View Full Version : Annoying things in PSU

Jan 14, 2009, 05:44 PM
what would you say is the thing that annoys you most about PSU?

personally its when i go a techer. i cast my BUFFs then someone comes along and uses their and downgrades everyone. they do it once and i dont mind but after that it really starts to p me off lol. i dont understand why people dont get the whole "your buffs are downgrading us from the buffs i gave" thing =/

im sure there has been some pretty bad ones but techers from all over much have experienced this at least once =]

Jan 14, 2009, 05:46 PM
when ya have the best armor, stats are maxed and a lvl160 Bel Pannon cast barta on u and hits u for 1 damage and it freezes you( same with Megid)

Jan 14, 2009, 06:21 PM

Jan 14, 2009, 07:01 PM
- Being told in parties not to "pick up junk items" even though I can make use out of them. It's not that hard to check your inventory occasionally and drop stuff if you're so hellbent on getting the good stuff. Either that, or quit carrying 50 gajillion weapons and/or armors that you don't need for the missions you're playing...

- Noobish techers who overwrite top-tier AT buffs, or use rods and no Har/Quick, etc. unit to cast them so that they take forever, especially when gathering the party together to do so. Any techer worth their salt should be able to see who has the highest-level buff spells for the party, and should also know that wands/tech-mags with high PP are the best buff weapons. Also, when noobs rush in at the beginning of a mission, forcing enemies to spawn, before the techer's buffs load and can buff the party at the beginning of a mission. It's hilarious to see them die within the first 30 seconds of fighting. XD

- Gunners who use nothing but twin handguns just so they can "move around," or those who use long-range weapons, such as rifles and bows, at point-blank range. Know the practical uses of your weapons, and level up your bullets to accommodate them properly.

- Players who constantly use knockback moves, such as Tornado Dance, grenades, Regrants, etc., on small enemies, knocking them all over the place. As a gunner or techer, it's not as big of a problem, but it gets annoying very quickly when tagging for exp.

- Noobs who join parties during a boss fight, and don't have the courtesy to wait outside so they don't get drops they didn't deserve. Also, people who "leech" for PA frags and MP without contributing to the party.

- ppl who tlk liek this y do lil kidz n stoopid ppl alwayz type liek this. Not having a keyboard or being brought up on a different language, I can understand, but if not... stay in school, ok? -_-X

- Stupid people in general. 'Nuff said. >_<

Jan 14, 2009, 07:03 PM
The fact half of the mobs on this game have their hitboxes and collisions handled like shit.
(Stuck inside Orcdillans, anyone ?)

Jan 14, 2009, 07:07 PM
The fact half of the mobs on this game have their hitboxes and collisions handled like shit.
(Stuck inside Orcdillans, anyone ?)

How about being stuck inside an Ubakrada? Or a SEED-Ardite? Good times.

Jan 14, 2009, 07:10 PM
My characters have the really bad habit to start dancing the mambo around SEED-Ardites legs every time they engage them into melee, yeah. :disapprove:
The only reason I hate Electronic Brain is because it gathers the most glitched mobs of the game all in one place (aside from the Deljabans which aren't).

Jan 14, 2009, 07:21 PM

Being killed when you have a charged SUV.

When you finally find that super rare board, finally gather all the mats you need, and then it fails.


Did I mention Orcdillans?

Jan 14, 2009, 07:45 PM
Lets see:

-Scrubby techers who use only one or two things the entire time. Most techers alts out there suck, so go back to playing your lousy fighter main. The only good techers are the ones who play it as their main type.

-Randon lag which causes damage to stack. very annoying dying to this.

-People who multi-class for no good reason.

-Lobby spamming text

-AFKers in a party who get free items and don't tell me where the hell they are. I'll kick them for doing this.

- Synth fails for items you really wanted and items you want to fail that synth instead. 50 mil worth in the garbage for failing an Armas. :(

-Picking up useless items like Kerselines. Buy them in the store if you need them!!!

That's all for now.

Jan 14, 2009, 07:53 PM
My List:

- People who think that 10/10 compared to 7/7 anything (Guns and Tech Weapons) are going to do anymore noticeable damage that is going to make a difference. Seriously, when I go on my techer, I have 7/7 weapons on her, and guess what? I can run the same runs just as fast as people with 10/10. After a certain point, it won't really matter. (At least if you have high leveled techs)

- Elitism

- Hunting Vijeri

- Orcdillians

- And finally, when trying to use Jabroga, and the SMALLEST enemy like a badira makes you get pushed back, or evade. >__________<

Jan 14, 2009, 07:58 PM
Sega of America.

Jan 14, 2009, 08:22 PM
I hated when people get into a techer pissing contest. i havent had this problem in a while since most of my techs are 40+ but when i was leveling them another techer would go out of his way to show me his spell is at a higher level.

Jan 14, 2009, 08:52 PM
Mother Brain annoys me quite a bit.

Jan 14, 2009, 09:00 PM
- Being told in parties not to "pick up junk items" even though I can make use out of them. It's not that hard to check your inventory occasionally and drop stuff if you're so hellbent on getting the good stuff. Either that, or quit carrying 50 gajillion weapons and/or armors that you don't need for the missions you're playing...

- Noobish techers who overwrite top-tier AT buffs, or use rods and no Har/Quick, etc. unit to cast them so that they take forever, especially when gathering the party together to do so. Any techer worth their salt should be able to see who has the highest-level buff spells for the party, and should also know that wands/tech-mags with high PP are the best buff weapons. Also, when noobs rush in at the beginning of a mission, forcing enemies to spawn, before the techer's buffs load and can buff the party at the beginning of a mission. It's hilarious to see them die within the first 30 seconds of fighting. XD

- Gunners who use nothing but twin handguns just so they can "move around," or those who use long-range weapons, such as rifles and bows, at point-blank range. Know the practical uses of your weapons, and level up your bullets to accommodate them properly.

- Players who constantly use knockback moves, such as Tornado Dance, grenades, Regrants, etc., on small enemies, knocking them all over the place. As a gunner or techer, it's not as big of a problem, but it gets annoying very quickly when tagging for exp.

- Noobs who join parties during a boss fight, and don't have the courtesy to wait outside so they don't get drops they didn't deserve. Also, people who "leech" for PA frags and MP without contributing to the party.

- ppl who tlk liek this y do lil kidz n stoopid ppl alwayz type liek this. Not having a keyboard or being brought up on a different language, I can understand, but if not... stay in school, ok? -_-X

- Stupid people in general. 'Nuff said. >_<
Agrees, only one minor exception I'd go for.

People who leech off of missions without ASKING if it's ok. I don't care if you're not doing anything but stay the fuck outside and earn those easy MP and a few grand here for finishing missions, but you sure as hell aren't stealing someones drop for sitting at the start of the mission.

Jan 14, 2009, 09:00 PM
Being constantly interrupted by enemies during skills really annoys me.

There's not much another player can do to annoy me because PSU is so easy that I could solo anything if I really wanted to, but I enjoy the company. I don't care about going faster or being efficient either because that's boring. I do get irked if someone gets in the way (makes everything fly with tornado dance or something), but I honestly haven't played with many people like that. I'd ask them to stop in a non-confrontational way if it really bugged me.

Jan 14, 2009, 09:16 PM
-people who all of sudden go afk at start of mission only to pop up right before boss.

-people who dont help the party but yet get all the good rares.

-when you run out of milk before cookies.

