View Full Version : GC S-RED BLADES

Oct 31, 2008, 11:40 PM
Today I was discussing several aspects of pso with a friend of mine,when the topic of enemy weapons came we were confused about the s-red blades.We know it does shifta(right?)but does it affect just us or does it affect everyone inside a set range,we do have to 'attack' to get the bonus or is it that when we press the extra attack command,the character does as if he/she used a spell?I'd appreciate a reply as soon as any of you have the time,thank you and good night.

Nov 1, 2008, 12:11 AM
S-red Blades does Shifta and Deband at about Lv3-5.

Because it is at least Lv3, like a normal Shifta/Deband at that level, it would affect any players nearby and give them Shifta/Deband also.

Like Shifta and Deband, it has a set range. The range is relatively small since it is a low level. But since S-red Blades' Shifta and Deband are literally techniques still, the range could be extended by a Shifta merge or a Deband Merge or any weapon that can change the range.

You have to use the special attack button to be able to use the Shifta/Deband special. Make note that the special does not do damage when you "attack" the monster.