View Full Version : Help with tourist titles

Skyly HUmar
Feb 22, 2009, 11:39 AM
I did all the story mode free missions on every rank and all the multimode only missions on every rank, I didnt get any of the tourist titles, whad I miss?

Feb 22, 2009, 12:02 PM
There's a few multimode-exclusive missions for each planet, too.

Skyly HUmar
Feb 22, 2009, 03:20 PM
NM, I have to do all the missions I did in storymode on multimode as well.

Feb 22, 2009, 07:05 PM
I dont recall having to complete the same missions in multi and single player, doing all the Parum missions in story mode should immediately get you the Parum Tourist title. Then again it was ages ago, I may have forgotten.

Skyly HUmar
Feb 22, 2009, 10:08 PM
I've already done all the story mode missions, and I've done true darkness in every rank, so I think thats it.

Feb 23, 2009, 01:56 AM
Did you S rank them all?

Feb 23, 2009, 03:53 AM
Did you do all the story missions as well?

Feb 23, 2009, 01:27 PM
Parum will be the easiest one to test it on as it has no Multi only missions. Just do all the missions on Parum in Story mode on C,B,A and S, if that doesn't get you the title then try doing the same in Multi mode. You dont have to get an S rank on the missions but you may have to complete them on each difficulty.

Skyly HUmar
Feb 23, 2009, 08:22 PM
Parum will be the easiest one to test it on as it has no Multi only missions. Just do all the missions on Parum in Story mode on C,B,A and S, if that doesn't get you the title then try doing the same in Multi mode. You dont have to get an S rank on the missions but you may have to complete them on each difficulty.

Ya I got the Parum and Colony titles, I had to go to my room to get parum(Lolz blonde moment) I missed TD on C rank, Now I'm working on Matoob (Got all of Multimode out the way) Then Neudayz, And as soon as I finish leveling my techs to 30 I'll finaly get Hayyaka-Ryoran.

TY guys, U rock.

BTW, If u guys play PSO on ******** I will be joining u guys soon as I get my laptop.

EDIT: Why is that beeped out?

Feb 23, 2009, 09:22 PM
EDIT: Why is that beeped out?

Not sure, but my best guess is that maybe you typed the name of a popular hack server? Technically, using a hack server is against SEGA's EULA, and uses some of SEGA's code, so it's technically illegal, which may be why PSOW censors the hack server's name.

If you didn't type that, then I've got no clue. :P

Skyly HUmar
Feb 24, 2009, 03:43 PM
Not sure, but my best guess is that maybe you typed the name of a popular hack server? Technically, using a hack server is against SEGA's EULA, and uses some of SEGA's code, so it's technically illegal, which may be why PSOW censors the hack server's name.

If you didn't type that, then I've got no clue. :P

Lolz I did, my bad.

But techneckly its not ilegal cuz Sega shut down PSO.(I think)