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View Full Version : I'm 5'3"...and 100 pounds! I'm soooo fat!

Dec 4, 2008, 07:01 PM
Yeah, holy shit. I can't believe you fat fuck. I bet your BMI is like, 17 or something. Get out of my face.

No really, I love it when girls say this. It's so hilarious. For the girls who want to try out for this part, requirements are:

* 14-17 years old.
* 5'3 or taller.
* 100 pounds or less. Not a single pound more.
* Thick make-up, short jean skirt, and a shirt that's a size too small for you.
* Insecure. If you even, for a second, look in the mirror and consider you're beautiful, this job isn't for you.

Here's your script:

You: [Purposely stand next to your overweight friend. Lift up your shirt to show just the lower part of your tummy above your belly button. Grab on to whatever meat you can and pinch it hard, pull it out as far as you can, 0.5-1mm works perfectly.] Ohhh! I'm so fat! Look at all this!
Other Girl: [...will be staring at you jealously. Drown yourself in self-esteem as she looks down at her own stomach and feels horrible.]
You: [Suppress your guilt and try and convince her you're fat as the flesh slips from your fingers.] No, really! I have a whole bunch! [Wildly grab around your utter lack of stomach looking for some proof that you are, indeed, a total fatass.]

There you go, insecure 14-17 year old cheerleaders. It's the best way to feel better about yourself, on top of it, the girl next to you begins to think highly of you too, despite your disgusting, flabby body.

If you think I'm serious, get out of my thread.

Dec 4, 2008, 07:18 PM
I remember my sister accusing me of only having fat and ugly female friends to make myself look prettier. :lol: That wasn't the case, but I know people actually do that. :disapprove: It's pretty sad that people would pick their friends that way.

Dec 4, 2008, 07:24 PM
I remember my sister accusing me of only having fat and ugly female friends to make myself look prettier. :lol: That wasn't the case, but I know people actually do that. :disapprove: It's pretty sad that people would pick their friends that way.

Oh Kylie, you'd be pretty next to any girl. ;3~

Anyhow, yes, it is sad. And horrible. If somebody is that desperate to feel good, they should get some help.

But generally these girls completely and totally deny any feelings of insecurity. They claim to be perfectly happy with their face and body and that's PRECISELY why they need to wear revealing clothing and several layers of make-up all the time! It's totally logical!
...No. Not really.

Dec 4, 2008, 08:27 PM
My BMI is 16.5. :lol: But I'm petite/small framed, so I look fine. But girls - and guys - like that drive me nuts. I see it as compliment fishing. The first few times, I'll give them a pep talk; after that? I'll say "Yep, you are!" People like that are draining!

* Thick make-up, short jean skirt, and a shirt that's a size too small for you.
Haha! I wish I could find a shirt that was even my size. I'm very narrow, and even size "S" will have shoulders that are too wide for me. (Like, the seams hit me a few inches past where it's supposed to. :P Drives me nuts!) [/random un-rant related aside]

Dec 4, 2008, 08:33 PM
Geez 5'3" and 100 pounds? Get off of pso-world and work out fatass. :wacko:
These kind of girls I used to just ignore, but after a girlfriend I had last year turned out to be like this, they drive me insane. People like this and people that are fat yet wear small clothing both disgust me to no end. Ahhhhh...insecurity.

Dec 4, 2008, 08:56 PM
Most of the girls I'm being or talking with are either on teh internetz, so they could tell me they find themselves fat and it would make as much sense as chatting in korean with a lamprey, since I can't witness it, or they are older than that and don't give a crap about this since ages.

I wouldn't say there was many girls like that when I was in high school, but I'm not sure since the number of girls I was being around at that time was close to the absolute zero. On the other hand, if you take the friends of my little sister (who is 3 years under me) when she was in high school, they pretty much all were like that.

It only bothered me once, with a friend. He was always doing what you're describing in that first post, comparing himself to me (way to go, I'm 5'6" and under 95 lbs. ; every average person would feel fat next to me). I ended up calling Fatass every time I was going across him, 'till the day he got on his nerves and yelled "SHUT UP I'M NOT FAT!". Then he realized and stopped it.

Anyways, if those girls (or guys) are finding themselves that horrible, I'd gladly take a bit of their fat to widen my chopstick arms. I'd go for muscles, but that needs some workout, and I'm not motivated enough for that, since I'm perfectly fine with the way I look.

