.
Plus, I like to raise MAGS!!

Oct 28, 2008, 10:42 AM
Mags are fun to raise...when I can get ahold of the stuff I need to feed them. Why must Sol Atomizers be so hard to come by in shops after a while?:(

PSO might be T for Teen, but I can honestly say the blood never bothered me. It's not exactly gratuitous or anything, and the puddles on the ground look so crappy by comparison to the blood effects you get out of other games. But, whatever, protect the children.

Machines should leave black puddles of oil in my opinion.

Oct 28, 2008, 03:00 PM
It's kind of scary to think of how rare item crates can affect us like that. Maybe if they weren't just that perfect shade of red...

If its only the shade of red that i'm attracted to, i'm a bull.

`Cuz i love me some red boxes.

Oct 28, 2008, 04:09 PM
I like to kill enemys, that's just about it, rares are just a bonus, the music another bonus, increasing my gameplay effectiveness is another bonus.

Oct 28, 2008, 04:19 PM
The music, aye the music. That is something I forgot to mention.

Oct 28, 2008, 08:34 PM
The thing that got me into PSO was the offline multiplayer. I bought the game, not knowing much about it, and sat down to play it. Not being familiar with the MMO style of gaming, I got frustrated when I couldn't beat the dragon on my first couple of tries. I mean, it goes against every classic game-- level, level, boss, next level, not level, level, boss, same two levels again! Went to school and told Hikara about it. He sat down next to me and played a Force, and the two of us learned to play one of our classically favorite games that summer.
But what *keeps* me playing is really the familiarity of it-- it's a nice, simple grind fest to take your mind off things. (Oh, and the rares-- just picked up a trigrinder and a digrinder in one run. :D)

Oct 28, 2008, 10:31 PM
For me it is the rare items and the multi-play offline with my friends,right we can do ULT caves only('cause I'm only at the caves STILL XD.)But still,even after beating DEL RA LIE,we can enjoy a trip down ULT mines and scream how much vol opt v2 SUKX.XD

Oct 29, 2008, 02:58 AM
i like to go through the stages a couple times to level up, its fun, especially when there are 4 people in the same stage at once, thats what keeps it alive for me.

Oct 29, 2008, 01:25 PM
I haven't played pso for cube for a while now (currently enjoying some RPGs on the 'RPG MACHINE' <<<<<guess which console lol, last gen, current gen is rip off). When I do play, I play just for the Reds. Oh, anyone ever done a rare hunt when tired? The amount of times I thought a rare dropped when it's just some enemies red blood, or the bright red dragon ball z style hair on my character, or just some red thing :D Oh, I also play 'cause I just love the Jungle area and the beach area of the CCA.....though if PLUS was released here I'd like it more :( I also love the music, specially the CCA, the Ruins, the Forest and the Mines<<<<<that last one makes me feel emotional for some reason. But the best thing about it is that even after months of not playing PSO, you just switch it on, load it up and away. So easy to pick up and play.

Nov 6, 2008, 12:47 AM
There are so many good things about this game to choose from but the reason i still play is it reminds of how my nextdoor neighbor spent 3-4 summers playin PSO all day and night. No he's moved away so now whenever I play it reminds me of all the fun we had. Not to mention those little red boxes.

Nov 6, 2008, 09:21 AM
the red boxes, those things are beyond addictive... hell when i see a red box even in a completely different game i still get excited

Nov 6, 2008, 12:03 PM
The dream of unsealing a Lame or SJS.

Nov 6, 2008, 04:25 PM
when you finally get that agito from pal rappy or any rare that you tried so hard for

Nov 9, 2008, 03:38 PM
You know...I dunno what it is.

When you look on the surface at what PSO is, it's hard to see why it's so addicting. But it is.

Maybe it's the feeling that you just have to do "one more run" to try and find that certain rare. Maybe it's the development of your characters, being able to see them go from complete weakling to an awesomely powerful monster hunter.

I dunno...there's just some hidden quality to it...something that adds more. I just can't quite put my finger on it though.

Nov 10, 2008, 12:32 PM
You know...I dunno what it is.

When you look on the surface at what PSO is, it's hard to see why it's so addicting. But it is.

Maybe it's the feeling that you just have to do "one more run" to try and find that certain rare. Maybe it's the development of your characters, being able to see them go from complete weakling to an awesomely powerful monster hunter.

