View Full Version : RANDOMNESS OF PSO

Dec 30, 2008, 10:23 PM
Okay, so all the little random details of PSO life I have noticed.

1.) Pal Rappiers: What's up with the huge one? That's literally like the size of a car. lol And does any one know what the chance of finding one is. [I call them Mama Rappies =p]

2.) Has anyone ever really paid attention to how little-kiddish most of the scripts are? Which doesn't make sense seeing as it's far beyond too complicated for anyone under the age of 12 or 13 to play... even though I've been playing since I was 11, that's beyond the point! I'm just a smartie:-D

3.) Why do so many weapons stop grind at weird numbers like 9, or... 25? It's odd. Too odd.

4.) I really only have 3 complaints of the game. The first and most important is how similar in formation, patterns, and attack the enemies are. They all relate. Like Boomas, Sharks, Diminians. Cananes and Gees. Gibbons and wolfs. The other two are that you can't jump[then again, there is no need to, so it's no big deal]. And lastly, I would love a first person view with manual targeting... but hey, even though I'd like all these things, it's STILL my favorite game of all time.

5.) Elly in episode two. Why does she get that epic costume? I totally wish I could put that on a HUnewearl or FOnewearl... That'd be epic.

6.) Lastly: Dark Falz. When you see him appear from that temple/monument... And it moves the screen down and you see your character compared to him, isn't it RIDICULOUS how big he actually is. Like... seriously, imagine being your character... You're surrounded by like 100 floating sword things. The finally disappear. You turn around, and see something literally like 10 or 12 Story's high. At least. Wouldn't you just be all like... "Dude, come on... seriously? What the #$@%?!"

Yeah. That's it. Sorry it sounds so weird... I was totally hyper and bored when I did this. ANYWAY, any comments or other weird random thoughts you have would be more than welcome to my mind... once I read it... err, can't think exactly how to word it, but you know what I mean!

Okay, all done now. You turn :-D

Dec 30, 2008, 10:31 PM
Haha this is awesome.

7.) After you beat Falz and move on to episode II you see Olga, The size of olga is ridicules. The Geal Geil pair is as large as Falz's third form. Olga himself is monstrous.

8.) How can something that big take so long to fall down a disposal shute?

9.) How the hell does a MAG work? How do you feed metal?

Dec 30, 2008, 10:37 PM
lmfao! Yes! And... OOOH! :-D

10.) How do you fit swords into those tiny boxes, which in real life would be like 1 1/2 Ft long, 1 ft tall, and like 6 inches in depth... What, do the cheat and use like Nano-tech or something?

11.) Uhm... like... How do they actually do techniques? Like... If I do some funky movement will I be able to shoot Fire balls and make explosions?[sub questions: Why doesn't casting rafoie like... kill yourself? It's a bomb that pop's up out of no where, you should get like... dead.]

12.) Speaking of dead; how do they bring you back to life? And like... how do you go back to Pioneer 2 and get to the medic to come back to life... if you're dead? xD

Dec 30, 2008, 10:45 PM
13.) Why does only your money drop when you die?

Dec 30, 2008, 10:50 PM
14.) Why can't you get it back? -.-

15.) Why does your mag synchro lower when you die? That annoys me. lol

Dec 30, 2008, 10:55 PM
16.) The ladies at the hospital look so nice, but why do they steal your cash. ;-;

Dec 30, 2008, 10:58 PM
I know what it is! They work the corners... of... the nurse office? You know what I meannnnn.......................................... .................................................. ........................................

17.) Why are Belra's so ridiculously shaped...? Like... their legs are like 5% of the body, the rest is like 50% body+neck... 40 with arms, and like 5 with the head.

Dec 31, 2008, 02:09 PM
18. how did the dragon get into the dome? the door is tiny and the roof is still intact.

Dec 31, 2008, 02:15 PM
19.) In ULT how does everything get cold all of a sudden and open?

Dec 31, 2008, 03:35 PM
20. how come, if you have a 10 foot sword and stand in front 6 foot tall, 3 foot wide enemy, when you swing the sword you can miss?

21. how come said 10 foot sword can be carried around using 1 hand but require 2 hands to swing?

Dec 31, 2008, 03:57 PM
What's up with these? Most are unused.

Unused text? I don't remember these.

T h e D r a g o n ' s w e a k p o i n t i s
i t s h e a d . [I t l o w e r s i t s h e a d w h e n i t ' s
a t t a c k e d s e v e r a l t i m e s .
T h a t ' s y o u r o p e n i n g .

I t t a k e s s o l o n g t o d o t h i n g s
w h e n I d o t h e m a l o n e . [I t w o u l d b e m u c h f a s t e r i f
s o m e b o d y h e l p e d m e . . .

E v e r y t i m e I g e t a n
a b n o r m a l s t a t u s , I w i s h
I w e r e a n a n d r o i d . [A n d r o i d s c a n o p t i m i z e
t h e m s e l v e s , s o t h e y h i t
w i t h g r e a t e r a c c u r a c y . [M o r e t h a n a n y t h i n g , i t ' s
g r e a t t h a t t h e y c a n s e t
t r a p s . W i s h I c o u l d . . .

A t t a c k a D e R o l L e ' s h e a d ! [J u s t f o c u s o n a t t a c k i n g t h e
h e a d , o r y o u ' l l b e k i l l e d
b y i t s a r m s !

T h i s d o o r w o n ' t o p e n . . . ! [D o I h a v e t o p r e s s a l l t h e
s w i t c h e s a t t h e s a m e t i m e ?

H e y , d o n ' t c r o s s t h e
i n f r a r e d s e n s o r s ! [Y o u d o n ' t w a n t t o
m e e t t h e m .

I w a n t t h i s c o n v e y e r b e l t
t o g o i n r e v e r s e . . .

H m m m . . . , t h i s m a g m a s e e m s t o
e r u p t a t r e g u l a r i n t e r v a l s .

Y o u c a n ' t m o v e f o r a w h i l e
w h e n y o u ' r e t r a p p e d . [Y o u n e e d s o m e o n e t o h e l p y o u ,
d o n ' t y o u ?

A n o i s e s e n s o r ? [O K , O K , t h e y d o n ' t l i k e
b i g m o u t h s l i k e m e .

h e r e m u s t b e a s e n s o r t h a t
d e t e c t s t e c h n i q u e s . . .

