View Full Version : 75 Comics being made into movies

Nov 17, 2008, 04:37 PM
I randomly stumbled across this today. Its a list of 75 comic book/graphic novels that will be turned into feature length live-action films in the near future. Some of their choices are...interesting to infuriating. I thought Akira sucked hard, but I raged a little when I saw it on this list.

75 comics being made into films (http://denofgeek.com/movies/147293/75_comics_being_made_into_films.html)

Nov 17, 2008, 04:45 PM
Some of those sound just awful. :disapprove: I'm most curious about Wonder Woman though. They need to make a good movie for a classic female super hero because most of the ones they've made have been upright abominations (i.e. Cat Woman and Elektra). I read an article on Yahoo! that discounted the rumors that it's being made though...

Nov 17, 2008, 05:17 PM
Some of those sound just awful. :disapprove: I'm most curious about Wonder Woman though. They need to make a good movie for a classic female super hero because most of the ones they've made have been upright abominations (i.e. Cat Woman and Elektra). I read an article on Yahoo! that discounted the rumors that it's being made though...

Couldn't they choose somebody better than Wonder Woman, then? She's just so... pointless.

I mean, hey, it's neat that a lot of comics are being turned into movies, but most of them will never happen (just because something is in some form of production doesn't mean it's going to happen) and then most of films that do happen will end up sucking.

(That being said, I'm still going to see Watchmen - I'm hoping for the best but expecting the worst.)

Nov 17, 2008, 05:22 PM
Couldn't they choose somebody better than Wonder Woman, then? She's just so... pointless.Well, I can think of countless others that I like better, but they all seem like supporting characters (Emma Frost, Black Cat, Poison Ivy, etc.). :/ Can you think of any Marvel Universe women that could handle a whole movie about them?

Nov 17, 2008, 07:23 PM
If they can't make a good movie based on Watchmen, one of the greatest comics ever, they should just can a ton of these before they even start then =S

(Also hoping for the best but expecting the worst).

Odd to see quite a few anime movies on there. Never quite understood Hollywood making movies based on Japanese comics and vice versa. Personally, seems a little intrusive to me, but eh.

Nov 17, 2008, 07:38 PM
Some of those sound just awful. :disapprove: I'm most curious about Wonder Woman though.Listen to yourself...

Nov 17, 2008, 07:45 PM
Watering down the market... it's to be expected though.

I hope Akira turns out well.

Nov 17, 2008, 07:59 PM
High hopes for Iron Man 2, Spider Man 4, and Superman: Man of Steel, among a few others.

Half of those I've never even heard of though.

Nov 17, 2008, 08:33 PM
You can also technically count The Looking Glass Wars, since there's a comic book called Hatter M, which is about Hatter Madigan's search for Alyss in part 2 of the novel.

Nov 17, 2008, 08:39 PM
Also, they need to put Shocker and Carnage in Spider Man 4. Please?

Nitro Vordex
Nov 17, 2008, 08:39 PM
Ramayan 3392 A.D. (2011)

I read that as Rayman. :disapprove:

Nov 17, 2008, 08:53 PM
For some reason I really can't see Ghost in the Shell turning out well. It'll be made for mass market appeal, and since GitS is more of a high-brow anime mixing philisophical concepts with a political police thriller I can see it really turning out more like a Matrix 4 rather than anything resembling Ghost in the Shell.

Section 9 will probably be based in New York.

Nov 17, 2008, 09:01 PM
I thought the same thing about Ghost in the Shell, Sinue.

Nov 17, 2008, 09:12 PM
Some of those just make me ask why. I mean, Namor? Really? Well, considering what I've seen of the DBZ live action thing they're working on, I suppose none of those will really surprise me with their craptacularness.

Nov 18, 2008, 12:29 AM
Checkit, I found a preview trailer for the Akira remake.


Nov 18, 2008, 02:01 AM
Waiting very impatiently for Battle Angel... -_-

No Aquaman?

