View Full Version : If Ultimate Mode for story two had new bosses what would you preffer to fight?

Mar 11, 2009, 07:14 PM
Why does story 1 have to have the privelege of new bosses roided up and ready to kick your butt in ultimate mode?

I think Story 2 should have a change as well.

I keep telling myself that the Temple should have some sort of Golem in a mid sized stone arena for ultimate mode. I would find it pretty fun to fight it. ^^

What kind of Bosses would you preffer to see in ultimate of story 2?

Foolish Humon
Mar 11, 2009, 07:27 PM
Changed bosses would be pretty cool. Though I don't think Dark Falz had a different form. I'd like to have seen a Superbarba Ray and what not and a especially a more bad ass Olga Flow. Though I didn't really have an idea as to what they should look like. XD

Mar 11, 2009, 08:32 PM
Yeah, as cool as Episode 2 was, it always felt half-finished to me. No offline quests, only one new rare monster (and even that is just a variation of an old one), no Ultimate reskins besides the ones already in the game.

Thing with the new bosses you've gotta consider though is that they're just reskins. Their actual AI doesn't change, they still act the same general way, they just modified the timing. So, while your suggestion for a Temple boss sounds pretty neat, it unfortunately would be impossible with Sega's reskin standard.

A megid shooting Zol Dragon would be fairly entertaining...to me, at least. It would be amusing to watch everyone run amuck when he cart wheeled in the air and shot megid everywhere.

Make that level 30 megid, too. =D

Mar 11, 2009, 08:44 PM
upgraded enemies and bosses would have been great. though there were some slight alterations to some enemies, like Gibbons shooting different elements and Mericarol shoot megid rather than confusing you, but a skin change or alteration like in EP1 would have made things a lot better. it's true Falz didn't change but they could have left Flow the same and adapted the others. Gal Gryphon would be even more fun.

Mar 12, 2009, 08:00 PM
Barba Ray:
Make its spike attack random (and not just attack the previous spot).
Make it so that you have to kill all the little creatures instead of just avoiding them.

Gol Dragon:
furrypaws' megid idea isn't bad. I'd re-skin the clones too, as a warning. When it first shows up, it'll be extremely powerful and use its usual attacks. When it splits up, the clones would act as a penalty. That is, if you kill a clone, it'll make the original even more powerful. Kill 1 and it'll start using holy attacks. Kill 2 and it'll start using megid. This forces the players to carry some serious resistance items or somehow cope with having all 3 up at once. Pick your poison.

Gal Gryphon:
Add a lightning component to its tornado attack so it has a chance to shock.
Oh, and the killer. Make its head the only vulnerable spot to physical attacks.

Olga Flow:
Does he need a change?

Mar 12, 2009, 08:41 PM
Creativity time! Boy I love this...

Barba Ray: As said earlier, like a "Superbarba Ray" would be great. Also, when he does his charge beam, instead of it just damaging you, it can inflict Confuse. The damage would be set. Those spike things he stabs through the raft with, instead of poison, they can either inflict slow or paralysis, at random. The Pig Rays would have to dealt with, as stated above. As for a re-skin... I like him the way he looks now. In fact, I like all Ep. 2 bosses the way they look. Umm... that's all here. Now, Gol Dragon...

Gol Dragon: I like the idea of the clones making the original stronger if they're killed, but to make it even harder, I'm gonna add this: The clones are at lower health, they're appearance is SLIGHTLY changed (the wings are a bit smaller, as well as the dragon itself), but still noticable. They can do only half damage as the original, but here's the catch: The original can kill the clones himself to restore HP. If that wasn't bad enough, when the clones do die, whether it's by player or Gol Dragon, watch out. Any players within a certain distance will also be killed, their HP added to his. The holy and dark attacks are also a good idea... however, here's an alteration: his physical attacks match the element. Resistances do not matter for these attacks, nor does DFP. Next...

Gal Gryphon: Hmm... I'm gonna go with the changes that were already made to him.

Olga Flow: Here's the fun part. First Form: Everything's the same, but he can now cast a always succesful Level 30 Megid at all but one member of the team (if multiplayer). If solo play, he uses Grants. His Tail Swipe attack will now have HP-draining capabilities. His energy balls now have homing capabilities. He follows up his energy sword attack thing (where he creates a really huge green sword and drags your ass all across the arena with it) with a Tail Swipe right after. As a desperation move, he can pound the platform, which can send the entire team to it's doom (even for solo play) with a 50% success rate. Second form: As soon as the fight starts, you're hit with a status condition. It depends on your characters occupation: HU's suffer shock, RA's suffer slow, and FO's suffer paralysis. As for new attacks here, when he turns you into Heathcliff Flowen, whoever is Flowen, at that time, can cast techs free-of-charge, except for healing/support techs. They down 2x as much TP. FO's, better stock up on those fluids! When he does the Heaven's Punisher special, if you have Gael or Giel (the things that are called his MAGs) on you, you're dead. No getting away. There's also no safe spot, other than behind rubble, when he does his little wall of light thing (the Dark Flow's special attack is what I'm referring to here). It covers all around him. Also, when a player is Flowen, physical damage is doubled against him, and the same damage is dealt to the player. When he's finally defeated, if it's online, everyone is guaranteed a rare because this fight is so difficult. Oh, and just to make it harder, each player can only use four Scapes. They can bring extras, but only four can be used.

How's that for a final fight?