H o w c a n I d i s p e l t h i s m i s t ?

Interestingly, the Grave's Butler quest text is in the map_cave_e.bin, map_cave_e_u.bin, and quest files.

C o m e t o t h i n k o f i t ,
t h e r e w a s s o m e t h i n g v e r y
s t r a n g e a b o u t P i o n e e r 1 . [P i o n e e r 1 w a s d e s i g n e d t o
b e u s e d a s m a t e r i a l t o
b u i l d t h e C e n t r a l D o m e . [B u t w e d i s c o v e r e d t h a t
t h e D o m e w a s 1 2 % s m a l l e r
t h a n i t s h o u l d h a v e b e e n . [W e w o n d e r e d a b o u t t h e 1 2 %
t h a t w a s m i s s i n g . . . [W e m i g h t b e a b l e t o f i n d
o u t m o r e i f w e c o n t i n u e
i n v e s t i g a t i n g .

F o l l o w V o l O p t ' s m o v e
a n d b r e a k t h e m o n i t o r ! [D o i t w i t h o u t a n y h e s i t a t i o n !

I s t h i s . . . [I s t h i s w h e r e t h e m i s s i n g
m a t e r i a l f r o m P i o n e e r 1
w a s u s e d . . . ? [W h y d i d t h e y d i g a t u n n e l
a l l t h e w a y d o w n h e r e ? [A n d w h y d i d n ' t t h e y s a y
a n y t h i n g a b o u t i t t o t h e
c i t i z e n s . . .

B u t h o w ?
I t h a s n o r e a l b o d y . H o w c a n
I a t t a c k i t ?

I w a n t t o s e e m y f a t h e r . [H e ' s b e e n v e r y b u s y , b u t
h e g a v e m e t h i s r e d r i n g ,
a l o n g t i m e a g o . . . [I t s e r v e s a s a b o n d
b e t w e e n u s , e v e n t h o u g h
w e ' r e f a r a p a r t . [I . . . I w i s h I w e r e w i t h
h i m . I w o n d e r w h a t h e ' s
d o i n g r i g h t n o w .

map_city_off_e.bin: Now this is realy interesting. This is unused all together. This was ment for offline, but map_city_on_e.bin is used for both.
A r e y o u < n a m e h e r o > ,
t h e < n a m e j o b > ?
I ' m P r i n c i p a l T y r e l l . [W e h a v e a b a d s i t u a t i o n . . .
W e n e e d t o a c t q u i c k l y . [D i d y o u h e a r a b o u t
t h e e x p l o s i o n o n R a g o l ? [V e r y w e l l .
P a y a t t e n t i o n a n d
l i s t e n t o m e . [W e ' v e l o s t c o n t a c t w i t h
P i o n e e r 1 . W e h a v e n o i d e a
w h a t h a s h a p p e n e d . [W e ' v e s e n t u n m a n n e d s e a r c h
u n i t s , b u t c o m m u n i c a t i o n s e e m s
t o c u t o f f n e a r t h e s u r f a c e . [W h a t h a p p e n e d o n R a g o l ?
W h a t o c c u r e d o n P i o n e e r 1 ?
A r e t h e p e o p l e o n b o a r d a l i v e ? [T h e c o u n c i l m a d e a d e c i s i o n t o
s e n d a m a n n e d s e a r c h t e a m . [Y o u a r e a s k i l l e d < n a m e j o b > .
W e n e e d y o u r h e l p . [W e h a v e n o c h o i c e . . .
W e n e e d a p l a c e t o s e t t l e o n . \( ZG o t a n I D C a r d . T ^( ZG o t a Q u e s t B o a r d . T ^( ZG o t a M a p p e r .

W e c a n ' t r e t u r n t o o u r
p l a n e t . N o w w e m u s t e m i g r a t e
t o R a g o l . [I f w e d o n ' t s e t t l e o n R a g o l ,
t h e n w e ' d j u s t d r i f t a b o u t i n
s p a c e f o r e v e r . . .

I a m r e s p o n s i b l e f o r
3 0 , 0 0 0 p e o p l e o n P i o n e e r 2 . [S h o u l d w e a b a n d o n R a g o l a n d
j u s t d e p a r t ? [B u t w e d o n ' t h a v e a n y o t h e r
p l a n e t t h a t w e c a n s e t t l e o n .
W e n e e d a h o m e . . .

T h e u n d e r g r o u n d r u i n s . . . A r e
t h e y t h e c a u s e o f e v e r y t h i n g ? [D i d p e o p l e f r o m P i o n e e r 1
g o d o w n i n t o t h e r u i n s ? [< n a m e h e r o > ,
P l e a s e c o n t i n u e i n v e s t i g a t i n g .

I h e a r d a b o u t i t . [I a s s u m e t h a t t h e m o n s t e r s y o u
e n c o u n t e r e d a r e n a t i v e a n i m a l s
l i v i n g o n R a g o l . [B u t a c c o r d i n g t o P i o n e e r 1 ' s
r e p o r t , t h e n a t i v e a n i m a l s
w e r e q u i e t a n d p e a c e f u l . . .

W h a t m a d e t h e n o r m a l l y q u i e t
n a t i v e a n i m a l s g o b e r s e r k ? [I t ' s a n a t u r a l q u e s t i o n , b u t
t h e r e i s a n o t h e r p o s s i b i l i t y . [P e r h a p s P i o n e e r 1 m a d e a
f a l s e r e p o r t .
I d o n ' t k n o w w h y t h e y w o u l d . [I s n ' t i t p o s s i b l e t h o u g h ?