Pickel Surprise
Jan 14, 2009, 09:40 PM
I don't play online because I'm a cheap-ass who doesn't want to pay extra fees, but I can imagine that at least as far as the community is concerned, I know a few of the problems that you could have already.

From an offline only standpoint, the most annoying thing for me is that weapons (guns, mostly) don't recharge their PP when you switch to a different one. Wouldn't it make sense to swap in another gun when your current one runs dry so it can recharge? I know, photon charges aren't hard to come by, but it gets annoying anyway. I can hardly get by with anything other than the pistol/mechgun + saber/dagger combo. That's the only way I can get my damn gun to recharge while still being able to attack.

Bah, I'm probably just a n00b who is totally missing something blatantly obvious that keeps guns from running dry every five minutes.

Jan 14, 2009, 10:03 PM
Lets see

Noobs that scatter everything right when im about to 1 hit kill.

hunting an item and then never finding it.

people who make up all these rumors.

saying MST doesnt matter and when i get hit by foie as a cast half my health is gone.


lvling PAs.
cant think of anything else

Powder Keg
Jan 14, 2009, 10:04 PM
Seeing no parties or all locked parties.

Jan 14, 2009, 11:03 PM
i HATE orcdillans with a passion

people calling other people noobs as an insult. sometimes i wonder if people really knows what it means because some of the community will call another person that based on their class or race.

racists in lobbies and during runs. i solo only now so that is not a problem anymore.

my wife plays ( real flesh and blood wife, not some online romance with an avatar. i didnt know people actually did that) she solos as well because of the sexists polluting this game.

constant SERDOTE drops in clear boxes. (LIGHTNING BEAST)

people expecting techers to babysit them. im all for teamwork, but some people bite off more than they can chew.

people who think a game like this that requires no skill, that there is a right and wrong way to play. as long as there is no glitching, one should be able to play the way they want seeing as you are paying a fee

Jan 14, 2009, 11:11 PM
small enemies that have almost infinite health example: holiday rappies.
people who purposely avoid buffs by just running ahead.
not finding people to play with...
playing the game in a party but talking to myself the entire time because no one got mike.
the retarted "pete" feeding chart.
my "mag" standing there watching me fight
living on a half destroyed space colony
npc leeching

ahh:sleepy:.. now i feel better.

Jan 14, 2009, 11:17 PM
message boards.

Jan 14, 2009, 11:22 PM
the higher level spells (especially gizonde 41+) are blinding me
and probably the rest of the party as well.
I do like the spells effect, but they are hurting
my eyes...yikes.

Jan 15, 2009, 01:45 AM
That the 360 version does not get the expansion offline.

Jan 15, 2009, 03:16 AM
People who complain about other players' actions, playing styles, class bashing, art bashing, and elitists. Also, d/cing, which has been happening a lot lately.

Jan 15, 2009, 08:42 AM
1: When i use a Megastride, a techer uses under 11 buffs.
2: Master forces spamming RA-Spells
3: Those Sword handed guys in true darkness S2
4: People who lie out there ass to seem better on a game.
5: People calling people "Noobs" over tehre ID. Number
6: People with 98,000 ID's having a stack.
7: Getting stuck in Svaltus's legs...
8: People who undercut by 1 Meseta.
9: Megid Megid Megid...
10: The Music
11: That we have to pay for Psu.
12:People who scam.

I'd put the rest, but I might crash the site.

Jan 15, 2009, 09:11 AM
People that want nothing but 50% boosted players during gbr hunting the kaos knight, yet the boost doesn't affect the end box drop rates whatsoever. (Found 2 kaos knight units in like a, 80%ish boost so yeah).

Jan 15, 2009, 11:31 AM
Wow, lots of Orcdillan haters! I guess I'm not the only one. :lol:

From an offline only standpoint, the most annoying thing for me is that weapons (guns, mostly) don't recharge their PP when you switch to a different one. Wouldn't it make sense to swap in another gun when your current one runs dry so it can recharge? I know, photon charges aren't hard to come by, but it gets annoying anyway. I can hardly get by with anything other than the pistol/mechgun + saber/dagger combo. That's the only way I can get my damn gun to recharge while still being able to attack.

Bah, I'm probably just a n00b who is totally missing something blatantly obvious that keeps guns from running dry every five minutes.
You should carry a couple spare guns, that way you can swap them when your guns run out of PP. :)

message boards.
Then leave! (j/k :p)

Jan 15, 2009, 11:33 AM
the thing that annoys me the most is the lag on loading techs. so many times now i've tried to switch back to my heal stick when someone's hp dropped too low, only for the tech to take forever to load and the person dies.
seems to only way to counter it is to constantly switch through the weapons i want to use, especially at the start of each block.

the lag at the start of a mission can drag on a bit too, sometimes the first mob has been killed by the rest of my party before they've even loaded on my screen. (although this can depend on who i'm partying with, i've noticed some people deliberately hang back to allow the techers to get their stuff to load, which is nice of them.. ^^ )

Jan 15, 2009, 11:49 AM
Grinding annoys me. so thats why i quit that stuff. never ever am i doing it again. because than you have to spam selling this and that. lol so im done with the grinding. I'de rather buy it from somone than grind it. but it takes time to gain the meseta to do get that item you want tho. but oh well. im not in a rush.

Jan 15, 2009, 11:50 AM
complainers and whiners.

Jan 15, 2009, 12:00 PM
- Waiting on someone to start the rare mission then dcing when it finally starts/dcing at a boss.

- People who afk in game, unless I know them for the entire mission(go in the lobby or stay at the mission counter). I know some people are unaware they will be gone that long and that's fine. Some people however go afk in each mission for the duration of the mission.

- Guys who can't stop flirting with my caseal/ f beast even well after I told them I'm a guy -.-

- Failing a synth I actually give a damn about after suceeding a bunch I could careless for (with lower % chance to succeed)

- People who complain about crap items being put in to their inventory. I don't want monomates, kerselines, vestalines, etc either. However I know how to just drop it on the ground when I'm running low on space.

- White Beast

Jan 15, 2009, 12:05 PM
I'm shocked that nobody has mentioned Orcdillans yet...

Also, to add to Rust's list of glitchy collisions: Enemies that can shoot through walls. I've lost count of how many time I've died from getting nailed by a Grass Assassin in another room and stunned, or taken a high-level Foie or Zonde to the head from an enemy I couldn't even see. Is it that hard to detect out-of-map and kill the projectile?

Jan 15, 2009, 12:20 PM
-The fact that grinder base s isn't available for purchase at the npc.
-Lag on palette swap or a left to right handed weapon switch.
-Lag damage.
-A mission's graphics causing slowdown.
-How a weapon grinded with three-star luck and an s+10 grinder can still break.
-Panhandlers. You bought my De Ragan figure for 250k then you ask me for a 50k handout?
-Level 41+ techs blinding me and causing slowdown.
-SEED Ardite and melee = no fun.
-Melee photon arts with blow away.
-No s-rank claw for the WT.

Jan 15, 2009, 12:35 PM
people who abuse techers and then give out that it took 3 seconds to un freeze them.
people who run ahead and kill most ememies before the rest of the party have a chance to tag them.
people who boot for rares.
people who spam messages like taking offers on 5/7 p wand that are worth far less than stack in lobbies and missions get a shop ffs!!!
people who glitched with the grinder glitch and i dont care if you just bought the grinders you still profited from glitching.

