View Full Version : Xbox 360 (Possibly) Interested in a group/clan...

Dark Emerald EXE
Nov 16, 2008, 02:53 PM
I'm not sure if this is the right thread
if its the wrong i apoligize
I'll appreciate it if a Mod could send it to the right one

But like my title suggest im kinda interested in joining one

Here are my guidelines:
No completely serious group/clans-Basically saying i dont want to be part of a clan where I can ONLY play with those in the group. Or along the lines of being forced to do somethin when i want to do something else.(Its just a game) XD

Just to have fun- I want to be in a group/clan where im havign fun when im playing with the group members. There can be serious moments but 95% i would hope its fun.

Close to my age- I'm 19 so i would hope the people in the group are somewhere between 17+ I dont wanna be the oldest person in the group while everyone else is 12 or somethin :P

Please tell my about your group,what its about, and your goal of it.
I'd prefer you write it here. So once i get a repsonse from you please send me a message on my gamertag: jaye3rd89

Nov 18, 2008, 07:40 PM
Sadly enough i feel your request has fallen upon deaf ears and blind eyes. Mine recently suffered the same sad fate.

However if you just want someone to run with send me a message.
gamertag: Sikotic demon