I f t h a t h u g e c r e a t u r e c a u s e d
a l l o f t h o s e a c c i d e n t s , w e
s h o u l d b e s a f e n o w . [I t w a s d e f e a t e d b y < n a m e h e r o > ,
t h e s k i l l e d < n a m e j o b > ! [. . . D o y o u r e a l l y t h i n k s o ? [W a s i t r e a l l y t h e l a s t o n e ?
N o b o d y k n o w s ! [H a , h a . . . t h e r e m u s t b e m o r e .
H u n d r e d s o f m o n s t e r s l i k e t h a t
m u s t e x i s t . . . h a , h a , h a

B y n o w , y o u m u s t k n o w t h a t
R a g o l i s a d a n g e r o u s p l a n e t .
T h a t i s s o m e t h i n g ! [N o b o d y o n P i o n e e r 1
s u r v i v e d . [W e h a v e t o l e a v e h e r e
r i g h t n o w . \Pě P i o n e e r 1 s o m e h o w k n e w o f
t h e e x i s t e n c e o f t h e a n c i e n t
r u i n s t h a t w e r e u n d e r g r o u n d . [A n d t h e y w e r e g o i n g t o e x c a v a t e
i t f o r r e s e a r c h . . . [A n d s o m e t h i n g h a p p e n e d .
. . . S o m e t h i n g ! \Pě I n t h e d e p t h s o f t h e r u i n s . . . [a k e y m u s t b e l y i n g d o r m a n t ,
t h e k e y t o e v e r y t h i n g . [I ' m a s c i e n t i s t . I w a n t t o
k n o w t h e t r u t h , b u t s o m e t h i n g
t e l l s m e i t ' s d a n g e r o u s ! [W e l l , a g a i n I s u g g e s t y o u
l e a v e h e r e .
Y e s , a s s o o n a s p o s s i b l e .

Edit: There's unused textures and models as well.

Dec 31, 2008, 04:19 PM
That last batch of text, map_city_on_e.bin, isn't unused! The Principle and the scientists nearby him say these things to you. I also recognized some of that from Rico and the quests offline, but there were a few I've never seen before.

Dec 31, 2008, 04:27 PM
Yeah, so did I.

Could you post the names of the unused textures? I would like to view them.

Dec 31, 2008, 04:51 PM
The ones can I remember right now. =^.^;=

(some others I think)

Blue blood

bm_boss1_dragon_b.bml(Only in Pso Dc/Pc)
The textures are a different format then the used ones. There are also bumpmap textures.

Interestingly, Sa2 has the three Pso item box textures, but only the guards and green item is used. The weapon one is unused.

Jan 1, 2009, 04:19 PM

I'm going to try to view these.

Jan 16, 2009, 11:31 AM
22.While carrying said sword how do you swing it around so wildly while running.

Jan 17, 2009, 12:42 PM
23.) Why is the principle so oblivious to his daughter being dead?-To Tyrell- Seriously, dude? Let it go.

Jan 17, 2009, 01:02 PM
24.) How the hell did the acient civilzation seal dark falz in the first place
25.) Why is there a giant hole in Ruins 1. i thought it had something to do with the falz appearance in the videos for the game when he appears and blows the shit out of that side of the planet.
26.) wouldent theplanet be a wasteland if falz blew it up in the first place

Jan 19, 2009, 08:13 AM
(It's supposedly some explosion that only destroys complex organic beings. Living things other than plants.)

27.) Why the hell did you guys randomly start talking about textures in this forum? x.x

Jan 19, 2009, 08:23 AM
why are you doubting the perfectness of our perfect plan? 100 points for whoever gets the reference.

28.) has anyone ever wondered what Coral was like?

Jan 19, 2009, 09:11 AM
29. Why do most enemies sink into the ground? I mean, you've killed them, they should at lease blow up or something.
30. What the hell is floating around in the room before Falz!!!??? It looks like sperm!

Jan 19, 2009, 10:13 AM
31. How can my HUnewearl (Who I made ridiculously small looks about the same hight as A Rag Rappy) weild said sword as effectively as A huge android?
32. Why does the Dragon Burrow?
33. Why does attacking an image of Vol Opt on a screen Hurt it?
34. How does Dr. Guls fit in that Rappy suit?
35. Why does A Pal Rappy have some legendary sword? (Agito the real one)
36. How come Skyly I.D.s find better swords?
37. Why do Tollaw's look like A.Beasts instead of natives?
38. Why do mags get hungry every 3 minutes?
39. What does A Monogrinder look like? Or any Grinder for that matter.
40. Why do enemys change on Ultimate?
41. How come Stag Cutlery is Sexist?
42. How do Ob Lillys Cast Megid?
43. How come Sinow Zoa has Gibarta but Androids cant use Techniques?
44. Why do the Photon Blast summons look like they are Ruins enemys?
45. Why is this game addicting?
46. Why id Episode 2 not worth the effort?
47. Is there any more tangible backstory to this game than the video reveals?
48. Why did the Sinow series get all bulky in Episode 2?
49. How can Garanz and Baranz carry an infinite supply of missles?
50 Will I ever quit fnding more questions to ask?

Jan 19, 2009, 11:29 AM
51. Why do some ppl manage to get the sealed J-sword or some other uber rares on their first few tries offline and not on the plus version (I'm plus-less :( ). I heard some ppl get the said sword on their first few tries. I've killed hundreds of gi gues and only get crap.
52. Why are some other ppl luckier than me at finding rares.
53. Photon drops offline!!!! Why? To drive us offline only players mad? I hate photon drops :(

Jan 19, 2009, 01:25 PM
54. Why do I have 12 Stag Cutlery's?
55. Why did I find 2 Doublesabers in one Caves run?
56. Why do SinowBeat/Gold stand on cealing like Ninja?
57. Why does Orotiagito launch yellow blasts?
58. Why do the outfits suck?
59. Why 10 Selection ID's?
60. Why is Musashi an emo weapon? (Berzerk special)
61. Why was the game nice when I got my Agito from my first Pal Rappy?

Jan 19, 2009, 04:36 PM
62. How come in the Victor Axe description it says "A one-handed axe with a photon blade" when you swing it with 2 hands?

Jan 20, 2009, 11:20 AM
30: Those are worms.


47:Lets see.

(Pso) "Ultimate Evil" Mutation Through Dark Factor Cells. (Ruins Baddies and Dark Falz animal host)

Cause: Excavation in Ruins(Anchient Space Ship) Because of "Dr." Osto Hyle's experirements.
Flowen and army fights giant monster. Only Flowen survives (oficicaly...).
Flowen is infected by D-Factor Cells. Instead of treatment, Osto Hyle decieded Flowen will be a Controlable Bio Weapon.
Osto Decives Flowen. Flowen's mutations go out of control.
Flowen is dumped in "Test Subject Desposal Area" in Sea Bed Research Facility. Dark Falz mergeges with Giant original Monster. Central Dome and 99.9% of inhabatents lost
Meanwhile in Sea Bed facility Flowen's mutations are complete.
Dark Factor takes complet control over Flowen. "Olga Flow" is born. Flowen's Soul is traped. Only one way to be free...
Pioneer 2 orbits Ragol, sends "Hunters' to investigat the cause of The Central Dome explosion.