I dunno...there's just some hidden quality to it...something that adds more. I just can't quite put my finger on it though.Let me help you:

What you're feeling is bloodlust. You see and feel the wet and warm blood of boomas, as it splatters across your frame. You see the blood stained saber... dripping with these juices you seem to enjoy to find coming off of it.

And when you lick that red ambrosia from your blade... you'll love it

Nov 10, 2008, 12:34 PM
Let me help you:

What you're feeling is bloodlust. You see and feel the wet and warm blood of boomas, as it splatters across your frame. You see the blood stained saber... dripping with these juices you seem to enjoy to find coming off of it.

And when you lick that red ambrosia from your blade... you'll love it

dude, thats evil (100 points if you can guess the reference)

Nov 10, 2008, 12:44 PM
dude, thats evilEvil? What are you talking about? Have you ever eaten a booma? God, they're delicious. :wacko:

Nov 10, 2008, 12:51 PM
Evil? What are you talking about? Have you ever eaten a booma? God, they're delicious. :wacko:

actually, they are quite nice on toast but i prefer rappy kebabs!

Nov 10, 2008, 12:59 PM
actually, they are quite nice on toast but i prefer rappy kebabs!Really! Well, you should try Kentucky Fried Rappies. Deep fried tastes so good.

Alright enough spam.

On Topic: What also keeps me playing PSO is killing those pathetic monsters in one combo (In Ult, smarty-pants). Makes you feel... invincible. :yes:

Nov 10, 2008, 01:13 PM
Really! Well, you should try Kentucky Fried Rappies. Deep fried tastes so good.

Alright enough spam.

On Topic: What also keeps me playing PSO is killing those pathetic monsters in one combo (In Ult, smarty-pants). Makes you feel... invincible. :yes:

mmm, deep fried rappy, sounds good. dont go near savage wolf haggis, i was ill for a week after that!

back on topic: other than the fact the game is grind-tastic the whole leveling up and beefing out your character so you can annihilate a room with a cough is very satisfying.

Nov 13, 2008, 02:28 PM
I've been gone a long time huh? The thing that keeps me going is getting to level 200. I wanna see my character be what I created him for to see the best ranger I could.

Nov 13, 2008, 03:08 PM
Well, my new incentive to play PSO is the fact some ppl released a PAL PSO V2 that connects directly to the private server.

Nov 14, 2008, 09:45 PM
Hmm... I'd have to agree with the whole "Urge to get to level 200" thing Alex said... I've has 3 characters before this one upto level 110-130... and my brothers used to ALWAYS corrupt my memory card... But, I live in a different house so I don't have to worry now. (So, after getting to 118, back to 1, then to 111, back to 1, and up to 126, back to 1, and finally, at the 125 I am now... I know I'm safe :D)

I the whole "cycle" idea first presented in this thread, totaly same for me... xD

And I just love the weapons and characters.

Nov 15, 2008, 12:16 AM
Well, I hate to burst your bubble (if your bubble hasn't been bursted yet) but add up all that exp you had before and...well, you'd be around lv 160. It only gets worse from there. Just don't kill yourself trying too hard. :P XD

Nov 15, 2008, 07:05 AM
Well, I hate to burst your bubble (if your bubble hasn't been bursted yet) but add up all that exp you had before and...well, you'd be around lv 160. It only gets worse from there. Just don't kill yourself trying too hard. :P XD
This is why L200 is not a goal on my list. I have far too many characters as it is, so they'll never see the level limit.

Even if I got them there, the game wouldn't be challenging anymore. I'd probably end up starting them over, but keeping their awesome stuff.

Nov 15, 2008, 09:09 AM
Well, I hate to burst your bubble (if your bubble hasn't been bursted yet) but add up all that exp you had before and...well, you'd be around lv 160. It only gets worse from there. Just don't kill yourself trying too hard. :P XD

You've gotta take into account though that all experience pre-VH Mines doesn't even even compares to the EXP you get from Ultimate, and the EXP you get from VH Mines/Ruins is still a ways off. I'm not saying it won't be long, but I am saying it won't be that long. If you were to replace, oh, let's say all the time spent in Normal through Very hard and switch it to Ultimate, the difference in EXP would be ridiculous.

Just to give you an example, the amount of experience gained by one normal Forest run is gained back and more by killing two Bartles.

