View Full Version : Meeting New People

Nov 10, 2008, 10:35 PM
Surely you've had at least one encounter with another human being before. :roll: So are you a natural when it comes to meeting new people, or do you just avoid it altogether?

Nov 10, 2008, 10:57 PM
Depends on the person. I personally don't like when people push themselves on you, I rather take things slow and get to know that person gradually. Otherwise, I'd normally keep to myself (I don't like a lot of drama in my life.)

Nov 10, 2008, 11:03 PM
People say I'm very sociable and friendly. I am, but I don't go out of my way to do it. I feel like I might be bothering someone if I open up to them right away, so I usually wait until they approach me. When they do, I'm like their best friend. I can also be that way as long as someone is around to make me feel comfortable. So, like... If I have friends at a party in real life, I'll be the life of the party; if I don't, I'll stand against the wall. :-P It's a bit different online though, and a lot of it has to do with my mood.

Nov 10, 2008, 11:05 PM
I'm pretty pro at it when it happens on its own, but I don't usually initiate things. Depends a lot on the person, though. If I can tell someone's a douche just from their body language and what not, I won't throw out very much conversational rope from them to grab onto.

Nov 10, 2008, 11:12 PM
I am very shy around outgoing people that I've just met.

Conversely, I am very outgoing around shy people that I've just met.

Nov 10, 2008, 11:13 PM
I am very shy around outgoing people that I've just met.

Conversely, I am very outgoing around shy people that I've just met.

So you're basically an introverted introvert?

Nov 10, 2008, 11:21 PM
Sure. I like it. I have a huge ego though.

Nov 10, 2008, 11:22 PM
So you're basically an introverted introvert?

I am consistently inconsistent.

Nov 10, 2008, 11:33 PM
I'm not so good at talking to new people. I stumble over words and have trouble looking people in the eye.

I'm told I'm a pretty good listener though, so that helps.

Nov 11, 2008, 12:39 AM
i made a rant at how much i hate first impressions >_>;. I like to meet new people, i just suck at leaving a good impression, so they have to want to get to know me,be patient with me, and just keep talking to me.

Nov 11, 2008, 01:08 AM
I don't like meeting new people, I typically keep to myself and don't say anything unless I have to, and when I do I keep it short and to the point. It takes awhile for me to warm up to a person.

Nov 11, 2008, 07:06 AM
At my last job (teacher's assistant) I frequently had to associate with people I barely knew, be they other students or staff members, and part of my job was to get new students involved in the various school activities being held... As well as speaking at open house events to try and lure in more new students.

It's pretty safe to say that I was relatively introverted until I started college. Up until that point, I was making an angsty existance amongst a bunch of complete morons in Mississippi, and not enjoying a bit of it. It's amazing what starting college and moving toward civilization can do for a person.

I guess the major contributing factors had to be that I was not only accomplishing something, but also amongst dozens of people who had the same general goal as I did. End result: More sociable than ever, and a surprising number of people were depressed when they found out I was graduating and, thusly, had to quit my work/study job at the school. Dammit. I miss my job.

Nov 11, 2008, 07:18 AM
Absolute opposite of outgoing in my case.

I just don't like to meet new people. Bad experiences when I was younger, plus most people were I live are plain bootlickers and backstabbers anyway.

Hell, recently I hardly talk to my parents, compared to year, two earlier.

Powder Keg
Nov 11, 2008, 07:31 AM
It's awkward for me unless the other person is at least somewhat talkative. I'm pretty good at starting conversations but people who always give one-word answers kinda bug me.

Nov 11, 2008, 07:36 AM
I think I bug some of my friends b/c if I'm tired I just say "Cool" or "Uh-huh".

Nov 11, 2008, 07:42 AM
I'm generally useless at initiating a conversation with someone I don't know, I'm better off if they start :lol:

I'm a good listener, but useless at carrying a conversation on my own. Part of it is because I'm extremely shy around people I don't know, which doesn't help.

Frankly, I'm something of a loner. I honestly don't have any offline friends who I'm not related to (friends in the sense of go places together and hangout and stuff), and although I wouldn't say I'm 100% satisfied with that, something about me prefers being alone to an extent and I can cope with it much much better than most people could.