Jan 15, 2009, 12:50 PM
Adding to my previous list:

Tech load times. Why should I bother using Reverser if it has to load each time? >.< Sols are way quicker...

Dying because of lag. My HP will be nearly full, then the game lags for a couple seconds and suddenly I'm dead!

MF's low HP. I have to constantly watch my health bar because it only takes a few hits to kill me.

I'm shocked that nobody has mentioned Orcdillans yet..
Actually, you're the fourth... ;) (or were you being sarcastic? :p)

Jan 15, 2009, 12:53 PM
My biggest gripe is warping Orcdillan in a big party. It's just too frustrating and buggy.

Noobs are funny for the most part but sometimes you will try to help them and they pretend not to understand or don't listen. Probably five year olds lol

Jan 15, 2009, 12:59 PM
I'm shocked that nobody has mentioned Orcdillans yet...I didn't single them out, but they're one of the ones that constantly interrupt my skills. :-P

Jan 15, 2009, 02:01 PM
failing grinding a weapon when it says there is no chance of it failing...on the first grind of a 0/10 weapon.
making grinders, made 300 A grinders and got only 10 A+9 and no A+10.

Jan 15, 2009, 02:06 PM
How incompetant Maya is, yet I still drag her along. Lolz. My Maya loves to open enemy boxes on purpose in SW. She points her crossbow directly at them and fires. Also when I use Megistar she starts spamming reverser.

Jan 15, 2009, 02:24 PM
My latest irks:

Using 258 Grinder Base S during a synth boost (I think they are supposed to increase the chance of making good grinders, but who knows? ><) and getting 5 s+10s out of it.

Not being able to find open S2 parties anywhere and having trouble as a MasterForce soloing on AotI S2 missions.

Using my lower leveled techs (like my level 30 barta ><) on my MasterForce so I'm not the I-can't-see/You-are-lagging-me monster, and so I can keep my wand out for heals and having people complain that I'm not dealing enough damage for them. Then getting booted once I bust out my high damage techs.

Landing an epic heal on someone and then having them ignore me while I'm frozen/stunned (in SEED Express I get fuxxed by whichever one I don't have the resist in for) so I die.

People who leave good items on the floor because they don't want to pick up 'junk'. I've seen par walnas, goldania, and morbinia on the ground more times then I can count.

Running Desert Goliath as a GunMaster. There is always one robot that just won't die running me through an excess of killer shot >_>

People who think that your GBR boost effects boss / clear boxes.

Having two people in the party (in a six person group) who have made it clear that they can read/write English but only hold conversation in their own language so nobody else has any idea what they are saying. I don't mind the foreign language thing near so much except when they spend more time typing then fighting. I also don't mind at all if I was the one who joined in their party, its just if everyone else is in English why not talk to everyone?

Jan 15, 2009, 02:25 PM
I had a Fortetecher in my party a couple weeks ago, and said "Do you mind if I only buff, debuff, and heal?" I agreed, didn't seem to be too bad of a deal... Except... he would debuff and run the hell away, not heal, and only could cast 2 buffs (and weren't even above 30 to boot). When I asked why he was being useless, he responded "I'm beast FT, I'm not even taking it seriously noob" in the normal moron moon language. Though it didn't last long, it was annoying as hell.

Like everyone else, I hate Orcdillans and getting stuck inside monsters (especially when in blast badge mode).

Pickel Surprise
Jan 15, 2009, 02:47 PM
You should carry a couple spare guns, that way you can swap them when your guns run out of PP. :)

I do, but my point is that the ones I'm not using don't recharge while they're just sitting in my inventory. I still remember the first time I figured that out. My rifle had just run dry, so I switched to my saber/handgun combo for a while, and then when I switched back to the rifle, it was still dead. A bit of my love for the ranger class died that day...

Jan 15, 2009, 02:57 PM
I do, but my point is that the ones I'm not using don't recharge while they're just sitting in my inventory. I still remember the first time I figured that out. My rifle had just run dry, so I switched to my saber/handgun combo for a while, and then when I switched back to the rifle, it was still dead. A bit of my love for the ranger class died that day...

Gotta carry charges on ya man, it's a must for any class, really... and your Photon Arts' PP costs are only going to go up as they level. If it really bugs you that much, just carry multiple guns on you, grind them, or look for a Giga/ or Cati/Bullet PP Save unit. Should you ever decide to go online, keep in mind that the Forte- classes consume the least amount of PP for their main weapons, while Master classes consume the most. Also, Yohmei and Kubara weapons tend to have the most PP.

Jan 15, 2009, 03:11 PM
When people don't tell me what I'm doing wrong.

When people tell me everything I do is wrong.

Those 2 extremes are pretty much the only things that annoy me in the game (aside from the usual problems everyone has, like getting stuck inside enemies, Mother Brain using her shield 5 times in a row, followed by nothing but that wave move for the rest of the fight, etc).

I try to buff my party, but I know my buffs suck, so if someone else would just say "Hey, I'll buff us, I got better ones," or "I'll use items, so don't worry about buffing me," then I'll gladly stop using them. And I can't stand someone who tells me I'm "not playing the right way" because of a different style than them, which has come up several times since I don't usually use spears or axes as fighter characters. Other than that, nothing usually bothers me.

Jan 15, 2009, 03:55 PM
*People who run ahead of the party.
*Lazy Players
*Anga Jabroga spammers

Jan 15, 2009, 06:09 PM
Changed my mind. The slow delay-thing with using mates annoys me to no end. <_<

Jan 15, 2009, 06:35 PM
When other players try to tell ppl how that should play at certain class or use a certain weapon. I hate that with a passion. Let ppl play how ever they want. If you want a party to play a certain way, be leader and let every1 who join know (put it on the comment box or tell them when they join) or find ppl who play like you and and make them your friends who you run with. Bam there we go. But if you join a random party don't go in and start bitching about what someone is doing.... If you don't like it just leave the party. (i do it all the time if im annoyed with something/someone in a party)

Jan 16, 2009, 08:25 AM
Grinding annoys me. so thats why i quit that stuff. never ever am i doing it again. because than you have to spam selling this and that. lol so im done with the grinding. I'de rather buy it from somone than grind it. but it takes time to gain the meseta to do get that item you want tho. but oh well. im not in a rush.

Yes but when/if you do grind it to a high grind you feel much better about yourself and the weapon, but on the down side you get more pissed if it breaks :/

Jan 16, 2009, 04:50 PM
what would you say is the thing that annoys you most about PSU?

personally its when i go a techer. i cast my BUFFs then someone comes along and uses their and downgrades everyone. they do it once and i dont mind but after that it really starts to p me off lol. i dont understand why people dont get the whole "your buffs are downgrading us from the buffs i gave" thing =/

im sure there has been some pretty bad ones but techers from all over much have experienced this at least once =]

I hate to say it, but that has nothing to do with the game, that's something annoying about a person who plays though.

Something I find annoying about the game is those Komazlis that put you to sleep with the first hit every time, and also the Mother Brain boss in general, every one of her attacks is cheap and lame, and I also dislike how she says "Damage Level 100%" when you kill her... Obviously if the damage level was 100%, the voice box or whatever would be destroyed, much less the damage sensor or internal computers...

Jan 16, 2009, 05:27 PM
i have another to add to the list.

people who believe techer are nothin but resta and buff slaves....especially when i play masterforce and they still refuse to use that trimate because i have a resta....

