View Full Version : Phantasy Star Portable JP -> US Save Data Conversion Tutorial

Mar 5, 2009, 11:21 AM
So, want to play the characters you made on the JP version of Phantasy Star Portable on the US version you just bought? I have a nice, shiny tutorial for you.

You'll have to do this if you want to play those characters with other people who only have the US version, since the geniuses at Sonic Team made multiplayer region-incompatible.

DISCLAIMER: You need custom firmware. I repeat, you need custom firmware. If you do not have it, you will need to find someone who does, (or you can send your JP savefile to me in an attachment) or install it yourself. I am NOT responsible for the warranty you void by installing custom firmware. (Though it's so easy nowadays if you have the right tools...ESPECIALLY if you have a phat PSP (1000 series)).

WARNING: This WILL overwrite your US data. Be sure to back up your savefile before trying it.

A copy of Phantasy Star Portable US.
A copy of Phantasy Star Portable JP.
A PSP with Firmware v. 5.02 M33-4 or later installed.
The CFW plugin Save Game Deemer found at http://w17.easy-share.com/1700613458.html

1. Download.
2. Extract the file and copy the seplugins folder to the root of your memory stick. If you already have one, say yes to all.
3. rename game.txt.new file to game.txt. If you are asked to replace an existing game.txt, cancel and copy the line of text in game.txt.new to game.txt.
- Checklist:
[](letter):/seplugins/game.txt - containing the line "ms0:/seplugins/deemerh.prx"
4. Restart your PSP and hold R to enter recovery mode.
5. Enter your plugins menu and enable deemerh.prx.
6. Exit the recovery menu and start up your US Phantasy Star Portable. You will know the plugin is working if it takes especially long to load the save data.
7. Enter the game (with any character) and save again. This will write data to a new save directory in an unencrypted file. Again, it should take a long time. Exit the game.
8. Repeats steps 6 and 7 for your JP Phantasy Star Portable.
9. Now hook your PSP back up to your PC. Navigate to (letter):/PSP. You should see a new folder named SAVEPLAIN. Open it. Inside there are two folders: ULJM0530900 and ULUS1041000. These contain the JP and US save data, respectively.
10. Copy SDDATA.BIN and SDINFO.BIN from the ULJM folder to the ULUS folder, overwriting the original data in the ULUS folder.
11. Start up your US Phantasy Star Portable. You should now be able to see your JP version character.
12. Enter the game with that character.
13. Save and exit. Then restart your PSP and put it into recovery mode once more. Disable the deemer plugin, so the game won't load and save games so goddamned slow.

Mar 5, 2009, 11:42 AM
can you help me out? i dont have the jp version anymore :( so i cant convert my savedata
can you do it for me? :)
my jp save is this one

Mar 5, 2009, 11:54 AM
question.. will this overwrite any current characters you have saved on your US version?

IE picked slot 1 for my us demo import..

slot 1 on my J save is the character i want to bring over

if i do the above as yousaid would my new us save file have slot 1 as the J character therby erasing my US dude??

if so.. booo where were you 3 days ago lol

if not i may give it a try

Mar 5, 2009, 02:01 PM
question.. will this overwrite any current characters you have saved on your US version?

IE picked slot 1 for my us demo import..

slot 1 on my J save is the character i want to bring over

if i do the above as yousaid would my new us save file have slot 1 as the J character therby erasing my US dude??

if so.. booo where were you 3 days ago lol

if not i may give it a try

Sadly, it does overwrite your US data, but you can always back your savefile up on your computer.

Mar 5, 2009, 03:12 PM
Hi can you please convert my JP saved game to US can't wait to play this in US even though its level 90++ when you get to that level on story mode its not challenging anymore just looking for nice drops from bosses.


thank you in advance

Mar 5, 2009, 08:46 PM
I will be covering all requests in this thread over the weekend.

