View Full Version : Questions About Mastering Jobs?

Mar 5, 2009, 05:11 AM
Hi, I've played a lot of PSO before, so when I finally got PSP, there were a lot of different aspects.
I was just wondering if anyone could help me out with the job system. Is there any point in maxing out a certain class lvl to lvl 10?
Since you can change to the advanced classes before maxing the basic classes, should I just do that?
Also, when you level up, do your stats grow differently depending on what class you are at the time?

Mar 5, 2009, 05:20 AM
There are titles for getting the classes to level 5 and 10. If you want those prizes, by all means, max them out. Though, a good idea might be to switch to a advanced class now, and use the higher MP rewards for A and S missions later on to get the basics up. Assuming you don't mind waiting untill then. And yes, your stats will be different depending on your class. Note that they will not stay that way if you change. You have your base stats, which you really can't find without mathin' it out, and then there's the multipliers that come with the class. Each one has different rates. (Gunmaster will have higher Accuracy than say, a Fighmaster. Masterforce will have more TP than a Gunmaster, and Fighmaster will have more ATP than Masterforce, ect ect.)

Mar 5, 2009, 01:16 PM
Dang chuck your all over it.

Mar 5, 2009, 04:56 PM
Your base stats only change when your character level goes up. Your stats are modified while you are a certain type/class, but they don't contribute to actually changing your base stats.