View Full Version : Star Wars: The Old Republic

Dec 20, 2008, 07:32 PM
Don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet (too lazy to search), but remember Kotor 1 and 2?
Well heres the 3rd installment of the series.


I know what your thinking, its about time, amirite?
Only thing thats sketchy to me is that it is an MMORPG, while the first two were just RPGs.
Now im a huge fan of these series, but I just don't like how it became a MMORPG when it should have stayed the way it was like the first two.

If you like the Kotor series, what are your thoughts?

Dec 20, 2008, 08:13 PM
I'm really looking forward to this, but I'm trying not to get my hopes too high just incase.

Still, its hard not to have your imagination go a little wild when they say it has more content than all their previous games combined o_o

Dec 20, 2008, 09:18 PM
Lol, yea really. The thing that bugs me (and everyone else thats a fan) is the ending to Kotor 2.
TOR is placed 300 years after the events of Kotor 1&2. Sooo... that leaves everyone confused on what happened with the main characters of Kotor. Like Revan and the Exile, what happened to them? Did they ever find Revan? Are they even alive? etc...

But all in all, im looking forward to this. I hope it becomes a great success as a MMORPG.

Dec 20, 2008, 10:16 PM
Me and Skuda are also interested in this...
Can't say that it'll turn out good or not yet though, the games were really just a computer version of DnD mechanics... so that'll be tricky to see how they work that in a MMO. Also they're trying something different with the storyline so that also up in the air.

Really this will probably be really good or really bad.

Dec 21, 2008, 12:46 AM
I'm also interested in this but I must say KOTOR 1 was better than KOTOR 2 in my opinion because by half way through the game your ridiculously way over powered and that's what turn alot of people down including myself.

Dec 21, 2008, 01:10 AM
I'm also interested in this but I must say KOTOR 1 was better than KOTOR 2 in my opinion because by half way through the game your ridiculously way over powered and that's what turn alot of people down including myself.

It also had a lot of cut content, which probably had a lot to do with it, not a lot of time to work things out means less tweaking...
As far as difficulty goes *shrug*
To each their own really, there's no universal way to make it equally hard/easy for everyone after all.

Dec 21, 2008, 01:50 AM
While I have my hopes, there are of course my doubts.

When Bioware and Lucas Arts finally acknowledged what we've all known for the past year, they mentioned a driving storyline, and companion characters who would come with their own side stories. So from this we can possibly guess some Guild Wars style play where you can get NPCs to tag along with you vs. actual PCs. A Storyline is usually present in some MMO's; FFXI has a good story, but its to hard to get into unless you've been playing the game since release and have a set group to run with you through it, WoW also has a storyline, but its buried under so many random quests its kind of hard to follow, Warhammer is just essentially fluffed to make it seem plausable.

Now, the KotOR games themselves operated on the d20 system, recently, by recently I mean about a year ago, the d20 system for Star Wars was updated, so maybe we might see a more refined system for class selection, if they choose to go this route. Though I do hope if they choose to allow Jedi as a base class its balanced as a starting class, personally I would just go with making it an unlockable like CoH/V and WoW did with some of their later classes.

Dec 21, 2008, 02:39 AM
I hope that if they use the epic rules again.

Dec 21, 2008, 03:29 AM
I *really* want this to be awesome. I REALLY REALLY do. I love the KOTOR games and I've been wanting a really well-done Star Wars MMO for a long time. Time will tell, I suppose.

Dec 21, 2008, 08:38 AM
1. Bioware didn't make KOTOR 2
2. It sounds like a single player MMORPG

Dec 21, 2008, 12:45 PM
I think its a turn based combat system.

Though that worked for the first two, im not sure how it'll work on an online MMORGP PvP. Seems kinda annoying..

Dec 21, 2008, 04:25 PM
1. Bioware didn't make KOTOR 2
2. It sounds like a single player MMORPG

See point two is what's worrying me to. If they can make it work for both single player and multi player then it should do fine, but what they're trying with the story makes it hard to say. On the site under the wish-list I opted for a LAN mode so it would be viable even if online didn't work out so well.

(computerized Star Wars DnD :P)