Mar 5, 2009, 09:51 PM
Might as well NOT convert my character, since I'd be bored going through the story with a level 100...

To confirm, it's impossible to "splice" my JP save together with the characters saved on my US save?

Mar 5, 2009, 10:45 PM
To confirm, it's impossible to "splice" my JP save together with the characters saved on my US save?

Probably is, but it would require game save hacking.

Mar 5, 2009, 11:51 PM
Hmmmm, I converted my save file...and something weird happened when I started playing my old character from my JP file, now in my english file.

Basically, while in my JP file, I had around 8k exp to level 93. So I did one mission...and after nearly completing it, I realized I had yet to level up, from SEED awakened on S. WTF?

I check the exp to next level... something like...11136000.


Mar 6, 2009, 12:08 AM
It happens to all characters who you do that with. Consider it punishment for being a baka gaijin. :wacko:

After you level once with the super rates, it'll return to normal.

Mar 6, 2009, 12:15 AM
ah....I see.

And I like to consider myself slightly above baka gaijin, considering I know enough japanese that I'm actually starting to get close to fluent.

At any rate, thanks for the help.

Mar 6, 2009, 09:45 AM
It happens to all characters who you do that with. Consider it punishment for being a baka gaijin. :wacko:

After you level once with the super rates, it'll return to normal.日本語が知らなかったら、英語文書で日本語の言葉を使わなかった方がいいわよ。 「baka gaijin」と言えば、アンタがばかみたい。

Mar 6, 2009, 03:03 PM
Look, do you have to prove to me that PSOW has no sense of humor? I already freakin' know this.

Besides, you aren't the only ones who has to deal with super rates. To level either Zarode or Sabastian for me, they require 8 million exp. Sounds fun, right?

Mar 6, 2009, 04:46 PM
Yeah, just a warning to whoever converts the save file using this method. Your exp TNL will = your current exp. Meaning if your current exp is 8 mil, you're gonna have to earn another 8 mil before the exp tnl stops being retarded.

In other words, I strongly suggest leveling up your character to 100 on the JP side before porting it over to the US side.

Mar 6, 2009, 11:41 PM
Yeah, I noticed that. So yes, as a warning to the wise, do that. Please.

Mar 7, 2009, 04:14 AM
i know this is out of topic...can i ask a few question?

can i use this program to convert my patapon2 jp save data to europe save file....???

and if its ok if you convert my jp save data to europe...thanks in advance here is the link for my save file...


Mar 8, 2009, 11:12 AM
EDIT: Nevermind, I got it!

Can anyone help me out here?

First of all, I couldn't find any m33 firmware with version v5.02, so I decided just to try with v5.00 m33-6...

I have my save data and all that, but PSU is not detecting the fact that I have unencrypted data to load. If I remove my normal savedata folder, it says "There is no data." I guess it just refuses to acknowledge the fact that there is something TO load in PSP\SAVEPLAIN\ (I've tried ULUS1041000 and the original savedata folder name).

Any idea what I'm missing? I still have deemer running, so I see no reason for it not to work.

Mar 30, 2009, 11:39 AM
Is it possible to transfer the JPN demo data to the US demo, then to transfer that as a character as normal?

Mar 30, 2009, 12:33 PM
Hey , just outa curiosity. Can these steps work for other games say.... Monster hunter to convert save files from jap to eng? just wondering.

Apr 4, 2009, 04:07 AM
everyone...ive done this, and switched back and forth between the 2 games....(jp and EN) and i ended up level 101....JP takes less exp to level up, and i had 0 problems with me having to get the same exp as i had before to level up next....although i was 91 in the EN version, and ended up 101...so i couldnt level up. anyway, heres a pic of my 101....and if anyone needs help to take EASIER steps to this, pm me please.....i found these steps to be rather hard to understand, and read it like 500 times before i tried anything, and i had friends talk me through it. and a friend is actually the one that " figured " it out for me.....anyway, mail me if you need help to make this easier.