Dark Factor blamed for entire events, when in reality the real cause is "Dr." Osto Hyle for forcing Flowen and his troops to open the "Forbiden Door"

There is some more to this. "Olga" is one of the 3 AI of the Facilities. Some how the data was implanted into Flowen During experimentation. There is more I know I missed, but there is the plots of Episode 1 and 2 combined. Makes more sence with the adition of episode 2.

Dark Factor cells infect animals, plants, and even machines.
It infects Animal behavure and mutations.
It infects Machines AI to attack you.
Dark Factor Is from an aninchent civilization. It was concived to lure to Dark Falz entity to the Giant Spaceship to send The Dark being to an uninhabited planet.

I wrote this some time ago, but basicly, the events in Pso are all Osto Hyle's fault.





Jan 20, 2009, 10:01 PM
AHHH Textures!!!

62.)Why is the game so questionable?!?!?!?!?! -I Love You PSO! :D-


Aisha, I respect you in the sense of on how much of the story you actually comprehend. I, honestly, new this much but there are a lot of people out there who seek such information of the nonsensible game we all love. So, for being so detailed in such a random topic: Thank you. :)

Nitro Vordex
Jan 21, 2009, 12:00 AM
62. How come in the Victor Axe description it says "A one-handed axe with a photon blade" when you swing it with 2 hands?
In PSO PC/DC it was a Saber class. In GC/Xblox/BB they changed it to a Sword class.

Jan 21, 2009, 12:02 AM
Haha this is awesome.

7.) After you beat Falz and move on to episode II you see Olga, The size of olga is ridicules. The Geal Geil pair is as large as Falz's third form. Olga himself is monstrous.

8.) How can something that big take so long to fall down a disposal shute?

9.) How the hell does a MAG work? How do you feed metal?

Gravity is the same for all objects regardless of mass~

Jan 21, 2009, 08:31 AM
Haha this is awesome.

8.) How can something that big take so long to fall down a disposal shute?

The cutscenes make it look more like he's trying to cling to the wall as he's falling down. There are two different "falling" scenes depending on the attack form you kill him in, but one of them makes it obvious as he sways to the side a bit.



Jan 21, 2009, 12:17 PM
I have more textures. The unused Dragon bml is interesting(In Pso Dc/Pc only). The file name is bm_boss1_dragon_b.bml. This has all of the motion files(njm) of the used one, but the texture format is square twiddled, and there are bumpmaps as well.

Jan 21, 2009, 08:00 PM
Gravity is the same for all objects regardless of mass~

Yes but air resistance can change how long it takes-or how short- for it to fall unless it's in a gas-less vacum

Jan 31, 2009, 09:15 PM
63. If hildeltorrs are really aggressive, why do they never show up?
64. How can you do the same quest twice in a row?
65. Why does Red Ring Rico just fly away until you get to ultimate mode?
66. Who makes mags? They have to have been made somewhere!
67. Why would Olga Flow make you look like Flowen?
68. Who's the idiot who gave the mines robots guns?
69. Where did the Episode 2 scientists get the monsters and bosses for the training level if some of them are only from Episode 1 elsewhere?
70. How would the soul eater kill an android?
71. Why does Kireek treat you like a new player even if you're level 200 in normal mode?
72. Why don't people complain when you push them around the city?
73. Why do people repeat themselves so much?
74. Why do you have to talk to the principal/chief to save stage progress?
75. Why can't you go straight to the boss area of a stage that you've already beaten? If you clear forest 2, caves open permanently, but if you only clear forest 1, what's stopping the transporters from bringing you straght to forest 2 next time you play, especially considering that you can take breaks, clearing forest 1, then going back to Pioneer 2, and still be able to go back to forest 2?
76. Who programmed the portals anyway?
77. If WORKS is such an important organization, why do they only have one offline quest?
78. How are non-lazer weapons constructed of wood and metal more powerful than the non-rares in their weapon classes? They're made of lazers!
79. Why is Elly a force in Episode 1 while she's a hunter in Episode 2?
80. Why can't you sell mags?
81. Why do rare weapons sell for pratically nothing?
82. Why am I still typing these stupid questions?

Jan 31, 2009, 09:37 PM
69. Where did the Episode 2 scientists get the monsters and bosses for the training level if some of them are only from Episode 1 elsewhere?

apparently the temple boss (whatever it's name is) is Dal Ra Lie/De Rol Lee if it were released into fresh water and allowed to evolve naturally (well, their prediction, anyway). i'm assuming there is the same type of logic behind Gol Dragon.

RAcast Extremist
Jan 31, 2009, 09:58 PM
Heh heh heh.

83.) How did the faces get on the ground?
84.) Why do the faces in Falz place don't get hurt when your a RAcast stepping on them?
85.) Why did ash got beat up Kireek?
86.) How can androids get confused? They don't brains.
87.) Why do I like chocolate?

Feb 1, 2009, 02:28 PM
69. Where did the Episode 2 scientists get the monsters and bosses for the training level if some of them are only from Episode 1 elsewhere?

apparently the temple boss (whatever it's name is) is Dal Ra Lie/De Rol Lee if it were released into fresh water and allowed to evolve naturally (well, their prediction, anyway). i'm assuming there is the same type of logic behind Gol Dragon.

That may be true, but the only body of water large enough in all of Episode 2 is the ocean, which is obviously salt water. Thus, they have no way of getting it, unless it somehow made its way into the training level through some sort of fresh water source, which is unlikely. I would imagine that that area is closed off. So, assuming that they didn't create it (which would be pretty stupid of them considering the whole mess with Flowen. You'd think they'd have learned their lesson.) they have no way of obtaining it. It's also unlikely that they found it in an area that you can't visit considering you are their best hunter.