Jan 16, 2009, 06:17 PM
People who run white beast all day and call you a noob for trying to form a party to go elsewhere.People who spam Jabroga or T dance all game i find them PAs cool for soloing but they are not teamwork friendly PAs imo.

Jan 16, 2009, 06:22 PM
but the game isnt really about team work.

teamwork is where the game is too hard to do yourself so you need other but people are going back to basic classes from what i read on here and lots of other things.

personally the only thing i actually found hard about this game was bladed legacy. not the full mission. just the rape session with the magashis at the end. i still think its impossible to solo

Jan 16, 2009, 06:24 PM
Nah see im saying its easy to solo but people dont know what teamwork is im glad i have friends that do.

PSU Character Information
DivineTenken"Sojiro" 150 beast FF(20)-Fg(20)-WT(20)-FM(8)
Dark Hadou "Sakura" 100 Cast FT(20)-AT(13)-WT(20)-MF(2)
BoogiePop Phantom 22 Cast Protranser 3
Hikikomori-Neet 35 beast FG(20)-GT(20)-GM(2)

Find me AFK on neudaiz bridge.

Jan 16, 2009, 06:32 PM
this game is so easy its became one big time trial. see how can do it the fastest lol.

personally i think that to make this game that big harder every enemy in the game should have double status but at the very very least double hp. that might require lots of people to help

Jan 16, 2009, 06:36 PM
I think instead of monsters being 10-15 lvls higher than us when capped it should be like 25 since cap 150 all monster should atleast be 175 mini bosses 180-185 and bosses 190 but meh that would never happen

Jan 16, 2009, 09:32 PM
Hm... annoying?

The most annoying thing I can think of are some of the people. That's not to say that the population is annoying on the whole, but the few that are stand out a lot.

I am especially bothered by the people who have nothing to do but report bad news to me like I'm some sort of an advice columnist. I mean damn, I've been gone a week, and the first thing after "hi" is how your life is a black void of nothingness and DESPAIR.


Yeah, that's REALLY why I pay for this. *headdesk*

Jan 16, 2009, 09:53 PM
1. people who sell stuff in the lobbies
2. White beast
3. my scratched disk (i cant do SW,or TD)
4. me
5. people that tell me that i am not playing my class right
6. My Girl that always want to be party leader ...... even when i have 3*
7. People joining late into a mission then leaving at the start ...Then joining back up later
8. Kakawane
9. getting booted for not talking...
10. getting booted for touching the crystal..
11. getting booted because they don't like my name.
12-99. Getting booted for apparently playing my classes wrong..
100. White beast

Jan 17, 2009, 10:46 AM
Mother Brain spamming that push-back wave thing
Getting stuck in Svaltuses
Tornado dance spammers
High-level players who don't understand how elements work (eg, guys wearing earth armor with lightning weapons in SP/LB during GBR)
How useless my GH-465 is

Jan 17, 2009, 05:28 PM
Adding to my list:

I hate it when the boss gets real cowardly, like when Magas/Degahna keeps teleporting repeatedly, or when De Rol Le keeps flying away into the distance, or when Mother Brain keeps using that energy wave over and over. It just prolongs the fight. I want to shout, "Come over here and fight me, you coward!" :p

Jan 17, 2009, 06:10 PM
Things that annoy me about PSU~

-The lobby system. There's way too many lobbies that aren't really needed, and it makes it next to impossible to find people to play with unless you go to the current hot spot. It wouldn't been better if they made a simply lobby on each planet from which you could maybe get half the planets missions, then perhaps an ending lobby you come out at from which you could get another set of missions for that planet that takes you back to the first lobby when you're done. I honestly think the game would be in much better shape (population-wise) right now if it had been easier for people to gather and play together.

-Blocking. I shouldn't need to explain this one...

-Ugly, boring weapons. Couldn't they have been a little more creative? I know people hate hearing the PSO/PSU comparison, but PSO had really lovely weapons that were exciting to hunt. PSU weapons... not so much. There are too many photon blades that look almost exactly alike, and it takes a bit of the fun out of finding rare boards for me.

-Not being able to log on and start in my room.

-Lack of word-wrap. (I shouldn't have to do this manually)

-Too many missions that don't drop anything of interest or value.

-How events destroy item rarity. I like people being able to find what they want, but it's not exactly fun to spend 3 months hunting something then to have an event come around where it quickly rewards you tons of what you were hunting as well as multiples of everything you had planned to hunt for in the future, leaving you with nothing else to do but cancel your subscription for 6 months until a new mission or difficulty is released with new stuff to hunt for until an event pops up to make it easy so you can quit again.

-Lack of light element attack techs.

-Having a PM full of materials, a good portion of which have zero use.

I'm sure there's more, but that's the stuff that comes to mind first.

Rei Ichigoro
Jan 17, 2009, 09:57 PM
My list.
*Getting stuck inside monsters legs

* Spamming in the lobbies

*Weapons that cost over a stack get real people

*Grinding getting it to 9/10 then it failing

*My boyfriend complaining when he know that even if I don't have luck I still get the best things and Pf
* and many other things that I am feeling to lazy to type out right now lol

DejA Vu
Jan 17, 2009, 10:03 PM
i think the most annoying shit ever is wen ur trying 2 play the fucking game and some retarded as master tecker comes along and trys 2 give me his sitty ass lvl 10 buffs its like a complete waste of my time and is retarded cuz i waste my agterides also i like 2 say how gay it is wen u r trying 2 play and some techer comes up and makes my shit all laggy with his gay PAs its like a slap in the face

Jan 17, 2009, 10:07 PM
i think the most annoying shit ever is wen ur trying 2 play the fucking game and some retarded as master tecker comes along and trys 2 give me his sitty ass lvl 10 buffs its like a complete waste of my time and is retarded cuz i waste my agterides also i like 2 say how gay it is wen u r trying 2 play and some techer comes up and makes my shit all laggy with his gay PAs its like a slap in the face
#1 Learn to talk.
#2 Masterforce buffs are annoying
#3 Sounds like you need help if you get that upset about techs that are going to be nerfed for you soon anyways.

Jan 18, 2009, 12:12 AM
I have to admit I'm glad I am not the only one who is annoyed with grinders in this game.

It's so stressful and wasteful to grind weapons and wind up throwing half of your stuff out; who is going to buy it other than an NPC?

I hope there will be a Grinder X that is guaranteed to work but is just super rare...ya rite :p

Jan 18, 2009, 12:29 AM
There have been alot of things that REALLY have been pissing me off.

For starters, pretty much every monster on Moatoob gets on my nerves. But Vandas and their f&^*%$#* flamethrowers piss me off to no end!! Its so frustrating!

I also hate the fact that your character can be so easily knocked away by an enemy. Epecially when in the middle of an attack combo and the monster gets lucky and blocks your attack then smacks the crap out of you. To make things worse monsters can still attack you as you're flying across the room.

I hate how none of the female hunter's clothing look so horrible? I mean, there are only a few good outfits that might look good like the Yoko-set and HUmarl set. But seriously, their clothes suck!

Immovable One
Jan 18, 2009, 12:37 AM
Things I hate

- Reskins.

Jan 18, 2009, 12:39 AM
Things I hate

- Reskins.

LOL, I second that!