Saotome Kaneda
Apr 4, 2009, 04:10 PM
A PSP with Firmware v. 5.02 M33-4 or later installed.

Isn't the current M33 5.00 M33-6? Who has done 5.02?

Apr 4, 2009, 09:10 PM
you CAN do it with 5.00M33-3 which is what i have.

Saotome Kaneda
Apr 4, 2009, 09:21 PM
you CAN do it with 5.00M33-3 which is what i have.
According to some posters on GFAQs boards, this works all the way down to 4.01 M33-x(forget which one). I got mine working pretty easily.

Apr 4, 2009, 09:51 PM
wow...either way, i dont think it actually has a limit to the FW...i dont think anyone has uder 4.00XXX anyway.

Apr 10, 2009, 08:35 AM
some people still use the 1.5
and there were a lot of nifty things made for 3.72 that only work for that, so there are prob ppl who still use that

Apr 10, 2009, 10:40 AM
yea, there are things older cfw's can do, but unless they've added the proper patches or programs, PS:P requires you to be at 4.00 at the least in order to actually play the game

Apr 13, 2009, 12:18 PM
Could you inform me of how to do a reversal, I'd like to import my US characters into my JP copy.

Apr 13, 2009, 02:42 PM
ive done it, and you do the exact opposite, but you delete your saves that were made using the plug in, and then continue to do the steps. so, you delete the saves that were made when the plug in was on. you turn the plug in on again, then save in whichever game your playing (jp or EN) then switch to the opposite save again, make sure you copy the 2 all caps files to the opposite save! and then your good to go. its switched back. make sure you turn the plug in off again, or youll have slow loads. (so pretty much all you do to switch back, is delete the plugin saves...)


Apr 13, 2009, 06:56 PM
Can someone convert my data to ENG plz? Here's the link http://www.megaupload.com/?d=CWIN340W

Apr 13, 2009, 07:03 PM
i will do it for you, give me like 20 minutes or so.

how will i give it back to you? i dont know how to upload anything....

Apr 13, 2009, 07:32 PM
If you don't have WinRAR you won't be able to open the file either, if you don't I can just email the folder to you if you'd like, and then you can email the new folder back no uploading involved.

Apr 13, 2009, 07:36 PM
i have winrar. i got your file loaded, and almost ready to give back to you...cept i dont know how to give it to you...unless you have aim, then i can file transfer it back...you have aim?

Apr 13, 2009, 07:43 PM
yeah add me I'm mhffan7 (lol couldn't think of a name back then) and of course thanks for doing this I stupidly sold my JPN copy of PSP.

Apr 13, 2009, 07:45 PM
no problem, you have the ennglish version? i got it all done, and working now :D
my sign on name is Falcon1301
are you not on? i added you.

(i also like monster hunter) lol

Apr 13, 2009, 07:48 PM
Yeah I'm doing the aim security update right now will be on soon.

Apr 13, 2009, 07:50 PM
k, ill see you sign on since im on already.

and of course thanks for doing this I stupidly sold my JPN copy of PSP.

no problem at all. im not doing anything cept reading and posting on these forums lol.

got him all transferred. if ayone needs help doing this, let me know, ill be able to do it within 20 minutes IF im online. if not, pm me and ill be able to when i check my messages. i do so about 5 times a day lol.

Apr 14, 2009, 09:09 PM
Hell I'd rather have you convert mine from eng to jap, installing some of the other plug-ins was a big enough issue for a beginner modder. I'll post my english save up if you'd like to convert it as well.

Apr 14, 2009, 11:46 PM
Hell I'd rather have you convert mine from eng to jap, installing some of the other plug-ins was a big enough issue for a beginner modder. I'll post my english save up if you'd like to convert it as well.

i could do that also. if youd like, you can pm me with the save. i will be more likely to check my messages than this post. :D and do you have aim? cause its easy to give the file back to you, since im not 100% sure how to rapidshare it back....aim is easy..

