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Dec 25, 2008, 07:46 PM
Oh god. Are you serious?

It seems you can't be nice to people in video games without them falling in love with you...instantly. Without knowing anything about you. In fact, I don't even have to interact with them sometimes, as in this:

Once, I was sitting around in an MMO. Just sitting. Looking up information about the game. Then this guy comes up to me and instantly starts hitting on me. After turning him down (not all too subtly either), some other girl walked by, and he was like "mommy : D i in love with this girl". FGSFDS

Then later I get personal messages from them and they always want to talk. Even if I say "I'm doing a dungeon run, I can't talk right now"--five minutes later, I get "y u no talk to me. :("

I don't have the heart to call them losers and tell them to get a fucking life. But frankly, I shouldn't have to. I SERIOUSLY wonder what's going on in the minds of these people. I mean, if they honestly, truly think they have a shot at being my life-long partner just by looking at my avatar.

Now one might say "Well, just stop telling them you're a girl". Doesn't work. I've been a guy in MMOs before, and guess what. I got girls all over me. Holy shit.

Now they weren't as bad, per se. I had to at least be nice to a girl before I started getting XDs and *blush*es.

Possible solutions that I have already tried:

1. Just ignore them. HOLY SHIT BUT THEY DON'T GO AWAY. I just want to play the fucking game.
2. Have an ugly avatar. Tried that too. But let me tell you, people have weird tastes.
3. Tell them to fuck off. Tried that. The guy just went emo and came back telling me about how he's crying and going to kill himself. Which is even more annoying.
4. Quit playing MMOs. no u
5. Block them. I do block the most annoying of the bunch. But if I were to block every guy in an MMO who annoyed me by trying to flirt with me, I'd be cut off from half the population.

Dec 25, 2008, 07:51 PM
Hmmm... I guess the only solution there is to go to the space between spaces. There, you will find the great pedobear, and he will make all the creepy men go away. D:

Dec 25, 2008, 07:55 PM
Sounds like fun. But really, try avoiding kiddies....

Dec 25, 2008, 08:04 PM
I'm sure you can cut your self from half of the population, I'm sure thats the half we wouldn't want to deal with anyways. (they seem like crybabies)

upsides to this:
1. They are losers
2. some people have weird tastes
3. They might not be good to be friends with, might be emo and would cause problems, etc. (these are annoying to even be FRIENDS with, think of themselves first always, always wanting to fucking cut themselves, idiots)
4. You have another half of the population you can communicate with :D


1. may not get super awesome trades.
2. Takes time to block people.
3. Have less people to take advantage of.

Dec 25, 2008, 08:07 PM
I've found it to be worse in f2p games, since just anyone can hop in and play with no cost or restriction. Whether they're kids, or just immature for their age, you can't stop 'em. Now these weirdos plague p2p games all the time, but at least there's some kind of barrier to entry there.

Wish I had something helpful to add! :>

Dec 25, 2008, 09:12 PM
Quit playing games with generally immature players...? I dunno. I've played a number of games as girl characters and only had this issue on Ragnarok Online.

I had a male mage wearing a purple bow in his hair hitting on me, and when I said I was a guy he called me a cross dresser and ran off.


Dec 25, 2008, 09:20 PM
That's amazing. xD

I'd love to say I could find a game like that, but...you know. I mean, if somebody could find me a game where they could guarantee I wouldn't have this problem, I'd play it in an instant. But I can honestly say I don't think there is ANY game I can play that lacks this type of person--I seem to be a magnet to them, so where other people don't see them, I do.

Dec 25, 2008, 09:23 PM
I know exactly how you feel here. The solution really isn't anywhere near as easy as people outside these situations would like to believe.

The worst is when it happens with a friend, and you don't want to be anything but friends. It is definitely not just limited to immature players. I'm rather tired of being the "only girl ever with an awesome personality" when all I'm trying to do is be a nice person. I've tried telling people off, and sometimes even that doesn't work.