Nov 16, 2008, 12:53 PM
Hahahaha! Wow never thought I'd see this thread on here.
I keep playing for the all out experiance and uniqueness the game has. Never have I come across a MMORPG (still to this day) or game for that fact that has what PSO has. Especialy Online. I consider it like the .Hack// of our world. Yes, that would be my over all comparison of the phantasy Star game titles from DC system on up.

I can't say one particular thing that drives me on to play it. It just does. The vibe and styles it has is certianly one of a kind. ^^

Also on a smaller note, it's a game that has brought back alote of good memories.

Ya I'm Damn passionate about the game even though I'm taking a break from it right now.

Its not just a game where "you kill stuff to get more stuff" to me.

That's all I have to say.

Nov 16, 2008, 02:49 PM
Well said Nega. :)

Nov 17, 2008, 02:36 PM
It's addicting. I plan to get my characters to 200 and get some awesome gear for all of them, and just..have fun. Seriously, I could know every spawn and quest, and yet it would never get old. I've yet to find another game that has hooked me so well. I've devoted so much time to this game, and there's still so much for me to learn and do.

So lemme re-write that.
Short term goals
Obtain the items that are on my hunt list. 3/5, I believe!
Play every quest.
Get better at cmode.
Get all my characters specially-made MAGS so I don't have to worry about them anymore.

Long term goals
Whatever goals of mine that don't turn out to be short term.

Nov 17, 2008, 06:32 PM
You've gotta take into account though that all experience pre-VH Mines doesn't even even compares to the EXP you get from Ultimate, and the EXP you get from VH Mines/Ruins is still a ways off. I'm not saying it won't be long, but I am saying it won't be that long. If you were to replace, oh, let's say all the time spent in Normal through Very hard and switch it to Ultimate, the difference in EXP would be ridiculous.

Just to give you an example, the amount of experience gained by one normal Forest run is gained back and more by killing two Bartles.

Didn't see this here. Yes I understand that, but regardless of the difference it still takes quite some time and before you know it, you might go bonkers. XD But seriously. The most time I spent offline on one character (my first, Rob a humar-go figure). I spent 156 levels offline, and didn't know how far off I would be to my (then-) goal of 200. It took me 3 months to get to 200 and that was through continuously spamming quests, and playing between 5 and 8 hours a day. Offline, I can't imagine doing now... I could do it, just would take what seems like forever in my biased eyes.

Nov 17, 2008, 07:04 PM
One of the few goals I've really had is getting to level 200. PSOX was the closest I ever got to that though... around 177 on my RAmar I believe.
Based on how much PSOBB I play nowadays it looks pretty unlikely I'll ever reach 200.

Nov 17, 2008, 11:52 PM
What keeps me playing still is the dream of acquiring those weapons whose drop rates are less than .5%

Nov 18, 2008, 08:50 PM
Besides whatever makes it so addicting in the first place, I now have the goal of completing a collection of card weapons, which will likely take me a hugely long time to do. It just adds that bit of thrill when you find one of those drops that adds to your collection.

Nov 19, 2008, 01:14 AM
Those accursed red boxes have kept me coming back to this game since V1 for the DC.

Nov 19, 2008, 09:41 AM
I play for the following reasons still

1) I still have more characters to level up. I may have gotten one character to 200 a few days ago but still have three more to go.
2) The fun of playing with people online
3) Quests, enough said.
4) Looking at those red boxes in the vain attempt to get better versions of my gear.
5) Its just fun.

Nov 20, 2008, 07:03 AM
I have an armor... (sorry I don't have it in front of me and it's 6am...) that I can't equip till like what... 151? I'm 146 I WILL USE IT DANG IT!

Nov 20, 2008, 11:16 AM
Aura Field probably, the requirement is 152 btw. ;)

Nov 20, 2008, 01:54 PM
Yep there it is. I wasn't sure so thank you. Right now i have the Standstill Shield, and Guard wave. With the aura field I'll be invincible like the black knight and I don't mean batman!

Nov 20, 2008, 03:40 PM
That's the dark knight. Lol

Nov 20, 2008, 04:09 PM
Invincible? lolololol

Nov 23, 2008, 08:54 PM
well you know what I mean. Much better! In VH I'll be invincible, as if I'm not now...

Nov 24, 2008, 01:02 PM
Puck 9

Nov 27, 2008, 05:04 PM
I come in and out of it. My brother recently bought PSU, which is OK I guess, but I miss the old PSO. I remembered about 5min ago that I had a profile on this website and used to go on the forums, man that was a long time ago.