Apr 16, 2009, 05:57 PM
I only use AIM through gchat unfortunately. I honestly don't mind, take as long as you'd like with them cause I'm busy playing some ole ps1 games again.

Apr 16, 2009, 10:23 PM
I only use AIM through gchat unfortunately. I honestly don't mind, take as long as you'd like with them cause I'm busy playing some ole ps1 games again.

the only thing that would take long is me trying to figure out how to upload it without aim :( but if you want to pm me the save file, ill be sure to transfer it, just let me know if its JP-->EN or EN-->JP.

Apr 25, 2009, 04:56 PM
can this thing be stickied...its easier to find if it is..please forum mods?
(i said please) lol

Apr 25, 2009, 08:37 PM
Added to the Helpful PS:P Guides sticky.

Apr 25, 2009, 08:50 PM
thank you thank you thank you!

Apr 30, 2009, 03:05 AM
Thanks for the guide OP, I just converted my JP save without any problems.

May 6, 2009, 06:18 PM
It's not quite on topic but thought to ask here better than make a new thread. If I wanted to change the character slot of a character would there be anyway to do that besides the copy function? Like say said character is in character slot 8 but I'd like them in character slot 1, is that possible?

May 30, 2009, 06:15 PM
Does this work with EU to JP or only US?

May 30, 2009, 06:23 PM
If I remember right, EU and US saves are pretty much the same thing. It should work, just back-up your data, and try it, if it doesn't work, just erase and paste your original data back in your mem stick.

Jun 17, 2010, 01:34 AM
Sorry to bring up an old thread. Dunno if I'll get an answer. But will this work if one is converting US savedata to Japanese savedata?

Jun 17, 2010, 01:42 AM
The data is interchangable last I heard.

Jun 17, 2010, 01:42 AM
It works both ways, Suri.

Jun 17, 2010, 12:54 PM
Isn't there some sorta XP glitch where if you're lv.100 on US and convert to JP you can hit lv.101?

Jun 17, 2010, 01:37 PM
Yeah, I do believe so. Because the EXP in the JP version is... Different from the US version.

Jun 17, 2010, 02:29 PM
Is this for psp1 or psp2?

Jun 17, 2010, 02:29 PM
Its for PSP1.

Sep 16, 2010, 08:54 AM
Just want everyone to know, this works for the PS:P2 JP-> US and US->JP!

I just tried it out!

Sep 16, 2010, 09:06 AM
Sorry if this has been answered somewhere but I have a few questions:

--If someone else converts my JP save for me do I still need cfw?
--I already started a US char id like to keep, can I somehow have my new char and JP chars on the game memory card (meaning all appear at the character selection)

Sep 16, 2010, 09:59 AM
I would also like to add, I bought the JP PS:P2 too.
I did a UMD dump, and got the ISO off the disc I bought. Therefore, I own a copy of the game.

Also, if anyone needs help doing this, if you want to do this, let me know.

are you taking requests to convert files to?

Sep 16, 2010, 10:00 AM
If you did would I still need cfw?
All I would want this for is to get my JPN char's weapons. I dont see a way of doing that unless I use the JP data, make a new char and transfer the items via common box. But I already started a US char I like.
Maybe ill save the US data to my comp, and try this.
(you should stop by the chat in my sig volcom to chat =])

I'm not sure if you'll need to have CFW or not.
You shouldn't, since I'd be doing the save for you.
I have two PSP's, so it's fast, and whatnot.

You wont be able to keep your US character, unless you put the save on your PC.
That's the only way, you cant keep both. :(

Sure, but don't hate me if it takes me a day or so. :D Work and whatnot keeps me busy.

Sep 16, 2010, 10:36 AM
Volcompat321 if its not to much trouble could you convert my game save to english for me?