DejA Vu
Jan 18, 2009, 02:16 AM
u guys just dont understand how bad teching is cuz it used 2 be good but now its crap and u guys still try 2 like it and suport just give up and change classes

Jan 18, 2009, 03:34 AM
-Ugly, boring weapons. Couldn't they have been a little more creative? I know people hate hearing the PSO/PSU comparison, but PSO had really lovely weapons that were exciting to hunt. PSU weapons... not so much. There are too many photon blades that look almost exactly alike, and it takes a bit of the fun out of finding rare boards for me.
I think it is the PS2 that is holding back content

-Too many missions that don't drop anything of interest or value.
True, but i think if the S3 for V1 mission would come soon..it will probably hold equal worth of rares

-How events destroy item rarity. I like people being able to find what they want, but it's not exactly fun to spend 3 months hunting something then to have an event come around where it quickly rewards you tons of what you were hunting as well as multiples of everything you had planned to hunt for in the future, leaving you with nothing else to do but cancel your subscription for 6 months until a new mission or difficulty is released with new stuff to hunt for until an event pops up to make it easy so you can quit again.
Also, yes i gotta agree. I rather have a motherload of something that is not so rare anyways, then to get spoiled of new stuff. More EXP and MP should justify playing the event missions.

Jan 18, 2009, 10:06 AM
Well some of the problems that bother me about the actual players. Is like said before is when they wont let you pick up rare items or room decorations.
But this is nothing
What I really hate are the guys on most video games but psu for the most part when you talk in a group. You have the guys that are like omg its a girl and like o o notice me tryen to get your attention. Also the guys who just dont care which are ushaly the coolest.
But more then either of these you have the ____holes. Who will be extremely rude to you and imature just because you are a female. Thinking they are actully cool when they really arent. It is people like these that really ruin the game for me. It is also why I kinda like final fantasy 11 more I mean I know there is the party chat but for the most part you dont talk on ffxi. So alot of guys play as girl characters and get away with it which I actully dont mind because they cant tell if Im a male or female. Which actully helps me enjoy the game even more. Although I dont like it when the guys pretending to be girls come up next to me acting all stupid and the guys actual believe them I cant help but laugh but also feel mad for them making us look like idiots. Also alot of guys seem to get the impression that I was given all my stuff which people say all the time. Which really makes me mad because I am a hardcore player and I work hard for my stuff and dont accept donations. So Ill go out with a really nice pallet and everything tryen to show off my hard work. Then they will start to ask who gave it to you and stuff its like wtf. Then they will start sayen that you buy game money from rmt which is the last thing you want to hear after working hard to get somthing.

Jan 18, 2009, 12:50 PM
I'm... um... me? And I'm just saying that you shouldn't be getting that upset when you are obviously over exaggerating how "bad" a masterforce is. Infact they are not bad, they are decent. They just need a couple tweaks to be like FM and GM. And sorry for being a little hasty before, it's just that people don't give masterforces a fair chance.

Master force doesnt deserve a fair chance at all people dont realize that the only thing good is they cast a little faster and can get lvl 50 attack spells, that doesnt come close to making up for all their cons lvl 10 support u gotta b kiding me point of techer is to heal/buff party and help them out but instead they slow down the party by making them lag, and third they dont even have a good amount of tech. power Go back to fortetecher idots

Jan 18, 2009, 01:04 PM
Go back to fortetecher idots

So what you're saying here is telling people who are playing Masterforces to not play their class they like to play? If you were one of those people, would you still say the same?

Things I hate in PSU?
- people killing stuff before you can even get a hit in (though I don't blame them much)
- people telling others that what they're doing is wrong/bad/less good

Jan 18, 2009, 01:06 PM
Well see fortetoker Master classes is like a new game everyone must have it.Im stayin a AT/FT i be if you go to white beast lobby over everyone name you will either see master force gun master or the all mighty ank buti noobroga spamming twin carrigune tornado dance spamming fighmasters only spell i find worth using past 41+ is megid the rest is just one big lag ball.

PSU Character Information
DivineTenken"Sojiro" 150 beast FF(20)-Fg(20)-WT(20)-FM(8)
Dark Hadou "Sakura" 100 Cast FT(20)-AT(13)-WT(20)-MF(2)
BoogiePop Phantom 22 Cast Protranser 3
Hikikomori-Neet 35 beast FG(20)-GT(20)-GM(2)

Find me AFK on neudaiz bridge.

DejA Vu
Jan 18, 2009, 01:27 PM
Master force doesnt deserve a fair chance at all people dont realize that the only thing good is they cast a little faster and can get lvl 50 attack spells, that doesnt come close to making up for all their cons lvl 10 support u gotta b kiding me point of techer is to heal/buff party and help them out but instead they slow down the party by making them lag, and third they dont even have a good amount of tech. power Go back to fortetecher idots
Finaly someone who understands u don't no what it's like being a fighter and having these spells in your face u can't even c what ur doing and yes I also think I have the right 2 say u can play on these classes because I'll tell u right now u won't be getting into any of my partys anytime soon untill it's fixed so ur not aloud 2 use master force change classes make a new character anything is better

Jan 18, 2009, 01:32 PM
Wow there are allot more idiots on PSOW than usual... :/

Jan 18, 2009, 02:04 PM
Thread title is "Annoying things in PSU", not "Most Retarded posts", folks.

Jan 18, 2009, 02:13 PM
- Being told in parties not to "pick up junk items" even though I can make use out of them. It's not that hard to check your inventory occasionally and drop stuff if you're so hellbent on getting the good stuff. Either that, or quit carrying 50 gajillion weapons and/or armors that you don't need for the missions you're playing...

This. I actually make money by selling all grades of weapons and line shields that I synth from those "junk items". It's also doing a service to the PSU community since I'm offering the new players mid- to high-percentage equipment that they can use. And, as you said, it's not really a chore to check my inventory and drop stuff I don't need/want.

Jan 18, 2009, 02:27 PM
i think the most annoying shit ever is wen ur trying 2 play the fucking game and some retarded as master tecker comes along and trys 2 give me his sitty ass lvl 10 buffs its like a complete waste of my time and is retarded cuz i waste my agterides also i like 2 say how gay it is wen u r trying 2 play and some techer comes up and makes my shit all laggy with his gay PAs its like a slap in the face
Wow. This is almost the most offensive post I've seen in a while. While I agree with the main point of what you said, I don't want to be on the same side of an arguement as someone who chews grammar and spelling and lets it dribble out of his mouth. Please learn to spell or type, it will make communicating your ideas to others much easier on the internet.

1) Finaly someone who understands u don't no what it's like being a fighter and having these spells in your face u can't even c what ur doing and 2) yes I also think I have the right 2 say u can play on these classes because I'll tell u right now u won't be getting into any of my partys anytime soon untill it's fixed so ur not aloud 2 use master force change classes make a new character anything is better
1) My main is a Fighmaster. I'm not retarded enough to stand in the middle of Lv50 techs if I can't see. Not to mention I'm normally a good 5-10 seconds ahead of the techer in my party, so their techs don't even show up on my screen most of the time.
2) Who are you, and why do I care if I can't party with you? If your spelling and grammar are as bad in the game as it is here, I wouldn't want to party with you.

On Topic:

Things that annoy me about PSU:
1: People who slam a class/playstyle because they can't play it well.
2: People who slam a class/playstyle because it's inconvenient to them.
3: People who think they are the center of the universe.
4: Hunting for months to get a rare item only to have a friend find TWO in a short time period while running with you.
5: Hunting for months for a rare item and someone else finding it on their first run.
6: People who yell for picking up things I need that they don't.
7:Conversely, people who pick up EVERYTHING (I mean c'mon, do you really need the rotten truffle?)
8: Item lag when trying to heal yourself..
9: Faulty hit detection all the time. (Getting hit by things that clearly miss your sprite)
10: Getting stuck on large enemies' legs.

