View Full Version : Scyth weapon

Feb 6, 2009, 09:48 PM
I was wondering how to get that scyth thing that the NPC Kireek has in episode I. How can I get it what section id do I need? Is it bluefull?

RAcast Extremist
Feb 6, 2009, 10:43 PM
Skyly, Bluefull, Viridia, Pinkal, and Redria can get Soul Banish.

Here is the link for soul banish:


Feb 6, 2009, 10:57 PM
You can also get the Soul Eater with every ID through a specific quest order.
Warning, probably contain storyline spoilers:

Feb 7, 2009, 02:02 PM
Man, I can never get to these things in time... oh well, the two links you have been provided with should help. Soul Eater's an awesome weapon to use, so have fun with it once you get it!

Feb 7, 2009, 02:55 PM
I use Soul Eater a lot when dealing with large groups of enemies. It's a pretty helpful weapon to take with you in dangerous places, assuming you don't abuse its power and kill yourself!

I've been looking for a new partisan-type weapon as well, but I can't find anything better than my Imperial Pick and Red Partisan. :(

Feb 8, 2009, 01:37 PM
Haha, I did that once. I was paying no attention to my health, and I kept using my extra attack, and I eventually died. Waste of a Scape Doll, but at least I still won the fight. Vol Opt V2 I think I was fighting...

Feb 9, 2009, 02:02 AM
Soul Banish is a helluva Partisan, being able to shoot megid with a HUcast is awesome. Plus it's a challenge to find. I wonder why Kireek uses a Banish in Battle Training but then switches to a Soul Eater when you fight him.

Feb 9, 2009, 11:24 AM
But the Megid is only LV7... waste of time trying to cast if you ask me. Plus on top of that it takes 7% of your health just to do it...?! I'd rather just use Soul Eater and the Berserk special it has, but, we each have our own preferences here. I honestly didn't know he was using a Soul Banish on Hard-Ultimate, but rather just a Soul Eater with an added animation effect or whatever they're called, then I looked on this site's database and found out it was a different weapon entirely, being, Soul Banish. You're right, it's a hard weapon to find...

Which makes it perfect for collector's like myself.

Feb 9, 2009, 12:37 PM
I wouldn't want to spam megid in higher difficulties, I'd just do it for the fun of it. Like making dumb comments, "Look I'm breaking the laws of PSO! Muhahahahhaha" :wacko:

Soul Banish is also one of the strongest partisans in Ver. 3. (Second next to Red Partisan) It's also useable by FOmars and FOmarls, making it the strongest partisan they can wield. (In Ver. 3)

As TOH would say, the looks is what makes a weapon good :wacko: Soul Banish looks awesome, especially with the purple mist, emitting from the blade. Gives you a demonic feeling and you too can say, "I've come to devour you're Soul!" :evil: Soul Banish is one of my favorite weapons. ;)

Feb 10, 2009, 12:03 PM
I can see that as being a good reason to collect Soul Banish. I want it for that very reason actually.

Feb 10, 2009, 03:59 PM
Too bad that they're so hard to find.

And these ill gill don't mess around! :(