View Full Version : if they created new PSO

Jan 2, 2009, 11:08 PM
if sega created a new pso game for gamecube (never will happen)what kind of features would you want in the game?how would you like the battle system?


Jan 9, 2009, 07:52 PM
If Sega were to create a new PSO game for the GC... I'd have to say more character classes, voice actors, a more dramatic storyline (along the lines of Baten Kaitos), in addition to the spells currently available for Ep. 1 & 2 (that's the one I play, not +), a new tech which somehow uses the ground or air, more than four levels for each Episode, the ability to dodge like in the Zelda games, also have every weapon in the game available to get in offline play. These are some features/additions I'd like to see if they were to create another one for the GC.

Jan 9, 2009, 08:32 PM
If Sega were to create a new PSO game for the GC... I'd have to say more character classes, voice actors, a more dramatic storyline (along the lines of Baten Kaitos), in addition to the spells currently available for Ep. 1 & 2 (that's the one I play, not +), a new tech which somehow uses the ground or air, more than four levels for each Episode, the ability to dodge like in the Zelda games, also have every weapon in the game available to get in offline play. These are some features/additions I'd like to see if they were to create another one for the GC.

sounds good. also have the battle system more like PSU where frantic button mashing is possible. normally i don't button mash but there are times when it's just plain fun. humar's being able to use spells above level 15, around 20 would be good, and allow them to use shifta/deband, seems strange that a class that focuses mainly on melee combat can't do something to increase their ATP.

Nitro Vordex
Jan 9, 2009, 09:12 PM
voice actors,
*shows you the voice acting records of Sonic Team*

Need I say more.

sounds good. also have the battle system more like PSU where frantic button mashing is possible. That'd make the game kinda dull after a while. Then again, it gets dull doing the timing as well. But it's *slightly* realistic, as you wouldn't frantically swing a sword around, you'd time it and swing powerfully but controlled.

Jan 10, 2009, 03:03 AM
Olga flow would have a third form like Falz does. I wrote a scenario of what it would be like. pretty intense and would FLOW great with the game. harr harr harr. XP

THAT! and perhaps make new boss types for ult mode story two like story one does.

Jan 10, 2009, 10:40 AM
sounds good. also have the battle system more like PSU where frantic button mashing is possible. normally i don't button mash but there are times when it's just plain fun. humar's being able to use spells above level 15, around 20 would be good, and allow them to use shifta/deband, seems strange that a class that focuses mainly on melee combat can't do something to increase their ATP.

I would like to introduce you to the HUnewearl. .-.

In all honesty, if they did that, there would be literally no reason to play a HUnewearl besides using a female fleshie hunter. When I'm soloing, the only thing that sets me above from a HUmar is the fact that I can cast level 20 shifta and deband on myself and 20 jellen and zalure on the enemies, plus an extra 5 levels of Resta. If you've ever played in a group, then you'd know that once the HUnewearl and the HUmar have equal buffs, HUmar's going to straight out decimate the HUnewearl for damage. The Jellen/Zalure makes more sense for a HUmar than a RAmar (since Sega obviously wanted to split them so neither was overpowered) because a HUmar is more likely to get hit, and so therefore, needs Jellen. Sure, you could say Deband does the same thing, but I'm pretty sure reducing the enemies' ATP makes you receive less than upping your Defense.

Jan 10, 2009, 12:20 PM
I would like to introduce you to the HUnewearl. .-.

In all honesty, if they did that, there would be literally no reason to play a HUnewearl besides using a female fleshie hunter. When I'm soloing, the only thing that sets me above from a HUmar is the fact that I can cast level 20 shifta and deband on myself and 20 jellen and zalure on the enemies, plus an extra 5 levels of Resta. If you've ever played in a group, then you'd know that once the HUnewearl and the HUmar have equal buffs, HUmar's going to straight out decimate the HUnewearl for damage. The Jellen/Zalure makes more sense for a HUmar than a RAmar (since Sega obviously wanted to split them so neither was overpowered) because a HUmar is more likely to get hit, and so therefore, needs Jellen. Sure, you could say Deband does the same thing, but I'm pretty sure reducing the enemies' ATP makes you receive less than upping your Defense.