Jan 18, 2009, 03:02 PM
-Lack of everything we all paid for when we purchased the game disk.
-Weapon lag, Trimate lag...

When all is said and done, I'll still enjoy PSU very much, few complaints

(Photon blasts for humans would be cool. No? Balance the races more? *sigh* If only...)

Jan 18, 2009, 03:03 PM
And I wan't my damn ninja mask already! lol

<--------- Something like the RAmar look would do fine.

Jan 18, 2009, 03:43 PM
The inability to wear certain hats with certain hairstyles. This, and the complete omission of a cowgirl hat. I refuse to get my Newman lady a Voloyal Set until I can complete the ensemble.

The inability to color clothes in unique colors using the RGB scale. I've been playing Soul Calibur 4 nonstop lately, and I've been relishing the character customization options. I'd like the same type of coloring option, where for each article of clothing, there are certain parts 1, 2, 3, etc. that can all be colored uniquely.

The complete omission of the RGB scale. I personally found it easier than managing the palette that we have now.

... actually, these are very minor annoyances, but some things that I feel could be handled better.

Jan 18, 2009, 04:13 PM
Adding to my pre-existing list:

- Not being able to get a good, rich dark purple for my character's hair
- Not having a longer hair option then we have now.
- The way the current long hair flares when your toon moves around. The version 1 long hair for girls is the absolute worst for this.
- The skin tones on a human male are just... murky looking. There isn't a way to get a good pale skin on a human guy. I don't know if this is different for the other races or if its human exclusive. I can get my female newman white as paper, why not my male character?
- Does anyone else hate fighting in a nanoblast form? The controls on a female beast seem so unnatural when you 'beast out'
- Next to no weapon variety among S ranks that are worth using, if you have good looking gear most people end up sadly similar >_>
- Having no idea what the drop rate on items are. Unless I'm mistaken you could find this out in PSO

DejA Vu
Jan 18, 2009, 06:22 PM
[QUOTE=BIGGIEstyle;2235908]Wow. This is almost the most offensive post I've seen in a while. While I agree with the main point of what you said, I don't want to be on the same side of an arguement as someone who chews grammar and spelling and lets it dribble out of his mouth. Please learn to spell or type, it will make communicating your ideas to others much easier on the Internet.]]

This is a quote about phantasy star it has nothing 2 do about how I spell don't talk bout how I spell cause it don't matter at all

Jan 18, 2009, 06:25 PM
autumn i agree with pretty much everything you said in that last post.

especially that drop rate thing in psu. i mean imn pso the one thing i wanted was psycho wand. i was redria. chaos sorcerer in ruins. maby 7 per level. and the drop rate was 1 in every 150 thousand or something like that. now that drop rate is fecking shocking but at least i knew what it was.
i mean id like to know the drop rate of love inferno.

somehow a guy a was playing with the other day seemed to know some drops rates somehow.
armas line board he said was less than 81%. he said anotehr which i cant remember =[

Jan 18, 2009, 06:32 PM
as an off topic note.
why the hell do you people actually care about grammer etc. get over yourself. not everyone will be as good as you are. i dont have perfect grammer. heck i dont even pother using things such as commas and what ever these ' are called. if i see someone who isnt using proper spelling and grammer i couldnt really give a fuck to be honest.

as long as i can understand what there saying what does it matter. this is an online forum for people to discuss things about this game. its not a fecking english class in school.

the only case id complain is if 7H3y 7ALk L1k3 Th1S

Jan 18, 2009, 07:23 PM
as an off topic note.
why the hell do you people actually care about grammer etc. get over yourself. not everyone will be as good as you are. i dont have perfect grammer. heck i dont even pother using things such as commas and what ever these ' are called. if i see someone who isnt using proper spelling and grammer i couldnt really give a fuck to be honest.

as long as i can understand what there saying what does it matter. this is an online forum for people to discuss things about this game. its not a fecking english class in school.

the only case id complain is if 7H3y 7ALk L1k3 Th1S

I'm not an english teacher or anything, but it drives me nuts seeing people be so fucking lazy that they can't type the word "you" it's three fucking letters! Are you so lazy you can't type the other two?

Look how easy, and tell me which looks more intelligent, and which would you rather read:

i dun no bout wut ur sayin cuz i dun say stuf lik that
I don't know about what you're saying, I don't say stuff like that.

It's not hard people.


This is a quote about phantasy star it has nothing 2 do about how I spell don't talk bout how I spell cause it don't matter at all
Spelling and grammar matter all the time. Have you heard the saying "First impressions matter the most?" If you write sentences that look like an 8-yr old banging his helmet off the keyboard people are going to think you're stupid. If you type full words and sentences and sometimes use the correct punctuation people will think you're like every other educated person.

Jan 18, 2009, 07:26 PM
Wow it get deep in the internet world over grammar go figure.....

Jan 19, 2009, 09:47 AM
Wow, I'm being told to grow up by someone whose first response is "u gotta be stupid" and "u gotta be a complete fagget"

If you're trying to insult me, try to be more creative in the future.

this game is about having fun, u gotta not no what it means 2 be a video game it's suposted 2 be fun u make it so serious like it's ur life or something grow up

This game is hardly my life. Honestly I've got more important things to get upset over than a game, I was just making the point that in the real world- including the message boards I'm posting this on- it's easier to get your ideas across if you type out full words and organize them into sentences.

If you are happy with being part of the drooling internet masses who think it's okay to cut entire words down to 1 letter and that punctuation is for "faggets" then go right ahead. I pray that you are smart enough to realize the difference between doing that here and in real life- like on a job application- otherwise this game very well might be your life, because you won't get accepted for anything else.

However seeing as this is no longer in line with the original topic, I'll let you respond and then I'm done ruining the OP's thread. If you want to keep talking about this you're free to PM me and we can continue there.

Jan 19, 2009, 10:13 AM
Sweet. This thread is now a great example of what I stated earlier. Good job guys!

message boards.

Jan 19, 2009, 12:37 PM
This is somthing I have found annoying with the people on this site in fact. No offence to anyone so dont think Im putting you on the spot or anything. But I was not in any conversation this morning I get on this site and start checking out the new posts in topics. Well I have to say people on this site are becoming stuck up and ____ holes. I am noticing members attacking what people say or just attacking them in general while some people just want to have a conversation. I am not sure its because these people are losers and they feel threatened by a intelegent conversation or what. But it is really sad that we cant show a little maturity on a forum site for our favorite game. Which was made for people to have fun and good times toghether. If you need to get so serious about a game you have to step on everyone to make yourself better then them. Then you really need to quit psu now and do us all a favor. So like your momma should have told you. If you dont have anything nice to say about what was posted. Don't say anything at all. If this continues I will start pointing it out so you can possibly understand what I am talking about.

Jan 19, 2009, 12:50 PM
This is somthing I have found annoying with the people on this site in fact. No offence to anyone so dont think Im putting you on the spot or anything. But I was not in any conversation this morning I get on this site and start checking out the new posts in topics. Well I have to say people on this site are becoming stuck up and ____ holes. I am noticing members attacking what people say or just attacking them in general while some people just want to have a conversation. I am not sure its because these people are losers and they feel threatened by a intelegent conversation or what. But it is really sad that we cant show a little maturity on a forum site for our favorite game. Which was made for people to have fun and good times toghether. If you need to get so serious about a game you have to step on everyone to make yourself better then them. Then you really need to quit psu now and do us all a favor. So like your momma should have told you. If you dont have anything nice to say about what was posted. Don't say anything at all. If this continues I will start pointing it out so you can possibly understand what I am talking about.