But above all, it's not fair for you to have to change yourself, so I don't recommend that....but I do know how you feel. They go away eventually, ignorance really is the best route to go.

Dec 25, 2008, 09:30 PM
Those types of person's also are on the internet as well. I think they are mostly 13 year olds who have a CHARGED UP sex drive ready to go. But it also happens to the best of us. Shit happens.

Oh, but I guess you'll have to ignore that crowd you'd like to ignore, nothing else you can do.

Dec 25, 2008, 09:37 PM
The worst is when it happens with a friend, and you don't want to be anything but friends. It is definitely not just limited to immature players. I'm rather tired of being the "only girl ever with an awesome personality" when all I'm trying to do is be a nice person. I've tried telling people off, and sometimes even that doesn't work.

You and I, we are alike.

Though, those are personal situations where I don't want to rant about it on a public board. But it gets even worse when you actually grow pretty close to them as a friend, and you don't want to hurt 'em. :\ Ah well.

p.s. marry me

Dec 25, 2008, 09:51 PM
p.s. marry me

And you wonder why people are hitting on you all the time! tsk tsk D=

Dec 25, 2008, 10:14 PM
^ lulz

If anything, ever heard of GunZ? (don't kill me former players...) Another f2p that I find to be enjoyable, and the crowd seems generally easygoing, well, if you are a k-styler... (which I'm NOT). I've been wanting some other people to start playing with me, but they are all no goes... and the couple of friends that DO play the game never play it...

Dec 25, 2008, 10:16 PM
You and I, we are alike.

Though, those are personal situations where I don't want to rant about it on a public board. But it gets even worse when you actually grow pretty close to them as a friend, and you don't want to hurt 'em. :\ Ah well.

p.s. marry me
Yeah, especially when you see the person as a close friend and you don't want to ruin that. With me, I don't even want a relationship with anyone, and you'd think people would understand that when you tell them.....but clearly, some people don't. It really gets to me when people see that as "well I can get around that" instead of the intended "okay well I'll respect that and back off." This is part of the reason I usually keep my sex undetermined on the intartubes. Too many guys that think we're the ONLY NICE GIRLS EVER.

I'd say marrying you would solve our problems, but then again, how many guys even respect taken girls anymore?

Dec 25, 2008, 10:20 PM
The only game I've ever been hit on is PSU, when I'm hanging around the servers on my beast (though I have also the creepy impression someone is hitting on my PedoBird D: ), but like Aisha, the "crossdresser" excuse is more than enough to make people run away. Never got this kind of bother with girls hitting on my male characters though, which probably makes sense since I tend to play as male characters who are everything but attractive (during my short time on FFXI, I picked a Galka with no hesitation, for instance).

But on the other hand, I came across those kind of situations quie often on about every MMO, either Free or Pay to Play, I played. Coming across wasn't maybe the right term. Witnessed, I'd rather say. This was sometimes going as far as people PvPing against each other is such games as Guild Wars or Cabal Online just to impress a girl- no wait, a female character who most likely was a guy. *facepalms*

The only game I haven't seen that so far is Dungeons & Dragons Online, but I couldn't guarantee it's completely safe, since I'm on the EU servers, which are way less populated then the US ones, and also because the game isn't advertised at all in EU.

Thus, the player database on there is mostly composed of tabletop RPG nerds who very well know every other female character is a guy, or a woman who is old enough to be their mom (no seriously, I have played with two 40ish women once, that wasn't any different, or their company more or less enjoyable than any other *competent* player I have played with). There is some hitting on situations from times to times, but that's closer to some kind of RP'd chivalry stuff in which I'm pretty sure both players aren't taking too seriously what they're saying.

You for sure have silly kids and morons as well, but most leave after their 10-day trial because they can't afford the subscription / find the game too hard for them (ouch teamwork, wtf is that???) / find out every single person they think is a hot female teenager turns out to be a 30 y/o dude. But that might be quite different on US servers, knowing there is ten times as many people as there is on our small one.

