View Full Version : Everquest: Online Adventures advertisement o.O!

Feb 12, 2003, 02:15 PM
I read video game publications all the time, and I've noticed over that past two or three months the EQ:OA advertisement in a few of them. FOr instance, I'm looking at one right now in Game Informer on pages 20 and 21. It's a two page spread with the game's banner on the left center page, and all over the pages are small pictures of people holding a controller, supposedly playin EQ:OA.

Now, the thing that has been kind of bothering me about this advertisement: it seems as if the mojority, if not all, of the pictures, the people are playing with GameCube controllers. This is a Sony game, and is exclusivelyavailable for the Playstation 2 only.

Has anybody else seen this advertisement, or noticed the same thing as me? If so, please post your comments / observations here. If it can be concluded that the controllers in the add are in fact GameCube, I will send an e-mail to Sony asking for an explanation. There is a possibility that the controllers in the ad are third-party PS2 controllers that I'm not familiar with. But, since EQ:OA is a Sony brand, I can't imagine that they wouldn't use their own hardware for the ad.

Take a look at the advertisement and let me know what you think! I'll try to find it online and post a link to it here...

Feb 12, 2003, 02:27 PM
I noticed the Gamecube controller thing too, I saw 1 PS2 controller in there, it's red I believe, weird though...yeah.

Feb 12, 2003, 02:38 PM
someone has a scan or something like that?

Feb 12, 2003, 04:32 PM
There actually was a post already about this, and it was settled with "Advertisers don't know shit."