It's the same with me, a lot of my real-life friends have moved away (most are either wasting themselves, or lived somewhere else). In University, I had a lot of friends, but they were all from the south of the country (except one, who moved there when he landed a dream job). As I hate using instant messenger programs, I've all but lost touch with them. Consequently, I do spend a lot of time alone, so people see me as somewhat of a hermit. To be honest though, I like it. I'd rather be sat here, doing what I want to do than being dragged down a local bar to get smashed every night- which is what a lot of my old friends thought was a good night out. As I don't drink usually, I used to hate going out with them.

The only real downside to being so shy and reserved is that I'm useless in a group situation as I tend to just stay quiet. I hate it, but it's just what I'm like.

Nov 11, 2008, 07:48 AM
I like to start random conversation's with freshmen.

Nov 11, 2008, 09:09 AM
I'm fairly introverted, making me a difficult person to get to know. I'm hardly as socially awkward as I was in grade school, but I don't usually go out of my way to meet new people. I'm friendly and polite. It just takes me a while to feel comfortable around people enough to open up about myself. My bf is helping me work on that.

Nov 11, 2008, 09:10 AM
I was terrible at it, but through forced social interaction in college, I'm actually pretty good at it now. It is by no means a natural ability though.

Nov 11, 2008, 10:50 AM
I'm a bit of an odd case. Being homeschooled from 6th~12th grade I wasn't forced to be around a lot of people, even though my mom said she'd take me to activities and groups and stuff for homeschooled kids, I just didn't want to go.

Frankly, I'm something of a loner. I honestly don't have any offline friends who I'm not related to (friends in the sense of go places together and hangout and stuff), and although I wouldn't say I'm 100% satisfied with that, something about me prefers being alone to an extent and I can cope with it much much better than most people could.

That said, I have an incredible amount of trouble conversing with people my age, but I can get along great with people significantly younger or older than me. I head over to my local mall at about 11AM~12PM between one and three times a week, and I have something of a conversational friendship with a lot of people that work there. They recognize my sister and I a lot and we talk and joke and sometimes even get free stuff out of it.

That, I can do. But walking up and talking to someone around my age or even conversing back with them if they start it? Not as good at that at all...for whatever reason...

Nitro Vordex
Nov 11, 2008, 11:34 AM
When I'm around people I don't know, like walking around school or going in a store, I always have a neutural look on my face. I won't show any emotion around people I don't want to talk to. I probably look a little threatening, or at least mad, but that's okay, it keeps me out of trouble.

Now, when I'm with friends, the guarded face falls. I'm the most outgoing person in the group. New people, I won't really talk to them unless they're friends with someone I know.

I could talk to random people, but out here, it's usually not in your best interest. Not the best kinds of people live out here. Besides, I prefer having a small group of friends.

It's odd though, I talk easily with adults more than I do people my own age. A lot of adults think I'm older than I really am. And of course, the kids think I'm younger. (E.G.: Most of my teachers ask if I'm a senior, and the freshmen/sophmores think I'm a freshman.) I like it, because then people don't know how old I really am. I had a police officer think I was older than 18. :lol:

Nov 11, 2008, 11:37 AM
i've never had a problem meeting new people... i've never really had a problem being "social." most of the time when i meet someone new, i end up getting into a deep, complex discussion covering topics all over the place; from beliefs, background, and all of this other shit... and this happens about once every few days. because of this, i've been able to make friends with some of the most interesting people, and many have even given me a little piece of insight on different subjects. conversation is an art, and i paint MANY-A-MASTERPIECE. it helps when you have a good sense of humor

Nov 11, 2008, 12:39 PM
I love meeting new peeps, but a few sips of booze always helps haha

Nov 11, 2008, 01:02 PM
Unless in a work setting i do not greet people. Even more so, i only talk to them if they're looking totally lost.

Elsewise, if they dont speak to me. I wont speak to them.

Nov 11, 2008, 01:19 PM
Depends on where and when I meet a new person. If it is just some random person who wants to chat out of the blue, I am kind of avoidant about it and only make small talk. If it is someone whom I am interested in being a friend of, I try to make conversation.

