View Full Version : You probably don't understand how the economy works.

Feb 15, 2009, 03:39 AM
You probably don't understand how the economy or the U.S. government works. PLEASE stop pretending you know what you're talking about; it makes you look like a fucking moron.

Now let's go get some ice cream.

Feb 15, 2009, 03:50 AM
Isn't that the case with most topics?

Feb 15, 2009, 06:11 AM
Isn't that the case with most topics?Yup that pretty much is the case with most topics

Feb 15, 2009, 10:46 AM
Now let's go get some ice cream.

My waffle cone is suffering from deflation.

Feb 15, 2009, 01:21 PM
I don't know. Suze Orman knows the economy pretty well.

I don't though, so that's why I usually cop out of bailout debates and such.

Feb 15, 2009, 01:28 PM
Supply and demand, consumer spending, interest rates, unemployment, NYSE, 401k, inflation, Wal-Mart.

Don't mess with me, I'm an expert.

Feb 15, 2009, 01:52 PM
it still doesnt matter how much anyone knows. everyone has their own opinion, and everyone thinks they're an analyst because they can read an article on the topic online. but it's already become such an unoriginal pop culture topic of discussion, like "george bush is dumb," "iraq war is wrong," or even the "lawyers are evil"(which for some reason was HILARIOUS back in the early 90s). well the only topic open to debate of those 3 would be the iraq war, which i will never discuss, because everyone thinks they know some sliver of ultimate knowledge that the government somehow overlooked... and they happened to read on some random conspiracy theorist blog or some other random pseudo-controversial source

Feb 15, 2009, 02:31 PM
Dammit, Solstis beat me to the "make a sarcastic remark to the ice cream comment" plan.

And looking at the news and the people on there, I'm not even sure economists know about the economy right now *raises eyebrow*

Feb 15, 2009, 02:41 PM
Even members of the Senate themselves stated they have no clue has to how to go about this economic crisis. So it's really not as simple as to say "you're not an expert so shut up" when even the experts are unsure as to how to go about it. Why not engage in a debate about the economy?

Feb 15, 2009, 02:56 PM
I don't, so that is why I don't talk about it. To keep me from looking like a complete fucking moron.

Feb 15, 2009, 03:38 PM
My waffle cone is suffering from deflation.

My 2 scoops of rocky road experienced a meltdown, the bottom dropped out, and now it's all trickling down my arm.
Screw it, I'm gonna go bail out a box of Fannie Mays.

Feb 15, 2009, 04:08 PM
Greed is a common compenent. :E

Feb 15, 2009, 04:41 PM
Thats why Socialism won't work, I'm for it, but, it just won't work :(

Feb 15, 2009, 05:53 PM
Socialism could work.
But then again what do I know. :roll:

Feb 15, 2009, 08:49 PM
Nobody knows how the economy really works. Nobody can predict what the markets will do with any degree of reliability. We have frameworks for concepts, theories, and a modicum of predictability by gauging trends - but aside from insider trading, nobody really knows how the economy will react to anything.

Forecasting the economy is a bit like forecasting the weather in this regard.

Feb 15, 2009, 09:47 PM
My waffle cone is suffering from deflation.



Feb 16, 2009, 04:11 AM
Sinue, mind sharing some vocabulary lessons?

Admirable. My brain always has an orgasm whilst reading your posts.

Feb 16, 2009, 09:22 AM
lol, had a long conversation about this yesterday with my folks.

what we seemed to agree on is that capitalism and socialism both fail because the corrupt will find loopholes to become richer then the average citizen in either situation.

sucks, but true.
it's all bout dem benjaminz, and it will always be. can't stop human nature.

Feb 16, 2009, 09:59 AM
lol, had a long conversation about this yesterday with my folks.

what we seemed to agree on is that capitalism and socialism both fail because the corrupt will find loopholes to become richer then the average citizen in either situation.

sucks, but true.
it's all bout dem benjaminz, and it will always be. can't stop human nature.

The fun thing about that is that if the corrupt take advantage of a situation in capitalism, it's still capitalism. If they do in socialism, it's no longer socialism.

Which is kind of why true socialism isn't really anything more than theoretical.

Feb 16, 2009, 12:08 PM
pretty much hit the nail on that one.

Feb 16, 2009, 11:07 PM
did anyone see the way that new economic stimulus bill looked?
it was 1075 pages and 8 inches thick, since noone read it, and it only took 24 hours to draft, that thing is being scrutinized through and through, for all we know it could very well be the end of the American economy as we know it, and if the economy crashes and burns, then what do we do, turn to socialism, which really isint much better then capitalism considering one or more people STILL get rich off of everyone else?

Feb 16, 2009, 11:58 PM
Nobody knows how the economy really works. Nobody can predict what the markets will do with any degree of reliability. We have frameworks for concepts, theories, and a modicum of predictability by gauging trends - but aside from insider trading, nobody really knows how the economy will react to anything.

Forecasting the economy is a bit like forecasting the weather in this regard.

Except we know a hell of a lot more about how the weather works.

did anyone see the way that new economic stimulus bill looked?
it was 1075 pages and 8 inches thick, since noone read it, and it only took 24 hours to draft, that thing is being scrutinized through and through, for all we know it could very well be the end of the American economy as we know it, and if the economy crashes and burns, then what do we do, turn to socialism, which really isint much better then capitalism considering one or more people STILL get rich off of everyone else?

