View Full Version : When should I go through very hard ruins?

Feb 18, 2009, 09:14 AM
Ok guys, first post here on these forums.
I have a level 44 RAmarl with 291 HP 562 atk(without a weapon) 241 def, 219 mst, 146 ata, 398 evp, 22 lck. I have the basic weapons, Justy L&K Final Impact (Making FOnewm with Purplennum ID for ranger weaps.) I have Dragon/HP and a God/HP in the bank ready to use. Also i will probably go up 1 or 2 levels whilst actually fighting through.
My question is, when and what level should I make my final trip through the Very hard ruins, and venture through Ultimate mode (I been there with many other chars so I know what i'm doing. :D)

Any help will be appreciated. :D Thanks

o.w.w.a.y. I phantom
Feb 18, 2009, 11:34 AM
I was wonder the exact same thing. If it helps any I'm a level 60 ranger purplenum (637 atp, 74 dfp, 208 mst, 165 ata, 261 evp -this is without anything on ) and I've just been leveling in the mines in stuff because i don't plan on going all the way through until around 70. I would wait till your a bit higher because I don't feel that you should just rush into ultimate. The enemy's speed and power change drastically.

Feb 18, 2009, 12:56 PM
I know about Ult being a lot harder due to having 4 charaters gotten there. >< (2 FOnewms, 2 HUcaseals) 1 of those characters got through at level 53, my HUca. Just that I know Falz' damage ignores armor (GW speak. ><)

Feb 18, 2009, 03:00 PM
Well I just cleared V-Hard Ruins last night at lvl 62. make sure you have some Resist Saint and Atribute Wall from Hard ep2 helps. Perfect frame + 3 resist saint + Attribute Wall = 50! light resist Gratz will be useless from falz

Feb 18, 2009, 04:36 PM
To survive Falz' most powerful attack in his Final Form, which is the Blade Drain (simply where he slaps you hard...), if playing Offline, you will need at least 391 HP to survive the hit.
Remember, Jellen/Deband mean NOTHING to Falz. His damage is a SET amount, you cannot alter it. However, you can lower his Defense, so Zalure is definitely recommended.
Grants will be quite painful if you don't have any ELT.
Since Falz damage is a SET amount, your armor's defense/evasion are also useless, therefore, you should wear armor/shield that greatly boosts your ELT stat.

If you can simply survive Grants and Blade Drain, you can beat Falz.
Just remember, Blade Drain and Grants are unavoidable, you WILL be hit by it. The actual only way to avoid it is by using a Photon Blast before he hits you or your MAG gives you temporary Invulnerability.
Of course, don't shoot at him while he has used Transfer on you, or you'll end up destroying yourself more than you destroy him <_>.
Occasionally cast a Foie here and their if you have the spare TP, Techniques can hit falz while he's invulnerable to physical attacks, and Foie works best.
Asking for a Level is too broad for a define answer, so my answer would be:

1. At least have over 390 HP to survive Blade Beam
2. Have some ELT to survive Grants
3. Hopefully you have some Shifta/Zalure to help make the battle less long-winded.

Feb 19, 2009, 04:58 AM
is his grants spell the only attack he has that doens't have set damage? i'd say around level 70, too.

Feb 19, 2009, 10:16 AM
is his grants spell the only attack he has that doens't have set damage? i'd say around level 70, too.

All of his technique attacks (techniques that Characters can use as well) are not set damage attacks.
This means his Rafoie, Rabarta, Grants, and Megid are the only things that can be altered by your character's Elemental Resistances.

Feb 20, 2009, 12:55 PM
I do not believe the blade drain is his strongest attack, it has the highest set damage and generally does the most damage to you but I have never seen him get a critical hit with it. The blue rings he shoots at you can be avoided and normally do less damage than the blade drain but he can get critical hits with it and it does about a 1000 damage on ULT. As for the original question of when to play through ruins on Vhard and move to ULT. I would suggest and this has always worked for me is play a level over and over again until you are so comfortable with beating it that it isn't a challenge anymore. If playing on Vhard in mines and cave is effectively leveling up your character then you should stick with that. Once you are not leveling up anymore and it becomes extremely easy give ultimate a try, if you can beat it then stick with it. If it seems too difficult then go back or change your strategy. You don't want to waste your time playing on ultimate just so you can say you beat it if it's not effective at leveling you up. Just a suggestion and generally what I do with my characters.

