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View Full Version : V2 Dusty yet still functional HUcast looking for old friends (or new ones)

Jan 10, 2009, 02:18 AM
I've seen the end of PSOv2, yet still have a functional dreamcast with BWS-1 on my original VMU... I can't stand playing offline. It's dead empty, it's a virtual Hell. It's driving me crazy and it's killing me to go through my 15 pages of guildcards only to see ghosts; people that are either dead or gone like me. People who ended up having to, you know, live... or simply enjoy something else to distract them (or hopped to the gamecube versions).

I know it's not possible to go back to US v2 for the dreamcast yet (I'm thinking of something [read: ''thinking of'', not ''working on'' don't get any hopes up... well, whoever still feels attached to v2 that is]), but I'm just hoping to find those I've lost track of to maybe find a way to ''reconnect'' in some Phantasy Star world, old or new.

I'm not expecting to find many that are on my list. Some even left me messages in moon language on their cards and I wish I could have replied back somehow. Not gonna dwell on it, but really, Japanese isn't something I can read.

I know life has gone a long way for everyone of us (over 7 years have gone by) and that we have likely changed - that life might actually be the main occupation now (or WoW) but it could be interesting to just find ourselves again, and maybe play?

My PSU is missing, and PSOver2 for DC is down. I'm possibly considering getting a DS for PS0, which right now I consider the only viable alternative despite my uncanny disdain for what the DS is as a handheld (I'm sorry everyone, I really can't stand playing with any of the DSs out there. I get tired or annoyed after about half an hour).

In the meantime. I'll keep on thinking about a way to fix us our servers - not SOME private servers: OUR USPSOver2 servers - so we may connect again where it all began.