View Full Version : :\ falz last form

Dec 15, 2008, 03:13 PM
i need some help i can get through the first 2 forms of fals easily but the last one always gives me trouble even when i bring 10 monmates dimates and trimates and like 10 scape dolls i dont understand i have a crushbullet and a varista and im almost level 42 if anyone could give me an answer on what i could possibly do to defeat fals easier it would be great. thanks.

Dec 15, 2008, 03:17 PM
oh and i forgot to mention i am a racaseal

Dec 15, 2008, 03:46 PM
Well, that Crush Bullet can sap some HP from falz during his invincible state, but stick with the Varista. Rifles would be more efficient, if you have one, use it. If you have any Gush weapons that are stronger than your Crush Bullet, use that instead.

Do you have any 4 slot armors/frames, if so, equip some Resist/Holy. I take it that Falz's grants KO's you hence you're bringing of 10 scape dolls is still a failure.

Or you can Level up some more. Recommended if level of difficulty is VHard.

Dec 15, 2008, 04:48 PM
If you need simple evasion tips, just run in the path (circlular direction) of his areana. The blue orbs and megid will be dodged. Grants... Is impossible to dodge sadly. Unless you had Resta, you could use it just the right time and heal while getting hurt-less damage-. But your a cast and it's very, very hard to do.

I have a similar problem... I have a level 32 HUmar who gets through the first two forms like nothing, but the third Kills him in one hit with grants. And I can't use Resist/Holy yet, because then his defense will be to low and he'll die in one hit when Falz decides to attack him. I'll try again at level 40 or so. (I could just switch on and off between units in the fight, but that's a little tricky to do with 4 units. x.x)

Dec 15, 2008, 05:57 PM
It depends on the difficulty level and offline/online too i guess.

You'll need like... 340 HP to be able to survive most of Falz on Hard (over 440 for Vhard) since Falz's super slash is based on a FIXED damage. (Ie: on Vhard Online mode he deals 410 damage, REGARDLESS of Jellen, or Deband, or super armor.)

The grants however can be reduced with some ELT armor. Though its a tough call. It depends on how many slots your armor has. Don't be afraid to LOWER your DFP/Evasion to have the 4 slots. (ie, if you got a 4 slot Hyper Frame and a 2 slot Absorb armor.. go to the Hyper.) Depending on your HP, use Dragon/HP, or God/HP to boost your HP to a higher amount (320, 420 etc). Then the rest on ELT resistance.

Follow the direction these toher folks had about avoiding the blue sphere attack, as a Cast it is almost NECESSARY to have a HP stealing gun. Crush Bullet is nice but is far useless to a Draw Blaster, or Fill Beam etc whatever your ATA can handle use it. If its a Rifle/Handgun with the HP steal. If you dont have that, than i'd personally wait before trying him again. At least on BB if you do use the Draw weapon on the final form it always heals 90HP if it hits. (This could be Vhards setting, i am not sure) So if you get hit and you have a moment to attack use the HP stealing instead of using a Mate. If you feel like you're about to be hit by an attack right after grants then quickly use a mate.

I did this online with a Hucaseal (simular case, i have to use Draw Raygun) the only time i ever used mates is when Falz went on a slashing spree, or if my team-mates decided to hit him when he had my soul.

so.. tldr mode.
Get a Draw Rifle. Use it, love it, never let it go.

Dec 15, 2008, 07:24 PM
Just so you know, falz's slash attack does a set amount of damage, so def won't help you with that at all. The only unit you should need is resist/holy because you can dodge his attacks besides grants and the slap. (Well technically you can avoid it but it's near-impossible to do)
So since the slap does set damage, body units will do nothing for you, whilst resist/holy and the like could save you from grants.

Dec 15, 2008, 07:50 PM
if you can get something that increases you HP (digger/hp, general/hp etc) which are sometimes sold in she shop it can really help. also, when he turns invincible, he can still be hurt with spells, especially fire. put foie onto a customization button and you can do some decent damage before he flies up.

Dec 15, 2008, 07:52 PM
Odds are the low amounts of hp won't help him if he's too low a level anyway, but if he's high enough they might just help him survive. And he's a Racaseal, he can't use foie.