Nov 11, 2008, 01:41 PM
whats funnier is that now that most buildings are restaurants are going to non-smoking, when i step outside to smoke a cigarette, theres usually someone outside already that will just start talking, and you have 5 minutes to kill, so you end up talking as well. and now the "smoke break" has been another way of coming across new people because they are given designated spots of relaxation.

also, when you're with a group going out to eat, the non-smokers i am with feel as if they're being separated from the rest of the group because of some people going outside for "smoke breaks"... its like theres a rift growing between smokers and nonsmokers because of "no smoking policies," and it is the non-smokers that are suffering from the separation by missing out on the conversations outside. society is segregating people and making others feel as if they are being isolated from certain circles of people because of bureaucratic "health issues" with smokers in a restaurant, and it's breaking apart friendships in social centers due to lifestyle differences. sounds almost like LEGAL DISCRIMINATION, if you ask me.

Nov 11, 2008, 01:42 PM
I'm pretty shy, and slow to open up to people. If you're friends with me though, I won't shut up. <_<

Nov 11, 2008, 05:29 PM
I'm shy. :|

But when I get to know people I'm fun. ;D

Nov 11, 2008, 10:46 PM
I'm such a social being that I feel most awkward around shy people. It's odd talking and not getting much of anything in response.

Nov 12, 2008, 04:59 AM
I am actually very, very shy around people I've just met and it could take a while before I fully open up to some people ( and there are some people who I never open up to at all ). As such I don't usually make a very good first impression on most people.

For those people who are patient enough to put up with the intial awkward silence and the short but polite repsonces, well after a while these people tend to think that I am the coolest person in the world to hang out with. It also doesn't help that I live in the boondocks and I often not in a position to meet new people, especially ones who would share my interests.

Nov 12, 2008, 12:31 PM
I tend to see most people as adversaries waiting to happen. I have a bad track record in life; most people end up being douchebags and fucking me over one way or another down the line. Even the people I've known for years, have shared some pretty dark secrets with(and them with me), and had an on-going deep connection with, eventually they all pissed on me in some form and walked away.

So now I just end up seeing people as a chore; too much wasted energy, time and emotion in someone that most likely isn't going to be there when I really need them anyway. Quite the bother when you're giving 110% to people you finally feel worthy of calling 'friend', and then only ever getting 60% back when you need them for their support(but they sure do know who to call when they're in a bind; whether it's a shoulder to cry on or a small loan).

So yeah, I've been known for being an open book, quite a nice guy who can get along with pretty much anyone. But in the end, most people are douchebags and fuck away a good thing; so I've reserved myself to not bothering anymore.

I don't sweat about it, infact I kind of prefer it now. Atleast when you're alone, you know you're actually alone and don't have to worry about someone else. Whereas if you've got friends, in my case anyway, I'd worry about when they were going to twaddle off and leave me swinging in the breeze when I needed them.

Meeting new people, meh; I find most often I have to restrain myself and who I am around most people. Whats the point in that? It's like putting on a mask for a while, and then little by little you have to take it off. I figure if someone's not gonna like me, they might aswell realise it at the off-set so we can get all the bullshit out of the way and save everyone alot of hassle.

"Abdur's what? WHAT?!"

In the end it depends what kinds of vibes the other person is giving anyway. If they seem cool enough, I can open up abit; if they come across as someone I'd rather not get to know; I'll just keep to myself and leave it at that.

Nov 12, 2008, 06:47 PM
I love meeting people and having acquaintences. I enjoy being on good terms with a lot of people, and I make an effort to smile at everyone I make eye contact with and be friendly toward people I don't know.

I dislike having too many close friends, though. In person, currently, I really don't know anyone who I can get very close to. There was only one person ever, and I had to cut things off with her in the end.

It's odd, though. I seem to have a VERY difficult time keeping the "acquaintence" status with people. I can tell you right now I'm pretty impulsive and not always the most honest person, but I seem to give off some air that I'm really trustworthy and easy to get close to. And so that happens. People try and get close to me. Always all the time. From closeness comes intimance, and eventually I get in a pretty uncomfortable situation, because I really never return any kind of feeling for the other person in a romantic way. I love a lot of people in the platonic-friendship love sort of way, but it seems it's pretty easy to misinterpret that kind of feeling with me.

