View Full Version : Does anyone have the JP Trial?

Jan 5, 2009, 01:01 PM
Or does anyone know specifically what's different about it? I know it has the old cards that were removed from the final release, but is that the only change?

Also, if anyone does have it but isn't using it, would you be willing to sell? I've wanted this for a long time....

Jan 27, 2009, 02:45 PM
Only go after this if you are looking for a relic of the past to display in your room. The trial disk was basically a beta of Episode 3. You could only play it online, it had no offline mode. Something like 10,000 of these were sent out, and each one had a voucher attached to it to get the finished game when it came out. In the mean time, they used the tria disk to beta-test online features.

I have no idea if this could connect to a private server today, seems doubtful but if anyone has one they might as well give it a try. If not, it's just something to display as a PSO relic of the past.

Jan 27, 2009, 08:35 PM
If I recall correctly, the Trial version had obscured card art, different online stats, Photon Blasts, and several removed cards.

You can find some screenshots from the beta here:

From the looks of it, there were some limited offline capabilities.

Good luck finding a copy. They are extremely difficult to find at this point.

Jan 28, 2009, 02:29 PM
Interesting screenshots. The information I looked up said it had no offline mode, of course that source could have been mistaken.

One thing Ryna is 100% correct on is that this is almost impossible to find. I've been searching for it myself and can't find it anywhere. The few online stores that even list it have it "out of stock."

Jan 28, 2009, 05:30 PM
If you want to read about people's impression of the trial, just look through the oldest pages in this forum. The Episode 3 forum opened right when the Trial came out.

Your best bet for finding the trial is just to keep an eye on Yahoo! Japan auctions.

EDIT: Too bad neither of you were around for the two raffles PSO-World did for the Trial version back in the day.

Jan 28, 2009, 06:52 PM
Wow they had a Garuda Mag card? Thats boss!