RAcast Extremist
Nov 27, 2008, 11:58 PM
CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JK

The pursuit of all ranger weapons.

Nov 28, 2008, 05:22 AM
I had a RAcast named Chocolate once. Purplenum. Why did I get rid of him?

RAcast Extremist
Dec 2, 2008, 04:06 AM
I also like playing to see what each section ID get in each mode.

Dec 2, 2008, 11:52 PM
Item collection is a big one (I'm a bit OCD that way), but it also doubles as a good time waster while listening to podcasts.

Dec 4, 2008, 08:25 PM
What keeps me playing PSO is the challenge that it brings, not to mention all the weapons that are at your disposal. One of my favorites is Soul Eater (in fact, I think it's my only favorite. I've been using only that weapon for almost 7 months now, and I never get bored with how quickly I can take down hordes of enemies with it). Of course, probably the number one thing that keeps me playing this game is that every now and then a little red box will appear, and it's the excitement I have as to what it is. I guess I like the Double Saber, too...

Dec 8, 2008, 12:44 PM
The double sabers are really fricken cool

Dec 8, 2008, 02:58 PM

Dec 8, 2008, 03:57 PM
There's just something about those little red boxes that's just so... intriguing.

Dec 8, 2008, 04:13 PM
Red Boxes are more addicting than chips and dip. That's all I have to say about that.
/Forrest Gump

Dec 8, 2008, 04:30 PM
Red Boxes are more addicting than chips and dip. That's all I have to say about that.
/Forrest Gump

Ha ha ha! I like that one! I always knew they were addicting, but more than chips & dip? That's funny, and so, so true.

Dec 16, 2008, 02:12 AM
...nah... It's just fun ;)

Jan 1, 2009, 07:03 PM
things that keep me playing are

its online
toasting boomas
chopping up olga
its fun
killing people who underestimate me

but the most would probaly be hearing boomas rap,see signature to hear a booma rap

Jan 2, 2009, 03:00 AM
I cant STAND the single mission game play of PSU...

I mean I play PSU on and off...mostly off. But PSOBB has been installed on my PC over 2 years now.

I like it because I don't have to do Just one mission, as I progress, My character progresses to higher and higher missions, eventually exploring the world, and I can do all of this with MANY players. In PSU I get level 1-10 in the beginning missions maybe solo, I might do a story mission but once im 10-15 All I do is run the "Popular mission" over and over and over and over and over and over.......for 100+ levels. I honestly can't do that.

In PSO its Forest level 1-10 Cave level 10-20 Mines level 20-30 ya know, there is VARIETY! I love that, In PSU If i wanted to go do a Deregan run people would look at me funny and never join my groups...If i wanted to do a non popular mission De rolee fight or something people would probably never go to it, but in PSO there's always some one at any given level that I can go with do a mission at any point in the game I want to. this is why I think PSO is still a superior game to PSU, and honestly this is the ONLY thing I think pso has on PSU, and for me its the most important feature in a game, Variety, and a community willing to enjoy it.

Jan 2, 2009, 12:53 PM
I haven't played pso in ages, but I still think about it. What keeps me playing when I can be arsed is hoping to be able to boast that I got a Seled J-Sword on the non-Plus version of PSO as it didn't come out in the UK (damn you Sega :( ) for the 'Cube from the one big Bee (forgot the name) that appears in the Beach area of the CCA. Oh, anyone else ever get warmed up when playing the CCA, as that's another reason I play too. That beach looks so nice. Also, getting a photon drop from the enemy that has the uber rare I want, and just looking at it with utter disappointment and thinking 'if only.......'.

Jan 2, 2009, 02:06 PM
Guld Milla.

Jan 3, 2009, 12:46 AM
Rare items.
Urge to use new items.
Urge to get to level 200.
Urge to find all weapons.
Fun factor.
Social aspect (BB and future GC).

Many other reasons I can't think of right now.

What exactly are you referring to when you say "future GC" I really wanna go online but hell no with monthly fee's

As much as I love PSO, I feel more addicted to it rather than it being an amazing game. (considering how much I've played) I really enjoy the combat as opposed to most click and point MMORPG kind of games. But I really wish the combat and general progression was a little more fast pace and in your face. I think once we can an MMORPG that is really skill based not only number crunching then we will have something amazing. It's just frustrating moving at a jog, same three hit moves. But i do love the character creation general style of the game, mag system. There are just some flaws that keep this game from being epic in my opinion.