Dec 16, 2008, 02:30 AM
The easiest way to initially deal with Falz's final form with a Ranger in my opinion is to...
1. Raise POW a ton on your mag. You should be leveling up while doing this, not standing on Pioneer 2.
2. Test him. Place a telepipe (without bringing scape doll's) before fighting him and fight to simply learn his patterns and make sure you're powerful enough to survive his attacks. Hands-on learning is always better than just reading about his patterns.
3. When you think you're ready get all your scapes and give it a shot. Just don't use non-hp absorbing attacks when he does that arm extention thing.

Although... having good light resistance (ELT) and defense doesn't hurt (like above poster stated)

Dec 16, 2008, 05:35 AM
well i dont know how to get a resist/holy im offline only and im only on hard mode but i do have resist lights? will that work on reducing it enough to keep my alive? just wondering because the only thing that kills me is grants though i did waste liek 3 scapes on his first two forms on stupid things ]: like not dodging right or dodging into the same spot but my crush bullet only saps 19 hp a shot :\ so i just keep my varista out normally and i havent come across and draw rifles but i can look? and i guess i will have to do some more leveling up according to what you read since you said i need i think 370 you said? i have like 270 so i suppose i need more levels or i need hp's and i cant find i dont think more then elf or something like that so it will be tough. but please reply back to these questions and i will try again when i can

Dec 16, 2008, 05:39 AM
oh and for the guy who told me to raise POW i dont understand why i would do that would it not screw up my mag? i have a pure DEX mag thats level 150 i have raised it from the start while i was fighting only and it had like maybe a couple DEF and MP from antiparalysis so its at like 141 dex so would it not screw it up?

Dec 16, 2008, 07:19 AM
Regarding "screwing up" your mag, that depends entirely on what your criteria are for this. There are probably players here who'd argue that your mag as it is, already is a bit "screwed up". :wacko:
Anyway, if you are loath to experiment with your DEX mag, you could always raise another. Baby mags shouldn't be too hard to find in the Mines.

Dec 16, 2008, 02:08 PM
Yeah... that wasn't all that great of an idea to raise your Mag's DEX to 141...
My Racast mag is:
150 POW
42 DEX

Dec 16, 2008, 02:27 PM
141 DEX :/ Not a real smart idea for RA, unless you were trying to equip high level guns.

Even for a HUcast, who has the lowest ATA of all classes, the highest DEX mag I made for him was only 80 DEX. Rati = 5/115/80/0

Dec 17, 2008, 05:29 AM
alright thanks ill raise another :P ill try your rati formula i really like ratis i think they are pretty cool will it make me hit higher?

Dec 17, 2008, 07:45 AM
The more pow you have the higher you hit. :D

Dec 17, 2008, 03:48 PM
do i have to be a male hunter for rati? if so i will make a male hunter and level up a baby mag so i can have rati i like them alot

Dec 18, 2008, 05:35 AM
errr i never remembered how boring raising mags is >.< i tried for liek an hour last night and got to liek 15 pow before i was like....this is so boring...ill try later lol^^;

Dec 20, 2008, 03:10 AM
do i have to be a male hunter for rati? if so i will make a male hunter and level up a baby mag so i can have rati i like them alotMale Hunter
Sec ID: Yellowboze, Skyly, Pinkal = DEF+POW=DEX+MIND
Sec ID: Purplenum, Oran, Greennill = DEF+MIND=POW+DEX

This link is really useful for Making a Rati:


RAcast Extremist
Dec 20, 2008, 04:12 AM
I finally beat dark falz with my greennill and leveled up 3 times. Alright!:smile:

Dec 29, 2008, 09:26 AM
Geeze I remember when I first encountered that boss.
I dropped my controller in hard mode after I was done with the second form in releif, and then...she came.

and I was like "oh shi-" and picked up my controller and battled.

Anyway. Upon that little story, you probably have gotten enough lip of what to do. But I'll say that when she incases herself in a divine armor Use elemental damage with a weapon.
preferably ranged due to she will dash everywhere.

and when she saps your soul, don't attack until she puts your ghost back into you.

Its a dizzy boss. you have to run in that circle constiantly dodging stuff. X_X
but its a fun boss.

Jan 18, 2009, 04:49 AM
Uhm... go hunting for Add Slots first. Then buy OR find some slots that increase your HP like digger/HP or something. Hope this helped. :P