Mar 12, 2009, 10:28 PM
PSOfan. You are quite the creative one. ^^

Your olga Flow tactics were interesting to read. check out some of my suggesitons I forgot to mention in the opening. ^^

If I wanted to change a boss, but not completely alter his appearance, I'd say for a cool strategy with the Gol Dragon, is you know how the stadiums hexagons fly up when he smashes the ground? well in ult. at a certian point when he flies down he smashes the hexagons and they make a staircase that leads to a small mid sized elevated circle (at this point your waaay above the original ground.) that is climbable.
Instead of the dragon going under and making clones, he begins to lift off and fly around the stadium dropping elements and breathing an element as if he were spinning. you have this moment to either shoot him or cast a magic attack to stun/hurt him with better range unlike the time you were on the ground and he was flying out of reach. He then plops back down.

For Flowen, on his first form make him have this illusion effect were he spins so fast around the floating platform its like you see multiple copies of him. as this is going on, the real one, well hidden between like four spining illusions, fires out his green laser and spins it for split seconds in opposite directions each time. how will you be able to damage him if he does this though? incase you are with out magic, its one of those attacks were you just shoot or slash randomly and get lucky at one of the spinning illusions. It almost like that gravitational pull move he does and then detonates on you. nothing you can really do about it. and your lucky if you can escape it sometimes.

Second form is another agility effect. if you run to far away from him, instead of him jumping, he can possably do a blinding blitze that tackles knocks you off your feet. :)
can deal some hefty damage. and if he wants to be a real ass, he can do it again the moment you sit back up in that short distance. XP

Gal Gryphon, give him an attack were he drives his tusks in the ground and throws up debree. debree lands in random locations. (can cause damage)

Barba Ray, a very abstract move for a game of its time, but imagine if he could flip/knock the raft upside down. of course the screen would black out for a sec to load, and then you fight him under water experiancing some different moves for a split minute or two in the battle.It would mainly be for a cool stadium effect. but still awsome. ^^
yes. your character would be upside down as well and the whole level would be blurry and wavy like underwater. but controles wont change. you would move slower than normal as well, but not as slow as the Slow Ailment.
Barba Ray would have more advanced moves when this happens. one example I could give would be his back under you/ it swimming directly under you, and it sharply lifts its self up smashing you if you dont move out of the center fast enough. this would be the raft turn over move if anything to go back to normal.

and might I add a Space VR complete physicalalteration to the Gol Dragon. I'd say a new form if it were possible, would be iether a two headed hydra or one/two head snake with wings, but with no arms or legs. it would be faster and a more of a pain in the but to beat. he could fly and slither around causing all sorts of comotion. attacks wouldn't change much. instead of it spinning in the air, it would flap its wings really hard shooting out a wall of elemental damage. Instead of it also going undergound, it could charge digitaly through one of the walls and come roaring out the other.
sound spretty neat but not excellent for a complete alteration. I like it though. It would be a suggested VR boss for the story incase if you wanted a better challenge. or the story commenced to where there was a higher level VR available after you beat the gryphon or something.
just brain storming. XP

I'd say I'm done with my alterations for this thread. lookingfoward to hearing more stuff. :)

Mar 13, 2009, 12:02 PM
Interesting... the Gryphon's new attack appeals to me. Olga Flow having agility... to me, that wouldn't work out. Instead of that, make him thrust his sword at you or something. Like, you're standing back far enough away from him shooting him to death, he can thrust his sword at you, or trap you by striking the ceiling around you, causing rubble to fall. This would not only stop your attack and force you to move, it would also give him time to prepare an attack of his own. I also like the idea of the Barba Ray flipping the raft and fighting underwater scheme. I'd put it so that you're going to through a tube-like structure underwater. He can crack the tube, causing water to flow in. As he's in front of you, he stabs his tentacles at the sides of the tube, causing jets of water to come spraying in, which cause meteocre damage, but their main purpose is to stop you from attacking. When the tube is full, he'd pick up in speed while you are slowed down. At this time, guns would have a slightly decreased range, and would do less damage (due to resistance from the water). This phase would last about as long as darkness does for De Rol Lee... the water would then drain, and the cycle would repeat. Same aspect, different way of applying it. Oh yeah, now Zonde-attribute techs do double damage... but they now backlash and can shock you. Foie-attribute can't be used, and Barta-attribute wouldn't be affected. Heh, I even have what I'd give the Ep. 1 bosses, but that's not what we're talking about.

Mar 15, 2009, 06:56 AM
the gol dragon should be a giant computer sending out one strong monster at a time that, aren't used during regular story, and each one you kill would do damage to the giant computer. The last enemy sent out would look like the gol dragon but be weaker cuz there's lots of enemys.

Mar 15, 2009, 04:35 PM
the gol dragon should be a giant computer sending out one strong monster at a time that, aren't used during regular story, and each one you kill would do damage to the giant computer. The last enemy sent out would look like the gol dragon but be weaker cuz there's lots of enemys.

Making the Gol Dragon weaker??? That would be boring! Where's the fun in that?! I say make him stronger... I think the goal of this is to change the bosses for more epic, heart-pounding, palm-sweating fights. That is a unique change though... I'd love to fight a boss like that. And why make it one strong monster? Why not two? Or three? Ten? Okay, ten would be asking for death, but two would be fun, especially if they harmonize their attacks. I like that idea though...

Mar 15, 2009, 06:19 PM
okay so he would send out 3 at a time. *geez* also the gal dragon would be one of many enemys that's why he wouldn't have amazing power.

Mar 15, 2009, 07:37 PM
okay so he would send out 3 at a time. *geez* also the gal dragon would be one of many enemys that's why he wouldn't have amazing power.

Well, I wasn't aiming to change your mind about it... just thought I'd try and make it a little more interesting for me, that's all. For me, weakening bosses = way too easy fights, even if they're in crowds. Instead of weakening... nevermind. It'll just be basically a repeat of what I already said. We both have our views on it, they're both good in our standards, let's just leave it at that.