There will always be people like this on the net because it's fun to them. Just imagine if this game had pvp it would be total bashing left and right. It's learning to just ignore the people who talk smack that is the key to dealing with it. I personally think some of them that post here don't even play the game anymore. But overall the talk on these forums is nothing compared to games like WoW and some others that have more people than I can count on my hands and feet.

Jan 19, 2009, 12:58 PM
There will always be people like this on the net because it's fun to them. Just imagine if this game had pvp it would be total bashing left and right. It's learning to just ignore the people who talk smack that is the key to dealing with it. I personally think some of them that post here don't even play the game anymore. But overall the talk on these forums is nothing compared to games like WoW and some others that have more people than I can count on my hands and feet.

At the same time pvp might be nice because then we could tell them to be quiet and take their argument there. I agree the FFXI mmo site is just as bad as this one or worse by a little. I thought all sites were like that and it couldnt be avoided. Untill I joined a nother forum site where the people were really nice and where if you said somthing personal you didnt get rude comments. They really gave you a thought out answer. Which I never though could have been possible. I was hoping that if I noticed people talking that way I could point them out and put them on the spot so maybe that might lower it just a little.

Jan 19, 2009, 01:00 PM
This is somthing I have found annoying with the people on this site in fact. No offence to anyone so dont think Im putting you on the spot or anything. But I was not in any conversation this morning I get on this site and start checking out the new posts in topics. Well I have to say people on this site are becoming stuck up and ____ holes. I am noticing members attacking what people say or just attacking them in general while some people just want to have a conversation. I am not sure its because these people are losers and they feel threatened by a intelegent conversation or what. But it is really sad that we cant show a little maturity on a forum site for our favorite game. Which was made for people to have fun and good times toghether. If you need to get so serious about a game you have to step on everyone to make yourself better then them. Then you really need to quit psu now and do us all a favor. So like your momma should have told you. If you dont have anything nice to say about what was posted. Don't say anything at all. If this continues I will start pointing it out so you can possibly understand what I am talking about.

Everywhere you go they'll be people you don't like. Honestly, I only here for info and posts which are useful to me and give my thoughts on something that might help others. I could care less about any popularity BS, and what most do here. Most posts here suck anyway.

Jan 19, 2009, 01:07 PM
Everywhere you go they'll be people you don't like. Honestly, I only here for info and posts which are useful to me and give my thoughts on something that might help others. I could care less about any popularity BS, and what most do here. Most posts here suck anyway.

So you think it is right when some noob still loving psu comes onto this site and asks a question. You think it is right they dont get 1 serious answer and its all about how much a noob he is and how much he sucks. because that is what I notice the most. This is a forum for the game where people should be able to come and ask somthing about the game and get a honest answer. Not "you suck and you should quit psu"

Jan 19, 2009, 01:15 PM
People do that because they cant go in the outside world and voice their opinion without getting smacked up anyways its just the internet melissa try not to sweat the no lifers on here.If they bad on here then there probably the ones on psu who dont use their mic because of their lil 10 yr old girl voice.

PSU Character Information
DivineTenken"Sojiro" 150 beast FF(20)-Fg(20)-WT(20)-FM(8)
Dark Hadou "Sakura" 100 Cast FT(20)-AT(13)-WT(20)-MF(2)
BoogiePop Phantom 22 Cast Protranser 3
Hikikomori-Neet 35 beast FG(20)-GT(20)-GM(2)

Find me AFK on neudaiz bridge.

Jan 19, 2009, 01:15 PM
So you think it is right when some noob still loving psu comes onto this site and asks a question. You think it is right they dont get 1 serious answer and its all about how much a noob he is and how much he sucks. because that is what I notice the most. This is a forum for the game where people should be able to come and ask somthing about the game and get a honest answer. Not "you suck and you should quit psu"

Like I said, I'll answer questions that are reasonable, if not I'll ignore it. If the person is getting bashed for their question, then oh well, tough luck. Doesn't affect my feelings.

Jan 19, 2009, 01:20 PM
Calling names, telling people they're idiots and their posts are stupid doesn't improve much and doesn't make yourself look cooler, no? It's not only here, it's everywhere on the internet. Any public website is destined to have people that are considered 'inferior' by the 'intellectual elites'.

Or it's more of an expectation problem. I can't exactly remember how I was when I first came in contact with the internet, its community and most importantly, its hidden rules. What I can say is that I was still young then, so I probably didn't act as I was expected to act. Not knowing the internet slang like 'lol', 'rofl', 'omg' and 'wtf' just to name a few, you can quickly feel you're not being taken serious by others. It's like...a social gap.

Try to remember how you were when you made your first post on a forum or any other kind of message board. Try to be less hard against these people. If you think you're an 'intellectual', then only interact with people you want to, and ignore the others. Those people have their own way to interact with people they want to interact with. Give them time and soon they'll learn the expectations on the internet. Just point it out, if they don't want to listen, ignore.

X_x a bit off-topic

Jan 19, 2009, 01:23 PM
My first ever online experience on a board was back on dc days when we had to steal ISP numbers to play pso on those boards and i actually meet alot of good people there whats weird is they happened to be.....ah nm

PSU Character Information
DivineTenken"Sojiro" 150 beast FF(20)-Fg(20)-WT(20)-FM(8)
Dark Hadou "Sakura" 100 Cast FT(20)-AT(13)-WT(20)-MF(2)
BoogiePop Phantom 22 Cast Protranser 3
Hikikomori-Neet 35 beast FG(20)-GT(20)-GM(2)

Find me AFK on neudaiz bridge.

Jan 19, 2009, 01:24 PM
People do that because they cant go in the outside world and voice their opinion without getting smacked up anyways its just the internet melissa try not to sweat the no lifers on here.If they bad on here then there probably the ones on psu who dont use their mic because of their lil 10 yr old girl voice.
I am sure you are right. Alot of people are quiet on psu though now. I remember back when I started most the time 5 out of 6 people in the party talked alot. Now I join a party and if Im lucky there will be 1. So it gets very quiet when grinding whitebeast now.

Its not a intelegance thing because I know I am not that smart to be honest. Its a maturty thing is what it is. You can be the smartest person in the world and still be hated for having the maturity of a 7 year old. On a nother side not all the 10 year old kids on psu are bad. Some its true are annoying at first but Ive met some that are very sweet that Id rather play with then others.

PSU Character Information
DivineTenken"Sojiro" 150 beast FF(20)-Fg(20)-WT(20)-FM(8)
Dark Hadou "Sakura" 100 Cast FT(20)-AT(13)-WT(20)-MF(2)
BoogiePop Phantom 22 Cast Protranser 3
Hikikomori-Neet 35 beast FG(20)-GT(20)-GM(2)

Find me AFK on neudaiz bridge.

I am sure you are right. Alot of people are quiet on psu though now. I remember back when I started most the time 5 out of 6 people in the party talked alot. Now I join a party and if Im lucky there will be 1. So it gets very quiet when grinding whitebeast now.