Nitro Vordex
Dec 4, 2008, 09:08 PM
I'm glad the cheerlearders at my school actually have asses meat on them.

Dec 4, 2008, 09:33 PM
Too many people are like that. DX
I'm glad I go to a school with no cheerleaders.

I'm not sure if it's as bad as those self-appointed skinny girls.
[You know they have muffin-top going on.]

For what ever reason people think I am just like those girls you talked about.

But really I am...

[spoiler-box]a cross between


Dec 4, 2008, 10:00 PM
Old rant is old :P But yeah, still sadly true.

Dec 4, 2008, 10:13 PM
But really I am...

[spoiler-box]a cross between


So you look like this ?


Dec 4, 2008, 11:10 PM
Guys are like this too. :wacko:

Dec 4, 2008, 11:22 PM
Guys are like this too. :wacko:

Only the metrosexual kind. Most of us don't care.

Dec 4, 2008, 11:31 PM
Only the metrosexual kind. Most of us don't care.

Because it's manly not to care what you look like.

I know it's an extreme, but you used the word "metrosexual." Please. I think that word died after South Park went after it.

Dec 4, 2008, 11:37 PM
Because it's manly not to care what you look like.

I know it's an extreme, but you used the word "metrosexual." Please. I think that word died after South Park went after it.

There's no offense taken, because that's what I was going for. Most males I know don't care what they look like to the extreme of comparing their BMIs to other males.

Dec 5, 2008, 01:35 AM
Anorexia is not sexy.

Dec 5, 2008, 07:59 AM
No, no it is not.

Dec 5, 2008, 10:26 AM
A guy caring about his BMI is one thing. Keeping in shape is something most guys like to at least attempt at.

Discussing BMI with a group of friends is another. At least if we're discussing the masculinity of it.

Personally I dont care much about BMI as long as I'm physically capable to doing strenuous things. (like distance running and weight lifting for example)

Dec 5, 2008, 10:38 AM
Too many people are like that. DX
I'm glad I go to a school with no cheerleaders.

I'm not sure if it's as bad as those self-appointed skinny girls.
[You know they have muffin-top going on.]

For what ever reason people think I am just like those girls you talked about.

But really I am...

[spoiler-box]a cross between


An hourglass figure? There's nothing wrong with being curvy, you know.

As for guys, yeah, we do the same thing, but we go about it differently. Instead of talking about our looks to gain sympathy or whatever, we're more inclined to undermine each other in some form of competition. Whether that means being a ball-hog at a pickup game of soccer, or jumping in front of your own teammate to catch a ball that he/she was perfectly ready to catch in a game of kickball.

What it all comes down to is that most people who fit that "perfect" image are very insecure. That's why they behave the way they do and have 950 friends on Facebook or Myspace.

Dec 5, 2008, 10:39 AM
There's no offense taken, because that's what I was going for. Most males I know don't care what they look like to the extreme of comparing their BMIs to other males.

Yeah, that's not true at all. Have you ever been to a gym? Notice the guys who are there almost all the time?

Lots of guys are seriously concerned about their image, including their BMI. They may talk about it or think of it in a different way, but it's the same base issue.

Dec 5, 2008, 10:55 AM
Yeah, that's not true at all. Have you ever been to a gym? Notice the guys who are there almost all the time?

Lots of guys are seriously concerned about their image, including their BMI. They may talk about it or think of it in a different way, but it's the same base issue.

Well I wasn't saying that men don't care about their image at all. However, based on the topic and the issue it's addressing [thin women that purposely compare themselves to larger women to make themselves feel better] and someone saying that men do that also is something I disagree with because I've never seen any male do that with his friends.

People took what I said out of context because of the word "metrosexual." >_>

Dec 5, 2008, 12:17 PM
Skinny girls are unattractive. Fat girls are unattractive. If you want to appeal to me, put on a gi and kick someone in the face. Then I'll start thinking about drooling over you.
Now please take your finger out of your mouth.

Dec 6, 2008, 12:18 AM
Skinny girls are unattractive. Fat girls are unattractive. If you want to appeal to me, put on a gi and kick someone in the face. Then I'll start thinking about drooling over you.
Now please take your finger out of your mouth.You know, Chun Li doesn't exist. :wacko:

I don't really mind or care about girls being a little fat (if the fat is in the right place :3), but I'm tired of them saying, "oh my gosh, I am fat, look at me" especially when they aren't even fat at all and see a little belly hanging out and then freakout. It's like they don't even think about wearing longer or bigger clothes, which then can cover their "love handles".