88. Why can't low level characters wield weapons without higher stats? Your accuracy shouldn't matter in wielding a gun. You may miss a lot, but you should still be able to pick it up and fire it.
89. Why can't you fall into the screaming faces' mouths while fighting Dark Falz if you step on them?
90. Why can't you fall off of a cliff if you run toward the edge of it?

Feb 1, 2009, 07:16 PM
That may be true, but the only body of water large enough in all of Episode 2 is the ocean, which is obviously salt water. Thus, they have no way of getting it, unless it somehow made its way into the training level through some sort of fresh water source, which is unlikely. I would imagine that that area is closed off. So, assuming that they didn't create it (which would be pretty stupid of them considering the whole mess with Flowen. You'd think they'd have learned their lesson.) they have no way of obtaining it. It's also unlikely that they found it in an area that you can't visit considering you are their best hunter.

the temple/spaceship are in a VR simulator. the enemies aren't actually there, it's a projection based on info obtained through the investigation of the levels in ep1. there is no actual stretch of water where you fight the boss, it's all an illusion...or have i misunderstood what you meant?

Feb 1, 2009, 07:27 PM
the temple/spaceship are in a VR simulator. the enemies aren't actually there, it's a projection based on info obtained through the investigation of the levels in ep1. there is no actual stretch of water where you fight the boss, it's all an illusion...or have i misunderstood what you meant?

No, you didn't misunderstand. I think I was the one who misunderstood. Is that entire test really just a simulation? :-o

Feb 1, 2009, 09:40 PM
91.) Why doesn't the seabed facility implode from how much pressure is being pushed on it... especially seeing how much volume of air and carbon dioxide it has in it...

92.) In the second facility, why doesn't it flood. You can see water pouring in... but it never raises.

93.) How do the carbon dioxide get transformed back into oxygen... There is like 1 room with plants in the upper levels, but there's not enough to recycle all of that air... -.- Damn technoligical bastards.

Feb 1, 2009, 11:36 PM
94.) Why is Captain Falcon not in this game?
95.) Why can rappies attack together but other enemies cannot? (exception of claws)

Feb 2, 2009, 12:00 PM
No, you didn't misunderstand. I think I was the one who misunderstood. Is that entire test really just a simulation? :-o

yes, the temple and spaceship are both test simulation. the principal wants to test you abilities to ensure you are good enough to go to Gal de Val. that's why they are called VR Temple and VR Spaceship, VR meaning virtual reality.

Feb 2, 2009, 03:24 PM
yes, the temple and spaceship are both test simulation. the principal wants to test you abilities to ensure you are good enough to go to Gal de Val. that's why they are called VR Temple and VR Spaceship, VR meaning virtual reality.

Oh... Wow... Uh... ^^;

At any rate...
96. What are those organ things on the Ruins 3 walls? :-o
97. If Rico can make it to the last boss in ultimate mode, how did Dark Falz kill her in normal mode? The difficulties are clearly connected, considering the different endings in the credits.
98. Why can't non-forces use certain spells even if they have WAY higher magic than forces?
99. Why is there a chao in PSO!?
100. Why do enemy parts have such low drop rates? I mean, what's stopping you from grabbing your sword and hacking off a Booma's arm? Or, better yet, why not chop off his head? I don't know about you guys, but an ill gill scythe sounds like a pretty cool weapon to me. :D

Feb 3, 2009, 12:59 PM
Pal Rappy's Cane ftw!

Feb 3, 2009, 11:02 PM
How come when you get stabbed by De Ro Le's tentacles youre character doesn't mutate?

How on EARTH did Vol Opt get his second form robot mode into the monitor room without opening any doors?

Feb 4, 2009, 05:34 PM
103.) Why can't your character ever really talk with an npc? -.-

"Elly: So, what do you think we should do?!

You: !!![or]...[or]???"

Like seriously, come on.... What the duck is that?

Feb 4, 2009, 09:41 PM
when they say "under the dome" do they mean litterally inside the Central Dome, or underneath the entire structure?

in Ruins 3 in the room before the Dark Falz transport is there some kind of brain like thing on the ceiling?

Feb 5, 2009, 08:48 AM
104. what was the point of putting into the game 2 items that it is impossible to get without cheating?

Feb 5, 2009, 09:43 AM
104. what was the point of putting into the game 2 items that it is impossible to get without cheating?

i'm assuming you mean the DNA from Olga Flow and whatever it is Dark Flaz drops. they didn't intentionally do that, apparently they just forgot to enable the drop. you can get them online with servers that have the drop enabled

Feb 5, 2009, 03:44 PM
105. what is with the yellow claws on ultimate if you look closly you can see there yellow sometimes i see it all the freaking time!

Feb 5, 2009, 04:30 PM
WHY does the river run uphill? (if that hasnt been asked already)
WHY does the hair of your character sway in reverse?
(try running with the fonewms braid/chinese cap, thing you will see what I am talking about )
and that goes for all the characters that have long hair, it all sways reversed from what it should. silly sega and their backwards programming. :/

Feb 5, 2009, 05:34 PM
when they say "under the dome" do they mean litterally inside the Central Dome, or underneath the entire structure?

in Ruins 3 in the room before the Dark Falz transport is there some kind of brain like thing on the ceiling?

It's Actually inside the dome. Ir you run to the... northwest corner I believe...? You can see the inside of the door you see outside near the first hilde spawn in the last room.

108.)You know those little ships in the forest that look like they're big enough for a single pilot...? Why don't we get to fly one -.- Even if it's just for going to the forest...

Feb 5, 2009, 07:58 PM
109. when the dagon is finished burrowing underground, when he comes back up, why does he always do a flip in the air? is it even physically possible for him to do that?

Feb 5, 2009, 08:33 PM
110.) Whoa... 110 is a lot of questions, isn't it?

111.) Why don't they have like... musical instruments in PSO... Like, take drums sticks as a dagger type... and a guitar as a saber type... and a bass guitar as a partisan type... and a mic as a.. uhm... wacking stick? And they can all have a special attack that uses sound and makes everything in the target area implode! :D -It could also change the current BGM to any other BGM in the game you want as long as it's selected.-

That'd be kinda cool? No?

Feb 5, 2009, 08:40 PM
110.) Whoa... 110 is a lot of questions, isn't it?