Feb 20, 2009, 01:21 PM
when my ranger go through the Vhard Ruins..
im only 40 Lv ( After boss 41...;) )
and i got a charge machine gun and a frozen shooter for it

im 461Hp ( with 2 Dragon/HP and about 650 ATP [without weapon] )
juz put a doll for accident Vhard falz sucks
dun be afraid..;)

Feb 20, 2009, 02:28 PM
I do not believe the blade drain is his strongest attack, it has the highest set damage and generally does the most damage to you but I have never seen him get a critical hit with it. The blue rings he shoots at you can be avoided and normally do less damage than the blade drain but he can get critical hits with it and it does about a 1000 damage on ULT. As for the original question of when to play through ruins on Vhard and move to ULT. I would suggest and this has always worked for me is play a level over and over again until you are so comfortable with beating it that it isn't a challenge anymore. If playing on Vhard in mines and cave is effectively leveling up your character then you should stick with that. Once you are not leveling up anymore and it becomes extremely easy give ultimate a try, if you can beat it then stick with it. If it seems too difficult then go back or change your strategy. You don't want to waste your time playing on ultimate just so you can say you beat it if it's not effective at leveling you up. Just a suggestion and generally what I do with my characters.

It's because he can stack those blue ring beams. If you get hit with two beams at one time, it will do more damage, but that would only happen if you were standing still (which would be stupid).

Feb 20, 2009, 04:09 PM
I see. I did not realize both were hitting me. I do stand still sometimes.

Feb 20, 2009, 04:26 PM
-_-; you never stop moving aginst Hard+ falz NEVER even when attackign do it at a slight angle so you move haha

Feb 21, 2009, 01:29 AM
Well sometimes he catches you off guard, you'll be casting a tech or something... that usually gets me every now and then.
Only time I really stop moving :/

Feb 21, 2009, 11:35 AM
If your one who enjoys challenges, then when ever you feel like it, go and tackle the Vhard ruins.
It's sensable though to at least have some decent armor and maybe one weapon or two.
long range usually helps if your low leveled for a certian area and dont want to get your self close range scewered by a higher up leveled enemy.

I do know that the lower leveled you are in a higher leveled area, the longer it takes to get through it.

Mar 15, 2009, 06:15 PM
I say be lvl 70+ as well

Mar 15, 2009, 07:57 PM
-_-; you never stop moving aginst Hard+ falz NEVER even when attackign do it at a slight angle so you move haha

While it is good to not get hit by Falz and keep moving, there are certain scenarios where you should let him hit you. For instance, to get a almost-charged PB meter up all the way, or to gain a special advantage from your MAG, be it in Invulnerability, or something as simple as a healing. Either way, it's the PB that's gonna be the reason for getting smacked around by this guy. And I do not think stripping yourself of good, high DEF armor is a good idea. I know Falz does set damage, but I'm aiming at the Darvants with that statement. When you enter the fight, I've found that the field of Darvants can drain away health and precious recovery items fast. Just use units to boost you ELT, four Resist/Holy can put it up by 60, though I'd probably use a combination of two Resist/Holy and two God or Dragon/HP units. God would be best, but Dragon will have to do if you don't have God/HP. If you don't have Dragon/HP... start checking the shops then for General/HP's. Last Survivor also increases HP by 20... something to keep in mind. I don't really bother using Foie to damage him... I save my TP for Resta, Shifta, and Zalure. And whoever says that striking at Falz when you and him are bonded is dumb... it's not. Strike him anyways, but go slow. If you have a teammate that can cast techs, have them Resta you and blast away. Have them cast Resta non-stop while you're bonded with him and attacking. Just don't use Berserk-special weapons... If you don't have a teammate, then customize mates on the action pallet so they're at-the-ready. Don't worry about usage here, just spam the button until you can't use it anymore. This style seems to work for me all the time. There are times where I get carried away and die, but that's rarely.

Mar 15, 2009, 09:43 PM
i jsut got to ults last night on m,y level 107 Humar (its not my fault he was level 107 and jsut getitng to ults >.> its my cousins) but i found it pretty easy but thats probably because i was level 107 and have black king bar max grinded and god hps and everything but thats beside the point >.> it was easy so dont be afraid of him just get some resist saints for his final form and i forget what class you said you were but resta is a life saver since you can use up all your fluids useing resta and foie and this switch to mates but id say get a bunch of scapes and a good hp drain gun or something that can shoot a fireball and you will do jsutttt fine :]