View Full Version : PC PSO v2, PSO Blue Burst, Which One?

Mar 10, 2009, 08:13 PM
I downloaded all the files from here:

*Mod Edit*

What is the difference between PSO v2, PSO Blue Burst, etc?

Which one is the best and which one has the most content?

Which one is the easiest to install?


Mar 10, 2009, 08:30 PM
Do not name private servers on PSOW. It is against forum rules.

Mar 10, 2009, 08:41 PM
Hehe, I think you mean Blue Burst. If I'm not mistaken, Blue Shift is a Half-Life game. ;)

But anyways, Blue Burst has by far more content and a much higher population. If you're looking for that, go for Blue Burst. Which is better, however, is still strongly debated. It's said the DC/PC community is more tight-knit and the game has a more polished, classic feel to it. You also keep your characters offline, which is a double edged sword. On one side, you obviously don't have to be online to play with your characters and make them stronger. On the other, hacking is ridiculously easy and if your character corrupts, either that's it and you make a new one, or, of course, you hack it back in.

I personally would recommend starting Blue Burst, as it's much easier to get into, but if you like the actual game and not just the grinding and hunting for rares part of it, try out PC.

Just so you know the upgrades in Blue Burst...
-Higher Population
-Many more weapons
-Weapons are more obtainable (save for a select few, many weapons are just about impossible to come by on v2)
-Three more character classes to choose from
-Two more "episodes" to choose from, which makes eight more areas (Temple, Spaceship, CCA which actually consists of three smaller areas, Seabed, Towers, then three from EP4 which I can't name off the top of my head)
-More reliable server side saving

-You actually have a copy of your characters in your possession
-More close knit community? (Not really sure, but it seems just a little like it.)
-More challenging
-More (but I simply don't recall)

Mar 10, 2009, 09:51 PM
DOH! Yeah I meant Blue Burst. Sorry.

Hmmm the lack of offline play in Blue Burst is sortof a bummer. I mostly want to play LAN with my wife. But the crappy drop rates was one of the few things I kinda dislikesd about DC/Gamecube PSO.

"official" Blue Burst servers no longer exist, isn't that right? So if you want to play you have to use private servers, right?

Mar 10, 2009, 11:03 PM

As a "Um, what?" to your post, BB is online-only, so it is impossible to have a lack of online play from it.

Mar 11, 2009, 02:18 AM
So no LAN play for Blue Burst (unless we ran a private server, which is a no-no?).

If we want LAN play, we need to play PSO v2 for the PC? For that version, are there editors and such that allow you to make whatever the heck you want, whatever items you want?

Blue Burst sounds more fun for item hunting and such.

The v2 for PC version sounds fun for just messing around and mucking about with things.

Both sound fun in their own way, if I am understanding the difference correctly.

Mar 11, 2009, 10:18 AM
Well, in BB, I guess you can just make a private room for you and your wife. No other players can get in without a password that you set.

I don't think you can LAN play while playing PSOPC Offline, then again, I could be wrong. :/

I'ver never heard of any program or applications that allows you to "make" your own weapons.

Mar 11, 2009, 10:27 AM
This: http://www.pso-world.com/sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=959

then add ep4, server sided savings........

I recomend pso bb, with it you will understand pso and you will probably play in a legit community.

If you chose ver.2, don't expect to play with legit ppl, the most popular server has a legit population that is very low and i mean as low as any other server, if you count the ppl that hack, those who cheat and those who don't even know that they have hacked stuff then the population increases for sure.
Keep in mind that if you decide to play in 1 specific server you will be "in a island with no law and order", they can scam, they can breake the rules, they can steal you that no one will help you.
So if you want a legit gameplay best thing is ask in the forums who is legit and who isn't, otherwise cheaters will arrive to your game and kill everything before you can even tag them (passworded games is recomended)
There is a lan version of pso pc i believe, ask in they're forums

PSO PC has a specific relation that probably in pso bb it doesn't happen, if you see a high level player that is legit then you probably found a good player to help you because they have the expirience to help you in the correct way no matter the difficulty, in pso bb that's hard to find and only the really high lvl players know how to help other team members.

For playing pso bb you need a server even if it's you that make it, google for the free software and connect to your server, but online connection is required nontheless.

Mar 11, 2009, 10:30 AM
Blue Burst is the shit, my recommendation goes there.

Mar 11, 2009, 04:06 PM
Blue Burst is private server only, unless you want to download the Japanese version (the client is offered, it's not illegal, but you do have to pay monthly). While you could run your own private server, if you do decide to go to the "main" private server, you won't be able to transfer your characters.

PSOPC, because it's client side saving, allows you to hack. You could also I think run your own server, have both you and your wife connect to that, and if you decide to go mainstream, connect to the "main" server instead, which is a plus.

Do note that PSO allows you to make locked games which no one who does not know the password can enter.

By the way, the "crappy droprates" were mostly in v2, aka DC and PC. v3 and up, aka Gamecube, Xbox, and Blue Burst all have the same drop rates. Well, actually, on the main private server, they've changed the rates a bit to balance the game slighly, but in general they're the same. Each ID still drops the same rares (with the sole exception of EP4, for which the server has put up the changes). While v3+ does have a few crazy drops, only a few break the 5 digit mark, and even those have alternate ways to get them. v2 is filled with droprates in the millions. I do believe there are programs for hacking PC, but they do include a little hex editing. Nothing terribly challenging though.

Mar 11, 2009, 04:21 PM
I have a question of my own that relates to the topic, but not quite. What's FSOD? I'm not asking how to do it or anything, just what it stands for, and how to protect myself against it. I heard it's rather bad, and I'd like to protect myself from it if at all possible.

Mar 11, 2009, 08:45 PM
FSOD stands for Frozen Screen of Death. It occurs when your screen freezes and the game omits an annoying "Bzzzzzz" sound. I believe it's caused when bad packets are sent from the server to your game. Something along the lines of your game can't process them and freezes up. All versions except Blue Burst are succeptible to this due to Blue Burst being saved server side. What's really bad about this though is when you're online, if you quit out without saving (ie power outage, turn off/reset Cube), the game will delete all of your inventory except the things you have equipped and the things in your bank. A soft reset or disconnect or quitting out regularly will not cause this, but will let you keep everything in your inventory. Here's where FSOD starts becoming bad. Because you can't soft reset out of it, the game can't save, and your only way out of it is turning the Cube off, which means losing everything except your equipped items and items stored in the bank. While that's frustrating, if you're really really really unlucky, FSOD can happen during a save, such as withdrawing an item from the bank, going to the shop, or very rarely, when you're in the process of quitting out. This is commonly referred to as FSODX, and when this happens, your entire character data is at risk. If you don't go through the procedures found here (http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/genmessage.php?board=516243&topic=23443335), you could potentially lose all of your data, and sometimes even those procedures can't save your data. That link also has lots of info on FSOD, so you can check it out for anything else you need.

FSOD on the Sega Servers could be forced through an AR, but it all of the exploits have been patched on the "main" private server. You're mostly safe and definitely safe from other people, but FSOD does occasionally happen, albeit rarely. It's best to carry around only the things you equip and nothign else of very high value while online, or to make backups through processes not discussable on these forums.