Jan 3, 2009, 01:15 AM

*mouth waters*

Jan 3, 2009, 04:14 PM
Trying to Get the Dam Heaven Punisher Then I can finally Retire Thats what's keeping me their mostly Other than that I have like Everything else 0/12 Hildetorrs for Heaven punisher *Crys*

Jan 3, 2009, 04:30 PM
You know you could find it on your first torr, right?

A good quest for finding torrs is "Forest of Sorrow." If you didn't know that already.

Jan 7, 2009, 12:52 PM
I heard someone found the sealed j sword on their first big bee (forgot the name) once. I think I read it somewhere on this site. I have near enough given up :( oh woe is me :(

Jan 7, 2009, 03:38 PM
It is possible...

I wish I could do that... :disapprove:

Jan 7, 2009, 04:44 PM
i wish i can still play pso but my original xbox broke. because it's old tired to get it repaird 3 times still... oh well.. i had almost all techer wepaons. like 8 psycho wands... lol all 8 rings including the red ring. LOL even tho i heard it was hacked? lol im like whatever. but yeah i wish i could still play if my xbox still works. im still at level 199 on my FOmarl. lol with alll level 30 technics and anti level 7 =)

Jan 8, 2009, 08:56 AM
It seems you almost got yourself maxed. :wacko: I yearn to be the Ultimate HUcast. I'll devour any souls that gets in my way.

Jan 8, 2009, 10:42 AM
Basically, I keep playing because I think the game is awesome :)

Great music, graphics, story and gameplay :)

Plus the ever elusive hunt for rare weapons keeps me chugging along every now and again!!

Jan 8, 2009, 02:14 PM
Well someone has to carry the torch and support the FOnewearls right?

I do miss being online though(GC community is dead at a *certain* place).

Jan 8, 2009, 05:16 PM
what keeps me playing PSO is probably mainly due to only have religiously played the DC version online & off. i just bought the GC version a few months back and theres so much more content that ive missed out + rares which keeps me playing now a days.

Jan 11, 2009, 10:39 PM
I play because .. I like it.

I will quit after I get my last 3 characters to level 200 with all the rares I need.

I already have a ton of rares. Heaven Punisher, I had a psycho wand but .. And seriously this is the stupidest thing I've ever done ... on any game.. I sold the wand because I thought I would never have a force, and here I made one. ( In fact sold all wands ) so therefore I have a ton of rare Guns and swords, and no wands/staffs/etc. Well, got something to do >.>
I only have 3 rare armors surprisingly. Luminous Field, Secret Gear, and Sacred Guard. Greenills don't get too much.

I also have Phantasy star universe but I just can't seem to get into it much, maybe someday.

For now, PSO FTW.

i wish i can still play pso but my original xbox broke. because it's old tired to get it repaird 3 times still... oh well.. i had almost all techer wepaons. like 8 psycho wands... lol all 8 rings including the red ring. LOL even tho i heard it was hacked? lol im like whatever. but yeah i wish i could still play if my xbox still works. im still at level 199 on my FOmarl. lol with alll level 30 technics and anti level 7 =)
*Senses major exaggeration*

Jan 19, 2009, 11:16 AM
Er, the pull was too strong to resist. I started doing GC offline non-plus pso sealed J sword runs again, 'cause I was bored, and 'cause I don't have a job (and to get my mind off the fact that I still live at home :( ). It's just as well that the sword is located in the beach area. Man, I love the Central Control Area. It's mostly the reason why I continue to play. The music, I love it. I'm sure I'm not the only one who stands around the level sometimes and thinks 'wow, I wish I lived here. So relaxing'. I mean, could you imagine if the sealed J-sword was located in either the caves or the temple area. I'd literally die of boredom (not that I don't like the levels....much, just too long).

