View Full Version : Maxing my FOmar...

Feb 9, 2003, 01:33 PM
So, how would I go about maxing my Level 50 Oran FOmar? To be specific, how many Mats of each type should I give to my FOmar in order to get his stats as high as possible?

Lvl 50 FOmar
-Base Stats-
ATP: 209
DFP: 124
MST: 680
ATA: 86
EVP: 243
LCK: 10

Lvl 200 Kumara
DEF: 15
POW: 0
DEX: 0
MIND: 185

I don't really want to use a different Mag, so considering my stats, how should I use my Mats?


Feb 9, 2003, 07:57 PM
Here's a guide that might help you a bit. It's just a suggestion, not a solution.
