View Full Version : Hm..?

Dec 16, 2008, 12:37 AM
Hello you guys...Well..Here's what's up...

My name is Marvel..And I played PSU for PS2 and did A LOT on Single player..and Multiplayer was just..Non existant in my brain to even proceed that...Let alone, I didn't have the credit card...

Now since I have what I need, I've decided to play PSU again..THIS TIME..On the 360, I have to start ALL over again, from level 1..Which, I totally don't mind..and I'm wondering if I should just start playing online with the liscense and all , especially with the AI download..Should I do it..? ^^

And now I'm back to a noob..Since I stopped playing for like...9 months...

So yeah, Sup everyone.. ;-)

Dec 16, 2008, 12:52 AM
Online with AOtI is the only way to play so, yes you should.




Dec 16, 2008, 12:55 AM
Okay! Well..I'll probably have me my name as you see here, so I'll probably see you all, i've probably check this site constantly for some tips, guides, forums and suffs...

Dec 17, 2008, 03:53 AM
Welcome. :D

If you need help just ask.

GT: x C h r o n u s
Char Name: Chronus