View Full Version : I love Tollaw..

Feb 6, 2003, 11:26 PM
As you may know, my Signature has boasted about my legit Lavis Cannon...well, I found another one tonight! ^o^ w00t!


Feb 6, 2003, 11:38 PM
Heh heh.. I am making a purplenum HUcast just for this purpose... so before long you won't be the only one! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Feb 6, 2003, 11:48 PM
Damn...your lucky.

I've been doing Ultimate mines non stop for the past few days with my Bluefull character. I'm looking for Lavis Cannon off of a Sinow Red. I'm getting really frustrated, it seems almost impossible to get.

Feb 6, 2003, 11:49 PM
kidna off topic but..Cloud, you found an Imperial Pick off Gulgus Gue yet??! I can't get one! >_<

Feb 6, 2003, 11:54 PM
Nope, I gave up on looking for one after around the 60th forest run. I got two Holy Rays along the way though ^_^

I can't believe I haven't found one yet. It's only 10 stars...but so rare.

Feb 7, 2003, 01:29 AM
Talk about lucky. Is your secret the online quest Lost Heat Sword? Hehe. Looks like my FOnewearl is gonna have a little job on her hands. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

Feb 7, 2003, 01:41 AM
Soul of a Blacksmith actually. I didn't even see which Tollaw dropped me the first one, so many..o.o;;

The second though, was dropped up on the platform in the room before the dragon. Maybe I should only start picking up ones with hit%? =X

Feb 7, 2003, 02:47 AM
OMG, I've done the forest over 300 times with my BLUEFULL and I have yet to get a dam Imperial Pick. Worst yet is that I haven't gotten a Holy Ray either :. I think my first few times through Ult Ruins I got pretty all the rare drop expect for Scorcer's Arm and whatever Bringer drops. I hate the forest!!!

Feb 7, 2003, 03:56 AM
I got the luminous feild out of the Tollow with out realizing it was VERY rare... I think it was about my second run thru forrest ult... But my luck ran out after that... I want that damn C-sorc.cane. After countless docs secret plan runs... Still nothing.

Feb 7, 2003, 07:38 AM
*goes into Forest*

I will never come out until I find a LAVIS CANNON WITH MY SHADOW!!!

Feb 7, 2003, 08:29 AM
Unless you have a syncesta or two, that LAVIS CANNON is useless.

Feb 7, 2003, 08:53 AM
Purplenums can find syncestas, right?

Feb 7, 2003, 09:28 AM
ORAN hildetorrs drop syncestas. When I get off my lazy rump offline im gonna get to ult and pipe some.

Feb 7, 2003, 09:51 AM
My bluefull has found both the Holy Ray and the Imperial Pick in forest, both by accident. I'm pretty sure I've found everything I can find in forest with my bluefull, which is almost sad ;( Still looking for that Heaven's Punisher though http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

Feb 7, 2003, 10:54 AM
On 2003-02-06 20:48, Cloud_01 wrote:
Damn...your lucky.

I've been doing Ultimate mines non stop for the past few days with my Bluefull character. I'm looking for Lavis Cannon off of a Sinow Red. I'm getting really frustrated, it seems almost impossible to get.

sweet jesus sinow red drops lavis cannon for bluefull? maybe i should do more mines runs...

Feb 7, 2003, 10:55 AM
oh yeah, i've also found like more than 10 holy rays ^_^. Also ive found 4 or 5 imperial picks... hmm.. nothing from tollaw yet, or hildetorr.

Feb 7, 2003, 11:25 AM
Lavis Cannon adds +456 to my confidence, so..I'll get S-red to drop em[Syncesta]. Being a HUcaseal,I'll make good use of my legit Double Cannon someday..^_^

Feb 7, 2003, 01:03 PM
OK! this is the kind of topic I like! I also love tallow with my REDRIA he drops red saber! Ive had alot of luck lately (and alot of time) Ive found two count'em 2! metor culdges one spread needle and a monkey king bar. Man I love to get those drops that make you scream....OMG!!!!!! Ive also had nano dragon drop me a red slicer(30% mechine) Im still searchin for the del d to drop my red mech guns.

