View Full Version : Calming techniques.

Oct 28, 2008, 01:21 PM
Well, I don't know about you, but it's that time of month for me again.

The time where everything, even the slightest inconvenience, throws me into a violently uncontrollable rage at everyone and everything around me.

Generally I'm a lot more passive with my anger but lately I've just been monstrous. ):

I'm tired of breaking pencils and throwing unimportant blunt objects and slamming my fist on things and grinding my teeth together until they're ripped out of their roots, but I'm not sure what else there is that could calm me down. Even chocolate or taking deep breaths or other classic "cool yourself down" techniques aren't working. (For that matter, breaking things isn't either.)

So PSOW. How do you deal with it when you find yourself getting really angry?

Or if you're not that way, were you before, and what changed it? :\

I'd like to know. And maybe some other people out there.

Oct 28, 2008, 01:29 PM
Controlling your breathing is very important and helped keep me under control nearly everyday for a year sometime back.

I used the same basic technique done after a good amount of exercise. In through your nose, out through your mouth at a nice even pace.

Ignoring the BS that happens can be helpful to, try to remember getting involved is only going to make you worse than you were before on most cases.

Oct 28, 2008, 02:05 PM
When ever I'm angry I just go to my bed, let my head hang off the foot, and, after the blood has rushed to my head, I turn around and take a 10 minute nap. I rarely get to do this because for some reason very few things anger me; I mean sure I get annoyed a lot but never to the point that I want to break things. Everyone freaks out whenever I drive because I show absolutely no road rage.

Oct 28, 2008, 02:06 PM
1 - Isolate yourself from the causes of your anger.

2 - Find a physical activity to exert your energy (Running, going to the gym, etc)

3 - Blow shit up

This is what I usually use. Then again we probably know how well it works on me =o

But no really. I've been way more chilling lately except for a few family things, I'd certainly say solution 1 would get you far. Problem is, if the past is any indication, your family is a big cause of the problems. And unless if something has changed lately, if memory serves, you don't really have a car or any good way to get away...so...hm...

I guess I could add "move out", but thats a bit unrealistic >_>

Or "get a job", since it would get you out of the house, but that usually just causes more of a different kind of stress...

But really, I repeat myself, getting away from the people that anger you is great. But I'm practically built for solitude, it might drive other people crazy...

Oct 28, 2008, 02:12 PM
So; much rage! I can think of 2 ways to get a hold of yourself..
- work out in a positive way: excercise, do physical work, etc. with loud, fave music on if that helps.
- meditate: clear mind (ignore other thoughts & things you hear), focus on breathing, put your mind in/at a relaxing time/place.

G'luck! ;]

Oct 28, 2008, 02:13 PM
Isolating myself from the cause of my anger is a very good way to fix it, but more often than not there's nothing to isolate myself from. Or I'm in no position to do so, i.e. if I'm sitting in the car with my sister and she starts to anger me past my boiling point. It doesn't help that she's usually blasting some bad hip-hop song in the background so it's filling my ears...

Are there any mental techniques I can use? Any specific things that I could think about or something?
If anyone knows how to self-hypnotize I'd like that too (:

p.s. thanks guys

wtf dhy post ninja

Oct 28, 2008, 02:16 PM
Plan world's demise. That helps. Sometimes. I have like 1024 planned out...scary

Other methods include:

- Locking myself in room and throw a ball at furniture, swear etc.

- Play an RPG as bad guy and make NPC miserable.

- Play some sort of RTS that allows you a greatest chance at world-wide genocide.

- Listen to fast-paced music.

That's some of them. I usually go with first one though.

Oct 28, 2008, 02:40 PM
Isolating myself from the cause of my anger is a very good way to fix it, but more often than not there's nothing to isolate myself from. Or I'm in no position to do so, i.e. if I'm sitting in the car with my sister and she starts to anger me past my boiling point. It doesn't help that she's usually blasting some bad hip-hop song in the background so it's filling my ears...

Try getting an mp3 player with headphones and taking that with you when your in the car.

Listen to stuff you like, and it blocks out her bad mouth / music at the same time. Super relaxing (or at least anger deterring...)

Oct 28, 2008, 03:00 PM
man im not really sure how i do it, i get a lot of bull from a lot of random people hahaha
i mostly just release my anger right there, if someone trys to pick on a friend of mine ill beat them. if its directed to me, i dont really care so much.

well when im angry and theres absolutely nothing that i can do about it, like something goes wrong at a show or i cant do something aswell as i want to do it.
i usually lift weights and do something physical, i use to box for a while that was a great way to vent.

also i listen to a lot of upbeat ska dance music hahaha

Oct 28, 2008, 03:18 PM
I never experience stress or rage. :/ Most relaxed person I know.

I think if I did, I'd just take a walk or something.

Oct 28, 2008, 03:44 PM
Put a pillow to your face &scream.

Oct 28, 2008, 03:49 PM
Well, I don't know about you, but it's that time of month for me again.

The time where everything, even the slightest inconvenience, throws me into a violently uncontrollable rage at everyone and everything around me. Are you having your periods?

Oct 28, 2008, 03:55 PM


Brilliant Vanzazikon, please edit.

Oct 28, 2008, 04:02 PM

Oct 28, 2008, 04:23 PM
I listen to upbeat music when I'm sad or angry. Being angry usually makes me sad.

Oct 28, 2008, 04:27 PM
I tend to listen to calm music. Not depressive or angry. Normally instrumental. If that doesn't work, I go in my back yard and mess with my swords (although I recommend the former technique).