Not to seem like I'm making any sexist comment or whataver, but yeah, seems like it really sucks being a female player on online games nowadays.

Dec 25, 2008, 10:26 PM
Yeah, especially when you see the person as a close friend and you don't want to ruin that. With me, I don't even want a relationship with anyone, and you'd think people would understand that when you tell them.....but clearly, some people don't. It really gets to me when people see that as "well I can get around that" instead of the intended "okay well I'll respect that and back off." This is part of the reason I usually keep my sex undetermined on the intartubes. Too many guys that think we're the ONLY NICE GIRLS EVER.

I'd say marrying you would solve our problems, but then again, how many guys even respect taken girls anymore?

You're so right. Guys always seem to think that they can be the special one...to... break someone out of their shell. Like, you've given up on relationships--but they can fix it by showing you how much they love and care for you!

Also, you're also right there. XD I always tell guys I have a girlfriend (even though I don't) and then they STILL try and hit on me. Like, come on.

Dec 25, 2008, 10:26 PM
Hey, I'd be a female player, any time, any place. ;3

Dec 25, 2008, 10:35 PM
(during my short time on FFXI, I picked a Galka with no hesitation, for instance).

Watching people fall for those hot, naked mithras left, right and center sure is fun, isn't it?

I'll admit I enjoyed the attention I got from being a cute lil'taru most of the time, though. ^-')b

Guys always seem to think that they can be the special one...to... break someone out of their shell. Like, you've given up on relationships--but they can fix it by showing you how much they love and care for you!

I figured a lot of guys are likely to think that way, especially with anime being so popular, and that exact scenario being a popular theme in these shows...

Dec 25, 2008, 10:50 PM
Watching people fall for those hot, naked mithras left, right and center sure is fun, isn't it?

I'll admit I enjoyed the attention I got from being a cute lil'taru most of the time, though. ^-')b

Oh, yeah, slutty nekogirls much ? <_<
I could predict it was going to get even worse with the release of the Dancer job in the WotG expansion when I looked at the sexy AF they had. Though I met a Galka Dancer, and I couldn't help but burst in laughes when I saw him playing and imagined him in that flamenco outfit. :lol:

I already had my fair share of mithras with the NPCs, since I decided to start in Windurst (as a Galka, yeah) with my Taru friend. It's true all the Taru players are getting lots of attention, but I have to admit they're cute and not that common among players, actually. I enjoyed being around them ; me and my friend had made a kind of background where I was in Windurst only to be closer to my main source of food (Tarus), but my friend was making sure to hit me hard every time I was ever thinking about eating one of his fellows (it went even worse when he turned into a Dragoon).

Huh... shit. I went quite off-topic, didn't I ? =|

Dec 25, 2008, 10:52 PM
I figured a lot of guys are likely to think that way, especially with anime being so popular, and that exact scenario being a popular theme in these shows...
That's an interesting point. It all boils down to the guy assuming that the girl WANTS someone to fix them. Not always the case. Yes, some girls do things like that so guys will give them attention, but me? I'm quite proud of my decision and it was all my own, and I just ask that it's respected. If I ever want to change my mind, I'll do so on my own.

Persistence should only go so far in this case.

Dec 25, 2008, 10:53 PM
For some reason, I like making short, female characters, and I would like them to have some sort of PUNCH. BAM

Well, I'm glad I didn't get a chance to finish ANY anime. Except Chobits, but the ending SUCKED. ;_________ ;

Powder Keg
Dec 25, 2008, 10:54 PM
Fact is...there are a lot of kids playing these kinds of games who just have these kinds of social issues. Sadly, some are even adults. ...and then, some are just trolling/joking around.

Dec 25, 2008, 10:55 PM
Thats odd, I've always heard of the scenario in question to be more of a "girl trying to fix the guy" thing.

