View Full Version : No DLC for Phantasy Star Portable?

Feb 28, 2009, 01:36 PM
So...no DLC for Phantasy Star Portable, for sure?

Or, maybe its just not listed?

Feb 28, 2009, 01:48 PM
It's not looking like there will be, but SEGA may yet pleasantly surprise us!

Feb 28, 2009, 03:09 PM
Weapon Badges which were collectable in the Japanese trial and exchanged for prizes in a future DLC are completely absent from the U.S. trial. It's this one specific difference between the U.S. and Japanese trials that a lot of people cite as evidence that would contribute to the "No DLC for U.S." theory.

Feb 28, 2009, 03:49 PM
Good, less for SoA to screw up.

Mar 1, 2009, 02:59 AM
Good, less for SoA to screw up.

Not offering DLC would be the worst screw up the could possibly make.

Mar 1, 2009, 11:33 AM
I wouldn't count no mention of DLC as the kiss of the death to DLC. I can't verify with 100% accuracy, but I can't think of a PSP UMD game that mentions DLC in the game specs (I think Parappa has "DOWNLOAD NEW REMIXES" as one of bullet points on the back of the game, but not in the game specs section).

I was able to double check my copy of "Prinny: Can I really be the hero, Dood?" and that lists video sharing as a game spec, but zero reference to its DLC (Which is weak sauce for the $4.00 I hasten to add).

A quick question, does the DLC work on the JPN version? I've never seen Phantasy Star DLC on my JPN PS3 account, so I assume the game directly connects to some server like older PSP titles?

Mar 1, 2009, 01:31 PM
Not offering DLC would be the worst screw up the could possibly make.

I'm sorry, welcome to PSOW, where Sega of America has been screwing us over since Blue Burst.

Enjoy your stay. :)

A quick question, does the DLC work on the JPN version? I've never seen Phantasy Star DLC on my JPN PS3 account, so I assume the game directly connects to some server like older PSP titles?

Yeah, it does. You download a file from there.

Mar 1, 2009, 05:32 PM
No DLC. So that means we dont get weapons like the lavis blades or weapons from those wierd missions or what?

Mar 1, 2009, 11:09 PM
Well, one of the DLC-mission weapons (Bouquet) was dropping from De Ragan in the demo, so if we don't get DLC missions, the extra items will probably just be added to the regular missions' dropcharts.

Mar 2, 2009, 08:56 AM
Bah i bet we get um.. just a hunch.

Mar 2, 2009, 10:02 AM
Well, one of the DLC-mission weapons (Bouquet) was dropping from De Ragan in the demo, so if we don't get DLC missions, the extra items will probably just be added to the regular missions' dropcharts.

lol seems like more work than just hosting some localized downloads, but yeah. I dislike the thought of missing out on fun missions more than just losing out on some items.

Mar 2, 2009, 10:45 AM
Yeah, it does. You download a file from there.

Well, ignoring the localization situations completely, I don't see a reason why we shouldn't be able to get the downloads. To my knowledge, Sony hasn't forced down any "within game" DLC servers yet (Killzone, Socom: Bravo 2, and Parappa were up as of last month) in favor of forced access to the PSN store.

Whether or not Sega wants to bother, I don't know. In this era of "Year of the PSP" Sony's been hyping, I'd be disappointed to see major features of a game left out due to general laziness.

I guess we'll all see within the next couple of days if there's even a way for US players to connect to any DLC servers.

Mar 4, 2009, 01:46 AM
Well, there's nothing stopping you from trying. The dlc shows up in the colony's missions so give it a shot. I don't think it will work though.