Nov 18, 2008, 08:58 AM
Red Sonja's been done already. In 1985 with the very first appearance of Brigitte Nielsen. As well as Arnold in it. Directed by Richard Fleischer who aldid such classics like Soylent Green (the movie, not the crappy band) and Conan the Destroyer.

I own the dvd. I liked it. A remake is going to suck horribly sfter seeing the current Sonja. Rose McGowan is playing her. She was in some of the worst shows I have seen, such as Charmed and directed by Douglas Aarniokoski. That should say it all.

Leave the remake in the garbage of the cutting room.

Edit- Spiderman 4- WHYYYYYYYYY??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! Didn't they learn from the massive pieces of crap called Spiderman 1-3? ESPECIALLY 3?!

Nov 18, 2008, 09:57 AM
lmao @ that Akira vid.

Wat!? I can't believe that some of those movies are getting the greenlight and won't believe it intill I see the commercials on TV. Steven Spielberg is so gonna fuck up GiTS but on a speculative side, who do you guys think can play the role of Mokoto? Nobody in Hollywood fits the bill imo.

Even more wtf is the amount of animu for Hollywood. I can see Ninja Scroll working out if it's done like 300 or watchmen since it's story its pretty simplistic.

Edit- Spiderman 4- WHYYYYYYYYY??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! Didn't they learn from the massive pieces of crap called Spiderman 1-3? ESPECIALLY 3?!


Nov 18, 2008, 10:49 AM
I was livid when I found out that the rights for a live-action GITS were sold.

Nov 18, 2008, 10:50 AM
Some didn't surprise me, some did (DR. STRANGE! GREEN LANTERN! WHOO!). I'll believe them when I see trailers for them, though.

Nov 18, 2008, 10:53 AM
See, the very fact that Watchmen is such a nuanced and thought-provoking graphic novel is what makes me worry that they'll have a tough time turning it into a good movie. When a story is done very well in one medium, that makes it even harder for it to be re-imagined in a different medium.

I know it's somewhat of a tangent, but I'm kind of looking forward to the whole Avengers-verse series of movies that Marvel is working on. My understanding is that Captain America is going to be a period piece - it'll deal with Cap taking on the Nazis in World War II. At the very end of it, he'll get frozen. Not long after that, The Avengers movie will come out and have Tony Stark & crew (all the other Avengers having been introduced by their earlier films) discovering him and forming the Avengers.

I haven't seen the Hulk, but my understanding is that there are additional SHIELD and Avengers references in it that only add to the mythos started by Iron Man.

Apparently the director said that he gave the Hulk an ambiguous ending because if they didn't have a sequel, he figured they could just say that the Bruce Banner loses his cool at the end of the film and that could be the reason the Avengers form in the later movie. Good idea, if you ask me.

Nov 18, 2008, 02:30 PM
Couldn't they choose somebody better than Wonder Woman, then?
(That being said, I'm still going to see Watchmen - I'm hoping for the best but expecting the worst.)

Bah! All the trailers so far look great. Only thing I am worried about is how the changed ending will work.

Also, they need to put Shocker and Carnage in Spider Man 4. Please?

NO MORE FUCKING SYMBIOTES! One of the problems with comics in the 90's.

Some of those just make me ask why. I mean, Namor?

Namor is a buffet of manliness. So bite your tongue.

Edit- Spiderman 4- WHYYYYYYYYY??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! Didn't they learn from the massive pieces of crap called Spiderman 1-3? ESPECIALLY 3?!

1-2 were far from crap. On top of that it is one of the best grossing trilogy EVER.

I haven't seen the Hulk, but my understanding is that there are additional SHIELD and Avengers references in it that only add to the mythos started by Iron Man.

There were a shit ton of references to the Marvel Universe in general. Including RDJ as Iron Man being in the Hulk film.

Nov 18, 2008, 03:57 PM
Also, they need to put Shocker and Carnage in Spider Man 4. Please?

I would prefer it if they concentrated on 1 main villain for Spider Man 4. I think they spread themselves to thin in the 3rd film and noone ( well with the exception Harry Osbourne who had the benefit of a slow build up over the 2 first films ) got any proper character development.