Maybe it all boils down to personality...I usually can't stand seeing any of my friends sad or "broken", so I try to help if I can. This doesn't usually lead to anything romantic though 0_o

Dec 25, 2008, 11:02 PM
Yeah, usually if someone is heart broken, if you try to help, you might end up having that person wanting you. :/ I guess it seems like "love" heals, or something like that.

Dec 25, 2008, 11:14 PM
Yeah, usually if someone is heart broken, if you try to help, you might end up having that person wanting you. :/ I guess it seems like "love" heals, or something like that.

That explains a lot about the fact I've never experienced such a situation, then, since when someone is coming to me with all their problems and depressive stuff, I'm always closing myself like an oyster and getting away from all that stuff.

Oh I've tried helping with such problems quite long ago, but all the persons I happened to help that way weren't making any efforts and made me feel like all I was doing was useless ; thanks to such people, it came to a point I don't want to waste a single minute on that kind of crap anymore.

Guess that's not making me much of a good friend, since I'm doing my best to get only all the good sides of a friendship, but so far, my true friends proved to be reliable enough to fix their own problems by themselves without bothering me with it.

Dec 25, 2008, 11:26 PM
I wouldn't mind, actually. I am good at giving advice, and I also like giving advice.

Dec 25, 2008, 11:38 PM
It's very easy, tell them to GTFO, and if they act suicidal, tell them they need help.

Sounds odd but I've had to do with it with girls..don't think they've ever actually suicided.

I quite commonly get this same harassment by internet girls.

Dec 25, 2008, 11:41 PM
And those overly horny gay guys =>

I've gotten stalked from being MEAN to some guys.
-le sigh for having boobs and going online-

Dec 25, 2008, 11:46 PM
I started out in FFXI in 2003 as a rabid taru who used to lick mithras all the time. I'd always say that it was an 'in-character' thing, and I wasn't flirting "IRL" (which was true), but nevertheless something like that will always come across as somewhat shady.

In a strange twist of something obscure, I ended up befriending the same people I used to annoy, and some of them had found it funny in the first place. After I cooled it with the weird, I'd get to know some of 'em better outside the game, and yes, most turned out female~

So disregard everything we've said in this thread up to this post, all you aspiring stalker-freaks!

Get lickin'! ;0

Dec 25, 2008, 11:48 PM
Nice, I'll make sure to lick and annoy as much people as I can, and see which ones I become good friends with. Haha maybe not. xD

Dec 25, 2008, 11:49 PM
It's the professional thing to do as a creepy stalker, man.

Dec 25, 2008, 11:54 PM
Well, there is always the take-advantage-of-the-desperate-people-online man. ;3

Dec 26, 2008, 12:12 AM
Tessu... make your avitar blank or something. personally idk how you could like some by the look of an avitar lol.

Yeah really. Like, thinking the avatar is cute is fine, I compliment people in MMOs about their character all the time.

But I don't REALLY have short, fiery-red hair, yellow eyes, and I'm not wearing green/purple glowing armor. ): I mean, come on. Who does?*

*If you find someone who does, please allow me to meet them.

Dec 26, 2008, 12:13 AM
Although, I'm still biased, because I really haven't played any online games with ANYONE. xD (except Socom 3, but that was for a little while)

Yeah really. Like, thinking the avatar is cute is fine, I compliment people in MMOs about their character all the time.

But I don't REALLY have short, fiery-red hair, yellow eyes, and I'm not wearing green/purple glowing armor. ): I mean, come on. Who does?*

*If you find someone who does, please allow me to meet them.

Well I guess seeing avatars makes you seem like that person, I guess. You know? Of course you don't REALLY have all those details, but no one cares about reality. xD For example, everytime I think TESS, I THINK, ELENOR. Why? Because of that avi you always had. ;3 You get me?