Jan 19, 2009, 03:34 PM

Jan 26, 2009, 11:37 PM
I've tried to quit this PSO many times, but it just doesn't work! What keeps me playing? The challanges of each class, finding all weapons for a class, the wanting to reach 200, and the fact that no matter how many times I might play a mission, it always keeps its fun factor. (Minus "Value of Money")

Jan 27, 2009, 12:09 AM
Yeah, I was gonna say, you gonna cut out "Value of Money" on that one? Second easiest 300 Meseta I've ever earned... first was creating a character, har har har. The wanting to reach LV200 is what keeps me at this game, plus it's fun, it has tons of rares, and I have a "Wanted List" now of rare items I want (just the weapons, still have to go through the database to look for Armor/Shields and the sort). Only problem is, I can't see any pics on my computer, nor can I see what console they are for, so my list might never get completed... I have like 13 weapons, including are the SJS, Ancient Saber, and the most questionable one: Double Cannon, legitimately, and without the telepipe trick. Before you guys say anything, I know it's only going to take the next millenium to accomplish, but it'll be worth it... I'll probably be a small handful of people to have done it this way, hell, maybe even the ONLY one to do it this way. Wish me luck... I'm gonna definitely need it. Then, Partisan of Lightning....

Dark Hunter
Jan 27, 2009, 11:33 AM
I would definitely say hunting for weapons. And feeding mags. I also love the team element involved in it if you let it be so. Your character also has a sense of individuality in a bit. Theres just so much to the game. It’s all repetitive when it comes to levels, and what you’re actually doing in the end…but still, it’s a fun game. And really, that’s all that matters for me.

Jan 31, 2009, 02:43 AM
Friends irl that still play offline, and that ever elusive Sealed J-Sword hunt (though I hardly care enough to continue hunting it most of the time).

Feb 2, 2009, 07:05 AM
I'd be playing right now.......if I hadn't just moved into a freezing cold flat and the gamecube that is my brothers wasn't at my mum's :( I'm having some withdrawel symptoms. I have no money to buy a used 'cube and I need to do the sealed j sword hunt to keep me warm (seriously my flat is so cold I can see my breath, and the gas meter literally eats my money :( ). I even saw PSO Ver. 2 for the Dreamcast. I would have bought it.....if my universal remote was able to tune the T.V so I could play non-RGB cable games...and I had money....or an RGB aerial for my Dreamcast :( Oh well, looks like I'll be saving the pennies again for a used 'Cube.......after paying the gas, electric, water and T.V license bills. Oh it-to quote an american phrase-sucks living on your own. Less money lol. I know I'll play PSO again though. Oh woe is me! :( sniff :sob:

Feb 2, 2009, 09:28 PM
What DOESN'T keep me playing PSO? I absolutely adore this game, and hunting rare items will never get old! I don't even play online, and I've managed to get to level 157 with an immense collection of rare weapons and armor. Even after killing Olga Flow and Dark Falz in Ultimate, I'm still hooked. Whether I'm fooling around with glitches, slaying the demons of the Ruins, or replaying Central Dome Fire Swirl for the one hundredth time, PSO will always be my game. :)

Feb 3, 2009, 10:01 PM
What keeps me playing is my extreme desire to find all the SPECIAL WEAPONS and defeat the entire disc on Hard through Ultimate

Feb 4, 2009, 11:04 AM
I create stories for my characters. Yes, I kinda Role play my characters some. Especially Deidre. I set her up, she has a journal I write in, a very nice background. I might post it on the forum sometime, but I rarely have the time anymore.

Other than that, the quests, the weapons, the unknown, and nostalgia. I lived on this game in my teenage years.

Feb 5, 2009, 08:23 AM
Is version 2 on the dreamcast any good? I heard it is much easier to get a Sealed J-Sword on the Dreamcast version? If so, Ima gettin' it, then I can flick the Vs at all the ppl who say you have a better chance getting it online XD

P.S My brother let me borrow his gamecube so I could play PSO all day....but I had to let him borrow digital devil saga, but who cares? I get to play PSO all day and do endless Sealed J-Sword runs.....offline....not on the PLUS version which never came out here.....oh woe is still me :( oh well.

Feb 6, 2009, 05:39 AM
PSU keeps me playing PSO....
PSO is still my favorite Phantasy Star in the series *awaits copy of PSZ in mail*

Feb 6, 2009, 11:17 AM
I would have to say the grind keeps me going. I have this inane need to get the next level. Of course once I get to hard and those pretty red boxes start to appear, I get so warm inside.

Ooh....pretty red box. <pounce> :-P

Feb 13, 2009, 04:08 PM
i would have to say that its the rare weapons, mostly akikos frying pan, it kinda reminds me of conkers bad fur day, i think it would be amazing to beat dark falz upside the head with a giant frying pan *whap!* lmao

Feb 14, 2009, 03:08 AM
PSO where to start?