i do have a hunewearl but they are more focused on mind and spells than humars are. the last time my hunewearl leveled up atp went up by 3 and mind went up by 5. i can see why they did it the way they did but it would be nice to have shifta for the extra pwnage

Jan 10, 2009, 01:44 PM
Gotta say, I agree with furrypaws on this one. In pretty much every game I've played, the females are always given some kind of advantage over males. This quality, with the HUmar and what-not, gives uniqueness to the game, as well as strategy. I'd like to see it as well, but make at a lower level, like ten maybe. You keep the advantage females have over males in this case, and you get the Shifta/Deband for HUmars. Everyone wins here.

Jan 10, 2009, 11:23 PM
I'd add the ability to change your section ID for an exorbitant amount of meseta.

Jan 10, 2009, 11:34 PM
i do have a hunewearl but they are more focused on mind and spells than humars are. the last time my hunewearl leveled up atp went up by 3 and mind went up by 5. i can see why they did it the way they did but it would be nice to have shifta for the extra pwnage

While it is true that naturally, if you do nothing at all (as in no slot items, no mags, no equipment), her MST ends up higher than her ATP, they're so close it doesn't really matter. Plus, her max ATP is about 100 higher than her MST, which is more likely to make a difference than what she's actually naturally going to do. While they are certainly geared slightly more towards techs than HUmars are, they are still full on melee characters, especially in Ultimate.

If they're really going to make a new "PSO", all I want to see is the targeting system fixed up. As in, make Jellen/Zalure/Resta/Anti/Shifta/Deband an AoE instead of a target spell (would make my life much easier), make boxes undestroyable until monsters are cleared (shoot the monster, not the box!), etc., etc.

Leave all the new stuff to the actually new games, like PS0 and PSU. We already know that Sega's brainpower is limited. Let's not have them stretch it out further than they need to.

Jan 11, 2009, 08:07 PM
I'd add the ability to change your section ID for an exorbitant amount of meseta.

That never crossed my mind! This way, you also won't need a bunch of characters to get different rares, you can just save up the money, er, meseta, then change your ID to another one you want, than just repeat from here.

Jan 12, 2009, 08:58 AM
If they're really going to make a new "PSO", all I want to see is the targeting system fixed up. As in, make Jellen/Zalure/Resta/Anti/Shifta/Deband an AoE instead of a target spell (would make my life much easier)

But .. those techs are already area of effect. Resta, anti, shifta, deband etc take effect in a circle around you.

Jan 12, 2009, 11:59 AM
it would also be helpful to be able to switch between what enemies you lock on to, like you can in the Zelda games. the number of times iv'e died because he's targeted a box or a menacing looking wall instead of a mil lilly.

Jan 12, 2009, 02:56 PM
But .. those techs are already area of effect. Resta, anti, shifta, deband etc take effect in a circle around you.

Not all the time. If you select the spell from your list to cast it as soon as you get up from being knocked down, it won't affect anything but the caster because it doesn't have time to target the things around you. You have to make sure the targets you want to hit are a) in the casting circle and b) actually targeted.

the number of times iv'e died because he's targeted a box or a menacing looking wall instead of a mil lilly.

I HATE this!

Jan 14, 2009, 12:43 PM

Jan 17, 2009, 10:53 AM
If they did make a new PSO. First of all, they need to incorporate it for all the wii players out there. :)
Next, add the PSU ability of Casts to use techniques. Also, just upgrade the combat system just a bit more, and besides that, really nothing else.

Jan 17, 2009, 12:39 PM
I like to see you have a choice of 3rd person and 1st person. I'd also like accessible areas due to jumping. And an other thing would be manual aiming while in first person... Like use the C-stick to aim the reticule and the control stick to move. move/aim controls similar to Halo I suppose.