Its not a intelegance thing because I know I am not that smart to be honest. Its a maturty thing is what it is. You can be the smartest person in the world and still be hated for having the maturity of a 7 year old. On a nother side not all the 10 year old kids on psu are bad. Some its true are annoying at first but Ive met some that are very sweet that Id rather play with then others.

Jan 19, 2009, 01:33 PM
actually i found that the lil kids are more fun to play with cause they goofy as the older ones take it to serious and say less talk more play like they not doing jabroga on everything.Im a smart person but i dont go around telling everyone how to punctuate or what to do online and melissa if your on xbox add me gt same as name here.

PSU Character Information
DivineTenken"Sojiro" 150 beast FF(20)-Fg(20)-WT(20)-FM(8)
Dark Hadou "Sakura" 100 Cast FT(20)-AT(13)-WT(20)-MF(2)
BoogiePop Phantom 22 Cast Protranser 3
Hikikomori-Neet 35 beast FG(20)-GT(20)-GM(2)

Find me AFK on neudaiz bridge.

Jan 19, 2009, 01:46 PM
actually i found that the lil kids are more fun to play with cause they goofy as the older ones take it to serious and say less talk more play like they not doing jabroga on everything.Im a smart person but i dont go around telling everyone how to punctuate or what to do online and melissa if your on xbox add me gt same as name here.

PSU Character Information
DivineTenken"Sojiro" 150 beast FF(20)-Fg(20)-WT(20)-FM(8)
Dark Hadou "Sakura" 100 Cast FT(20)-AT(13)-WT(20)-MF(2)
BoogiePop Phantom 22 Cast Protranser 3
Hikikomori-Neet 35 beast FG(20)-GT(20)-GM(2)

Find me AFK on neudaiz bridge.

I am not on psu just yet I am waiting to get my 360 still my brother is sending me one. So Im hoping to be able to get back on by like wednesday. I am training for the los angelos fire department and I am at a drill tower. So I am still not sure if I can get on the game here but Im going to try XD I like new people the most because they havent yet become serious about the game so they are still relaxed and when they find somthing new even if it sucks they are like WOW! Xd
Ours is Fireproof805. THe reason we picked that is because my dad is a fire captain my brother is a fire fighter and I am a fire explorer and 805 stands for cali so I thought it was cool. =p

By the way your signature or whateve that is farther down from your post is driving me nuts because I keep quoting you then it wont let me post what I put because I have to scroll down below that and I dont see it at first

Jan 19, 2009, 01:47 PM
actually there is one forum i know of like that.
the game super smash bros/melee/brawl
the forum i go to about that is brilliant. if you ever ask a question there are always people willing to answer the question.
even if that question keeps comming back over time. peopel dont start shouting use the search. their happy to help a new player so the say again.
when someone asks something about 99% of posts are serious.

maby one day this forum will be like this.

with this forum its so much like the game. to get respect in the game you need to have high PAs etc. in this forum to get respect you have to know every bit of info the day its said and put down other new players


Jan 19, 2009, 01:49 PM
XD dont know how to make it pop up automatically so i paste it lol i havnt been to this site since like 03 i lost my original name i just started posting again last month and i see why i stopped lol but hmmm get wirelss internet with sprint its comes with a usb router u plug into usb port and BANG your on cost 50$ plus though.

Jan 19, 2009, 01:50 PM
so gutted. i canceled my subscription last monday. it ended today around 12 oclock. now its 6 49. i just got a new subscription.

another one to add to the list.
i hate the game for being so addictive!!!!!!!!

Jan 19, 2009, 01:52 PM
LMAO i feel the same way i dont even play much i afk but when your bored or just need to pas time this hits the spot ESPECIALLY when your friends are on lol.

Jan 19, 2009, 01:54 PM
You have not played an addictive game untill youve played final fantasy 11 for a while I did that for 6 years almost everyday was on that.
I havent been on here in a long time too I quit psu for ffxi for a while which I have done a few times I reactivate my account for like the mag events and stuff for the exp to cap my lvl again then once its over I get bored and take off again. Im having real money trouble so 50$ sounds harsh But I might be willing todo that the question is getting a tv XD my room mate has a laptop but too bad I cant just like plug the 360 into that. Id love to be able todo that.

I think I might copy and paste the next post into the CHAT topic I posted in the off topic section our conversation is getting off topic and dont want to make anyone mad

Jan 19, 2009, 01:56 PM
Another thing I find slightly inconvenienced about is the lack of chat pad support. I hate having to plug my USB keyboard in if I want to communicate with people outside of my private Xbox Live party. That little thing is so handy, make it work with PSU!

Jan 19, 2009, 01:57 PM
Hmm if you get ffxi activated i play with you iquit that at 12 my ex got me hooked on but i quit and ducked her now she changed servers i want to go back but soloing on that game is no where as easy as psu lol i bounce back and forth between that alot.As far as laptop yes you can run it from there u need the wifi router xbox sells i forgot how to hook it up my LT broke so i just plug staright to box or if that dont work use a wirelss G router plug to laptop then plug xbox into that router that works to it should it worked when i was using it on ps2 or get a a wirells gaming bridge also.at any rate im kinda high/drunk when u get it ill do the best i can to help u get online.

Jan 19, 2009, 02:02 PM
You have not played an addictive game untill youve played final fantasy 11 for a while I did that for 6 years almost everyday was on that.
I havent been on here in a long time too I quit psu for ffxi for a while which I have done a few times I reactivate my account for like the mag events and stuff for the exp to cap my lvl again then once its over I get bored and take off again. Im having real money trouble so 50$ sounds harsh But I might be willing todo that the question is getting a tv XD my room mate has a laptop but too bad I cant just like plug the 360 into that. Id love to be able todo that.

You most definitely can use a laptop to connect to Xbox Live. I do it when I take my Xbox360 in the living room. Just google search "use laptop to connect to xbox live." It should turn up some useful info. I'm just way too lazy to explain it, and would probably do a bad job of it anyway.

Jan 19, 2009, 02:05 PM
You most definitely can use a laptop to connect to Xbox Live. I do it when I take my Xbox360 in the living room. Just google search "use laptop to connect to xbox live." It should turn up some useful info. I'm just way too lazy to explain it, and would probably do a bad job of it anyway.

Whoa for reals?! I had no idea lol Im going to check that out right now!

Jan 19, 2009, 02:32 PM
LOL gl mel hope it works

Jan 20, 2009, 03:37 AM
1. Elitists. You're the only ones that think you're better than everyone else,
2. People that insist a microphone and voice chat is an absolute nessessity to run a mission. They aren't that hard. People should know what to do without anyone saying anything unless its their first time doing a party mission like Bruce's Dungeon, Her Sercret Mission, or Egg Thieves.
3. Lobby spam player shop solicitation. If someone wants your junk they'll use a shop search for it.
4. Children trying to convince people they're adults when its blatently obvious they aren't.
5. Racism It's not funny at all.
6. Scammers Play the missions and get your stuff the right way instead of spending your time trying to rip people off.
7. People who get ripped off by scammers. Yes they were wrong but you should still be held accountable for your own stupidity or lack of common sense.
8. Beggars, You know you could have done missions and earned the meseta you've been spam begging people for in the lobby instead of sitting bored pressing a macro key for 6 hours.
9. Leveling up PA's, Bullets, Techinics. Yes you should have to work to get those up but it really gets tedious after the the 30th capped art...
10. The chat filter on xbl that censors an entire chatbubble over 1 letter.