View Full Version : GC: FOmarl: Is there a point?

Feb 9, 2003, 10:10 PM
I was thinking about creating a FOmarl in place of my FOnewearl. It'll be very easy to max all of her stats, except luck, and I was wondering if it was worth the time.

We all know how the FOmarl was given the boot in Episode I & II. She doesn't really have any particular stat that can hold its own when compared with other classes. Also, which is she better for? Offline, or on? I want to hear your opinions on the FOmarl, and whether or not she is a useful character to create in the long-run.

Please don't post here with input relating to her costume, or anything else that shallow. I'm interested in whether or not she can hold her own later on, not if you agree with her fashion-sense. Thank you.

Feb 9, 2003, 10:28 PM
The FOmarl, like any character, can hold her own if you play her right. As to wheather or not she is better than the other forces, I'd say she's not. The newman forces have better tech stats, and the FOmar has better combat stats, so if you're looking to do one or the other, I'd choose one of those classes. Also, the spell bonuses that the FOmarl gets (Grants, Resta, and Anti) aren't as good as some the other forces. I'd say her tech bonuses make her a better online character than offline, especially with a group including a couple of Hunters.

Feb 9, 2003, 10:35 PM
How effective is a FOmarl at melee, though? Her max ATP is 872. Earlier on this won't be a problem, but what about later? Where does one draw the line?

Another thing I forgot to mention. We all know how slow she is with weapons. Is this annoyance destroyed with a God/Battle?

Feb 9, 2003, 11:25 PM
I use a FOmarl who is currently level 90... I use her mainly for meleeing. I use her spells when I need to, but I do prefer to melee. She can hold her own fairly well until Very Hard. I've had a little problem for a while. Ultimate is pretty hard for a while too, and right now I have to currently use S/D and Z/J to hold my own in Forest, and Caves are a bit too rough still.

The weapon usage is a bit slow, sometimes too slow for me and I get frustrated. I don't have a God/Battle, so I'm not sure if this avoids some of the delay or not.

Feb 9, 2003, 11:37 PM
If you don't like her attack speed, try using an Inferno Bazooka.
It's only one weapon, but she gets quite a speed boost for it.
If you have a god/battle, she goes crazy!

Feb 10, 2003, 12:14 AM
Yea, I myself have Inferno... too bad the ATA requirements are insane. I'm 3 ATA points shy of being able to use it.. and I'm level 90.

Feb 10, 2003, 02:26 AM
I personally enjoy FOmarls very much. While they may not have the melee power of a FOmar or the tech power of a FOnewm, they do have the highest HP and DEF of all the forces. That comes in handy, especially for bosses. She's able to last longer out on the field than the other forces. The ease of stat maxing is also a plus, since you won't have to worry about forsaking all of her other comparable stats, like you would with a FOnewearl, for starters.

I've been playing a FOmarl since v1 and I still think they're the best force to play. Whether or not you decide to play one is up to you.

Feb 10, 2003, 08:47 AM
I just use her cause she is CUTE!!!
No really, I think a Fomarl is the healer of a team. The Resta is awesome and Anti too. But I have never tried melee. She is the best melee character of all forces(I think), but that dosn't make her good at it either.

Feb 10, 2003, 02:40 PM
who .. in the right mind... would care about ... melee.. when using.... a force....

Feb 10, 2003, 03:21 PM
I do...As a FOmar I can do some pretty good damage offline, even in Ruins with the proper weapon. Online I don't think I'll melee past mine Ultimate. Forest is pathetic even without Jellen/Zalure offline, Caves...a little harder. "Meleeing" is a big part of my style of play. I usually melee when I want to put effort into playing the game, but when I get bored, just cast techs the whole time and have to restock back at Pioneer II which I hate to do. I can't stand relying upon attack techs the whole time...Meleeing is in the FOmar's blood... =D

Feb 10, 2003, 08:21 PM
Why wouldn't you want to melee? Considering fluids are quite expensive and at least in some of the lower difficulties you sometimes can't even make enough to cover the cost of the fluids. Meleeing give some challenge to the game as well. I actually like a bit of challenge. Raising a Force period I think is a challenge, but I want to enjoy the challenge before I really get my Hunter into the leveling mood and beat things easily. Meleeing can also get you the TP you need back. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif For example you have Double Saber and Extra Attack thing posted. If you're outta fluids you're probably gonna have to rely on some meleeing skills to get you back the TP you so desire.