DC I was a goddess fame and fortune -met people on PSU who remebered me too haha-
GC -first time- More fun ended up rping forever became well known on the wedding Scene when they added the Chapel server's -left GC at like...lvl 27 lawl- I was the queen of daggers still
Xbox Played with friend woot split screen and 80 inch tv.\
PSU PS2. took my old name but new body. Played the new beast type got to 20 when that was the cap. Got to lvl 100 on story mode and said fsk this. PSU fails.
GC now. Seems offline is the only way to play. Which is fine for now sence i got up to 49 in the last week and im on Vhard.

I would have to say the grind keeps me going. I have this inane need to get the next level. Of course once I get to hard and those pretty red boxes start to appear, I get so warm inside.

Ooh....pretty red box. <pounce>

-Hands you a Rappy wing- My soul mate ^-^

Feb 14, 2009, 03:31 AM
I wish I had started playing PSO back in the Dreamcast days...
My first PSO experience was on Dreamcast, but I was simply borrowing it for one day playing V2 where I made a HUmar (lol who's first character WASN'T a HUmar? <_<)
I got to Caves and found a Sword and had a visual orgasm.
I told him I would buy the game AND his Dreamcast from him but he told me that it was in it's later days and the a new Gamecube version was coming out in a couple weeks. So I bought that shit release date and... well... my social status dropped out of site. :p

Long live Phantasy Star

Feb 15, 2009, 01:18 PM
The double sabers are really fricken cool

AYA! Despite my existance of stronger weps my DS still puts things in theyre place faster then anything else. ^-^
Dragon- doesnt get a chance to fly
Del Rol Le- dies on second boat crash *if i dont use foie while he is swimmign around*
Volt Opt- Losses his healer almost as soon as 2nd battle starts. he comes right after.
Dark Falz- wuss
Dragon- only flies once
Del Rol Le- same thing dies on second boat jump
Volt Opt once that second missle strike starts he is down.
Dark Falz- Thank god for 4 slots and resist Saint -_- still cant belive i killed that
Dragon- Same only 1 flight
Del Rol Le- 6 minuet fight.

Thats as far as ive gotten. so i guess i should say my Double Sabers TRUELY are what keep me playing
-that and i am in love with my Apsarsis Always have always will-

Feb 16, 2009, 07:13 AM
I'm thinking of deleting my Male Oran Ranger ('cause I have an Oran Hunewearl and she owns) and restartting with the female Android Ranger with a Skyly ID 'cause those bees on Ult are annoying on Sealed J Sword (offline :( .....woe is me) hunts. That should keep me busy. Getting kinda bored of the current ranger 'cause I chose the look where his face is always covered and I find his colour scheme and costumes boring (seriously his costumes look camp from the waist down :( ) Anyone think that's a good idea or a waste of time? Oh, gonna give all the stuff to my Racast 'cause he owns.

P.S Anyone only ever played offline like me and find they still enjoy the game? I just can't explain why I play after all these years (about 6 now). Then again, I was given some online-only items from a trade-by-post (risky but worth it) so it's still got some life in it yet.

EDIT: LOL section ID calculator ses if I name my Racaseal nagalot I'll get Skyly lmao
P.P.S To all you ppl not familiar with british slang, nag means you talk non-stop :D

P.P.P.S Oggy and the Cockroaches own.

Feb 17, 2009, 11:02 AM
-Hands you a Rappy wing- My soul mate ^-^

I mainly play rangers. Why use slicers when you can use shots :-P

As for my very first character I started with. Racast. :D

And yes, I had a Rappy Wing one time.

Feb 22, 2009, 02:57 AM
Mainly rares for me. And the fun of role-playing my characters. Im still longing for that 5th Anniversary Saber

Feb 22, 2009, 10:37 AM
I guess I have that "unfinished business" feeling. My goals are to reach level 200 and find a SJS (and of course unseal it). I'm currently at 196 (in no hurry, and I go out of my way NOT to fight bosses) and, well, who knows when the hunt for the SJS will end (10,000+ Gi Gue kills so far).

