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View Full Version : Can a Newman do everything?

Dec 21, 2008, 02:56 PM
I just picked up AotI after having dropped PSU shortly after release. Anyway, back in the day, I played a Fortetecher, and figured I'd roll another Newman. Long term, I'd rather have one character who can do almost anything well, just for variety's sake. (Decently well; I have no illusions that a Newman can out-damage a Beast Fortefighter, for instance.)

Is a Newman passable in any roll, or should I switch to Human?

Dec 21, 2008, 02:59 PM
Well, considering the current power level of players vs. monsters.. the equips you can put on, etc. Pretty much anybody can play anything. Sure, there will be certain advantages of another race for certain classes, but nothing that makes the combo unplayable.

What a newman can't do is not have pointy ears. :)

Dec 21, 2008, 03:10 PM
Just so there's more then one opinion, I completly agree.

I'm one of those non-creative people and want to use racial abilities to my advantage and only play a teching Newman, but yes PSU is all about your style and preference. You can be a great player as any race / class. Yes some pull higher numbers then others, but the difficulty is the same for everyone.

Dec 21, 2008, 03:13 PM
You can pull off anything as any combo.
Newman being any class wouldn't be as hard as something like Cast MF imo.
A newman PT even does fine.

Dec 21, 2008, 03:41 PM
any race can do anything?
since there's a job class change option anyways :l

Dec 21, 2008, 05:47 PM
only thing Newmans cant do is SUV and beast form...lol

Dec 21, 2008, 07:10 PM
Personally, I'd go with human if I wanted to do everything because they do that the best, but I understand if you feel drawn to the newman race for something like looks. :-P After all, I have three beasts, which seems ridiculous to some.

Dec 21, 2008, 08:02 PM
I go human. I understand what u mean i like to focus on 1 character myself. I pick human cuz of that and the fact that most ppl say humans suck and I always like to be the underdog XD.

But like other said if like newmans alot then go for it. I would. I base almost everything I do on this game off of looks. Some may call me crazy because of that but hey its what i like doing. And if you have good armor, units, and weapons u be fine as any race/type

Dec 21, 2008, 08:22 PM
Newman is the best

Dec 21, 2008, 08:29 PM
Yeah, Newman can do any job. The game isn't very difficult anyway, so any race can do any job fine. While you won't solo as fast, or do as much damage if you're a 'gimped' race/class combo, it's still very simple.

I know this because I play a Newman Female Fortefighter/Fighmaster. I don't hit as hard as a Beast, but I still hit hard enough to solo S2 missions with ease.

Just remember you can't take hits as well, and if necessary, cover the ATP deficits with better gear (higher %'s for melee, better guns for RA), and you'll be fine. On the other hand, Human is better for melee/guns- so rerolling for a Human is also an option. The way I see it, if you can do it as a Newman though, there's no sense deleting a perfectly good character.

Dec 21, 2008, 11:22 PM
Can they do every job? Yes. Should they? No.

Dec 21, 2008, 11:28 PM
I've played every job with my Newman, and I can say that they can keep up with most classes, though Fighter jobs can be a bit tough due to DFP. I found that a Newman gunner can be pretty good even with the lack of an SUV.

Dec 22, 2008, 02:17 AM
As a fighter on a female newman, I tend to outdamage most everybody else, with the exception that somebody has the same capped level PA with a similar/better weapon. I usually pull off the highest numbers in my party, so it's not really that hard to do fighter, plus our accuracy is second to a CAST. My newman does everything but teching. She has no trouble gunning or fighting.

Dec 22, 2008, 03:23 AM
Newman FM > Beast/Cast FM

Dec 22, 2008, 03:24 AM
In the end, what really matters for damage is your weapons (element and % for melee), and the level of your PAs. I've seen some male newman fF outdamage a beast fF with some 50% element weapons and capped PAs.

Of course, newmen will do less damage in general and also die faster, but while they're certainly inferior to other races at melee or guns, they sure can get the job done with some preparation.

Dec 22, 2008, 03:40 AM
CAST is the best


Now stop giving bad advice =(

Dec 22, 2008, 04:16 AM
Thanks for the answers. I've decided to stick with the Newman for now, and if I Ff or similar to be painful, I'll roll up a CAST or something for that.

I'm a little behind on PM at the moment. Last I played, everyone always wanted a 450. That was back in November of '06, though, so I'm thinking there's more details for me to worry about now. Any suggestions?

Dec 22, 2008, 04:25 AM
Make whatever PM you want based on the synths you want. With the PM EX Devices you can turn your PM into any model and not have to worry about the synthing stats.

Dec 22, 2008, 06:50 AM
Newman for MF or FT
Cast for everything else

if you are able to raise these 2 chars, you should be able to do very well in any situation later on. this game has terrible balance so human and beast are left out in the cold, until sonic team decides to rebalance things. good luck

Dec 22, 2008, 09:32 AM
newmans can do everything...should they? no i mean noones stopping you from making a newman fighmaster or fortefighter but i wouldnt reccomend it. i thik they should just stick to teching or if u have very high bullets then sure u can gun.

Dec 22, 2008, 09:49 AM
Newman FM > Beast/Cast FM

That's crazy talk!

Dec 22, 2008, 02:45 PM
That's crazy talk!