111.) Why don't they have like... musical instruments in PSO... Like, take drums sticks as a dagger type... and a guitar as a saber type... and a bass guitar as a partisan type... and a mic as a.. uhm... wacking stick? And they can all have a special attack that uses sound and makes everything in the target area implode! :D -It could also change the current BGM to any other BGM in the game you want as long as it's selected.-

That'd be kinda cool? No?

Crazy tune.

Feb 5, 2009, 09:13 PM
112.) Why are Ob Lillies so mean T_T

Feb 5, 2009, 10:08 PM
[QUOTE=108.)You know those little ships in the forest that look like they're big enough for a single pilot...? Why don't we get to fly one -.- Even if it's just for going to the forest...[/QUOTE]

Those little ships are more then likely the "unmanned probes" that the Principal mentioned before he sent you too the planet, and i don't think they would send you in a ship when they have the transporter

why does that guy in PSO ep. II say "Why doesn't the government tell us anything?"
(He should know that the government doesnt like to say things that would cause panic)

Feb 6, 2009, 06:57 AM
Those little ships are more then likely the "unmanned probes" that the Principal mentioned before he sent you too the planet, and i don't think they would send you in a ship when they have the transporter

why does that guy in PSO ep. II say "Why doesn't the government tell us anything?"
(He should know that the government doesnt like to say things that would cause panic)

Okay fine... 114.) If the probes were unmanned and the principle sent them... Why did they crash? -_-

Feb 6, 2009, 09:46 PM
Okay fine... 114.) If the probes were unmanned and the principle sent them... Why did they crash? -_-

Most unmanned probes are supposed to crash, because theyre transmitters work better when the probe is right next to whatever its supposed to be scanning.

Feb 7, 2009, 09:41 AM
Most unmanned probes are supposed to crash, because theyre transmitters work better when the probe is right next to whatever its supposed to be scanning.

But how is it supposed to work better when it's... Crashed? lol

Feb 7, 2009, 10:44 AM
I'm sure that, considering the rest of Pioneer 2's impressive technology, those probes were extremely durable. The only reason that they look like they were damaged is probably due to monster attacks.

Still, Pheonix is right. I would assume that, considering their durability, whoever launched them never really took landing into consideration. Thus, they crash and assume their duties of scanning their environment.

Unless I misunderstood your confusion...?

Feb 7, 2009, 10:47 AM
Considering Pioneer 2's impressive technology, I would assume that the probes sent down to Ragol were extremely durable, which could be why whoever launched them took no consideration into a safe landing. They were probably only damaged after monster attacks. Pheonix is right: They were sent down there to observe their environment. However, I don't think that the idea lasted for long considering they had to send hunters down to do that instead.

Feb 7, 2009, 06:58 PM
Hmm, I guess theres always the possibility they were sent down into the general area of the central dome to find a clearing spot that the teleporter could be constructed at?

Anyways... what question number are we on? -.-

Feb 7, 2009, 07:55 PM
115. Why is it that Sonic Team decided that, instead of just increasing stats for Ultimate Mode, they had to give everything Megid? :(

Feb 7, 2009, 09:11 PM
116.) Why does Elly gets poned so easily... Like we're all trying to keep her safe from stupid monsters, and I could totally picture her tripping over a Gee's poo, falls, rolls down a hill into the sea, which the force of the water snaps her neck.

And then a shark eats her.

Exageration? Yes. Funny? Indeed.

Feb 12, 2009, 09:47 PM
117) Why was Elly allowed to keep her backup of Calnus? Since technically he was a government AI she should have had to give him back.

Feb 13, 2009, 11:49 AM
117) Why was Elly allowed to keep her backup of Calnus? Since technically he was a government AI she should have had to give him back.

Maybe the reason why the government allowed her to keep the backup was that the government wasn't aware that she had the backup. ;-)

Mar 1, 2009, 05:48 PM
118 ) Anyone got a reason why the tower you fight olga flow in is infinite? but when it comes to his K.O you finaly reach the bottom. ^^;

119 ) The caves. lololol

120 ) If you ever looked closely, Calus's twin in Seat of the heart, or calus himself (dont remember) has a ying yang symbol on his shoulder blade.

121 ) how the proffessor can fit in a tiny rappy suite on "Fake in Yellow." talk about spin wrecking X_X

122 ) Chao plus Samba style Japanese Music XD (fake in yellow chao side quest)
I admit thats pretty funny. XD

123 ) Japanese named Newman (ya know. the guy who gets K.O'd by the Hilde's) on Central dome fire swirl

These are just few of the many little things I find. X)

Mar 2, 2009, 02:37 AM
124. How come bosses never truly die after you kill them?

125. Despite the childish nature of the games script why is Elly an obvious Techopilia

126. WHy does elenor run from you so often if your friends?

RAcast Extremist
Mar 4, 2009, 03:15 AM
127. Why do Newmans have long ears?

128. Why don't other hunter help you look for Rico?

129. Why are there so many hildebears in the forrest of sorrow?

Mar 4, 2009, 02:04 PM
44. Why do the Photon Blast summons look like they are Ruins enemys?
-MAGs were developed using D-Cell technology

Mar 4, 2009, 02:30 PM
130. Why do we want weapons from Rico? She was a hacker that had three shields equipped at any given point in time.

Mar 4, 2009, 11:23 PM
131) I'd like to know why you can't access Montagues and Hostos Labs if they are mentioned so much in the games story. -_-

132) on multiplayer, space stops moving completely in the lobbies. XP

Mar 5, 2009, 11:54 AM
133. how come most enemies have a circle for a shadow? even Nano Dragons do

Mar 5, 2009, 01:22 PM
134. Why is it that when you hunt for a specific rare item, it never shows up, then when you're not hunting for it, IT SHOWS UP! Get's extremely annoying when that happens...

Mar 5, 2009, 03:26 PM
Thats only on DC my GC has normal shadows

Mar 5, 2009, 05:31 PM
it's just circles on BB, too. doesn't really matter, i have never thought 'ooh, that game could have been so much better if the shadows were not circles'

Mar 6, 2009, 12:45 AM
103.) Why can't your character ever really talk with an npc? -.-

"Elly: So, what do you think we should do?!