Anyways, its too bad no one really looks like anime characters, because that would be awesome. (I do get obssesed with those characters, for example, LOVE HINA, or CHOBITS)

Dec 26, 2008, 12:15 AM
Yeah really. Like, thinking the avatar is cute is fine, I compliment people in MMOs about their character all the time.

But I don't REALLY have short, fiery-red hair, yellow eyes, and I'm not wearing green/purple glowing armor. ): I mean, come on. Who does?*

*If you find someone who does, please allow me to meet them.

Will do, will do. but a doubt that'll happen lol

Dec 26, 2008, 12:22 AM
I've had problems with this a couple of times too. My (male) Blood Elf warlock used to get hit on a lot, especially by some of the people in my own guild. I was getting to the end of my enjoyment of Warcraft, so I used to spend a lot of time messing around with my lowbie mates. We'd do entire instances in one pull just to see if it could be done, blow through otherwise difficult group quests together, or I'd hide in the shadows while they sat around killing spiders and stuff in the fields until stupid level 55 rogues would open on them and I'd fear dot dot them into oblivion. I had a good time until one day when they were like, "We don't even know what you look like!" so I linked my Myspace page in guild chat. After that it was nothing but uncomfortable whisper conversations and awkward come ons left and right. Hopefully nobody takes this the wrong way, but it was on an RP server, and a lot of the people in my guild were "geeky gamer" girls--and like Tessu said, just being nice is a little too often misinterpreted as something more when you're dealing with people on the internet.

These days I either tell people I'm the opposite gender of whatever they seem to be attracted to, or just flat out turn their advances down if they try to get silly romantic ideas over the innanet. I'm all for mind love and such, but seriously, if it's just simple human kindness (or regular old fashioned friendship) that you're getting all hot and bothered over, maybe you'd ought to reexamine yourself before trying to get with anybody else.

Dec 26, 2008, 12:22 AM
Well, someone could die their hair, right? And there is always contacts. Then, the armor, could be custom made.

Dec 26, 2008, 02:12 AM
TLDR for my tiredness in the last few posts, but I'd just like to state that I did skim and it does seem fairly decent that being a stable backbone for an emotionally sick person does cause a lot of the "Falling for" that generally happens in the online world.

Dec 26, 2008, 01:03 PM
TLDR for my tiredness in the last few posts, but I'd just like to state that I did skim and it does seem fairly decent that being a stable backbone for an emotionally sick person does cause a lot of the "Falling for" that generally happens in the online world.

Its not just online, it happens with therapists a lot as well. Situation called "transference".

Basically, people who give advice (professionally or just as a friend) become something of a role model that attracts a mental / spiritual (and sometimes sexual) desire to "connect" with that person.

A lot of girls I've helped with things got crushes on me, and one of my biggest crushes was on a girl who helped me a lot, its really a fairly common thing.

For whatever reason, a lot of people can open up and talk about things easier online than in person, so you mostly hear about it online, but it happens in a lot of other places too.

@CupofCoffee - What do you mean by "mind love"? Just curious.

Dec 26, 2008, 01:53 PM
Yes, much agreed, Aisha.

It's not just advice and counsel that can draw people, as well. Often times, I'll meet a lot of men online who have had a bad experience in the past and have since shut themselves out from the rest of the world, and are VERY deprived of any attention, particularly from women.

So then when I come along and act nice towards them, it's almost an instant attachment. It starts out as a little crush, but the more I interact with them, the faster it grows (almost exponentially). And then I become totally stuck: should I cut contact, or just remain friends with them as usual? :\ I mean, I don't want attachment to ruin the friendship, you know? Plus if I were to cut contact with the person, they'd be devastated.

Basically, giving people what they need leads to them growing attached to you, and sometimes they need the simplest of things... ><

Dec 26, 2008, 01:57 PM
Well Tessu, if you encounter things like that, there is no beating around the bush: you HAVE to tell them what YOU want out of this (just a friendship, nothing more), because (speaking from experience) some guys just get too close and they think that you are the best thing in their life and if anything were to happen then they might as well kill themselves over a simple misunderstanding, because they are too thick-skulled to understand that you are just there as a friend.

