View Full Version : Can I beat Dark Falz on Hard mode??

Jordan L
Jan 14, 2009, 08:05 AM
I'm a level 64 (HuCast) Can I beat Falz on Hard????

Jan 14, 2009, 09:57 AM
Depending on your HP, you could beat it on Ult.
Just check the DF stats and compare the highest damage to your HP. If you have more HP, you can beat it.

(I beat Hard DF at level 43 with most of my characters)

Jan 14, 2009, 10:56 AM
at level 64 you could probably beat him on v.hard without much trouble. i've beat hard falz at level 35 with my FOmar (though he had 2 god/hps)

Jan 14, 2009, 12:22 PM
Bring a HP stealing gun. (Fill, Draw, Gush, Drain) in phase 3 he does a move that makes him untouchable physically however the HP steal still steals HP. So you'll be able to her during those phases.

Keep cautious of your HP and you should be ok!

Jan 14, 2009, 01:12 PM
Yeah you can, and earlier too. You just need high HP (Like everybody else said) So you can survive her smack in her 3rd form. Maybe some light resist units can help you during Grants.

Jan 14, 2009, 01:23 PM
on a sense of that HP units are far more important than ELT. If you can survive the smack, you're golden to anything she dishes

Jan 14, 2009, 03:25 PM
And further more, I Was testing how a fight with Ult Dark Falz (Around lvl 100 Ramar) differed with a bit different hp, my ramar at first try had around 770 hp, and he beat falz like nothing, but once I went just alittle over 800 hp, the darvants stopped knocking me down, and they all just slapped me into dead. So sometimes the less Hp, the better, and also his barta hit me multiples times with higher HP.

Jan 14, 2009, 03:32 PM
And further more, I Was testing how a fight with Ult Dark Falz (Around lvl 100 Ramar) differed with a bit different hp, my ramar at first try had around 770 hp, and he beat falz like nothing, but once I went just alittle over 800 hp, the darvants stopped knocking me down, and they all just slapped me into dead. So sometimes the less Hp, the better, and also his barta hit me multiples times with higher HP.

If you think that's bad, try being a RAcast in Ultimate Saint-Milion. Say hello to the tornado for me :3

Jan 14, 2009, 03:37 PM
If you think that's bad, try being a RAcast in Ultimate Saint-Milion. Say hello to the tornado for me :3

eheheh. This is why I won't be soloing Saint-Million/Kondi.. << the first time I tried it even the little orange things that came up out of the ground killed me on normal when I was like level 40, so I Said" oh fuck this." I might try later on downt he line though, but atm he doesnt really drop anything I want LOL. The ep4 mags are all ugly besides the space channel 5 one, the puyo and that Gueng si thing. All the rest Ia m just fine without.

Addendum: I didn't even know the tornado could multi hit lol!!

Jan 14, 2009, 04:37 PM
Yeah you probly could kill him my HUmar only has trouble if I don't heal fast enough after Grantz on very hard and he is about the same level as you HUcast but bring A gun and possibly a Slicer (Slicer for spikes in first 2 forms)

Jan 14, 2009, 08:52 PM
With my old HuCast I beat very hard Falz at level 62 easily, though it was a sort of long fight. Fighting holy falz with a sword is kind of suckish, can hardly hit him. Well, I'm using a HuMAR now, with resta it should go a bit better.

Jan 16, 2009, 03:38 AM
If you think that's bad, try being a RAcast in Ultimate Saint-Milion. Say hello to the tornado for me :3

Yeah, it's not like you could just run near the wall to the right of each room and avoid the tornado...

Jan 16, 2009, 11:09 AM
Just stack dragon/HP or God/HP. All of his attacks are set damage not calculated... well at least most (99% sure). All you need is enough health and healing to beat him. Else just grind a little more.

Jan 16, 2009, 10:52 PM
Ok force or ranger for Holy Falz. I get so frustrated with swords... he comes down, sits on the other side of the room where I can't hit him, if I attempt to go around he flies up before I can. Then he goes up and repeats his agonizing cycle of hits that are guaranteed to hit you (slash, grants) -without resta. Then I can't hit him again..


Jan 17, 2009, 10:34 AM
Ok force or ranger for Holy Falz. I get so frustrated with swords... he comes down, sits on the other side of the room where I can't hit him, if I attempt to go around he flies up before I can. Then he goes up and repeats his agonizing cycle of hits that are guaranteed to hit you (slash, grants) -without resta. Then I can't hit him again..


Trust me when you get A gun he will always sit right in fron of you.

Jan 18, 2009, 04:33 AM
It doesn't depend on the level. Well, it actually does because the higher the level, the higher the HP. But it really depends on the weapon. What weapon do you use?

Jun 6, 2013, 09:29 PM
Im a lvl 41 HUcast with 350 hp is that enough or should i use some hp gains? Or should i keep training

Jun 6, 2013, 11:06 PM
I got my mag all the way up to lvl 50 but i didnt get a new photon blast what lvl do i get it at?

Jun 6, 2013, 11:22 PM
You can get it at level 50 if the new evolution doesn't give you one you already have. In your case, the level 50 evolution you just got gave you one you already have. You'll have to switch up the stats so the mag changes into a new evolution that gives you a new blast. Your mag can change at any interval of 5 levels so long as the order the stats are in changes.

Jun 7, 2013, 10:28 AM
If you think that's bad, try being a RAcast in Ultimate Saint-Milion. Say hello to the tornado for me :3

I find that when going up against St. Milion, I tend to stick to the edges because I find that the tornadoes just miss me.

Cemetery Hill
Jun 11, 2013, 05:15 PM
I don't understand how everyone is able to just take Dark Falz on Hard at 40 and on very hard just at 50. What. I'm having trouble not dying on the way there as a level 67. Tell me your secrets.

Jun 11, 2013, 07:51 PM
They could feed their mag a lot and/or know to to play the game well(Such as knowing what to do for each boss). Don't forget you don't know what gear they are using either, so your situation could be different.