View Full Version : PSO Area Nastalgia

Jan 10, 2009, 03:09 AM
just a little topic.

Is there any place that you go to present day on the game that just hits you with the best of memories? perhaps online or offline?

memories can be shared if you want to share them.


I'd say mine are at the Central control area.

Jan 10, 2009, 04:10 AM
CCA, the East Tower to be exact. I spent many many hours hunting Gibbles there. Even just hearing that jungle tune takes me back. Boy I miss PSOX.

Jan 10, 2009, 07:04 AM
the forest. it may be simple bt just after a first started playing the game, my earliest memory of it s going through the forest at a friends house, he was falling asleep and i turned level 8. at the time it was such a big achievement.

Jan 10, 2009, 09:21 AM
I get taken back now and then when I reach a place where I saw a rare enemy once before. There's one spot in Cave2 where I saw a Nar Lily that I can recall, and two places in VR Temple that remind me of Love Rappys long since whacked...

This doesn't seem to happen to me anymore.

Jan 11, 2009, 06:46 PM
id say mines 2. reason why is its where my best friend showed up online after me being at his house all dam day trying to get his pso to connect online XD this was back in the dreamcast days and it was like 2am i was at my house and he showed up there online while i was playing mines 2 wuz like finally you got it to work XD

Jan 12, 2009, 04:22 PM
I agree with you about the Central Control Area, as soon as you get down there that music hits and it does just take you back :) Also Seaside areas still have a certain 'Wow' factor.

Jan 14, 2009, 12:45 PM
as much as i despise them the caves

Jan 14, 2009, 12:57 PM
Right before the Darvant swarm.

the fear of uncertaintity as pianos play meloncholious rythmns. Yet, as pure as the location looked..

Jan 14, 2009, 01:03 PM
The long hallway in Ruins 3 which leads you into the "bottle Chamber" (Named it that from the way it looks, it seriously looks like a gatorade bottle) that leads you to the final room to Falz with that pumping thing and all those little semen like things floating around. :lol: I was always relieved to reach that point because it meant my long run in the ruins was done and time to fight Falz.

Jan 14, 2009, 11:01 PM
Seaside in general especially night (Festival on the Beach) great times spent there whether it was with friends or hunting with beautiful scenery.

Seabeds too; love the layout, the music, and Olga. Level 200 there on GC though that char has long since corrupted.

Jan 22, 2009, 04:03 PM
Kicking Kireek's ass for a Soul Eater is nostalgic. :wacko:

Wolf Shadow
Jan 22, 2009, 06:15 PM
I always loved almost all the maps in episode 2. The temple was hell when you were training in it, but it was beautiful to look at. Also all the music in episode 2 was perfect :)

Jan 23, 2009, 05:32 PM
Forest 2. My friend that showed me PSO and I kept replaying the forest till we both got to level 7 so we'd be able to defeat the dragon, and when we finally decided to go into the boss warp, I realized this was gonna be my favorite game of all time. Then, when we reached Hard mode, we were getting shitty rares there all over the place, but it was an amazing feeling back then. I got DB's Sabers, those daggers that cause paralysis, and an incredible Flowen's sword. I still carry a DB's Saber around with me because of the memories. My friend got himself a crush bullet back then as well. The funniest part was that even though we had those weapons, I used a shock sword+16, and he used a shock shot+21 or so. It was just a great place. I'd go into my whole story about my first run through every area offline with my bud, but that's not exactly what this topic is for now is it?

Jan 23, 2009, 10:28 PM
Kicking Kireek's ass for a Soul Eater is nostalgic. :wacko:
That has to be my moment too. I love it haha. Especially that I'm like half his level everytime. :-P

Jan 23, 2009, 10:35 PM
The waterfall room in the caves... I love it, I don't know why.

That or the long hallway in the ruins.

Jan 23, 2009, 11:09 PM
The waterfall room in the caves...

That reminds me of the waterfall in the ruins. I love sneaking back there and breaking the boxes. The first time I did it thought I found some huge secret or something. :-P

Jan 23, 2009, 11:22 PM
HAHA, yeah!

That room also. i know exactly what you mean.

Jan 24, 2009, 12:46 AM
Disk 3
Disk 7
Secret waterfall in the ruins...
Hospital room.
To the right of the Guild Counter
Caves (Probably feeling achieved from beating the forest by myself when I was 10)..even though the run itself isn't TOO great
Ruins 3 just before falz..



And who can forget mentioning the lobby. Heh.

Jan 24, 2009, 01:03 AM
The city, especially with the "sad" quest music.