Step 1:Slow down, think it over more. Oh, and turn off the TV/radio while you're thinking. I swear, the media is practically committing treason our enemy now. Recovery depends on people having faith the recovery is happening, and the media is going and shooting holes (real or imagined) in everything.

Also, I recommend you do you research on what socialism is. I'm sick and tired of hearing that thrown around casually with the expectation that its a nuclear bomb. Socialism != Communism. DOES. NOT. EQUAL. Also, anyone who equates communism and certain aspects of the Cold War needs to compare the definition with the reality. Soviet Russia WAS NOT A COMMUNIST COUNTRY. It was what we call an oligarchy, which is defined as rule by a select, privileged few. You can call an an apple an orange, but that won't give it a thick, bitter skin. For that matter, China is not a communist country either. (Nor any of the other so-called communist countries in Asia) To my knowledge, there has NEVER been a truly communist society on the scale of a nation. NEVER.

Alright, enough of one of my pet peeves.

Feb 17, 2009, 05:29 PM
Also, I recommend you do you research on what socialism is. I'm sick and tired of hearing that thrown around casually with the expectation that its a nuclear bomb. Socialism != Communism. DOES. NOT. EQUAL. Also, anyone who equates communism and certain aspects of the Cold War needs to compare the definition with the reality. Soviet Russia WAS NOT A COMMUNIST COUNTRY. It was what we call an oligarchy, which is defined as rule by a select, privileged few. You can call an an apple an orange, but that won't give it a thick, bitter skin. For that matter, China is not a communist country either. (Nor any of the other so-called communist countries in Asia) To my knowledge, there has NEVER been a truly communist society on the scale of a nation. NEVER.

That's because a true communist society requires the suppression of greed. Soviet Russia may have had groundwork laid that followed a communist mold, but it was quickly changed to suit those who had control. The point of people referring to countries as being communist has more to do with the similarities they saw to past, failed communist societies.

Socialism itself is VERY poorly defined. There are so many different versions circulating around that I can understand why it's used so loosely.

I do agree 100% with you about the media, though.

Feb 17, 2009, 05:31 PM
Hey bob, I listened to you, got some ice cream, and now I'm happy. Thanks ;o

Feb 18, 2009, 06:13 PM
Yep, I'm not an economy expert nor will I claim to be, although I am taking a class on International Political Economy, but yeah.

Feb 18, 2009, 10:50 PM
Step 1:Slow down, think it over more. Oh, and turn off the TV/radio while you're thinking. I swear, the media is practically committing treason our enemy now. Recovery depends on people having faith the recovery is happening, and the media is going and shooting holes (real or imagined) in everything.

I give Congress the same amount of trust I would give any random sampling of lawyers. I trust they will do whatever they can to get my money while smiling at me and telling me that they will fix everything. I still believe that the most frightening words in the English language are, "I'm from the government and I'm here to help." That said, I couldn't give two hoots as to what the media says.

And, if there are real holes then I damn expect the media to be vicious about it. If there is pork let the media have their feeding frenzy. I refuse to bury my head in the sand and say, "It doesn't matter if there are real, serious problems in X Law. It was made by people who have been making laws for the past 40 years of their lives so obviously I must be imagining any issues there. After all, they've never done anything wrong like Prohibition or the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act or... oh..."

Oh, and for reference for you, communism is an economic policy. Socialism can cover both economic and government policy, and an oligarchy is simply a classification of the leadership methods within a government. A country can still have socialized infrastructure under an oligarchy which was the situation in the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union did have communist policies as well though, such as their policy on what we call intellectual property. Under the Soviet Union if you wrote, say a computer game, it would be required by law to be distributed amongst the people. Sure you could charge for it, but by law you could not prevent it from being distributed for free. So, yes, the Soviet Union had both communist and socialist frameworks within their economy and they were primarily socialistic when it came to the government itself, hence their name United Soviet Socialist Republics.

Feb 19, 2009, 03:27 PM
in a related note, i always have a french loaf and granny smith apples ready and willing in the kitchen. for no reason at all every few days, i will find myself making thin slices of the loaf, cutting up slices of apple, dabbling into the treat at the same time while sitting there watching tv. and EVERY TIME i do this, the same thing comes to my head... i think of snowball, telling the other farm animals how they will "all get their share of bread and apples." AHHHH ANIMAL FARM YOU HAVE CURSED ME FOR LIFE.

i think in the book, there was something about "milk" in place of the bread. or maybe it was all 3? maybe there was no milk at all. maybe it was soy milk

Feb 19, 2009, 04:30 PM
I don't recall animal farm mentioning anything about milk, blaize. I do recall that the animal revolution failed due to greed.

Feb 24, 2009, 11:38 PM
Socialism could work.
But then again what do I know. :roll:

Socialism fails to take into account a majority of very basic human behaviors. Territorial behaviors, for example, are a problem, and mankind is inexorable on this subject. Add in irrational desires, self-destructive habits, anger management issues and the requirement for motivational ques, and you'll find that the philosophy doesn't account for it, or is directly contrary to it. Mind you that Capitalism isn't perfect either, but at least it is built around human nature, in that it is, in itself, a system of rewards and consequences.