View Full Version : It Would Be ALot Better if PSO was On PC in North America..

Feb 5, 2003, 07:49 PM
you wouldnt have to worry about getting FSOD... saving takes like... less than a second just to save on the PC version.. you wouldnt have to look at loading screens either... sigh stupid SEGA >.>;;

Feb 5, 2003, 07:56 PM
You WOULD worry about:

Hackers doing real damage to your PC

A hex editor could be released to make cheating easily avialable



Feb 5, 2003, 08:52 PM
better than losing hours of hardwork >_>

Feb 5, 2003, 09:11 PM
And the ability for more expansion of download content. I remember the time that I played it, it updated the display settings for better fog effects, etc. What's a bit pointless about PC version is that it's Ver.2 ^_^;

Feb 6, 2003, 01:07 AM
Rubesahl hit the nail on the head. PC PSO would be worth getting only if it had Ep. I&II.

Feb 6, 2003, 03:55 AM
On 2003-02-05 16:49, Nites wrote:
you wouldnt have to worry about getting FSOD... saving takes like... less than a second just to save on the PC version.. you wouldnt have to look at loading screens either... sigh stupid SEGA >.>;;

Loading would still occur.

Sega's not stupid. They didn't want to put a lot of work into a PC title that was gonna sell like crap.

The PC market is really different from the console market. It's already saturated with MMORPGs and most PC gamers would expect a much more sophisticated game than PSO's very light gameplay. It's definately not something most of them would pay for.

PC gaming in Asia is pretty different. Due to a greater market saturation (particularly in Korea where Japanese consoles were until recently illegal) PC gaming is really really big. Because of this Sega and lots of other companies port over many of their console titles to PC. PSO v2 happened to be one of the titles they ported over. I'm assuming it didn't sell well even in japan or there would probably be plans for PSO eps. I & II for japanese PC already.

Sega is in the business of making money not losing it (well, at least now that they're out of the console manufacturing market...) so they didn't want to pay a lot creating a PSO ep I & II port that was going to sell poorly. It wouldn't be cost effective.

By the way, the asian PC market I was talking about earlier is why there are so many Korean Diablo and Starcraft players.

Feb 6, 2003, 09:16 PM
does anyone know where i can get an import version? oh yeah, does the import version text show up in English if u set the language to it (even NPC talk)

Feb 6, 2003, 10:25 PM
On 2003-02-06 00:55, Darkmage13 wrote:

On 2003-02-05 16:49, Nites wrote:
you wouldnt have to worry about getting FSOD... saving takes like... less than a second just to save on the PC version.. you wouldnt have to look at loading screens either... sigh stupid SEGA >.>;;

Loading would still occur.

Sega's not stupid. They didn't want to put a lot of work into a PC title that was gonna sell like crap.

The PC market is really different from the console market. It's already saturated with MMORPGs and most PC gamers would expect a much more sophisticated game than PSO's very light gameplay. It's definately not something most of them would pay for.

PC gaming in Asia is pretty different. Due to a greater market saturation (particularly in Korea where Japanese consoles were until recently illegal) PC gaming is really really big. Because of this Sega and lots of other companies port over many of their console titles to PC. PSO v2 happened to be one of the titles they ported over. I'm assuming it didn't sell well even in japan or there would probably be plans for PSO eps. I & II for japanese PC already.

Sega is in the business of making money not losing it (well, at least now that they're out of the console manufacturing market...) so they didn't want to pay a lot creating a PSO ep I & II port that was going to sell poorly. It wouldn't be cost effective.

By the way, the asian PC market I was talking about earlier is why there are so many Korean Diablo and Starcraft players.

imports are very cheap and easy... doesnt take a whole programming team just port the game.

and theres no proof if the game will sell poorly or not on the pc version... if there was a pso v3 for the pc in NA ill buy it...

loading does occur... but loading is fast for the pc... ever tried the pc version?? its alot faster in loading the maps and characters..

Feb 6, 2003, 10:48 PM
Wait a second, the good thing about PSO is that every version is already built for the importation. All you need to do is to make sure the game can play on the country's systems, and update the documentation.

And all you'd need to do with v3 is to port it to an x86-friendly code, so it can play on PCs.

Feb 6, 2003, 11:35 PM
You need a Japanese version of Windows to run PC PSO.

Feb 7, 2003, 12:04 AM
yes otherwise it will say Not Supported Language or something like that... however..

Feb 10, 2003, 12:47 AM
can u play it on WINDOWS XP english? oh yeah, and where can u get the import version?

(just wonderin)

Feb 10, 2003, 12:52 AM
can u play it on WINDOWS XP english? oh yeah, and where can u get the import version?

(just wonderin)

Feb 10, 2003, 12:36 PM
I own the PC version of PSO (along with a lot of other people on this board). You should have imported it a year ago when the rest of us did. The DC version was pretty sad at that point & the PC version was a nice change.
Can you play it on any version of Windows? Yes
Is it hacked? Not sure. The only hacks I knew of were for Unpatched offline only (meaning you can't go online, then offline, hack, then back online). These hacks only allowed you to buy items in the store (like a spread needle for $70,000).
Was it fun while it lasted? Yes. There were actually quite a few of us & we had our own cool little community.
I don't know why ST won't port Ep I & II to the PC. I guess it would cost too much to market it or something.

Feb 10, 2003, 12:56 PM
I know ya'll are against modding the game, but it would be SO DAMN AWESOME if people could make mods. I wouldn't mind running around as Solid Snake or Master Chief with H&K MP5K mechguns and a .50 Desert Eagle, or the sniper rifle from Halo.

But... no one has made that possible yet. *sigh*

Feb 10, 2003, 05:23 PM
lol many people would love to have their favourite weapons but hacking is bad unless it TOTALLY does not affect someone else.