View Full Version : Stupid question about PSO's lobby system!

Nov 5, 2008, 09:10 PM
Sorry, tried to find this info on the net and just couldn't!

I'm trying to remember exactly how the server/lobby/game system broke down in PSO ep1&2 in terms of max player sizes.

How many servers were there? And there were 15 lobbies per server, right? Anyone remember the max player #s per lobby, or exactly how it worked out? (I guess the max player per server was just 15x the lobby max?)

Any help would be appreciated--thanks!

Nov 5, 2008, 09:26 PM
It is around 13-15 players before the lobby is considered full. I don't recall the max amount for lobbies 14 and 15 but I'm guessing they would be the same.

"Ships", there could be many of them.

Each ships contain multiple blocks.

Each block contains 15 lobbies yes.

Once a lobby is full, there is no way to enter it until someone goes away in said lobby.

Nov 5, 2008, 09:29 PM
It's pretty easy to have over 300 people on just one ship.

Nov 6, 2008, 10:38 AM
Ships > Blocks > Lobbys

On Sega at least, Lobbies capped at 15? and blocks capped at 100. On GC you could overflow the block capacity if you had someone's guild card that was in the "full" block, and then went to meet user. This loophole was fixed for blue burst