Kinda went off there. Anyway, the point is, I like meeting people. I just don't like getting really close to everyone I meet.

Nov 12, 2008, 07:16 PM
I tend to see most people as adversaries waiting to happen. I have a bad track record in life; most people end up being douchebags and fucking me over one way or another down the line. Even the people I've known for years, have shared some pretty dark secrets with(and them with me), and had an on-going deep connection with, eventually they all pissed on me in some form and walked away.

So now I just end up seeing people as a chore; too much wasted energy, time and emotion in someone that most likely isn't going to be there when I really need them anyway. Quite the bother when you're giving 110% to people you finally feel worthy of calling 'friend', and then only ever getting 60% back when you need them for their support(but they sure do know who to call when they're in a bind; whether it's a shoulder to cry on or a small loan).

Yuck. I can relate to this bit quite a lot I'm afraid (all the way from grade school to the present)

Nov 12, 2008, 08:32 PM
I'm usually the ice breaker, like when you start a new class or something and there are a bunch of people sitting at a table too shy to say anything. I'll be "that guy" who has to start the conversation by saying something like "So.. how 'bout them knicks ?"

I'm also dreadfully charming and modest, so everybody loves me.

Nov 13, 2008, 04:54 AM
I tend to see most people as adversaries waiting to happen. I have a bad track record in life; most people end up being douchebags and fucking me over one way or another down the line. Even the people I've known for years, have shared some pretty dark secrets with(and them with me), and had an on-going deep connection with, eventually they all pissed on me in some form and walked away.

So now I just end up seeing people as a chore; too much wasted energy, time and emotion in someone that most likely isn't going to be there when I really need them anyway. Quite the bother when you're giving 110% to people you finally feel worthy of calling 'friend', and then only ever getting 60% back when you need them for their support(but they sure do know who to call when they're in a bind; whether it's a shoulder to cry on or a small loan).

So yeah, I've been known for being an open book, quite a nice guy who can get along with pretty much anyone. But in the end, most people are douchebags and fuck away a good thing; so I've reserved myself to not bothering anymore.

I don't sweat about it, infact I kind of prefer it now. Atleast when you're alone, you know you're actually alone and don't have to worry about someone else. Whereas if you've got friends, in my case anyway, I'd worry about when they were going to twaddle off and leave me swinging in the breeze when I needed them.

Meeting new people, meh; I find most often I have to restrain myself and who I am around most people. Whats the point in that? It's like putting on a mask for a while, and then little by little you have to take it off. I figure if someone's not gonna like me, they might aswell realise it at the off-set so we can get all the bullshit out of the way and save everyone alot of hassle.

"Abdur's what? WHAT?!"

In the end it depends what kinds of vibes the other person is giving anyway. If they seem cool enough, I can open up abit; if they come across as someone I'd rather not get to know; I'll just keep to myself and leave it at that.

*shutters* pretty much my feelings exactly. except online then not so much. but yeah real life i stay by myself and try to avoid any kid of social interaction simply for the fact that i have been dicked over so many times by "friends" and yet the funny thing is most people frown apon that kind of lifestyle. i would much rather have this then what most people have.

Nov 13, 2008, 06:04 AM
I've never had a problem with meeting new people since I have a natural hype to myself. If your shy or your out going doesn't make much of a difference to me since meetin new people is something I do for most of my life.

There are times where I dont bother since I can't be bothered or I dont see the point. I tend to help the shy by telling jokes that aint funny. Normally it gets them started. Most of the people I meet move away or cut commuunication with me eventually and only phone or meet up if they need something. This is probably the reason why I'm alone everywhere I go out.

But I do get times where the friends I do have start claming I'm some sort of womaniser beause 8/10 of my contact list are females(Most of em are inactive anyway most of the time anyway).

Nov 13, 2008, 08:45 AM
I like many of those who lurk on the internets is very shy. I dont have any problems meeting new people but it has to be at a party or work or the like, Hell, I dont even talk to anyone in class. But when I TRY to be social and go to a party or club i end up meeting alot of men.... 90% of the people i know are men... all, men...and its annoying... so annoying... friggen sausage fest >_<