Feb 7, 2003, 01:15 PM
I'm an Oran so maybe I'll start piping for a Hildetorr...get a Synceasta (or however you spell that) Need a Lavis cannon though o.o

Feb 7, 2003, 04:48 PM
Tollaw... man, if my HUmar were anything but level 1, I'd be trying to get him into Ult so I could get a Twin Chakram for my FOmarl. But, I think I've got enough weapons as it is, so...

Anyway, nice find on the Lavis Cannons! Your luck has my respect. ^_^

Feb 8, 2003, 03:24 AM
My luck sux cause the best thing I've gotten outta the forest with my HUmar in Redria is about 20 Red handguns from Pal Rappy's. . .

Feb 8, 2003, 05:46 AM
On 2003-02-07 05:29, TeamPhalanx wrote:
Unless you have a syncesta or two, that LAVIS CANNON is useless.

Not really. The weapon by itself is the second strongest saber type in the game, plus it just looks cool. Not to mention he now has a Cannon with % to each area except Native. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Feb 8, 2003, 07:56 AM
It's a saber type... That means it's completely useless in Ultimate mode, solo or on a team, offline or online.

For those looking for Sinow Red drops... Sinow Red/Spigell/Zele drops are nearly impossible to obtain. In other words, unless you're prepared to do 500+ Mines runs, I wouldn't bother.

Feb 8, 2003, 10:49 AM
TeamPhalanx: I happen to use single-hit weapons quite effectively in offline Ult Forest, and there are numerous enemies in the Caves that're susceptible to Saber weapons. Sabers and similar weapons also help with bringing down the Dragon through its feet, and it still works vs. Darvants. You can hit a LOT of enemies quite well with Sabers, even into Episode 2. Hardly "useless."

Feb 8, 2003, 11:19 AM
and the Lavis Cannon has a ranged attack as its special right?

releases mysterious wave attack at the cost of me?

which could help against some enemies

Feb 8, 2003, 11:31 AM
If you're depending on a saber type weapon, then you've no idea what you're doing. The common DEMOLITION COMET is better than the LAVIS CANNON, AGITO, and YAMIGARASU. Heck, even an ASUKA is better than any of those.

They only hit once, and after you complete the 3rd attack, it's almost a guarantee that you'll get hit - There's also a very high chance that you'll not be able to kill the enemy with your 3rd hit.

Minimal hits, leaves you vulnerable, and only hits one enemy at a time. It's arguably the worst weapon for a HUnter in Ultimate mode.

Feb 8, 2003, 12:02 PM
But if the only thing that mattered was effectiveness then we wouldnt even need rares because the best weapon for a hunter will always be a Charge Vulcan with high hit% and other %s. Rares increase the enjoyment and are fun to use regardless of how "useless" they are.

Feb 8, 2003, 12:13 PM
That's wrong. A Charge Vulcan with 50% hit does not hit often enough in Ultimate mode, especially in CCA & Seabed.

As for rares being effective, my BKB has 25% hit, making it by far the most useful item in my inventory. There's also my VJAYA, which is the only weapon I use when fighting the Caves & Temple bosses. Do I need to mention my rare units, armor, and shield?

Feb 8, 2003, 12:30 PM
my 40%hit vulcans do just fine in ult cca and seabed.
celes, congrats! my friend has gone through 20+ red slimes looking for that wep...
phalanx you sound jealous..heheh

Feb 8, 2003, 01:55 PM
40% hit Vulcans doing fine? I can only assume you're either a HUcaseal or a RAnger. I have 50% Vulcans and a base ATA of (195) and I miss 1/3 of the time.

Jealous? Of a weapon that's useless and has lousy %? Obviously, you've no idea of the standards I have.

Feb 8, 2003, 02:06 PM
My 50% hit Vulcan works fine in episode 2 for my Humar. He doesn't hit every time, but he doesn't die much either.

What's so good about a BKB? Useless in episode 1, and in episode 2 it's not great because it requires such a close range.

Feb 8, 2003, 02:16 PM
With a good Jellen and Deband, that "assured hit" shouldn't be a problem. HUnewearls get level 20 in both, so that shouldn't be a problem. For as much as I try focus on effectiveness over looks, I will say that using a Lavis Cannon simply because it *is* a Lavis Cannon is fine and dandy, since it does have moderate effectiveness given its stats. You don't need perfection 100% of the time. =/

Feb 8, 2003, 02:19 PM
CCA & Seabed is almost all one-on-one battles. Double/Twin saber weapons do the most damage when in a one-on-one situations. Episode II enemies aren't as fast as Episode I enemies. Episode II enemies have higher EVP than Episode I enemies.