You: !!![or]...[or]???"

Like seriously, come on.... What the duck is that?

Because they don't want the game speaking for your character. You are essentially your character.

Mar 6, 2009, 03:45 PM
Randomness of PSOhttp://www.pso-world.com/forums/images/avatars/thumbs/967.gif

Oh wait, was I being too literal. :wacko:

Mar 6, 2009, 07:56 PM
i don't get it!

Mar 6, 2009, 10:09 PM
134. Why is it that when you hunt for a specific rare item, it never shows up, then when you're not hunting for it, IT SHOWS UP! Get's extremely annoying when that happens...

It's because PSO is a divine game. It can read your thoughts when it comes to what thing you want most and make it a challenge for you. XP

135) Its not the raft that is moving on the water boss levels. its the background if you look closely. lol

136) In offline mode for plus version, when you do seat of the heart, one of the sealed pink doors has people in it. and if you use a ghost cheat to walk through, the person says the creepiest thing. O_o

137) Almost Every level on story 2 has a small secret location/passage way if you look hard enough. :D

Mar 7, 2009, 12:19 PM
136) In offline mode for plus version, when you do seat of the heart, one of the sealed pink doors has people in it. and if you use a ghost cheat to walk through, the person says the creepiest thing. O_o

What do they say?

Mar 8, 2009, 03:28 PM
138 ) How the shop Keepers Make their money? (Not from always buying your items and selling you nothing except the monogrinders)

Mar 9, 2009, 12:13 PM
i don't get it!Randomness (http://www.pso-world.com/forums/member.php?u=41551)

Mar 18, 2009, 06:02 PM
139- why is every cane i find..always a club laconium

140- why does a chao sit on a tree branch and let you whack enemies with him on it?

Mar 18, 2009, 06:28 PM
What do they say?

I got a video if you want to see it. one thing is though I dont know if you can post links to vids on these forums. but you can send me a messsage letting me know you want the link and I'll give it to you. : )

Mar 18, 2009, 06:41 PM
Not sure if this was already stated...
141. Dark Falz... Olga Flow... why oh why did you never get a drop? Not even online?! (thank you private server)

142. Why does the Gobooma in forest one always spawn two feet over the ground then fall back down >___> even in Blueburst it was never fixed.

143. If PSO is such a huge success in comparison to every series out, why did you make a portable version of a not-so successful Phantasy Star, AND a new Phantasy Star series all together for DS?
Seriously, I want more PSO...
I like PSU, I like PSP, I like PSZ even, but PSO is still #1 in my book, and I will always come crawling back.

Mar 18, 2009, 08:56 PM
144.) Why are some PB useless?

Mar 19, 2009, 06:27 PM
Not sure if this was already stated...
141. Dark Falz... Olga Flow... why oh why did you never get a drop? Not even online?! (thank you private server)

apparently, when they programmed the game, they forgot to program in the drop rate. the item is in the game, they just didn't enable the drop. some private servers do have the drops activated but that may be only on BB whee the game isn't loaded into a disk.

Mar 20, 2009, 08:38 PM
123 ) Japanese named Newman (ya know. the guy who gets K.O'd by the Hilde's) on Central dome fire swirl

)Know what's weird? Today when I played it, the guy didn't die like he always does O_o;
He actually was using bare fists and killed the hildes in 2 shots each, while I was just tagging them o.o

Mar 20, 2009, 10:56 PM
145) where does all of this money come from!?!? honestly.
146) walking around with a hamburger mag just attracts more enemies. ;D
lol not really. but its a funny thought. XD

RAcast Extremist
Mar 23, 2009, 03:29 PM
147. Why do rappys drop items when they get hit when running away?

Mar 24, 2009, 11:01 AM
A technical one. Why are the Dreamcast ver1 Gamejam files in Pso pc, but the ver2 Gamejam files are in the Dc ver2?(Unsure about the set files).

Mar 24, 2009, 11:23 AM
147. Why do rappys drop items when they get hit when running away?

The sudden shock of being hit while playing dead makes them drop something. (I'll leave it to your imagination) :etongue:

Mar 25, 2009, 12:09 PM
I know we'eve bee ntalking alote about rappies. I'll add one more thing about them

150) Rappies are the only enemy that doesn't die in the game. invincible creatures.

Mar 25, 2009, 01:31 PM
What's up with the hud textures in Dc/Pc. They use pvp pallets. RGB/ARGB1555 woulda been fine(And make them easy to edit).

RAcast Extremist
Mar 25, 2009, 02:40 PM
The sudden shock of being hit while playing dead makes them drop something. (I'll leave it to your imagination) :etongue:

So is it like their dropings? (If you know what I mean) :wacko:

Mar 25, 2009, 03:52 PM
Sounds like a job for Mike Rowe.

Mar 25, 2009, 03:56 PM
Hahahahaha! That's funny!

Mar 25, 2009, 04:07 PM
Hee !

Mar 25, 2009, 04:42 PM
So is it like their dropings? (If you know what I mean) :wacko:

Great minds think alike....And fools seldom differ. :lol:

Mar 25, 2009, 04:48 PM
152) some weapons have that extra movement added onto them but dont do any damage
152) twin sabers and other weapons you twirl should really hit all angles of the enemy when they soround you. They don't though. :/

Mar 25, 2009, 04:51 PM
153) When you see a Racast holding a weapon in two hands, the character is actually only holding it in one hand. :-P

Mar 25, 2009, 10:41 PM
153) When you see a Racast holding a weapon in two hands, the character is actually only holding it in one hand. :-P

lol. the weapons are really somethin else on this game. XD

Mar 27, 2009, 11:20 PM
154) why are the rappies invincable

Mar 28, 2009, 07:16 AM
155. Why do Sinow Beats stand on the cealing?

Mar 28, 2009, 04:49 PM

Oh wait, was I being too literal. :wacko:

So you find it strange that someone on PSOW plays PSO?

Mar 29, 2009, 08:40 AM
156) you'd think ultimate mode forest would be an ice forest, hence the Sil Dragon.
Oh GAWd I wish there was an Ice forest. that'd be really neat. and that Central Dome Fire Swirl quest can have the sunset setting like it normaly does now in ultimate mode.