Some people are just blah...

Dec 26, 2008, 02:48 PM
Although, I have also given advice to men as well, but that doesn't get any attachment at all! (unless the friend is bi, which has lead to him liking me :/)

Although, what sucks sometimes is if you are giving advice, and you are not single.

Dec 27, 2008, 09:40 AM
And that's why being nice doesn't pay off XD

That said, I quit playing MMO's some time ago (not that I played much anyway) or online in general, and I'm quite content with that.

Dec 27, 2008, 12:53 PM
I think of it as an extra mini-game that only females get. :wacko: Personally, I don't think anything's wrong with two people growing fond of each other online as long as it's taken like it should be. This is sort of a gray area, so I don't want to say that people shouldn't take it seriously. In fact, there can be real feelings involved, and to disregard that just because it's online it's still as despicable. I don't think people can truly fall in love on online alone though. Both people involved should be open to taking the relationship further at appropriate points because it can't stay online forever.

I understand that your rant has little to do with what I just said though. I mean, there are some desperate pigs online, and they'll try to hit on you the moment they meet you. However, I've discovered that some of it is trolling. I was on HOME with my real life buddy, and we saw some random girl. He told me to hit on her because it'd be funny. :lol: I didn't, of course, but I wonder how many people out there actually do that. I somewhat hope some people do on one hand because I'd like to have more faith in people, but it's also extremely immature (and sexist). Either way, some people...

Dec 28, 2008, 10:40 PM
Use your ban list if necessary and try to steer clear of the idiots. Online games and their ilk aren't going to change. Unreciprocated feelings really aren't as big a deal as people make it. Then again, I'm not a girl.

Dec 29, 2008, 01:20 AM
These kinds of people are why I hate everything.

Dec 29, 2008, 01:34 AM
These kinds of people are why I hate everything.Wow >.>

Dec 29, 2008, 01:53 AM
Wow >.>

One day, you'll see the truth... :wacko:

Hurray for stupid, whiney, immature kids online! They only good they serve is to show natural selection still exists.

Oh, and live bait to keep the zombies away long enough to make your escape!

Dec 29, 2008, 02:57 AM
I thought it was funny for TOH to post in this thread because wasn't TOH accused of hitting on any random female characters in WoW? :wacko:

Dec 29, 2008, 04:14 AM
This is all an elaborate lie from males. We're not actually attracted to you but we figure if we piss you off with this shit enough you'll finally leave us alone and give us our video games back.

Come on the last fucking thing I want to do when I'm playing an online game is deal with a woman.

Dec 29, 2008, 06:01 AM
I'm confused. Isn't this the whole reason that girls exist?

Dec 29, 2008, 09:01 AM
This is all an elaborate lie from males. We're not actually attracted to you but we figure if we piss you off with this shit enough you'll finally leave us alone and give us our video games back.

Come on the last fucking thing I want to do when I'm playing an online game is deal with a woman.

You sir, have won the day.

Dec 29, 2008, 10:45 AM
This is all an elaborate lie from males. We're not actually attracted to you but we figure if we piss you off with this shit enough you'll finally leave us alone and give us our video games back.

Come on the last fucking thing I want to do when I'm playing an online game is deal with a woman.Wow O_O

Dec 29, 2008, 11:30 AM
I'm confused. Isn't this the whole reason that girls exist?

To pester men? xD

Dec 29, 2008, 11:38 AM
If i was you I would use them to my advantage to get items but that just me and being evil >;D

Dec 29, 2008, 01:07 PM
This is all an elaborate lie from males. We're not actually attracted to you but we figure if we piss you off with this shit enough you'll finally leave us alone and give us our video games back.

Come on the last fucking thing I want to do when I'm playing an online game is deal with a woman.



Dec 29, 2008, 02:47 PM
Locked by request.