Nah I just play only newmans cuz im addicted, so dont ask me im just a crazy newman supremacist

Dec 22, 2008, 03:18 PM
I agree with the guys that say any race can do any class, no matter what.

A newman's ATP might not be as high as a beast of the same class and level, for example, but if you've got the skills, it doesn't matter (and I don't mean PA skills).

In my opinion, the only people who make that big a deal out of the difference between one race's stat and another's are the people who are obsessed with having "maximum possible stat imaginable" characters, i.e. all their beasts are melee classes, all their casts are ranged classes, all their newmen are tech classes, and all their humans are hybrid classes.

I have a human fortefighter, a cast wartecher, a beast fighgunner, and a newman protranser, and I like all of them. With the right amount of skill, anything's feasible. I still remember back during the 1-up Cup that someone complained that I was a human, lower-level, and had weapons that weren't the "right element" to do one mission, and demanded the leader boot me. Well, I was leader, so I ignored him and continued on anyway. Sure enough, he was one of those "I'm a cast, so I HAVE to be a ranged guy" people, and he died several times easily before we cleared the first 4 rooms (and he was higher level than me, to boot).

So to sum it up, go ahead and make your newman whatever you want. Anyone who tells you otherwise is free to make whatever they want out of their characters.

Dec 22, 2008, 04:25 PM
From my experience, the thing Newmans have the most trouble with is gunning. Fighter ATP and units partially make up for the racial disadvantage with melee, and there's the obvious advantage with techs. With gunning, you have to have high-level bullets to do much damage at all, and there's going to be a lot of reliance on statuses, since you have squishy HP and defenses, and your damage is comparatively low.

That's not to say it can't be done, it'll just be hard. Not nearly as hard as FOCAST, though. :wacko:

Dec 22, 2008, 07:37 PM
From my experience, the thing Newmans have the most trouble with is gunning. Fighter ATP and units partially make up for the racial disadvantage with melee, and there's the obvious advantage with techs. With gunning, you have to have high-level bullets to do much damage at all, and there's going to be a lot of reliance on statuses, since you have squishy HP and defenses, and your damage is comparatively low.

That's not to say it can't be done, it'll just be hard. Not nearly as hard as FOCAST, though. :wacko:

My first bullet to hit LV40 was Boma Duranga. O.O I have a Gur Asted 8/10 and Rabol Asted 50% Dark and I can take like 2 hits (if they all don't critical) before I die. LMAO. I do sweet ass damage, though, so I don't mind using a few scape dolls from HP. I don't have any problem with damage on gunner. Personally, beast is so tame for fighter now... the best balanced is easily a CAST with a SUV, but I love newmans, so newman I stay.

Dec 22, 2008, 09:40 PM
Can they do every job? Yes. Should they? No.

This is the truth.

There's no reward in playing something weaker, and I only accept it when there are unique items to gain from it, and don't say creas.I don't see the point of the leveling gimped hunter stats, when my male Cast will always outdo me in those types. Why should I slow the party down? I have nothing to prove doing unnecessary multi-classing. I know I could beat any mission as a newman fortegunner, but I just don't feel like it.

Since we're doing the same missions hundreds of times, I see no point of slowing down those runs. Good race/class combos are the way to go.

Dec 22, 2008, 10:31 PM
I think whatever race I am, soloing my way to 100 is going to get dull really, really fast. Is there anywhere to go as a lvl 15ish character to find a party?

Dec 22, 2008, 10:39 PM
Level yourself high enough to do Seed express A. Not sure how many are people are doing it, but it's decent for EXP.

Dec 22, 2008, 10:43 PM
There's actually one incredibly obvious advantage to playing any class you want to as one race/gender combination: you don't have to level up a second character. If you plan on using multipler characters, you don't really have that as an excuse, but, if you don't want to go through the trouble of leveling characters twice, go every class on the one you use.

Dec 23, 2008, 10:54 AM
I have three beasts, which seems ridiculous to some.

Nah, I have a friend who has three human and one neuman. All female and all acrotecher, so I can't say that three beasts is ridiculous.

Dec 23, 2008, 12:24 PM
My first bullet to hit LV40 was Boma Duranga. O.O I have a Gur Asted 8/10 and Rabol Asted 50% Dark and I can take like 2 hits (if they all don't critical) before I die. LMAO. I do sweet ass damage, though, so I don't mind using a few scape dolls from HP. I don't have any problem with damage on gunner. Personally, beast is so tame for fighter now... the best balanced is easily a CAST with a SUV, but I love newmans, so newman I stay.
Oh, lawd. XD That Asted sounds painful...

But yours is an especially powerful setup. I'm sure there aren't many people who can say they do enough damage with CAST and Beast Fortegunners to kill them in a similar amount of time (well... with the HP differences...). I know I certainly don't have a +8 Asted. ;3

Anyhow, I'm just saying this is pretty atypical of your average Newman Gunner. If you -can- do this amount of damage normally, then that's fantastic, though. But the majority of the population who tries won't get close.

Dec 23, 2008, 01:42 PM
Apparently, Newmans are unable to cook (see Maya), but that has no effect on the battlefield, so no worries.

My newman, Nova, is an Acrofighter and she does the job pretty well. At level 35, she can already use S rank R-mags and A rank Slicers. I'll just be glad when she can use her Twin Neiclaws.