Feb 22, 2009, 12:33 PM
The grind. Got a new Skyly and just noticed Mil Lily has a 1/2 chance of droping Sange for them. ^-^ She is still a lowbie but will give my main a break. Maybe ill loan her my mag and weps too

Feb 22, 2009, 01:21 PM
Same here really. Even though the game does get repetitive at times, I find that when I get into the grove, I find that it's 6 in the morning. :etongue:

Feb 24, 2009, 10:42 AM
Sometimes I can't be bothered too. Once I enter 'PSO AUTO PILOT' mode though, I just get on with it. I managed to kill 130 Gi gue on an offline Sealed J Sword hunt once (original, not the Plus version....damn you Sega), each run taking 6-7 minutes. Didn't get it though :(

P.S My new Viridia Force is called I can do tech me, with no spaces in the name lol. I just typed it in hoping for Viridia and stuck with it.

Mar 15, 2009, 01:53 PM
I would say treasure hunting and leveling keeps me going. There's always a new weapon for me to find and I'm not even close to level 200 yet.(check my signature for my current level).

Mar 18, 2009, 03:18 AM
For me, It's gotta be the fact that I can finally play online with other people. Sure, I play on the small, free servers, but I've met a lot of cool people.

Mar 18, 2009, 06:34 AM
Music Disk 1 and 3 and maracas

Mar 18, 2009, 01:36 PM
Harassing JMan in the lobbies Hunting with friends Online.

Mar 18, 2009, 04:32 PM
Virtually everything about this game is what keeps me coming back to it, that and my love for RPG-style games. I'm more a "Strategy owns all" rather than "Skill owns all" type of player, but that's getting off topic. I also plan on starting a SJS hunt soon. My undying wish is to own all the rares I can get offline, reach LV200, and just toally own all who oppose me. That's why I've been playing this game for so long, and that's why I'll KEEP playing this game for years to come (though, GC won't see much action once I get BB).

Mar 18, 2009, 05:24 PM
Careful, BB will either steal your soul, or you'll dislike it.
At first I was skeptical when it first hit US release, but now I really enjoy it.
Even more so with a private server that has access to those JP items we never got in the US version >______>

Mar 18, 2009, 05:49 PM
Me? Dislike PSOBB? Highly unlikely. PSO has that perfect mix of strategy and skill for me, so I don't quite see myself disliking it anytime soon.

EDIT: Or were you talking about the SJS hunt? I just realized either of those could be the target of your post.

Mar 18, 2009, 06:12 PM
Me? Dislike PSOBB? Highly unlikely. PSO has that perfect mix of strategy and skill for me, so I don't quite see myself disliking it anytime soon.

EDIT: Or were you talking about the SJS hunt? I just realized either of those could be the target of your post.
Oh, well I was directing towards PSOBB, but as far as the SJS hunt, you'd probably go insane on GC.
On PSOBB, there's a decent amount of SJS' in circulation. However, if you want to find it on your own, it would still be easier on PSOBB seeing there's quests in the Towers that give you multiple Gi-Gue's.
Unless of course you have PSO+, where the Towers are offline for you...
Even so, it would be easier to hunt it online with a party.

Mar 18, 2009, 07:38 PM
i have a TSJ max grinded and it is very good but a black king bar is much better due to its multiple hits though TSJ easily has it beat with reach but unless you have a god battle TSJ is very slow

Mar 18, 2009, 08:36 PM
This is why there's various weapon types. They call for specific situations.
I wouldn't use a Black King Bar when there's 4, 5 enemies coming my way. I would use the TJS because I can hit multiple targets with it and keep them at bay with careful combos.
If I were to take on one enemy at a time due to them being scattered or what have you, sure, I'd use the Black King Bar.

Mar 18, 2009, 10:20 PM
Well, unfortunately for me, I have non-plus, and it's offline only...

Revolver Renegade
Mar 23, 2009, 08:35 PM
Because Sega made the game right, *cough*psu*cough* and its just amazing for its time and still addicting to this day. I dont have the scthack private server so I can only play offline but I play psu because its the next best thing

Mar 23, 2009, 08:56 PM
revolver......id edit out that private server bit right now if i were you.....thats agaisnt the rules.......

Mar 23, 2009, 10:41 PM
Yes, it's against the rules to say the names of private servers.

Mar 25, 2009, 02:11 PM
I grew up with the game in junior high and leveled my RAmar to 130. I went a few years without playing it until we needed a new game to play at my friends house. I brought over PSO for gamecube about a week ago and now the three of us are on hard mode and I am raising a FOmar and the euphoria of the game is coming back to me and my friends think it's sweet finally having a game that we all can work together on instead of killing each other like in other games. And yes Red boxes are amazing