Sep 16, 2010, 10:37 AM
Volcompat321 if its not to much trouble could you convert my game save to english for me?

Sure, PM me a link to the upload.
Like I said to the other guy, don't be mad if it takes me up to a couple days! :D

Sep 16, 2010, 10:42 AM
Sure, PM me a link to the upload.
Like I said to the other guy, don't be mad if it takes me up to a couple days! :D

thank you

Sep 16, 2010, 10:46 AM
I've cleaned up the topic.

Let's keep the discussion related to save conversions. If you think there has been a TOS violation, report it to the Sega GMs and they will handle it.

Sep 16, 2010, 10:47 AM
Sweet, got cleaned up!
Thanks Ryna!

So, now that we can continue to talk about this freely, I will take requests.

To let everyone know, I sent a PM to Ruby Eclipse to make sure this isn't against the ToS, so please don't use this to go online quite yet, if that's what you were planning.

Let me get word back from him, and I'll post what he says.
I've asked if it would be against anything to play online with a converted save, and to see if it was even bad at all.

Sep 16, 2010, 10:53 AM
This definitely sounds worth doing!
All items are switched to English, All items are there (apparently even JP DLC items! and the 80% weps), and theres probably a lot more benefits.

The bad thing is people will probably transfer other people's lvl 200 char to US, who havent even played the JP game. (or at least that would be bad/unfair imo)

Still unknown to me:
-If online works
-If it's supported by SOA

Sep 16, 2010, 12:03 PM
hrm.. I wonder what'll happen to the dummied out gravure posters. Two of them were changed to those contest posters (rappy of hope and pantsless Alis) but the rest.. who knows?

Sep 16, 2010, 12:05 PM
hrm.. I wonder what'll happen to the dummied out gravure posters. Two of them were changed to those contest posters (rappy of hope and pantsless Alis) but the rest.. who knows?

They could have done a copy/paste on them and changed the image. From what ive heard everything was transfered even things that you dont see how they could have been.

Sep 16, 2010, 12:41 PM
I just got my copy of Phantasy Star Portable 2 delivered. But my previous Phantasy Star Portable data is from the european version my copy of PS:P2 is the US version and when I attempted an import it found no usable character data:-o. I copied the save data to my comp and zipped it, does anyone know where I can upload it, and if so is anyone able to convert the data from EU to US?:-?

Sep 16, 2010, 12:56 PM
I think its only JP PSP1->US PSP1 and JP PSP2-> US PSP2. Least that's what I interpreted it as.

Sep 16, 2010, 01:29 PM
I tried this and got an error saying something like the versions are different (PSP2).

EDIT: Nevermind I'm dumb

Sep 16, 2010, 02:27 PM
I think its only JP PSP1->US PSP1 and JP PSP2-> US PSP2. Least that's what I interpreted it as.

I don't think so, since the thing converts the saves into raw data instead of whatever it normally does. I would try it Advent, just make sure to back up your saves first on your harddrive before you do anything.

Sep 16, 2010, 02:30 PM
Well last I checked, modified saves are frowned upon. However, that's a different matter. All this function is doing is allowing our saves from a JP game to convert into this game's format. I don't think it would be too much trouble.

Sep 16, 2010, 03:28 PM
Hmm... Did anyone get any DLC content from JP game? If so... convert the save to english and see if the english players can see the DLC content from our side of the game. If we can, it should confirm that the DLC is in our games.

Sep 16, 2010, 03:34 PM
JP players can't see each other's DLC unless they each have the DLC.

Sep 16, 2010, 04:24 PM
Hmm. Well thanks anyway. My friend had someone convert his EU Psp1 data to US data, it worked. So he's going to try to get him to convert mine too. No gaurentee for me yet, but hopefully it'll get done I wanted to wait until I could convert the data to play... but I couldn't help it this PSp2 is just pure win right from the start. lol. Ugh, wanted to get this done before I had my college class. Guess I have to be patient I have no work and no classes tommorrow so whatever XD.