Double/Twin saber weapons have higher ATA than Mechguns. Double/Twin weapons do more total damage than Mechguns.

Put all those together.

Going back to topic, it's not hard to get a drop from a Tallow, especially with Heat Sword. It's almost a guarantee that (no matter what your id) you'll get something from them if you do 50 runs.

As for the LAVIS CANNON itself, I'll pose this question for the owners. Assuming that you have other rares (such as METEOR CUDGEL, DEMOLITION COMET, RED SWORD, etc.) exactly how often do you use the LAVIS CANNON?

Feb 8, 2003, 02:41 PM
On 2003-02-08 11:19, TeamPhalanx wrote:
CCA & Seabed is almost all one-on-one battles. Double/Twin saber weapons do the most damage when in a one-on-one situations. Episode II enemies aren't as fast as Episode I enemies. Episode II enemies have higher EVP than Episode I enemies.

Double/Twin saber weapons have higher ATA than Mechguns. Double/Twin weapons do more total damage than Mechguns.

Put all those together.

Going back to topic, it's not hard to get a drop from a Tallow, especially with Heat Sword. It's almost a guarantee that (no matter what your id) you'll get something from them if you do 50 runs.

As for the LAVIS CANNON itself, I'll pose this question for the owners. Assuming that you have other rares (such as METEOR CUDGEL, DEMOLITION COMET, RED SWORD, etc.) exactly how often do you use the LAVIS CANNON?

I'm guessing you're referring to offline single player? I've only tried the seabed once by myself offline, it's pretty difficult with only level 3 (Or whatever low level it is that S-Red blades give) shifta/deband. I don't know, I just don't like melee weapons at all in episode 2. Maybe I should try my 15% hit meteor cudgel and see what I can do...

In multiplayer online there aren't many one-on-one battles so my strategy is always rafoie for tags then (using my vulcan) pick out whatever is either attacking me, or if nothing's attacking me then protect any Force character(s).

Heh, I _wish_ it was easy to get a Tollaw (I still call them "tallows" regardless of the correct spelling) to drop for Whitill. After so many HS runs, I figured I'd get one lousy red box. Of course, I'm not interested in rares that my main characters can drop anymore, other than God/Minds... All I need is a Cure/Shock, a 60%+ hit vulcan, a Rafoie Merge and a level 30 Rafoie disc and I'll be set. Well a Guld Milla would help my Ranger but um...I don't think I'll be getting that any time soon.

If the only thing that matters is getting the most experience over the shortest period of time, then yes saber type weapons are useless. However, if the actual gameplay itself is entertaining to someone, I recommend trying out the slower weapon types because a lot of them have interesting and fun abilities. Crazy Tune, Samba Miracas and Akiko's Frying Pan are humorous weapons to try out. Also, because there is basically no challenge in the game using strong equipment, it can be fun to test your skills by wearing only basic type equipment (Meaning no rares what-so-ever) and wimpy weapon types.

See how far in Ultimate episode 1 you can go by only using a standard weapon (Either a Cane, Saber or Handgun, a Frame with no slots, no barrier, and a brand new mag! I think I'll go try that right now, as a matter of fact... Whee!

Feb 8, 2003, 02:42 PM
wow...before my lvl 117 FOmar got corrupted, the best thing i found in ulti was a meteor smash in a F2 box...I almost go a heavens punisher in R1...but someone got it before me...It came from a poison trap...kinda odd, but I saw it!

Feb 8, 2003, 03:18 PM
Sabers can be effective in some cases, especially if you are fighting against slow enemies or against a boss. While it may only target one enemy, the animation is still quite fast even without a God/Battle, for male Hunters of course. My HUmar was able to pwn in Ultimate Mines on the DC version with a Red Saber with 50% to Machine. I know % don't work the same but I believe the animation is the same still.

