View Full Version : Challenge Mode - Quick DOs and don't DOs

Feb 9, 2003, 11:06 PM
So C7 to C9 will be up very soon. The Challenge ship will be JP Alcyone 6 upwards. All tries to establish a US Challenge ship failed up to date and don't think will ever be succesfull. There will be most likely 100+ players on the upper blocks. If you didn't already know u can use choice search to get to those. But on those ships you will experience more lag and thus maybe more risk of FSOD.

So now that you entered the Challenge ship lets have a quick look to the teams. Many will be written with JP symbols or with other additions and you may be unsure wether it's ok to join or not. I will give you a quick view on the most important:


* First set of symbols stand for "Reserved"... logically you shouldn't join

* The second set stands for "Welcome". Feel free to join if it isn't combines with "TA" or "Genkai"

* The third set stands for "Want to clear". Tells you that the main target of this game is to finish the stage - time is secondary. Mostly used by beginners that need some people to lead them. (The signs actually mean "KULIA" which is supposed to mean "CLEAR")

* The last set of signs stands for "Genkai" also refered as "Limit TA". You really shouldn't think of joining those. Those people will instantly die when the map is not suited for superior time and remake. Sometimes you see only the last of the 2 signs with a number instead of the first. It will indicate the number of times they will remake the game.

* Then there is of course the "TA"(= Time Attack) game. You should only join those if you got a whole lot of experience. You are usually expected to give away your dolls to the Force so he/she can die to regain TP. When a map is too bad the teamleader will usually ask if it's ok to die.

Often the numbers in a Teamname will also be written with JP signs. This is (for most parts) NO racism! Usually has one of the two reasons:

A) It will be JP beginners who need someone speaking their own language to explain things and lead them
B) Genkai and TA players don't want foreign beginners to join accidently. The beginners would just see the Challenge stage number and join - not knowing the terms for TA, Genkai, Reserved etc

Now if you joined a team with JP players in it just try to be friendly and polite. Many times you will just exchange a "Hello" and "Good to see you". If you are still unsure wether you are welcome put the "Shall I join you?" or the "Can I join in? I'm a beginner" on a shortcut in the lobby. Due to the "intelligent" wordselect on GC it will not be avaiable on Pioner 2.

Since you should now know the basics on how to behave on the Challenge mode ship I can only wish you...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Anisha__J-Hunter on 2003-02-09 20:08 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Anisha__J-Hunter on 2003-02-09 20:11 ]</font>

Feb 9, 2003, 11:43 PM
really nice starter guide anisha!