View Full Version : does the slimline ps2 model have a cooling fan in it?

Dec 18, 2008, 12:42 PM
I am very curious as to whether or not the slimline ps2 model has any sort of cooling fan in it,or if its more like the ps1 where all that actually physically runs in the console is the disc drive


Dark Emerald EXE
Dec 18, 2008, 01:25 PM
I believe it doesnt

I mean if it had a fan you would hear it o_o
atleast so i'd believe

Dec 18, 2008, 01:37 PM
It's pretty... slim, so I don't think it does. I've never heard of anyone's overheating though.

List of full specs by CNET Reviews: clickity click (http://reviews.cnet.com/consoles/sony-playstation-2-slim/4507-10109_7-31125412.html?tag=mncol;psum)--not sure what all of it means myself, honestly. :-P

Dec 18, 2008, 04:59 PM
It's pretty... slim, so I don't think it does. I've never heard of anyone's overheating though.

List of full specs by CNET Reviews: clickity click (http://reviews.cnet.com/consoles/sony-playstation-2-slim/4507-10109_7-31125412.html?tag=mncol;psum)--not sure what all of it means myself, honestly. :-P

Those specs say nothing regarding its capacity for cooling itself.

The thing does have vents, but I suspect that those are all it needs to keep cool. I've heard of them overheating, but it doesn't seem to be a problem of real significance.

Dec 18, 2008, 05:13 PM
I've got mine sitting on the two cardboard ends it was packed with to keep it stable in the box. My PS2 is almost entirely exposed to air, so no worries about overheating for me unless the cat decides to take a nap on it.

Dec 18, 2008, 05:40 PM
There's none to my knowledge. The airflow inside slimlines is a lot better than most people think. Look at it this way: they have far less room to work with than a 360 does, and those overheat all the damn time.

Dec 18, 2008, 06:55 PM
My friend kept his slime PS2 on for about 2 weeks straight. It never froze but it was hot...Like the whole thing was so hot none of us wanted to take the disc out kinda hot.

Dec 18, 2008, 07:21 PM
There's none to my knowledge. The airflow inside slimlines is a lot better than most people think. Look at it this way: they have far less room to work with than a 360 does, and those overheat all the damn time.

Having a larger airspace is usually a good thing, actually. The Xbox360 does not, however, have adequate airflow to mitigate the heat that its components produce. In the case of the slim PS2, we're talking about hardware that is considerably slower, and it therefore does not produce as much heat. Some of the heat can be dissipated through the case itself (though I'd never personally rely on this method for heat mitigation; the slim design of the PS2, however, contributes to this being effective, allowing heat to be dissipated from both sides of the hardware), while the bulk of the excess heat can be handled by whatever airflow may occur through the vents around the rim of the device. Simply enough, the cooling demands of a late-model PS2 are not nearly so severe as the cooling demands of an Xbox360. This is literally the difference between a computer from the late 90's and a computer from 2005.

Dec 19, 2008, 10:52 PM
There is, but it is such a low voltage fan there is no noise, I took mine apart because I got one of the clear purple cases.

here is a picture of my PS2 slim.... not a great photo from my phone but it should do justice