Well last I checked, modified saves are frowned upon. However, that's a different matter. All this function is doing is allowing our saves from a JP game to convert into this game's format. I don't think it would be too much trouble.

Ok really sorry for the double post but just noticed this, I'm asking for the same thing except from EU->US I guess I didn't word it right...

Sep 16, 2010, 04:46 PM
say one one of these JP saves is converted to US, and said JP save has DLC - is it possible to trade the DLC items to other US players with the item trader thing in the Cafe?

Sep 16, 2010, 04:51 PM
I'm happy that no one can see the DLC items, because seeing other people with JPN download items would force me to get the JP version. :(

Sep 16, 2010, 05:22 PM
did you guys play PSZ???...well...something similar has happen here...if you convert a jp savefile to us format the DLC items will look like a 1 star item with 1 point on itīs stats or the same stat of the generic ( convert it and you will see a common saber for example)....

Why?...well because the dlc content was created after the game and the file you download is the data of that item you want to see on your game...even on the japanese game if you use a dlc item with a psp not attach to the account you had registered the game the items will look like a common saber, gun, speeders shirt.

i know this cause i have the umd game and try to use the items and clothes while i have my psp activate with my US account and those items look like a saber and speeders clothes...

so stop asking if the savefile with dlc will work if converted to the us...you will also have to somehow convert the dlc file too....

no one here has ever look to the files on your psp???

if you look every dlc item has a file in the download file direction, the licenses on are on the psp back up ....and when you import the dlc another file is created too to see that item on your game...( i have to redonload my psp2 jp game and my dlc item are having it name but like the dlc files didnīt exist they were at 1 point on each stat and cannot use them.

Sep 16, 2010, 05:45 PM
Yeah, just a warning to whoever converts the save file using this method. Your exp TNL will = your current exp. Meaning if your current exp is 8 mil, you're gonna have to earn another 8 mil before the exp tnl stops being retarded.

In other words, I strongly suggest leveling up your character to 100 on the JP side before porting it over to the US side.

What if you Convert, and make a new char after conversion, will the problem still exist?
If so, do you have to do it with all characters or just once?

Sep 16, 2010, 06:16 PM
I just got my copy of Phantasy Star Portable 2 delivered. But my previous Phantasy Star Portable data is from the european version my copy of PS:P2 is the US version and when I attempted an import it found no usable character data:-o. I copied the save data to my comp and zipped it, does anyone know where I can upload it, and if so is anyone able to convert the data from EU to US?:-?

Megaupload.com or something like it.

I think its only JP PSP1->US PSP1 and JP PSP2-> US PSP2. Least that's what I interpreted it as.

It works for any region, and other games too. I've done this with Monster Hunter(s).

What if you Convert, and make a new char after conversion, will the problem still exist?
If so, do you have to do it with all characters or just once?

Did you quote this from when this thread was first made? :o

That problem only existed in PS:P1.
I can confirm that this does not exist on PS:P2.

As of now, I have 2062801 total exp.
Next Lv. is 77559. (Level 79, going to 80)

Sep 16, 2010, 06:54 PM
hrm.. I wonder what'll happen to the dummied out gravure posters. Two of them were changed to those contest posters (rappy of hope and pantsless Alis) but the rest.. who knows?

I just checked after finally getting around to converting my JP save: two are the contest posters, two are dummied out data (if you put them up its just the contest posters again) but the last one... is something new. :) I wont spoil sega's surprise (though I'm sure someone will).

Also strangely, the Toro and Kuro room deocartions descriptions were translated perfectly, however when I put them in my room... it was just a Mini Rappy and Pannon. :(

Sep 16, 2010, 08:59 PM
Hmm... Did anyone get any DLC content from JP game? If so... convert the save to english and see if the english players can see the DLC content from our side of the game. If we can, it should confirm that the DLC is in our games.