Of course, if you are using a female Hunter like a HUnewearl, then relying on a Saber is probably suicide. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Feb 8, 2003, 03:37 PM
I play a lot of online Ultimate Seabed, and almost everyone, including myself, uses one-on-one weapons, because that's what it comes down to.

The odds of getting a HP from a box (poison thing is considered a box) is 0%.

Feb 8, 2003, 03:57 PM
On 2003-02-08 10:55, TeamPhalanx wrote:
40% hit Vulcans doing fine? I can only assume you're either a HUcaseal or a RAnger. I have 50% Vulcans and a base ATA of (195) and I miss 1/3 of the time.

Jealous? Of a weapon that's useless and has lousy %? Obviously, you've no idea of the standards I have.


Feb 8, 2003, 04:13 PM
On 2003-02-08 11:19, TeamPhalanx wrote:
Double/Twin saber weapons have higher ATA than Mechguns. Double/Twin weapons do more total damage than Mechguns.

Actually high hit% mechs have superior ATA to any of the rare or rariest double saber weapons which usually have little to no hit %. I have a 25% hit Demo comet and my 50% hit Charge mechs edges it out in ATA(there also alot easier to find then a demo/cudgel with hit%). I have 280 ATA with my HUcaseal using a pair of high hit mechs .

With out a Force mechs aren't as effective as a double saber, but with a FO they are very usefull. It's damage is very compareable to a comet/cudgel with a FO on the team. Especially when I can critical for 1000 damage using it's charge special, not bad for a non rare that can be bought in the store.

Only the HUcaseal can use the charge mechs effectively in the tougher stages, let alone perform normal/hard/special combos with ease. Sinow zoa and zele are the exceptions. Their evp is simply to high for a normal/hard/hard hit to connect unless there frozen, although N/N/H works fine using mechs or a double saber.

As for the topic:

As for Lavis cannon, it's not very usefull unless you have a synesta, but still a great find. Although theres no point in having it in your sig.

I certainly don't bother to put "Proud owner of a Legit Dancing Hitogata" in my sig, amoung other things.

Feb 8, 2003, 05:56 PM
Phalanx you over look 1 thing that saber type weapons have that make them quite useful even on ult. As weapons go they have one of the shortest delays at the end of a 3 hit combo string. This allows you to take a step back when the enemy swings back at you and they will miss leaving themselves open for the next combo string. This makes them very useful since it has enabled me to clear the forest and caves without getting hit on many occasions.

Feb 8, 2003, 06:29 PM
Cept with a double/twin saber, the enemy would be dead after the combo.

Dancing Hitogata? Now that truly is a rare item.

Feb 9, 2003, 03:24 AM
Actually I got hit more using a double/twin saber style weapon. Mostly the one sitting behind the one I killed stepped up and hit me the second the first died. And unless you have a /battle unit most enemies on Ult seem to hit you before the last 2 hits of a twin saber combo. . .

Feb 9, 2003, 08:48 AM
On 2003-02-08 10:55, TeamPhalanx wrote:
40% hit Vulcans doing fine? I can only assume you're either a HUcaseal or a RAnger. I have 50% Vulcans and a base ATA of (195) and I miss 1/3 of the time.

Jealous? Of a weapon that's useless and has lousy %? Obviously, you've no idea of the standards I have.

dude.. you're a tool. why dont you let the guy enjoy his find and shut the fuck up. like you are some PSO god or something. obviously we have no i dea of your standards? obiously you have no idea how to function in society. maybe if you were such a elitest dick, you could have a life, and get to make friends. I have seen all your BS posts on here, about how ubercool you are. if someone likes sabers, then so be it. you dont. maybe they just have more skill at the game, and can utilize them better then you can. so maybe saber tye weaspons arent useless, you are.

thanks and drive through.

Feb 9, 2003, 08:55 AM
On 2003-02-06 20:26, Celes152 wrote:
As you may know, my Signature has boasted about my legit Lavis Cannon...well, I found another one tonight! ^o^ w00t!


Um, yay? Yeah, Lavis is strong, but there is better stuff out there with all the new GC rares.

Feb 9, 2003, 09:18 AM
And, obviously, StonedGrover, you're a very classy fella who's a very effective communicator and always cites facts. On top of that, you always see the reality of things and realize that 20% is an awesome percent, that sabers are the best weapon in the game, and that a LAVIS CANNON is the rarest item in the game.

