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View Full Version : why didnt they require a serial/access key for online?

Jan 2, 2009, 02:47 PM
that stops pirating dead in their tracks since its an online game. thats what they did on the console psos

Jan 2, 2009, 03:11 PM
Nintendo probably didn't want them to.

Jan 2, 2009, 03:29 PM
Probably because you really aren't going through their servers at all.

It sounds like a pretty novel idea to have some sort of quick verification code to hit on their servers, but as the person above said, that might be going too far with Nintendo. That means that you have to somehow throw back an activation code and store it back on the DS eprom. That is, unless you simply block online play-only. Of course, this could lead to some even more evil hacking practices. Pirates that figure it out and start generating codes that will get past the server verification. Of course, that means, legit people will be blocked out for getting a game with a code that a Pirate pre-generated.

Jan 2, 2009, 03:30 PM
plus that costs money. and sega isnt what it used to be back then. also nintendo wifi connection for the lolz.

combination of those three

Jan 2, 2009, 03:34 PM
Deso! Why do you keep making threads for every question you have on your mind. Why don't you use this thread? (http://pso-world.com/forums/showthread.php?t=155574)

Making a new topic will not net you more replies.

Also, serial ids stop jack-diddily-squawt. Someone pirates an access code, and someone who legitly bought the game is SOL when they find out they can't use their access code, if it was the same ones. Also, what is wrong with Friend Codes? The time it takes you to bitch moan and groan about it, post a thread, and wait for replies to your constant whining, you could put in enough friend codes, go online, and enjoy the game with others.

Why do I have to lay so much smackdown to these boards? :disapprove:

Jan 2, 2009, 03:41 PM
oh yeah. i forgot theres That there all questions are questions and go in questions thread.

i bought this:


Jan 2, 2009, 03:47 PM
Why do I have to lay so much smackdown to these boards? :disapprove:

You shouldn't, that's the problem. In my experience, there are 3 types of people that cause flame wars on forums: Trolls, Fanboys and people with no authorities who like to pretend that they do.

Don't like what someone post, don't reply. Think a post is against the rules, report it. Unless you're a mod, telling people what to do is not your job and will simply make things worst.

Also, I realize the irony of me me telling you this and not being a mod, so no need to bring that up :P