Dec 6, 2008, 12:37 AM
I'm always offering to take my friend Jen out to dinner, get her something to eat on the way somewhere, or giving her leftovers when she's short on food. She tells me, "Ugh, no! I dun wanna get fat!" So I told her that's fine. I like chubby chicks.

She punched me. heh.

Dec 6, 2008, 03:35 AM
I'm always offering to take my friend Jen out to dinner, get her something to eat on the way somewhere, or giving her leftovers when she's short on food. She tells me, "Ugh, no! I dun wanna get fat!" So I told her that's fine. I like chubby chicks.

She punched me. heh.That is one epic scenario right there, lmao! :lol:

Dec 6, 2008, 01:29 PM
Jen's an epic gal.

Dec 7, 2008, 08:08 PM
Steven Colbert says, "Remember girls if we can't see your ribs - You're ugly."*

*Not necessarily UnderscoreX's views.

Dec 11, 2008, 06:57 AM
Here in Japan it's the same old story. Here in the university I'm going to, you see these girls who look very thin, yet they're like "Oh no! I'm fat!" They also wear like 100x the makeup most girls in America do, their faces are so colorful as a result of it, and they hate their selves for being Japanese/Asian, so they also try to color their hair brown (seriously, black haired girls in the school I'm studying in are RARE) to look "Western".

If you have black hair, you're considered as being "dasai", or "lame and boring", and 50% of them spend around $800 or so worth of clothes every month, spend hours on make up, etc. It's really sad, especially when I'm sure most of these girls would look more attractive by just cutting back on the effort. It's also as bad when you see guys doing the same too, they check out their hair in every single thing in which they can see their own reflection.

Dec 11, 2008, 09:02 AM
<3 being fat+happy > sad, sickly, and skinny.

Dec 12, 2008, 03:55 PM
Sad part is I knew a girl like this. She did everything you said. I told her one day that she needs to stop that or some of the ( for real) fat girls are going to get together and beat her up. I could see the looks on the fat girls faces when she was trying to claim she was fat and they weren't to understanding. In fact they looked pretty disgusted.

Dec 13, 2008, 06:14 PM
i'm 6'2" and 135lbs i'm such a fucking lard ass goddamn :(

no really, i need to really gain weight (nb4 eat something cause i do but it goes absolutely nowhere)

Dec 13, 2008, 10:44 PM
I'm 6'3" (Well, 3" and a half) and around 155 lbs. My high metabolism means I have to work at gaining weight. It doesn't help that I'm fit to begin with.

Tessu, the only solution is to introduce your throat to your fingers.

Dec 13, 2008, 11:15 PM
Im 6'2 and 210 lbs at some point in my life i was 252 pounds (yeah i know i was a fat bastard >_<). But thanks to my current job I dropped 62 pounds and gained 20 of it back by working out. I work out everyday for like 30 mins doing push ups and sit ups to maintain my weight and I must say I feel great. *flex's muscles*

Dec 23, 2008, 07:39 PM
Here in Japan it's the same old story. Here in the university I'm going to, you see these girls who look very thin, yet they're like "Oh no! I'm fat!" They also wear like 100x the makeup most girls in America do, their faces are so colorful as a result of it, and they hate their selves for being Japanese/Asian, so they also try to color their hair brown (seriously, black haired girls in the school I'm studying in are RARE) to look "Western".

If you have black hair, you're considered as being "dasai", or "lame and boring", and 50% of them spend around $800 or so worth of clothes every month, spend hours on make up, etc. It's really sad, especially when I'm sure most of these girls would look more attractive by just cutting back on the effort. It's also as bad when you see guys doing the same too, they check out their hair in every single thing in which they can see their own reflection.

I`ve seen those girls. I`ve also seen their ten-year-later counter parts. One woman lookd at least fifty whe she was actually thirity. massive amounts of make up and your skin doesn`t get enough light. stay healthy, that`s what important. especially as a teenager, metabolisms change, alot of fat skins get thinner, and the skinny girls who don`t eat anything develope an ultraslow metabolism and blow up ike a blimp in college.

also high school sucks. it`s supposed to suck. anyone who enjoys high scol sits around drinking as their best days of their life get further and further away from them. graduation is at 18, the remainding 70 years or so s what matters.

also for appearance, just ask yourself; do you look how you want to look or do you look how other people want you to look?