View Full Version : J-Sword

Feb 12, 2003, 11:22 AM
I've been seeing a lot of things about J-swords and I recently played with someone who had one, but I was unable to ask him how he got it. If anyone would mind informing how to achieve/receive/get one of these I would very much appreciate it.

Feb 12, 2003, 11:46 AM
There are so many online because it has become a very commonly duped item. If you are looking to find a legitemate one the item findings database here doesn't have anything listed, but TeamPhalanx seems to think they come from Ultimate Gi-Gues (Skyly ID), whether this is true or not I haven't any idea but its worth a shot.

Feb 12, 2003, 11:50 AM
Skyly gets the Sealed J-Sword off Ultimate Gi Gue in the Seaside.

The Sealed J-Sword becomes the J-Sword, not exactly sure how... but people say you have to kill a certain amount of enemies with the Sealed J-Sword to unseal it.

Feb 12, 2003, 08:11 PM
two things: i also heard that you unseal it in the Seek my MAster quest in which you convert the agito into the orioagito, but dunno. and finally, CAN ANYONE CONFIRM THE SEALED-J SWORD is FOUND IN SKYLY GI-GUE? I DONT WANT TO SPEND MY WHOLE TIME IN SKYLY LOOKING FOR IT IF you cant find it on skyly.


Feb 13, 2003, 06:34 AM
On 2003-02-12 08:50, Richard wrote:
Skyly gets the Sealed J-Sword off Ultimate Gi Gue in the Seaside.

The Sealed J-Sword becomes the J-Sword, not exactly sure how... but people say you have to kill a certain amount of enemies with the Sealed J-Sword to unseal it.

To unseal it you have to kill 2300 enemys with it. Thats what I've read about it at least, I haven't tested it my self though. I'm pretty sure Phalanx said it before that its gotta kill 2300 enemys, and Phalanx is a very reliable source so I'm pretty sure its true http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Feb 13, 2003, 01:46 PM
everything is just rumors as of now.

Feb 13, 2003, 04:16 PM
That's what most of the sources say. Generally, I get as many sources as possible and check out their other info and cross-list everything, eliminating what is probably true and what is probably false.

I'm skeptical of the 2300 number - I mean, I just don't see someone spending the time to actually keep an accurate kill count.

Bascially, I'd wager that it's SKYLY Gi Gue, but I can't say that for 100%, and I haven't even tried to add it to the finds database since I've yet to find it.