Mar 15, 2009, 11:59 AM
Pso game play shouldn't change but a graphics update (not all that much needed) would be nice. along with more than 4 areas each ( that's counting 1 and 2 seperate). There should be like 10

Nitro Vordex
Mar 15, 2009, 12:18 PM
Careful with the bumpage there. ;)

Mar 15, 2009, 01:27 PM
If it was on a GC, I say add EP 4. (The screenshots I see makes me ache to go through that section. the areas look better than EP 2)

On PC, have it playable offline or through a LAN

Apr 7, 2009, 06:32 PM
I wouldn't change a thing, just add content and up the graphics
If they added voice acting and walking while attacking and all that stuff it would just be another PSU
PSO is an amazing game as is
Give me new areas, new monsters, new characters (but same classes and races), new costumes, new weapons, and better graphics and I would be a happy man

Me and a buddy were actually talking about this the other day
The fans asking for all these unnecessary upgrades is the reason why Sega made a game like PSU and not another PSO
Not to say that PSU was horrible or anything, but I favor Online 100 times over Universe

Apr 7, 2009, 06:35 PM
Lucky duck. You only bumped this about 3 weeks, so you're safe. Great sig dude. Awesome.

Apr 11, 2009, 05:54 PM
Man, if they somehow, someway can make a PSO blue burst port, that bad boy needs to be on the 360 so it wouldn't get friggin' hacked for once. Just put the PSU style photon arts system in the game, and you would have the best online rpg ever.

Apr 11, 2009, 06:31 PM
It was a Dreamcast exclusive. It was everyone's whore when it came out for gamecube and everything else. Gamecube blows. PSOBB plays much better on PC than it ever could on console.

Apr 11, 2009, 06:56 PM
This reminds me of somthing I used to joke about with my freinds. The ultimate Character Class... The FOcast...

Apr 12, 2009, 07:23 AM
So many ways to go with a new PSO.

The first thought is to update the gameplay and all that for a more complex game. But, I think that would be too much of a change, and there's no way that SONIC TEAM can pull that off. So, my thought is to keep the basic hack 'n slash action.

Something good would be making each class more distinct. The classes just play too much like each other. Second would be to add more combos. It's pretty silly that we're limited to a 3-hit combo system. Third would be to edit some of the stages. Mainly, the VR-Temple, VR-Spaceship and Crater areas (Needs a boss!).

Apr 12, 2009, 03:20 PM
...How would A FOcast or caseal even work?....
Make HP/TP regen items not suck (Seriously they are just horible...). Also make the Newmen and Android Regens work at all times. (However with reductions if they are not Idle) Hunters could also have A more beefed up melee weaponry system. Also more weapon types would be nice that and A much more in depth Character Creation system.

Nitro Vordex
Apr 12, 2009, 04:33 PM
...How would A FOcast or caseal even work?....
It didn't. See:PSU. wouldn't.

Apr 13, 2009, 08:27 PM
It was a Dreamcast exclusive. It was everyone's whore when it came out for gamecube and everything else. Gamecube blows. PSOBB plays much better on PC than it ever could on console.

PSOBB blew ass. The game hasn't been out no longer than what, 2 weeks before people started cheating their asses off, and it using gameguard really didn't help any, that's why that version died the fastest on the U.S. side. Also, PSO is seriously not meant to be played on a pc, it just didn't feel right.

Just once in my life, I will love to play a PSO where cheating is nigh impossible. Just think about it, PSU on 360 been out for like 2 years or so, and not once has any one been able to hack anything in it, the worse that ever happened that came to items was a grinder exploit, which sega patched and banned most of the abusers. Having a port of blue burst on the 360 would be the best thing in the world to me, hell even a PS3 version would own if sony can keep cheating on check like microsoft does for live. Anything but a Wii port, I love the wii just like the next person, but it would just be a waste knowing that people would be cheating their asses off on that, since people even cheat in a easy ass game like mario kart wii.

Apr 13, 2009, 11:39 PM
They would improve the graphics, host it online, and not touch anything else.

Maybe add a harder mode. No more "lol megid" :disapprove:

Apr 14, 2009, 06:45 AM
Make it as hard as ver. 2 and add jetpacks....

Apr 14, 2009, 11:51 AM
Make it as hard as ver. 2 and add jetpacks....


Okay, maybe not jet packs... but make a button for a "jump" command.