Apr 1, 2009, 02:57 PM
157) Why the F*CK is there two doors in the Medical Center?
158) Why is there 4 glowing buttons in the Medical Center?(You know, the ones you stand on to open doors)

Apr 2, 2009, 02:47 PM
159) Why do lillys close for no apparent reason at times?

Apr 2, 2009, 04:17 PM
157) Why the F*CK is there two doors in the Medical Center?
158) Why is there 4 glowing buttons in the Medical Center?(You know, the ones you stand on to open doors)

Those arn't buttons, just lights.

Apr 4, 2009, 01:12 AM
Those arn't buttons, just lights.

those lights make four players feel special. stand on the lights, make yourselves look like your doing something cool and important i nthe medical center in public. :wacko:

160) space freezes in multi mode. I dont think there is music either.
161) (may have been brought up earlier) Elly's character in story one is of a customizable character. story 2 (when she is older) she has none-customizable clothing.

I also have a suspicion of an easter egg hiding in one of the mirrored tanks of the seabed. O.o
knowing PSO, there probably is one.

Apr 4, 2009, 03:56 AM
162) how come, is you freeze an enemy then use a fire spells on it the, ice doesn't melt?

Apr 4, 2009, 09:31 AM
163. Who thought giving Indi Belra's Rapid fire was A good idea? (Seriously there even worse then Ob Lillys)
164. Why do I find more Mil Lillys than Nar Lillys?

Apr 4, 2009, 10:16 AM
165: why do Hildelts have sudden spee bursts a shoot lightning/recover from being hit/fall down dead really fast?
166: how can a huge bear shoot fire/ice/lightning/megid?

Apr 4, 2009, 12:00 PM
It's special glands in the Ep2 enemy text.

RAcast Extremist
Apr 13, 2009, 01:26 AM
167. Why do the monster leaves stains on the ground when you kill them?
168. Are the stains their blood?

Apr 13, 2009, 07:08 AM
169. if it is blood, why are some of the splatters green?

Apr 13, 2009, 09:34 AM
Because A.Beasts are mostly insects/fish/have ichor not blood? Dark enemies leave purple stains, for obvious reasons.

Apr 13, 2009, 12:49 PM
99. Why is there a chao in PSO!?

Yay Sonic Team!!!

170. Why are there so many empty boxes?
171. Why aren't the tiny butterflies/dragonflies in Forest/Caves enemies? Same w/ sperm worms in Ruins?
172. Who gave all the enemies the items to drop?
173. Why does the banker have a low-cut shirt/big boob combo?
174. Why are so many awesome weapons super weak? (Silence Claw etc.)

RAcast Extremist
Apr 19, 2009, 05:15 AM
172. Who gave all the enemies the items to drop?

It is their dropings. They get scared and let it out.

Apr 20, 2009, 06:21 AM
Actually, I figured it out this weekend by talking to one of the guards by the teleporter. He said something about Pioneer 1 having tons of weapons that we should go retrieve, so that doesn't explain how the monsters hold on to the weapons, but that's at least why there are so many weapons lying around on the planet.

Apr 24, 2009, 06:03 PM
175. How can you miss an enemy thats not even dodging correctly? Like a Booma

Apr 25, 2009, 07:34 AM
175. How can you miss an enemy thats not even dodging correctly? Like a Booma

Bad aim :-P
Misaligned weapons ^^;
Murphy :etongue:

Apr 25, 2009, 11:15 AM
Bad aim?
I have the cursor on the enemy. Missing close range combat. My blade is going through the enemy.

RAcast Extremist
May 7, 2009, 01:13 AM
176. What does chocolate do?

May 7, 2009, 04:51 AM
i think it increases a randomly chosen stat.

177. how can Zus fly through walls?

May 7, 2009, 11:17 AM
176. What does chocolate do?

Rots your brains.

((You think of chocolate WAY too much :-P))

RAcast Extremist
May 7, 2009, 08:12 PM
Rots your brains.

((You think of chocolate WAY too much :-P))

Well screw you. :wacko:

May 8, 2009, 08:44 AM
I was only teasing. Please forgive me ^^;

May 8, 2009, 02:56 PM
178)how do all of your items fit into your pockets:???:

May 8, 2009, 04:37 PM
179: how can a massive sword take up the same amount of room as a handgun?

May 9, 2009, 11:22 PM
179: how can a massive sword take up the same amount of room as a handgun?

Interdimensional storage capacity. ((Bags of Holding. :-P))

May 10, 2009, 09:07 AM
180: How come whenever you beat a boss and report to the principle, that one desk lady is always saying the same thing. " Please find Rico!". Um, I just discovered a huge mutating worm in underground caves, and your STILL whining about Rico?!

181: Why are the character monuments frozen in the Ruins?
182: How do Boomas suddenly pop out of the ground?
183: And how do Mothomates carry the Mothnest all the way up in the sky?
184: Are Rappies magical? They come out of nowhere from the freakin' sky! They can't fly!
185: People said the monsters in the caves are mutants of animal on Ragol. What was mutated to form a Nano Dragon, Lilies, and Grass Assasins? ( I do recall Nano dragons are Hildebears b/c they can shoot lazers. But I can be wrong)
186: Why does Kireek suddenly go nuts and try to kill you AND Ash? Poor Ash got his ass whooped.
187: There are dark rooms in the caves, and by pressing a switch, the lights go on. There are no lights built into the caves' ceilings. How so the lights suddenly go on? ( Same for Ruins )
188: In quests like " Letter from Lionell", how come only later on I see his arms/legs? Why didn't I see them being shiny when I was first there?!
189: Why is Kireek so stupid? " Some doors only open form pressing a switch. Press it, did it open?". Uh I dont know, I have to press the switch first.. ( Reference from GospelExe's video lmao )
190: When you fight somebody, why does the game consider them an allie? I don't wonna use Resta for THEM too!
191: The Tekker is such a nice person- why would he lie to you what weapon he examined is?
192: Why is Elly such a dumb broad?

May 16, 2009, 10:30 AM
178)how do all of your items fit into your pockets:???:

since its a futuristic game there are logical possabilities of how items can be compacted.
perhaps a wrist band or glove the hunters use that stores data they can scroll and choose.

Its games like zelda on the other hand that makes this question more valid. lol