Nov 18, 2008, 05:02 PM
Bah! All the trailers so far look great. Only thing I am worried about is how the changed ending will work.

Wait, what? I didn't know they were changing the ending. What are they planning on doing?

There were a shit ton of references to the Marvel Universe in general. Including RDJ as Iron Man being in the Hulk film.

Yeah, I heard about Robert Downey Jr. and saw him in all the commercials. (TANGENT - Has any actor or actress appeared as the same character in two different new or current movies playing at the same time in theaters before? I feel like that must be a first.)

Also, apparently you can see Cap frozen in some ice in the DVD version? I saw the screen cap, but it's pretty hard to make out.

Nov 18, 2008, 06:03 PM
Wait, what? I didn't know they were changing the ending. What are they planning on doing?

It will still hold the same "Destroy part of the world to unify it" message. Just something about Ozy framing Manhattan by nuking most of the world's major cities. No more squid.

Also, apparently you can see Cap frozen in some ice in the DVD version? I saw the screen cap, but it's pretty hard to make out.

Very hard to make it out.

Nov 19, 2008, 09:32 AM
I would prefer it if they concentrated on 1 main villain for Spider Man 4. I think they spread themselves to thin in the 3rd film and noone ( well with the exception Harry Osbourne who had the benefit of a slow build up over the 2 first films ) got any proper character development.


You mean Harry being all I HAT U SPIDER MAN U KIL MAH FADER. Then the butler is all like lolz ur emo and then he's like ur rite and joins spidey in the fight against terrorism and radical muslim extremists?

The quality of the movie dropped from 1 to 2 and from to 2 to 3 it was just abysmal.

Nov 19, 2008, 12:02 PM
See, the very fact that Watchmen is such a nuanced and thought-provoking graphic novel is what makes me worry that they'll have a tough time turning it into a good movie. When a story is done very well in one medium, that makes it even harder for it to be re-imagined in a different medium.

Oddly enough, I remember reading an article on Empireonline a few weeks ago ( for those that don't don't know Epire is a film magazine in the UK ) called "Who Will Watch the Watchmen" that addressed similar concerns. By now, alot of casual cinema goers have seen the Watchmen trailor and they are probably thinking this film looks like it will be awesome and that it will be another one of those typical Summer action movies, but in reality the Watchmen graphic novel didn't really have all that much action in it. As you said, it's more nuanced and thought provoking, if anything the pace is going to be more like Seven or Zodiac as opposed to 300. Bearing this in mind, will the typical cinema goer be impressed by the film version of Watchmen or will it be too deep for them ( they go in expecting a mindless action movie and instead get gloriffied indie flick ). In this regard Watchmen is a very risky comic/graphic novel to dapat to film, there is no guarantee that the final product will please casual cinema goers or any guarante that it will please fans of the graphic novel.

I know it's somewhat of a tangent, but I'm kind of looking forward to the whole Avengers-verse series of movies that Marvel is working on. My understanding is that Captain America is going to be a period piece - it'll deal with Cap taking on the Nazis in World War II. At the very end of it, he'll get frozen. Not long after that, The Avengers movie will come out and have Tony Stark & crew (all the other Avengers having been introduced by their earlier films) discovering him and forming the Avengers.

As a big comic book fan I am also looking forward to the upcoming Avengers movie although I have no expectations at all from it, my interst is merely that of scientific curuiosity at the moment. As far as I am concerned it is going to suck. There's an expression about too many cooks in the kitchen and with a team book with this many heavy hitters there is always the potential that character development will be unbalanced or that the plot will be un-focused.

I haven't seen the Hulk, but my understanding is that there are additional SHIELD and Avengers references in it that only add to the mythos started by Iron Man.

Apparently the director said that he gave the Hulk an ambiguous ending because if they didn't have a sequel, he figured they could just say that the Bruce Banner loses his cool at the end of the film and that could be the reason the Avengers form in the later movie. Good idea, if you ask me.