Of course, if one to take what I just wrote and flip everything around...

Feb 9, 2003, 09:37 AM
actually, I am a very good communicator. I have been doing corporate sales for over 3 years now, with a fortune 1000 company, and deal with the CEO's and CFO's of some of the largest companies in the world. I negotiate half millions dollars deals constantly. just because on thhe boards, swearing is part of my vernacular. doesnt make me ingorant. a guy is happy he found a lavis cannon. nevermind 2 of them. they were one of the 3 uber rarest items in DC v1. and now he has 2 of them. instead of letting him enjoy his find, which he is OBVIOUSLY very proud of, you tell him it is a useless find unless he gets syncestas.

then you come back in repeatedly to further try and diminish his joy at his finds. i dont understand that. let him enjoy his finds. I havent found one yet. i dont personall know anyone who has.

he was happy with his find. he didnt put up a post about his rares to have someone come in and tell him his rare sucks. he is happy. leave him alone. you find the need to ruin that for him? i can only fathom that it is because you are a sad and unhappy person. if not you are just unpleasant and mean.

as for facts there are some for you to chew on for a while.

bottomline is that this is a GAME. not real life. i will never understand why you would try and take the pleasure out of this for him. you proclaim to be the last legit. and you get on your soapbax at every opportunity to proclaim how you hate cheaters for going out of their way to ruin this game for you, and all legits. all you accomplished in this thread it to ruin part of this game for him.

so im my eyes, you can be as legit as you want, you are just as bad as any duper. maybe more so, as you intentionally had nothing more to gain from this then to hurt someone, and belittle them, and make yourself feel good.

you arent worth acknowledging anymore. write what you will. you are beneath me. and talking to you only lowers me. maybe you should see a therapist.

and to the person who started this thread:

congrats man. those are nice finds. you should be proud, and happy. Good luck in the future. im sorry i hijacked your thread. wont happen again.

Feb 9, 2003, 09:54 AM
Actually, the bottom line is that most everyone that makes these "look at the rare I found" posts are deluding themselves by thinking/annoncing that the item they have is actually rare, when it's not.

I love that line "3 uber rarest items in DC v1." Welcome to reality. This is GC PSO.

The truth is, that the LAVIS CANNON is useless w/o a Syncesta or 2.

Only the the likes of you are doing is supporting lies of others. You refuse to see the facts as they are and don't have a clue of the actual rarity of the items in the game.

Going back to your amusing comment about the "skills" involving sabers, since I just happen to be a c-mode vet, odds are I'm more familiar with saber types than the majority of the players are.

In other words...

You've no idea what you're talking about; so do yourself a favor and shut up.

Oh, btw, since I like to cite facts and stuff (things like that seem to be good) I do say something along the lines of "congratulations" if a person does indeed find a item that is actually rare. The most recent one being a Delbiter drop, which *gasp* is actually uber-rare.

Feb 9, 2003, 03:03 PM
Lastnight in multimode VR temple I saw two mil lillies and one hildterr the mils dropped mesta (2421) and the hildterr dropped windmill!!! What do you guys think about multimode??? Ive have great luck with it!!

I dont agree that the lavis cannon is the "rarest" one item on the game.

Feb 9, 2003, 03:04 PM
Lastnight in multimode VR temple I saw two mil lillies and one hildterr the mils dropped mesta (2421) and the hildterr dropped windmill!!! What do you guys think about multimode??? Ive have great luck with it!!

I dont agree that the lavis cannon is the "rarest" one item on the game.

Feb 9, 2003, 06:45 PM
Blue-hawk is the resident expert on multi-mode...

I'd guess you're ORAN. Everytime I see a Hildetorr I freak - It's the only enemy that I actually run from. I can't believe you actually remember the meseta amount. I try forget about rare enemies dropping meseta...

I hear multi-mode is great, since you get the number of enemies you face online, and the telepipe trick works.

Feb 9, 2003, 08:00 PM
Wow, is this the right place to post bragging rights? Hmm, I think the legit Lavis Cannon has been milked enough. A second one now? Good find. Well when you find a third will we be seeing another one of these? Heh Heh.