View Full Version : cover managers!

Jan 13, 2009, 08:35 PM
Godamn they are almost always annoying!

'Well at our store we always do it this way so do it this way ok'.

Seriously how selfish and in this situation very time wasting can you get. ughhh.

What doesnt help is that he came onto shift acting like he owns the place being a true dick to everyone and being pointlessly strict, at a store hes very unlikely to work at for at least several months.

Oh yeh and the reason nobody wants to stay on and help?

'cos your an asshole.

We finished at 12am, and he made us stay 'til fucking 1, because we had to take the keys - whcih seriously has no logic which would take too long to explain here but seriously he was even more of a dumbass than usual.

Found out though that he got a mortage with his girlfriend on a house, for her to split up with him only to move in her girlfriend! a week later ololol.


Jan 13, 2009, 10:19 PM
Talk about karma. lol

Jan 13, 2009, 10:39 PM
Given how easy it apparently is to be a store manager, I've never been surprised how incompetent some of them are. Fast food places are even worse, you can evidently move into a managerial position just from pushing buttons for a long time.

Jan 14, 2009, 02:10 AM
Oh its easy having 60000 other people above you in the ranks bitch and nag about everything you do, yeah! Managers got it real easy!

Jan 14, 2009, 01:27 PM
Haha, some managers are worthless. They let the power go to their heads and think they're better than you just because they kissed someone's ass enough to get to where they are... at like a fast food place or whatever, but there are others out there that actually get that raising morale is key to raising productivity (most of the time).

Jan 14, 2009, 05:15 PM
Oh its easy having 60000 other people above you in the ranks bitch and nag about everything you do, yeah! Managers got it real easy!

Most of the regular managers can deal with the pressure from above without having to be so mean. Its just his stinky attitude i was moaning about.