Oct 28, 2008, 05:39 PM
Are you having your periods?

No, I suffer from seasonal episodic dyscontrol.

Oct 28, 2008, 06:38 PM
No, I suffer from seasonal episodic dyscontrol.
If that's the case Just sit down in a chair and shine a 250watt(I think) light at the back of your knees for about an hour. I'm being serious.

Oct 28, 2008, 06:44 PM
Work out.

Oct 28, 2008, 08:16 PM
Working out is another good one, but since you're angry may I suggest some kind of boxing? Kick boxing?

I wish I could remember that one fighting style from Ong-Bok. The ran in place the whole time, it looks like you could release a lot of energy from that.

Oct 28, 2008, 09:18 PM
Controlling your breathing is very important and helped keep me under control nearly everyday for a year sometime back.

I used the same basic technique done after a good amount of exercise. In through your nose, out through your mouth at a nice even pace.

Ignoring the BS that happens can be helpful to, try to remember getting involved is only going to make you worse than you were before on most cases.

Yah, controlled breathing is one of the best things you can do. Though I always preferred in through nose, out through nose (but out through mouth is better during exercise).

Oct 28, 2008, 11:10 PM
Turn off any noise, be it the TV, radio or anything. turn off the lights. Close your eyes and control your breathing. This works best lying down but do it in a fashion that makes you feel the most comfortable. This is for you remember.

Continue to breathe calmly, in the nose, out the mouth do it with a steady pace. When you're ready start by breathing in hard for 5-10 seconds. When you breathe make sure that you breathe so your STOMACH increases, if you feel your chest (wrong word. Im sorry..), or shoulder rise you're not doing it correctly. Take your time and breathe slowly. After a few seconds breathe out slowly through your mouth. Pause. Then repeat. Continue this for as long as you wish to. If you feel dizzy or uncomfortable during the process return to your regular controlled breath until you slowly regain composre. This excercise may put you to sleep too so plan around it.

When you feel you are finished feel free to return to your controlled breath. Then SLOWLY get up (getting up too quickly causes an unease in your body after being in such a relaxed state for so long. its simualr to jumping out of a chair after sitting in it for long periods of time or sleeping)

This technique is pretty handy but i doubt it'll work if you are already fuming angry (ie boiled over), If thats the case just leave the room and do controlled breathing until you calm down enough to make effort to do the controlled deep breathing.

So i guess Stress Management wasn't that usless afterall :wacko:

Oct 28, 2008, 11:58 PM
Ask yourself why you're getting angry, and ask yourself if that magnitude is appropriate.

Oct 29, 2008, 12:48 AM
Although, I don't recommend it, cigarettes are awesome for easing yourself and handling stress.
I've quit smoking for 2 months though, so I pray I don't have deal with something of that sort or else it's back to smoking. :X

Oct 29, 2008, 02:06 AM
Cigarettes are also great for taking your mind off of all those little annoyances in life that seem worth getting worked up over at the time.... and instead replace it with a real problem worth getting worked up over. ED, Emphezema, and Cancer.

I smoke about a pack a day, and no end in sight yet.

Also, you could try to smoke two joints before you smoke two joints, and then smoke two more. (sorry, I heard Richard Cheese and now the song is stuck in my head). But it works none the less.

Might wanna look up some newbie Yoga/Meditation techniques. They might help, though a lot of it is probably just a cumulation of advice you've already gotten here - like time outs to clear your mind and control your breathing.

Oct 29, 2008, 11:05 AM
I like to think that I don't get too angry for the most part, so I don't have too much advice.

But I definitely have to chime in and suggest yoga. I took it for a semester back in college and I really can't stress how great it will make you feel.

(Just, in all seriousness... be prepared to pass gas. It's, uh, it's good at helping you do that.)

Oct 29, 2008, 11:19 AM
First off, releasing pent up emotion through physical exertion is a great method. I myself can't find anything better than a full force sparring session against someone your skill level, but you may find something that releases your energy better.

For something instant, yes, taking deep breaths, while relaxing your muscles, does help, but in the long run that energy needs to be released.

Another thing is to take your view to a third person seat. Can you trace the thought patterns of the person that made you angry? Maybe you might have done something similar without thinking about it. If you can see why someone did something, it'll make you less angry that they did it.

Oct 29, 2008, 11:31 AM
Play PSO!!! Juggernauting my way through the Forest on Normal always makes me feel better, or you could try crack. ^^; NONONONONONO :nono: Just kidding....!!!! [no crack] Hitting random stuff helps, too!

Oct 29, 2008, 11:37 AM
- sex/masturbation
- take a nap
- eat some good food you enjoy
- watch tv
- play psu
- do something productive like exercise or running errands

Nov 3, 2008, 11:19 AM
Breathing techniques are the best...I mean how cheap can you get...it involves air...
I like Dirgha pranayama (yogic three part breathing)

Hot baths are nice...I love spas with nice jacuzzis/steam room whatnot to get away&relax.
I wish we had one here like the one in Caesars Palace - its like a roman bath megaplex.

And then theres the old standby...chamomile tea...although I prefer mine spiked with Wild Turkey and Klonopin.

Nov 3, 2008, 11:44 AM
1) God of War
2) If no God of War is available/not doing it, a nice, long walk.
3) If 1 and 2 are not working, it's time pull out the Evil Overlord's List and enact my world takeover plot. Fortunately for all concerned, this has not happened yet.

I am rarely angry, but these seem to do it for me. Sometimes just plotting a world takeover can help too.