Incredible Hulk was another movie that I had no expectations from and I found that I actually enjoyed it alot since I wasn't exepecting anything from it. Alot of Stark tech references in the film as well as having RDJ showing up at the end for a cameo. Alot of Shield references also. I saw the film in the theatre as well as on dvd and I don't remember seeing Captain America anywhere although they do make a few references towards him and the Super soldier program ( apparently Banner was working on a version of the formulae although he did not realise it, that's how he becomes the Hulk ). Now that Marvel is making it's own movies we are going to see alot more refernces to the rest of the Marvel Universe in general.

Nov 19, 2008, 02:02 PM
Lookin forward to Thulsa Doom, Magneto Origins, GitS, and Akira.

Nov 19, 2008, 02:07 PM
I don't remember seeing Captain America anywhere although they do make a few references towards him and the Super soldier program

He only shows up in the DvD version.


Now that Marvel is making it's own movies we are going to see alot more refernces to the rest of the Marvel Universe in general.

Marvel still doesn't have the rights to the X-men and Spider-man.

Nov 19, 2008, 02:27 PM
Lookin forward to Thulsa Doom, Magneto Origins, GitS, and Akira.

Are you kidding? I have an open mind and all, but I see no possible way for GitS to be a good translation.

Nov 19, 2008, 02:31 PM
I'd think GitS would be pretty easy to translate. Its could be a sci-fi, crime, suspense, thriller. Similar to like...I'unno, Se7en or something, with some CGI and cyberpunk thrown in.

If anything I'd think Thulsa Doom and Akira would be hard to translate. Thulsa Doom because I kinda see it being hard to make a movie based on an evil villain, makes it hard for the audience to want to root for me. And before you say What about Magneto? Magneto isn't all that evil. Akira woulda be ahrd to translate simply because its waaay weird and out there I think. What with psionic children that look like Louie Anderson and Liza Manelli and rape and giant tentacle monsters.

Nov 19, 2008, 02:49 PM
The biggest problem with GitS is that if it is true to the source material, no one is going to know what the hell is going on except for fans. Shirow is known for not bothering to explain terminology and leaving the reader to figure it out for themselves. I own every piece of GitS related material that's hit a DVD or printed media, and the lexicon is outrageous. I find it hard to believe that they can achieve the same depth of story and setting without compromising it's integrity by dumbing it down for people new to the series.

Nov 20, 2008, 12:17 AM
What? Where's Scott Pilgrim vs. The World?

Nov 20, 2008, 07:10 AM
I hope to hell GitS does not get the greenlight, I'd rather not see one of my favorite series of anything, ever, get ruined (I'm on of t hose nutcases with all the movies, seasons, manga, and books in his collection.)

Nov 20, 2008, 11:42 AM
What? Where's Scott Pilgrim vs. The World?

Pre-production? I dunno. Michael Cera is supposed to be playing Scott Pilgrim.

(Huh, and Michael Cera is also supposed to be playing the main character from Kick-Ass.)

Nov 20, 2008, 04:44 PM
(Huh, and Michael Cera is also supposed to be playing the main character from Kick-Ass.)

Does Mark Millar really need another movie. Especially one with a comic that has not even 10 issues.

Nov 21, 2008, 03:24 PM
It's hard to explain why but I have really taken offence to the fact that Akira and Ghost In The Shell are on that list. I respect Spielberg but that mother fucker is out of his mind if he thinks he can do a live action version of GITS. And don't even get me started on Akira.

Nov 23, 2008, 04:58 PM
Are you kidding? I have an open mind and all, but I see no possible way for GitS to be a good translation.

It's very possible that GitS will be an excellent translation. It'll be a box office flop if it does, most likely, or will be relegated to "cult" status with only meager returns. I don't hold out much hope for them to make it good - but there's always that one in a million chance Stephen Spielburg will wake up one morning and say... "Hey, you know what... I have enough money... Let's do GitS for the story, cinematography, the philosophy, and for the thinking crowd".