Is the Pizza Hut stuff part of the US game as well? If not, that stuff does transfer over, however the stuff about DLC is true, since the stuff isn't part of the normal game file, it defaults to the original base of whatever. I'm surprised it doesn't get deleted instead, but eh, whatever. Maybe they plan to eventually release it for us, at which point it might fix itself.

About it working: It's simple why it works for both games, and many others. It just converts the data to raw text. Unless the regions of the games change how data is saved, this plugin will always work.

Sep 17, 2010, 12:22 AM
i have this bookmarked for when PSP2i comes out in japan =)

Sep 17, 2010, 12:47 PM
Can anyone convert y PSPo2 jp char to US, I don't have CFW, nor will I be able to get it. Thanks, if possible, no worries if not.

Sep 17, 2010, 01:16 PM
So, now that we can continue to talk about this freely, I will take requests.

To let everyone know, I sent a PM to Ruby Eclipse to make sure this isn't against the ToS, so please don't use this to go online quite yet, if that's what you were planning.

Let me get word back from him, and I'll post what he says.
I've asked if it would be against anything to play online with a converted save, and to see if it was even bad at all.

Any news from Ruby yet Pat?

Sep 17, 2010, 04:13 PM
Same request as AdventHawk. Anyone here able to convert an EU PSP1 save to US PSP1? Or can point me to someone who can?

Got impatient waiting for the EU PSN release so bought the US one instead, but now I can't import :(

Sep 17, 2010, 10:49 PM
Can anyone convert y PSPo2 jp char to US, I don't have CFW, nor will I be able to get it. Thanks, if possible, no worries if not.

I'm in the same position - I'd rather not re-do 80 some odd levels. If someone can do it, let me know.

Sep 17, 2010, 10:59 PM
Any news from Ruby yet Pat?

Nope, nothing, but I haven't checked back (pm'd him on the PSU forums, he's more frequent there) since I got home from work.
Gonna check there in a minute though.

Sep 19, 2010, 04:17 PM
If anyone has figured out how to do this on PSPo2, I'd love some help. I miss my cast a lot lol. So I'll be on for the next few hours if someone wants to msg me, I can e-mail you my files, I can help with missions in exchange.


Sep 20, 2010, 05:18 PM
Throwing this in my recent posts queue since it's confirmed to still work. Thanks Vol.

Kamen Rider Sting
Sep 23, 2010, 03:59 AM
I decided to change me psp go recently to a near untouched psp 3k, got a practically dirt cheap PAL version of psp2 off ebay. Should be here in a couple of days, now to change my US save to an AUS save. I'd do it myself if I knew how.

Kamen Rider Sting
Sep 23, 2010, 08:57 PM
Looks like changing me save will be nigh-on impossible, after I went default on me unit the ofw is 5.50. Couldn't find cfw to work on it, if I could pm me US save, could anyone change it to AUS for me please?

On a side note, I've been playing the umd of Wipeout Pulse(Still a fun game) and I have a PSP Update v. 3.71, though I'm at 5.50. I upgraded to 6.31 and the 3.71 still will no disappear, + I canno delete it. Any pointers?

Sep 25, 2010, 07:59 AM

Kamen Rider Sting
Sep 25, 2010, 09:20 PM
Hang on, how did you do that?

Sep 26, 2010, 01:30 PM
What's stranger than anything is that I apparently have Japanese PSP2 save data. Two characters in the 70s, one at 30 and two level ones. Wonder what I downloaded to get those saves?

Kamen Rider Sting
Sep 26, 2010, 11:39 PM
Probably gamefaqs, there are saves on offer there.

Sep 30, 2010, 11:33 AM
Hey, can you make my jp file compatible with the US version?

http://www.easy-share.com/1912480730/Godless Save file.rar


Sep 30, 2010, 12:46 PM
are you still converting save files? I would love to use my save in the US. Please! JP PSPo2