View Full Version : WOW! how to level up your guy while you sleep at night

Feb 3, 2003, 02:09 PM
Heh this is hilarious, heres what you need. Oh also you kinda need to be a ranger or someone with a lower atp (this works with mages 2).

1. Controller with a button that can be made to turbo.

2. A pair of kings vulcans or any kind of exp stealing device that wont do a huge amount of damage.(vulcans work the best).

3. You need a mag or items that will max your base ata so you can hit things alot.

OK so your probably all wondering what kind of idiot I am posting such a zany topic right? Heh well heres what I do. Before I go to sleep at night I do the forest of sorrow quest until I get to the very end with the room that has like 8 hidelts. The trick is that you can get them stuck on that little out cropping of grass/rock right before the door. They will then charge at you but can get to you. Lure one to the door and as it turns around, because youve left the room, and just gets past the rock run into the room. The hidelt will turn around and get stuck. Then walk slowly till you target him and that stuipd mage isn't attacking. Then turn on the turbo, turn off the TV and go to bed. Basically you have these vulcans that add like 0 atp and a dex mag giving you max ata. You turn on the turbo and sit there watching as your man shoots them 3 times in a row for 75exp. Now my RaCast is level 105 and he has an atp of around 600 and he does roughly 0 - 1 damage to these punks. Lets say you sleep for 8 hours right? Thats 8 * 60 minutes * 60 seconds in a minute = 28,800 seconds in 8 hours. Divide that by 4 for each time you smack them with the guns = 7200 times. Multiply that by (75 + 50 /2 = 62.5exp). So your grand exp total is 7200 X 62.5 = a whopping 450,000 for exactly nothing. I know this works because I woke up yesterday and my guy had gained like 3 levels.

Anyways this was longer than I wanted but I hope it works for you to guys.

Malecite out.

Feb 3, 2003, 02:11 PM
LOL!!!! awesome idea

Ian D
Feb 3, 2003, 02:42 PM
I'll have to give that a try...

Feb 3, 2003, 02:47 PM
There's a better one that Alisha did.

Get to the room in Ruins 3 with 8 claws, or if you're lucky, first room of Ruins 1 with 8 claws. Use a turbo controller like stated above, and just let rip with a EXP stealing slicer.

Of course this method can really kill your GameCube.

Feb 3, 2003, 02:50 PM
LoL nice, imma go out and get me a turbocontrol and try it http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif.

Feb 3, 2003, 02:58 PM
Hey ya that ruins thing could work well to... The only problem I foresee is the fact that when you use a slicer you move forward right? So if you did that wouldn't you eventually move into the room? Im going to have to try and get my hands on a kings slicer and give this method a whirl. Heh as for killing my gamecube, hes a tough old bastard and if need be ill install a heat sink somehow...

Malecite out.

Feb 3, 2003, 03:35 PM
Doesn't this defeat the purpose of even playing PSO if your not going to level yourself?

Feb 3, 2003, 03:37 PM
On 2003-02-03 11:58, Malecite wrote:
Hey ya that ruins thing could work well to... The only problem I foresee is the fact that when you use a slicer you move forward right? So if you did that wouldn't you eventually move into the room?

This specific room has a small ramp that you move onto. When you're on the ramp, claws can't get to you at all. This leaves you free to steal EXP.

Feb 3, 2003, 03:43 PM
Ah cool well imma have to find it then Woot! As for your comment...

No it doesn't defeat the purpose of leveling as right now I want to playin the dam mine but I cant even scratch the robots. On top of that I really have school work to do and just haven't the bloody time. But if you dont like it just dont use it and spent time leveling I guess... No harm as far as I can see.

Feb 3, 2003, 06:22 PM
i had a method like that on final fantasy tactics. i let my ps1 run for 21 hours and came back with enough exp to get to level 99. it was a bit more complicated but its the same theory. just think if you could get 0 damage to level 150.

Feb 3, 2003, 06:44 PM
On 2003-02-03 12:35, LunarShadowX wrote:
Doesn't this defeat the purpose of even playing PSO if your not going to level yourself?


Feb 3, 2003, 07:06 PM
well then, thats their choice

Feb 3, 2003, 07:23 PM
That is a cool rick how much are turbo controllers?

Feb 3, 2003, 07:43 PM
Thanks for posting this, I had no idea that you could do it to the Hildelt room. The only ways I'd heard were to do it to a pan arms which is together, and also the Claw or Dimenian room in the Ruins, where they all get trapped.

-As well as that room, there is also the room which is shaped like an L, and has a gap around a small corner room. On the L part may spawn a belra, and a series of claws. If you kill the belra, you can stand there and continue hitting the claws because they can't cross that gap. (belra shoots arm across though)

In a different defense of the method, if you were corrupted for no good reason, and don't want to spend time doing things you've already done, it is well worth your while.

Feb 3, 2003, 08:08 PM
Your welcome, um actually when I do this its usually offline. The only problem im finding is now my atp is to high so im doing 1-2 dmg per hit. But I go like 17 free levels from this so Im not complaining. My Fonem I just made will be using the same tactic as the dex mag I made gives 94.5 ata. But it does work.

Feb 3, 2003, 08:14 PM
If your Dex is getting so high it's to the point it's doing like 1-2 pt damage, just take off any Dex raising equipment, including Mag to see if it holds out okay. Just a suggestion.

Feb 3, 2003, 09:34 PM
Good one! Haha, I've been looking for an excuse to buy a Turbo Controller..

I just MAY do this..

Feb 3, 2003, 11:02 PM
theres a problem with this trick on pso ep 1 and 2 and that is on ver2 for dc without s/d you did 0 dmg in the ruins but it just doesnt work that way anymore so you can only do this trick for so long

Feb 4, 2003, 08:22 AM
someone needs to find a way to get a pan arms stuck in a wall then have a turbo controller steal exp with a god hands all night.

that would rock, specially in multi mode with more exp.